Kingdom Hearts | Key of the Pact

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Jan 15, 2011.

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  1. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Note: This is a repost of LilBueno's RP. The story was mostly made up by him. Both LilBueno and I are in charge.

    |~Spoilers for the entire Kingdom Hearts series~|

    "My name is of no importance. What about you? Do you remember your true name?"

    Terra. Master Xehanort. Xehanort the apprentice. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Lingering Sentiment. And of course, Xemnas, Superior of the

    All of these names, these people, something is special about them. They are all, in some strange way, one and the same.

    Long ago, years before Sora and Riku thought of leaving the island, way before Kairi woke up on Destiny Islands, decades before they were even born, Destiny Islands had a native. His name was Xehanort. Xehanort, like Sora and Riku after him, longed to see new worlds. Eventually, he not only got his wish, but he also got a Keyblade. Over time, he became a Keyblade Master. He also started to lose his grip on his sanity.

    After the events of BBS, he merged with Terra and unwillingly left the Lingering Sentiment with life. After they battled, he became the amnesiac Xehanort, apprentice to Ansem the Wise. Sometime later, Xehanort split into two: A Heartless, and a Nobody with a team. During KH1, Xemnas found the Lingering Sentiment and recognized it. The two both hated and needed each other. Xemnas felt that LS was the key to his memories and LS felt that Xemnas was the key to being whole, but something was still missing...a heart. At the end of KH1, Sora defeated "Ansem," or Xehanort's Heartless. But the Heartless didn't die. In it's last moments, it escaped, running to fight another day. Unfortunately for him, he was found by Xemnas. Xemnas absorbed Xehanort's Heartless, but locked the heart deep inside himself so as not to revert to a whole person just yet and still keeping his power. (Seriously, you never wondered why Xemnas was so strong and could do all that stuff?)

    Going back on his word to his old armor, Xemnas felt his heart held his memories and that he was strong enough to carry out his plans without the Lingering Sentiment's power. Thus, KH2 happened. However, the exact thing happened again. Sora thought he defeated Xemnas, but he didn't destroy him. Same with the Lingering Sentiment. The two counterparts found each other and merged, and thus, Xehanort was reborn. Due to his unique existence, Xehanort had his apprentice body (Terra with white hair) but Master Xehanort was in control. Terra was revived, but he was trapped as a spirit in his gauntlet on Xehanort's left arm. Xehanort also found himself with new powers, far surpassing his original's, or Xemnas. He also realized that he could dual wield Master Xehanort's original Keyblade with Terra's Ends of the Earth.

    He started a ritual in order to revive Organization XIII, but was found out by Mickey. Mickey enlisted Sora and Riku's help through a letter that kept us guessing for years after we beat Kingdom Hearts 2. Because of this, Xehanort couldn't revive all of his followers, but he succeeded in some. Calling themselves "The New Order," they were able to hold their own against Sora, Riku, and Mickey. In fact, our heroes were defeated quite brutally. In order to get rid of the thorn in his side, Xehanort banished Sora to the Realm of Nothingness. Sora couldn't find a way home, but he never lost hope.

    Suddenly, a voice called out to him. It promised him great power. It told him he would be able to control not just light, but darkness as well. And he wouldn't be at risk like anyone else. He could use the power to defeat Xehanort and the New Order. All he would have to do is agree to let the voice help him. It took some pestering, but when the voice told him that Xehanort is the reason it was in the Realm of Nothingness as well, Sora finally agreed.

    Riku and Mickey tried to find Sora, but they couldn't. Riku, however, believed that Sora could find his own way back and that he will. With that, they took on the New Order again. In the middle of the battle, Sora showed up in his silver Final Form. Floating behind him were three Kingdom Keys. Laying next to him, was an unconscious Roxas. Before Mickey, Riku, and even the New Order could get over their confusion, Sora reverted back to normal, but with sad eyes.

    "We can't win" was all he said. It seemed the pact he made with the voice came at a price. Sora's greatest weapon, his hope.

    Seeing a chance, Xehanort swooped in. He convinced Sora that if he can't win, he should switch sides. Something Sora did, surprising everyone. With that, the New Order -and Sora- disappeared. Riku and Mickey couldn't believe it. Could Sora really have joined the other side? And what happened to Roxas?

