Kingdom Hearts III

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Fifth Element, May 27, 2008.

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  1. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Name- Masato "Matt" Saruwatari
    Age- 17
    Weapon- Matt has no weapon as such, he instead focuses more on the metephysical and pyscological ways of beating his oponent. All though he is more the able to handle a sword and knows his way around magic better then most mages. However he prefers to use brute force as a last moment resort.
    Personality- Matt is a quiet yet determind young man who, despite his cold and unfriendly seeming exterior is infact one of the brightest, oppimistic and warm-hearted you could hope to meet. It just takes a while to get him out of his shell.
    Demo post- It was night time once again and Matt was left alone by his parents in his darkend room, as always. Quietly he poured over an old book he'd been given by a long since deceased relative, not really taking much notice of the text his eyes were scanning. He was more interested in the pastel moonlight that was fading across the capet of his flooring. It fascinated him how the light and the darkness were always fighting for control. How no one ever knew what was going to come out on top. Because, as much as both sides denied it they were equally matched. Light conquers all? As if...
    History- To his recolection Matt has had nothing out of the ordinary accour in his life time. In fact it's been nothing but dull. But within his subconcious something dark seems to be burried beneath. Making him seem prone to darkness, when in fact it's the other way around. Matt was a Denizen of Darkness for a large part of his life prior to being who he feels he's always been.
    Other- Prefers female company to males as men make him feel awkward for some reason he can't explain.
    Played By- Demitryx

    Can I join?
  2. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    Krysten was laying down day-dreaming again, it was a wonderful day-dream. Krysten snapped out of it when he heard his mother calling "Coming Mom!"Krysten called and walked to the tree house "Yes? what is it?"Krysten asked. "I've been calling you for 10 minutes. Dinners ready"She said. "Oh come on Mum! Is that it? a peice of fruit each?"Krysten said. "Now you look here Krysten, I have been searching for you food for hours, those creatures getting rid of the trees is hard enough to deal with anyway!"She shouted. "Alright! I get the picture! You struggle!"Krysten said, silently wishing he could go to another world or at least somewhere more exiting
  3. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Ignis Fatuus was walking near the lake where he had his body embraced by will-o-the-wisps. He came upon a spot in the grass where no plantlife grew. This is the spot...this is where I became It three years ago. he thought. I can no longer show my face to people. Not even my friends of family. Just thinking about them makes my heart burn by these fires. He stared at the spot, until he heard a call. "There it is! I found the Inferno!" a man said to his friends. Not them again...I don't want to do this anymore...
  4. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    When all light begins to fade...
    And all hope has been lost...
    Take heart! The heros shall be born...
    Descended by Hope itself...
    Look to the east, defend your newfound heros

    Seth found himself on a platform. It was a platform with stainglass on it, but when he lifted his foot backwards and kicked it, it was hard. The stainglass represented a maiden, with black hair and skin white as snow, the lips red as roses. Around her were symbols of strange men, old, and small.
    He looked around the strange chasm, looking into the empty void. It was blackness all around him, and the only light was on the stainglass, which didn't glow through the darkness.

    So much to do....
    No time....
    Kuraikages are coming....
    Don't be afraid....
    For what you now hold,
    Is true power....

    Seth heard these voices, but they weren't in his ears, they didn't come through his mind, but to his heart. He couldn't think, he only felt to the heart. He kept quiet, which was nothing to him, in his quiet state at most times.
    Are you curious about why you are here?
    When you are a simple person off the streets, searching for money to aid your foster parent?

    Still, Seth did not say anything.

    I am wondering about if I chose well.....
    Your heart is filled with strength to continue on....
    That I'm certain you'll prevail these tests.
    But it also holds greif.....
    About your previous loved ones...

    Seth walked forward, looking into the void blackness, cautiously looking around for the cause of this voice.

    So I give you a see your true strength.

    Seth stopped.

    It seems that it is curiosity, but your heart tells me that you are only cautious.
    So here is the test. Show me your strength.

    Three silver stone like tables rose up from the stain glass, however, not breaking it.

    Choose well. Your heart will decide.

    Seth walked up to one, a strange force pulling him towards it to choose which one.
    He first walked up to the shield with a strange emblem on it. The sheild felt protective, and kind, deep inside Seths hearts, the feelings welled up. The sheild felt friendly. Seth was beyond those feelings. He didn't seem to feel like those. He pushed himself forward, to the next slab.
    On this one, it was a small staff, with the same emblem on it at the top as the other one, except the shield had it in the middle.
    His heart felt feelings of opposing, and, it felt like power.
    Seth almost had those feelings, but those were the only closest to his.
    He walked on, to the last slab, his heart compelling him forward.
    It was a sword, an elegant one, but not for Seths taste. His heart felt feelings of defending, and strength, courage, and heart. The power of bravery, with no turning back.
    Seth barely had those feelings at all. His heart made him took it anyway.
    The three stone slabs sunk into the ground, and something rumbled. The stain glass broke, but only the glass. He fell slowly, and the peices of glass dissappearing. He fell down to another stainglass pillar, this time with another maiden on it.
    This maiden was also black haired, with pictures of a boy, also black haired, and a strange, floating person.

