Kingdom Hearts Info from 1up (Rumor)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    During 1-up's podcast they brought out a lot of information, for various games, most of it being new news, some spoilers some not, they talk about Dragon Quest, Blue Dragon, and Square-Enix for TGS. Apparently Square-Enix will be announcing a Kingdom Hearts game for the PSP, as well as other Kingdom Hearts games for other systems to be announced. They refer to these as "Kingdom Hearts Zero" we'll be sure to get into more detail if this is true or not, as time passes. Although the chances of this piece of information being true, as a higher chance then previous Kingdom Hearts X information.

    View Podcast here

    Thanks to our forum member Libregkd
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 15, 2007.

    1. Repliku
      In other interviews, the new KH game that's being dubbed KH Zero was said by Nomura to be 'more likely' to be on a portable console system so I expected PSP. If they are saying other games may be on other systems, it could mean that there is one coming for the DS specific too, that is more Nintendo like. At least he didn't make it for cell phones. *phews* Though he might plan something for those too, but of course now -that- is speculation. 1UP isn't the most accurate, but they aren't 'that' bad guys. Stop picking on them or they may cry. =:) I do wish though he'd make the game for PS2 as well, but ah well, I don't think it will happen.
    2. Sorax
      Remember, this site we're talking about is in the internet. The information may not be true so I'm just saying to all people here to not get their hopes too high.

      But since some of the information KHV has collected so far, I'm inferring the game will be handheld since from all we know so far, it's a side story.
    3. SplitOverload
      Lawl. It's funny. If Libre remembers correctly, I once told him a rumor from EGM magazine's Rumor Mill. I've told him about the multi platform rumor of KH. He said that wasn't true and most of EGM's rumors are lies.

      And yet there's a more reliable source right on this as well.

      I think you owe someone an apology >_>
    4. libregkd
    5. Darkcloud
      True or not, I'm already prepared!
    6. silverstrings
      Oh man. I was wavering on getting a PSP because of Crisis Core, though if the next KH is going to be on it, too, I might just shell out the money. :/
    7. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      I am getting a PSP, But not now, I need to buy a PS3 first then I need to buy a Nintendo DS then I have to buy a Wii then I'll buy a PSP.
    8. darkslayer
      Thanks for the info.
    9. Goku1910
      Everybody knows info from 1UP is always BS :sideways:
    10. libregkd