    After a few days at Disney Castle, Roxas woke up. He said that something made its home in Sora's heart and, by some strange effect, it kicked Roxas out. Still confused as to what was going on, Riku decided he would save Sora. Roxas and Mickey both agreed. Mickey left the care of the castle with Donald and Goofy, who were heartbroken with the news of what happened and left with the other two Keybearers to Yen Sid, seeking help. Yen Sid revealed that Sora made a "Pact." Pacts are special rituals, an ancient magic from long ago, between two beings. One being offers its power to another for a price. The result is a symbiotic relationship between the two and a special marking somewhere on the body. Yen Sid wondered if Xehanort's new power was a result of a Pact as well. With two Pacts on their side, The New Order could not be defeated by Mickey, Riku, and Roxas. He revealed that they would have to form pacts and thus the three left to go find partners.

    If you've read all this, put "Nomura ****ed my mind" in your first post and pat yourself on the back.

    The New Order

    The New Order is the name of Xehanort's new team. It currently consists of him, Terra (albeit as an unwilling captive), Sora, Sora's unknown Pact Partner, and revived Organization XIII members. The members are revived as Nobodies and (if you choose Axel, Larxene, or Marluxia) are bound to Xehanort and cannot betray him directly. Because of the ritual he used, the members are now stronger than ever. Some may even have a new power or a Pact Partner. Because the ritual was interrupted by King Mickey, the revived Organization members were scattered about the universe. They were all bound to Xehanort's will and found their way to him, one way or the other. It wasn't long after the New Order's formation, though, that Xehanort started to recruit fresh members.
    Accepted New Order:
    Username: Top-Tier Roxas
    Character: Xigbar
    Light/Dark: Dark
    Weapon: Sharpshooter Arrowguns
    Element: Space
    Pact Partner: None.
    Backstory: Nothing truly new has happened to Xigbar. Fall at the hands of Sora. Next thing he knows, he's being revived by tall-dark-and-spooky. Beats fading into nothing, I guess.
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Character: Axel
    Light/Dark: Dark
    Weapon: Eternal Flames
    Element (For New Order): Fire
    Pact Partner: Ash
    Pact Partner Appearance: Ash
    Pact Price: Loss of self-preservation instincts
    Pact Mark: a pair of angel wings with barbed wire wrapped around them on his back.
    Pact Power: control over darkness, stronger magic, teleportation, and a dark shield shaped like wings
    Backstory: Axel had been sitting in darkness ever since sacrificing his life to protect Sora and his friends. Sitting there all that time, a woman started to follow him. Her dark eyes and smile would've enchanted him if he had a heart. Brushing her off several times, he finally gave in and spent his dark days with her. After the ritual and being brought back, he found her still attatched to him. She promised that with her power, Axel would be stronger and could find his friend again. After the Pact had been made, Axel found himself willing to be thrown into more dangerous battles without concern for his own safety.
    Other (Other skills or anything you want to share): "Nomura ****ed my mind" makes me laugh and KH 358/2 Days is my favorite of the series. (if anything needs improvement please tell me, thnx)


    Pacts are an ancient magic. Any two beings can make a Pact, though those who try usually go for someone with more power. The exchange of power comes at a price. A price that is unknown until the Pact is official. The price can be anything, from something physical (an arm) to a sense (losing your sight, or even your voice) to something mental (Hope.) After the Pact is made, some kind of mark is left on the person's body, corresponding to the price paid. Xehanort's is unseen, hidden beneath his clothes. For Sora, a Keyhole over his heart, hidden beneath his clothes. The Pact Partner is bound to the other. If one dies before the Pact is broken, so does the other. Pact Partners live outside of each other's body. However, Sora's Pact Partner seems to be hiding in his heart, and Xehanort twisted his pact to seal Terra in the gauntlet he wears.
    PACT PARTNERS CAN BE ANYTHING (within reason). If you want to make a heartless or a Nobody or an Unversed your Pact Partner, go for it. If you want a dragon or a golem or whatever, go for that, too.
    If you've read this, put your favorite KH game in your post. Or just a random one, it doesn't matter.