    I knew that you would choose that one. I know you are annoyed, knowing that your heart tells you that it wasn't exactly fit. I apologize.....
    But I know that your heart doesn't mind being beaten....
    You have already been used to it, your heart without care....
    Know this.....
    You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
    So don't be afraid.
    Fight against the new enemies which oppose the Golden trio.

    Seth watched as dark creatures started to apear from the ground, slowly sinking up, little black, chubby creatures with beady eyes and tendrils came up.
    You have new power to fight. Your heart shows that you already can, so I give you the gift of better skills.
    You must use them against the dark creatures which oppose your will.....

    They jumped in unison, and Seth rolled out of the side, just after slashing one in middair.
    It wisped away, and the dark creatures landed, turned, and attacked, slowly getting closer to Seth, gaining ground.

    Do not be afraid. You hold the mightiest weapon of all. Use that power, and your heart's true power.

    Seth fought more and more better, using only one hand now, pushing a creature away, and slashing two when they were in middair. He flipped over two which jumped at him, then slashed his sword while he was flipping, destroying them.
    Seth landed, not breathless.
    More of the dark creatures appeared, and Seth got into a fighting stance, tilting his head slowly around to see his enemies sinking back into the ground, creating a dark floor. The dark floor flowed together, taking over the entire pillar, and Seth fell in.
    He landed onto another pillar, this time with a maiden in a white dress, with glass slippers.
    This time, creatures appeared in the air, they jumping and flipping around, there white, skinny bodies moving in the same movement, spiralling all around.
    He slashed at two which jumped in, but they coiled around him, reaching for his chest. He shook them off, and slammed the sword into it.
    For many times this continued. Seth somehow got through four more platforms, with all different types of strange creatures there, different shapes, sizes, powers, and strengths.
    He got to the sixth platform.

    You are the one who will help open the door.

    Seth walked to the strange door which was black, and strange designs over it.

    The more you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

    Seth turned his head, as he saw his shadow, long, and it grew, sinking out of the ground.
    He backed away as the creature stormed to him, Seth backing up, and reached the end of the pillar.
    The creature blew onto him, a dark flame clawing at him. Seth held up his sword, and spotted the beast. It had a smoke filled body, with armour strewn across him in different places, and had large claws, which had strange weapons as nails. It glowed in the palms, a sphere like orb was glowing on it, and the head had sharp, small, slit like eyes, which were burning red. It held a lance, with a skull attached to it.
    Seth jumped to the side as the creature slammed its lance into the pillar where he was, and it broke off a chunk. Seth ran around him, and began slashing at his legs. The creature jumped up, picking Seth up with it, his sword still in its foot. It flew up, clawing at his foot, Seth ducking and rolling over his foot while it clawed at it.
    Seth stuck his sword straight into its foot, and broke its armour. He slammed it in, and ripped it out, then slashing his sword at its foot.
    The armour grew back, and the beast shook its foot, throwing Seth off, right off, and he fell, hitting the platform hard. He strained his muscles to continue, and Seth held himself up, pushing his arms to push his body up. The beast landed onto the platform too, and Seth was flung up by the vibration.
    Seth was grabbed by the arm of the beast, it swiping its hand to catch Seth.
    Seth slashed into its arms, then when the beast retracted, opening his hand, he quickly ran, pulling out the sword, running up his arm, to his shoulder, and stabbing the sword into its head.

    But that is not what you can only do, with your heart.
    You can do much more.

    Seth somehow held his hand to his face, examining it. He whispered these words, "Black aura flame." and a black fireball whirled to life in his palm. He clenched it, not feeling the heat, and slammed it into the beasts face.
    The beast fell backwards, bringing the pillar down, with it, and Seth fell, too.
    The pillar crumbled, and dissapeared, and the two enemies fell onto another pillar, this pillar with a boy with black clothing, and a girl with red hair sitting with him on this stain glass window.
    Seth clung onto the sword, knowing this was his chance.
    He held the sowrd his his right hand, and with his left, a black fire ball, he jumped, slamming it into the beasts chest.
    It faded away, the darkness of it leaving its body, like dust in the wind, and it dissapeared.
    In Seths hand, was a black key-like weapon. The key handle was black, and the long key 'blade' was grey.