    1. No powerplaying, no godmodding, blah blah blah.
    2. Keep romance PG.
    3. I don't mind profanity. Feel free to use it.
    5. No killing characters without permission.
    6. This is an extended RP. Long posts, people.
    7. If you leave, tell us ahead of time whether it's permanently or for a break. Recaps will be made available.
    8. Sora, his "Pact partner," and Xehanort are all in LilBueno's control. Along with Riku
    9. You will control your character and a Pact partner. Only in special cases will we let someone control a character and someone else their Pact partner.
    10. You can choose from any existing Kingdom Hearts characters or make an OC.
    11. Pact Partners can be pretty much anything.
    12. Yes, I took the idea of Pact Partners from Darkengard, a game I've never played.
    13. Pact Partners come at a price, so make sure you use that.
    14. No Disney characters, aside from Mickey, is preferred but if you really want one, take it.
    15. If you want a New Order member, feel free to grab him. Or her, for Larxene.
    16. ANYONE can have a pact partner. Good guy or New Order member, but not everyone needs one. I am definitely sure that there are some plot holes in here, or even things that don't make sense with Kingdom Hearts, but you know what, ignore it.
    17. Roxas and Mickey must have Pact Partners if you pick them.
    18. If you want Ven, Aqua, Xion, Namine, or even Master Eraqus, you have to talk to LilBueno/Carter Hall first so he can tell you how to include them.
    19. Vanitas is OFF-LIMITS. He's pretty much dead.
    20. If you've read the rules, put...whatever, just go ahead and post xD

    Existing Character Form

    Light/Dark (In other words, good or bad guy?):
    Element (For New Order):
    Pact Partner (NONE if none):
    Pact Partner Appearance (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Price (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Mark (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Power (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Backstory (What have they been up to since the KH series and how did they get their Pact Partner, if they got one):
    Other (Other skills or anything you want to share):

    Original Character Form

    Character Name:
    Character Appearance:
    Weapon (if any):
    Element (For New Order):
    Pact Partner (NONE if none):
    Pact Partner Appearance (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Price (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Mark (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Power (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Other (Other skills or anything you want to share):

    Accepted Characters

    Username: Top-Tier Roxas
    Character Name: Discord Entropy
    Light/Dark: Light
    Weapon: No Name Keyblade.
    Pact Partner: A powerful, nameless man.
    Pact Price: His homeworld's people.
    Pact Mark: a tattoo on the base of his neck exactly like the zipper emblem on his coat, with a pair of clock hands, pointing to what would be 8:05.
    Pact Power: The ability to manifest and wield Ethereal Blades. Heightened magic;
    -Greater control over Time magic,
    -Full-body clone manifestation
    -Manifestation of Magic sentries.
    History: Discord was born to a different world, not long ago. His homeworld consisted of prominent wielders of Magic. Young Entropy was an aspiring scholar at the time when an unknown visitor had came to his realm. The main claimed he could help Discord, make him the most powerful mage his world had ever seen. The child had unwittingly agreed, and left his world with the man. After years of training, they returned to Discord's home, only to find it deserted. As if everyone had just vanished.
    Of course, that was exactly what had happened, all at the hand of his new teacher. To this day, more than a decade later, Discord doesn't know the price of his pact.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Username: LilBueno (Carter Hall)
    Character: Xehanort (Click for Appearance)
    Light/Dark: Dark
    Weapon: Effigy (Master Xehanort's Keyblade), Ends of the Earth (Terra's Keyblade); He can also use Xemnas' Ethereal Blades, but finds them useless now.
    Element: Nothingness and Darkness
    Pact Partner: Terra
    Pact Partner Appearance: Terra, but his spirit is trapped in his gauntlet
    Pact Price: Still unknown to Xehanort
    Pact Mark: An unseen mark, hidden beneath his clothes.
    Pact Power: The combined powers of Xehanort's Heartless, Xemnas, Terra, Master Xehanort, Lingering Sentiment, and Terranort (The apprentice).
    Backstory: The combined powers of Xemnas, Terra, Lingering Spirit, Xehanort's Heartless, Xehanort the apprentice, and Master Xehanort united in Terra's body after Xemnas' defeat. With Master Xehanort in control, Terra's conscience was sealed into his own gauntlet. As Xemnas, he made a Pact with Lingering Sentiment after having absorbed Xehanort's Heartless. Because of the unique nature of the Pact (Two separate beings combining, only to lose themselves and then spit into various people) caused Master Xehanort to twist the deal and trap Terra in his armor, holding him hostage without worrying of him being a threat. However, as Terra is the only other consciousness in the body, he was set as the Pact partner. The price Terra took from Xehanort is known only to Terra. In his new form, Xehanort reformed a revived Organization as The New Order and defeated Sora and company. After banishing Sora to the Realm of Nothingness and having him returned with his own secret Pact partner, one who took Sora's hope from him, Xehanort convinced Sora to join his team.
    Other: Master Xehanort is in control with Terra locked away.