    Do not be afraid.
    For you hold the mightiest weapon of all.

    Seth opened his eyes, his arm across his forehead, and he staring at the ceiling.
    Just a dream. Now I'm late for work.
    Seth lifted his feet, then slammed them down, while moving himself sideways to jump off the bed without using his hands. He pulled his pants on, and pulled his shirt on, he grabbing his bag filled with food from the help of his foster parent, who was sleeping on another bed. He grabbed the bag, slung it over his shoulder, opened the door of his room, and walked down the hallway, to his work.

    Did you like that? There you go, took me an hour, I'm proud of it. His first keyblade is only a kingdom key, with a black handle and a gray blade. You can see that, in this post.
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Well.. it's not like your evil or anything. You helped us. You helped everyone. You should be proud of the things you did to save others." Sora said, having a brief moment of intelligence. "They'll be able to tell. And if all else fails, you can just go like this." Sora added after, making that same silly face again.
  6. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    OOC: :shocked: that was great!! I am amazed!!!!

    BIC: He was cold. The water seemed to have solidified under him. It was dark, very dark. Part of that might have been because Spero's eyes were closed. He cracked them open and frowned a little. The world was tilted onto its side. As the memories came flooding back, he realized that he was laying prone on his stomach. The surface on which he rested was not ice or water, for that matter, but a stained glass image. He slowly rose to his feet, the world spinning slightly but stayed in place mostly. Spero looked around, slowly spinning so that he could see the whole platform. It couldn't have been more than 100 feet wide by 100 long. It was a picture of a heart, being pierced by a blade, shaped like a key.

    The keyblade....a mysterious weapon.
    It can rebuild great cities.
    Or it can lock away forever, knowledge that might have saved that same city.

    Spero turned around and around trying to locate the voice. It sounded faint, and yet strong. It was as if it were being spoken by thousands of people, and still only one. With an eerie start, he realized that he was not hearing it, but feeling his heart. He gripped his chest and shook his head. resides in all of us
    Power needs a form
    Give it one and it will give you strength
    Choose wisely

    The pillar rumbled and three smaller platforms rose out of it, not even breaking the stone. It was like they were sliding out of water. One platform carried a sword, a bow, and a suit of armor. The second carried a shield, a staff, and a suit of armor. The third carried a staff, a glimmering wand and a chain mail shirt. Spero knew where his heart was on the situation and, with quick, confident strides he walked over to the platform he wanted. He pulled on the armor, which fit him very well. He grasped....the sword, quickly and smoothly strapping it to him and grabbing his bow. That was odd. There seemed to be no arrows. He wondered what to do, and as he did that he casually pulled the string back and let it go with a twang. Blue light, in the form of an arrow shot out and buried itself into the pillar. Spero jumped back, yelping in surprise. He didn't have time to react more then that for at that moment, the platform shattered.

    OOC: its gonna be in two parts(only three new characters have this)
  7. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    Zidane stood up. He gently walked toward the only door. He slipped out and locked the door behind him. He walked in a brisk pace, relizing the monistary closed in an hour and wouldn't let anyone in. He started to run at that point. When he got to the stair well, he hopped up onto the hand rail and slid down. As soon as his feet got to the bottom, he started to run again. He burst through the back door and was met with a gust of snow in his face. He wrapped the scarf even tighter around him and continued. He jogged now, dodging passerbyers. He slipped into a back and continued on. He looked at his watch, noticing that he had 7 minutes. When he came to the end of the alley, he quickly turned right. Unfortunately, there was a patch of ice and he slipped, his glasses flying off his face and landing not far away. He got down on all fours and searched for them. People were still walking by and dodged the frantic teenager. Suddenly Zidane heard a loud Smash! He heard glass hitting the sidewalk. Someone had stepped on his glasses. Zidane sighed and stood up. He decided it was better to continue on to the monistary. The monks had another pair of glasses for him there. He ran off. Now everything was a blur. Zidane wasn't worried. He had gone this route many times. He knew like the back of his hand.

    Zidane was in the outskirts of the town. He saw a big, black blur looming in front of him. He started to smile. He made it with 3 minutes to spare. He walked silently inside and took the first door to his left. It led to a stairwell leading up and down. He walked up the stairs, counting the floors so he wouldn't end up on the wrong floor. At the fourth floor, he stopped and felt his person. He still had the lexicon but he couldn't find the key. "Where is it?" he muttered to himself. He searched for a minute, not finding it. "I lost it, man." Suddenly he remembered where he put it. He pulled off his right shoe and resting in it was the key. He quickly unlocked the door and sneaked in. He grabbed a candle and lit it. The shadows danced across the walls as he walked. He walked down the corridor and turned left. He walked down three doors. He looked at the door number "912." He opened up the door and slipped in. He closed the door and blew out the candle.