    I'll post Sora's and Riku's profiles by tomorrow~
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Light/Dark: Dark
    Weapon:]Eternal Flames
    Element (For New Order): Fire
    Pact Partner (NONE if none): Ash
    Pact Partner Appearance (Ignore if you don't have one):]Ash
    Pact Price (Ignore if you don't have one): Loss of self-preservation instincts
    Pact Mark (Ignore if you don't have one): a pair of angel wings with barbed wire wrapped around them on his back.
    Pact Power (Ignore if you don't have one): control over darkness, stronger magic, teleportation, and a dark shield shaped like wings
    Backstory: Axel had been sitting in darkness ever since sacrificing his life to protect Sora and his friends. Sitting there all that time, a woman started to follow him. Her dark eyes and smile would've enchanted him if he had a heart. Brushing her off several times, he finally gave in and spent his dark days with her. After the ritual and being brought back, he found her still attatched to him. She promised that with her power, Axel would be stronger and could find his friend again. After the Pact had been made, Axel found himself willing to be thrown into more dangerous battles without concern for his own safety.
    Other (Other skills or anything you want to share): "Nomura ****ed my mind" makes me laugh and KH 358/2 Days is my favorite of the series. (if anything needs improvement please tell me, thnx)
  4. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Discord Entropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Silvery eyes sifted through the ever-repeating patterns of Darkness that continued to swirl and zoom past him. As if the darkness itself were a multitude of cars during rush hour. He wandered profusely in one direction. He walked, not towards the light that stood behind him, but the darkness that thickened up ahead. The boy's mysterious black outfit protected him from the myriad shadows that licked at his ankles. His Master had summoned him, wished for his presence in their usual meeting place. A minuscule, eerie light found its way through the shade. Dim moonlight covered the Dark Meridian. The mysterious figure that appeared to young Discord more than ten years ago had been sitting on one of the rocks that littered the beach.
    "Discord. I've been expecting you. Come, have a seat. There's plenty that we need to discuss." the man stated in a calm, focused tone, holding two Sea-Salt Ice Cream popsicles out towards his apprentice.

    The silver haired teen gladly sat next to his teacher, accepting the treat with a grin before taking one eager bite. The master began to explain. The people whom had done that unspeakable thing to his homeworld... The master had said that he had found them. A group of people calling themselves the New Order, all wearing the same coats as the two of them, as if it were some sort of uniform. The teen was then warned by the older man; he did not give Discord their whereabouts as he had believed he would rush in head-first, his heart on his sleeve without any second thought or any moment of planning. They needed to wait for their time to strike. Discord was then told that another party of people were at war with the New Order, building their forces as they also wait for an opportune moment.

    "Do not believe that I am in this to avenge your people for you. My intentions are fully unrelated, though I am glad that we have a common goal, Discord. They had taken something from me, as well. And I plan on taking it back. The hooded man spoke, straightforward as always. The pair finished their ice cream, and looked out to the water. Discord internally prepared for the biggest conflict of his life.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: N/A
    Location: The Lanes Between
    Interaction: Mysterious Figure.
    OoC:Accepted, Twilight. :3 ​
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    A red-headed figure sat alone, again, on the edge of the clock tower in Twilight Town. His black gloved fingers growing sticky from the Sea Salt Icecream he was slowly eating. The days seemed to slug by even slower now without his friends. The second he thought that, the familiar image of a blonde boy popped in his head, "Roxas." he murmured. Axel, Furry of the Dancing Flames, the assassin of Organization XIII. He felt alone in this world again. Imagining what sorrow would feel like if it touched him, he nearly let his icecream drop from his fingers onto the passing people below.

    "You shouldn't make yourself so depressed. It makes me depressed when you're sitting here all alone." That voice...Ash, the angelic woman from the darkness. Staring up at the ever twilight sky, Axel sighed and brushed a stray bright red hair back from his face, "I can't feel depression, Ash. No Nobody can. You forget I don't have a heart." Her pale hand touched his shoulder and he jumped slightly, "Well you can't keep feeling sorry for yourself just because your friend isn't here." Feeling stubborn, Axel set his jaw and faced her with those brilliant green eyes, "Sure I can. I'm doing it right now. Anyways, it feels like someone's missing from my memories, but I can't think of who. There's always something missing. The Organization...ah, New Order, isn't like the old Organization I knew." He grinned and turned to face the sunset again, "Nice day." Yeah, it really is. he thought to himself.

    Location: Twilight Town
    Interaction: Ash
  6. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Discord Entropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    The boy left as his master had instructed him, awaiting further orders or clues. The teen left to a closer world, teetering near the edge of the light, Twilight Town. Discord's black rift opened in the empty Station Plaza. Silvery eyes took to the distant horizon, absorbing the mass array of colors. A large clump of oranges and reds littered the sky. Pinkish clouds rolled overhead. Discord gazed continuously, but shook his head for a moment. It was a beautiful sunset, but it was almost the same as the day before. It was a common event in Twilight Town.

    Having just one popsicle had left the boy even more hungry than he was before his meeting with his Master. At least then he didn't have food on his mind. The teen pulled down his hood as his wormhole to the Dark Corridors vanished. The few fervors of sunlight that remained refracted off his ivory hair as he began to walk towards the marketplace. He knew there had to be some place to eat here that wasn't just selling sweets.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Twilight Town
    Location: Station Plaza
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Axel glanced down at his now empty popsicle stick. Disappointment filled him as he noticed it was plain. A dark figure leaving the Station caught his attention, "Huh? Well that's new. I wonder who that is." Axel's curiousity got the better of him as he hopped up and swiftly walked down the tower. Ash sighed as she followed him, "I trust we're going somewhere eventful?" her silky voice trailed after him and he shrugged, "Depends." Axel's black boots scuffed the ground as he walked, his mind preoccupied with who the figure could be. He was hopeful it was the missing piece of his memories or Roxas. Keeping his distance for the moment, he watched carefully before what his usual insticts would've warned against called out to him, "Hey! You lost or somethin'?"

    World: Twilight Town
    Interaction: Discord
  8. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Discord Entropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Ivory eyes danced to and fro the signs that littered the road to the marketplace area. Not many of the titles seemed like eateries or restaurants. At that point he heard the voice of a man, seemingly aimed at him. Discord's hair wavered around as he turned to the speaker, the bangs re-framing his face as his face moved into position. The man was wearing a coat, much like Discord's own, though his face was covered by the shade of his hood and the sleeves were much tighter than his, practically connecting to the gloves.

    "Well, technically I suppose." Discord scratched the back of his head grinning in slight embarrassment. "I was looking for a place where I could get something to eat, but I have no clue where I'm going. I'm a bit new in town." The teen played dumb; he had assumed this was one of the people that his master had just warned him of, but he would wait to make his move. Lure him in a bit.

    "Maybe you know where I can get some dinner?"

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Twilight Town
    Location: Station Plaza
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Axel watched the boy, disappointment filled him as he realized it wasn't Roxas or anyone from a lost memory. Rubbing his head, he folded his arms and considered the boy's question. Twilight Town wasn't known for it's resturants. "Hmm, well if you're looking for something with more substance than icecream, you won't find much. At the beach, though, they have pretzels and watermelon." Walking toward him, Axel stopped when he stood a few feet away from him and pushed back his hood (not entirely the smartest idea) and flicked out his spiky red hair. "Name's Axel, got it memorized?" he said with a grin. His bright green eyes sparked and anxiously summed up the boy. Up close, he wasn't much shorter than Axel.

    Location: Twilight Town
    Interaction: Discord
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Xehanort walked through his new castle, his new fortress, his new home, his new base of operations, and his new prison. Well, it was only a prison to one person: Terra. As his white-haired body walked through the hall, Terra's mind talked to Xehanort's.
    "Where are you going?"
    He asked the only person that could hear his thoughts, and the one in control of his body. "You should enjoy my body while you have it, old man."
    Xehanort smiled with Terra's lips. Noticing the change from 'Master' to 'Old Man.' In his mind, he answered the young man. 'I am merely checking up on our new ally. The boy needs guidance in his ways. He's yet to even pass a Mark of Mastery exam and yet, he's the chosen one. I can't have that.'
    'Sora won't stay by your side! His heart is too strong to be swayed by you!
    ' Terra yelled mentally. He didn't know Sora himself, but he had all the memories of Xehanort, Xehanort's Heartless, and Xemnas, as did Master Xehanort. He knew the strength of Sora's heart.
    A black portal opened in front of Xehanort, at the Master's will. He smiled once more as he approached it. 'Not only is there an unknown force pushing Sora towards me, Sora is naive. Much more naive than you, young Terra, and you were swayed without much effort, were you not?' Xehanort's smiled stayed as he received no response before he walked through the portal.
  11. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Discord Entropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    The ivory haired male shrugged in slight disappointment in Axel's response. He kind of figured that. The boy's disappointment had shown on his usually expressionless face as he turned from the redhead. He raised his hood back over his head, snapping his fingers. A spiral of darkness sprouted from the ground before him, the tendrils weaving together to become a single oval, a portal.

    "Well, thanks. That saves me a lot of time. It was nice meeting you, Axel" He chuckled in the back of his mind. He will have his vengeance one day, but for now, posing as an ally wouldn't hurt. Discord then waved, and proceeded through the corridor of darkness. Hopefully to a world with better meal opportunities.

    Discord resurfaced in Radiant Garden, swiftly finding his way to a fine diner. He fished through his coat pockets for his Munny pouch, sighing in relief as he found it in the last pocket he'd look in. The boy then decided to order something hefty in size. Probably something with potatoes.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Radiant Garden
    Location: Diner
  12. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Username: Dr_Wigglz
    Character Name: Gexln
    Character Appearance: Short brown hair, average height. Average build. Blue eyes. Almost always wears his cloak. The cloak is remarkably similar in appearance to the ones worn by the organisation members.
    Light/Dark: Dark,though he fights for the good guys.
    Weapon (if any): Darkness' Sorrow blade. Looks like a pure black soul eater,with a shadow heartless keychain. He obtained the keychain by killing a keyblade wielder,and kept it as a reminder of how dangerous they can be.
    Element (For New Order): Darkness,since he is a nobody i figured he'd have an element.
    Pact Partner (NONE if none): NONE
    Pact Partner Appearance (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Price (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Mark (Ignore if you don't have one):
    Pact Power (Ignore if you don't have one):
    History: Gexln used to be one of the higher ranked nobodies that served Xehanort once he was revived . He always disagreed with Xehanort's plans,but never took action,as he never had a place to go. The moment he heard of the keyblade wielders, he set out to find them and request their help in destroying Xehanort. He now fights against the New Order,hoping to put an end to it and Xehanort forever. He keeps his name from the time that he served Xehanort,as a reminder of what he once was.
    Other (Other skills or anything you want to share): Has excellent control over dark energy. When pushed to his limit, Gexln can fully submerge himself within darkness,turning himself completely black (much like anti-sora. Pretty much a pure black version of himself),enabling him to channel dark energy even better. He even has the ability to put up a darkness shield,absorbing almost all damage done to him for a few seconds. This ability,however, will take almost all dark energy out of him,forcing him to revert to his normal form after the shield goes down(it last for about 3 seconds).
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Axel sighed as the boy disappeared, he'd never gotten his name. "How sad. Ah, just another day being all alone...or as alone as one can get." Scratching his head, he returned to his seat on the clock tower. Axel watched the sunset's swirling reds and oranges. Relaxing backwards, he thought about the good old days with Roxas and....the other one. Folding his arms behind his head, Axel could remember back when he was younger and he'd had a heart. "They were good times, I'm sure, but Axel, you've got to stay in the present."

    World: Twilight Town
    Location: Clock Tower
    Interaction: n/a
  14. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    |>II: The Freeshooter

    A single yellow eye grasped toward the various colors of Twilight Town's sunset. He had seen it a few times on earlier missions, back in his first try as a Nobody. It hadn't changed one bit. Just like the person he came to find. The black haired man had checked his teammate's usual spot, but no one was there. A sigh escaped the Freeshooter's lips. He probably went to get some food.

    Xigbar teleported back to ground level, walking out towards the marketplace, he caught up to his target.

    "Hey, Flamesilocks. You done mopin' yet?" Xigbar called to Axel in his usual, laid-back manner. No, Xigbar wasn't here to retrieve Axel; He was rather bored with the other Organization members already. He figured Axel and him would get along. Plus, if the Traitor was pulling his old tricks, he could easily snuff him out.
    "What is there to do in this town anyway? It looks so booooring."
    |>World: Twilight Town
    |>Location: Station Plaza
    |>Interaction: Axel
  15. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC: Twilight_Nobody,i must say from what i've seen you've got Axel's personality nailed lol
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Axel looked up and over at the familiar voice. It wasn't the voice he wanted to hear, or a name he really liked to be called. Xigbar, the Freeshooter, one of Axel's teammates of late. He could remember a mission with Xigbar and...what was the name of the person in his memories? Axel's head spun when he tried to remember the name, face or anything about that person. Sighing, Axel sat up and glowered at the older member, "Not particularly, but that wouldn't be anything you're interested in. What are you doing out here Xigbar? It's not like you to come out here and actually look for entertainment." His sharp green eyes probed the older member. He was always laid back and usually calling him flamsilocks, but he knew what went though Xigbar's head. He figured Axel was still a traitor to the New Order like he was to the Organization.

    World: Twilight Town
    Location: Clock tower
    Interaction: Xigbar
  17. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC: Oh yeah i forgot to mention in my characterr creation thing that Gexln almost always wears an Organisation cloak. EDIT: Fixed
  18. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    |>II: The Freeshooter

    The pony-tail wearing man shrugged, lifting the pointed shoulders of his coat and shaking his hands in an "I dunno" kind of fashion.
    "Well... Yeah. But it's not like Tall-dark and Creepy has any work for me. Organization got boring when we stopped hunting for Hearts. Things went sour when Roxas up and left; I'm sure you and I can agree on that. Xigbar nodded, his golden-yellow eye in-turn staring back at Axel. He probably stabbed a bit with that comment. Oh well. Not that it would hurt Axel at all. Having no heart should have its advantages.

    The sniper yawned, putting a hand on Axel's far shoulder, in a buddy-buddy manner, though they were anything but.
    "Of course, I don't think that's what's on your mind, now is it? You can't keep a secret from me, you should know that." Xigbar grinned. "I'm here to listen, kiddo. Whether you want me to or not." Xigbar figured it was probably nothing important, but gathering information was is forte. He vaguely remembered him and flamesilocks going on a mission together once, though he really didn't know what it could be. Wasn't gathering hearts; Those missions were strictly with Roxas. Could have been Recon? The nobody shook his head.

    |>World: Twilight Town
    |>Location: Station Plaza
    |>Interaction: Axel
  19. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    IC: Gexln stepped out of the dark corridor, arriving at Destiny Islands. "So this is the place that Sora and Riku were born at? Maybe i could find them here...hmm..time to begin my search" Gexln said quietly to himself. Now..where could they be? he wondered. He looked over at the docks. Well,i guess i'll wait around a while over at that dock Gexln thinks as he walks over to the docks and sits down.

    WORLD: Destiny Islands
    LOCATION: The dock
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Axel turned his head away from him haughtily and huffed, "Why would you bring up him? Roxas left of his own volition. No one forced him to leave or asked him to stay in the first place." Shrugging off Xigbar's arm and standing, he turned his slightly darker green eyes on the older member, "Talk about what? There's nothing on my mind that could be of your buisness. Let alone that I'd even want to talk to you about anything. So why don't you tell me why you're really here bothering me. I'm trying to relax, Xigbar."

    World: Twilight Town
    Location: Clock Tower
    Interaction: Xigbar
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