    The Next Day

    Zidane was in his school uniform. The prinicpal was making a long, mundane speach. It wouldn't have been bad, but he always spoke in an unwavering monotone.

    "This will allow the smarter students to achieve more knowledge..."

    "That just means the rich, snobby kids get all of it." Zidane muttered to himself.

    "So we will be picking 4 kids from each class. Two males and two females. After training and a final test, only one boy and one girl from each class will continue."

    Zidane sighed. He waited til the speach was over and went to his classroom. As always he was the first one there. He sat down and waited for the rest of the class to enter. The kids started to seep in in ones and twos. Finally the entire class was there and the teacher was starting the math portion of the day. Zidane quickly wrote what was on the board. When the teacher had finished, she walked over to her desk and sat down. Everyone was working on the twelve problems on the board. Zidane rushed through the math, making sure his answers were right, and turned it in to the teacher. She smiled and handed him a closed packet. He bowed in repect and walked back to his seat, wondering what the packet was about. He looked at the front...

    Red Wings
    The group breaking all frontiers.

    Zidane opened up the packed and a red badge fell out onto his lap. He smiled.Maybe this school isn't so bad after all.he thougt to himself.

    So we can get our weapons now?
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Fifth you never accepted them.

    "Heh..I doubt a dumb face would make them forgive me that easily..''Riku mumbled,watching seagulls call for each other and fly by.Tidus..Wakka..Selphie..would they really forgive him?
  9. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Shiarra looked out onto the waves. The ocean had a calming effect on her. She sighed.
    "I wish everyone weren't so busy, when i have nothing to do!"

    Lynn ran up. "Hey Shi!" she said. She flopped down on the beach next to her.

    Shiarra looked up. "Oh..hi.." she said absent-mindedly.

    "What's wrong?"

    Shiarra shook her head. "N-nothing...just have had alot on my---" Shiarra fell over on the sand.

    Lynn shreiked. "Shi! SHI! Wake up, Shi! Shiar-ra!"

    Inside Shiarra's head, somthing different was going on.

    A voice, distenctly familiar. "Go to the island. They need you go!"

    "But where do I go?" Shiarra called out.

    "The island." the vioce whispered. "The island..."

    Shiarra sat up and rubbed her head. " the... island?" she asked.

    "What?Girl, you just fainted!!" Lynn said.

    Shiarra didn't hear her. She just stood up and walked off, repeating. "The island?"

    ((OOC: when will you call us to Destiny???))
  10. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    A lonely clifftop, overlooking Midgar. All around was nothing but desolate wasteland, brown, dusty and dead. A lone man on a motorbike rode up to the ridge and stopped. He dismounted and walked to the edge, seemingly admiring the view. He looked to his left and noticed a huge sword impaled in the ground near the edge. He approached it.

    "Angeal wouldn't have liked this," the man said to himself, "But thanks anyway. Sorry Cloud, but I'm going to need this."

    He grasped the handle of the Buster Sword and wrenched it from the ground in a shower of dirt clods. He took off his sunglasses and bike helmet, inspecting the damage.

    Zack sighed, "I guess I have some cleaning to do back at Midgar."

    Zack got back onto his bike and set off back towards Midgar, the Buster Sword slung across his back. His bike threw up storms of dust in the wasteland, the sky overcast and gray. Suddenly, something seemed wrong. Zack drew his old sword just in case.

    A Neoshadow dived for Zack. He swiped at it and the Heartless disintegrated in mid-air. Zack looked around, watching as running Heartless materialized all around him. Two Assault Riders boxed him in, riding parrallel, and lunged at the same time. Zack leaned back in his seat as both spears crossed in front of his face. Zack knocked the weapons away with his sword, sharply turning right and destroying the Assault Rider to his right with a powerful slash. He was now head off at a tangent from his original destination. He looked back to check that the other Assault rider was behind, and when he looked back another materialized in front of him. Reacting instinctively, Zack wrenched the bike hard to the left, leaning almost completely to the left and stamping on the handbrake as he did so. The bike screeched across the dirt, now shooting towards the Assault Rider at a horizontal angle. The bike's spinning wheels cracked the Rider's front legs, sending the large Heartless spinning into the air.

    Zack looked around. No more Heartless. He could return to Midgar. Zack steered his bike back to the city.

    A sword swung from nowhere. Zack raised his own to block it, but the enemy weapon simply sheared through it. Zack dropped the useless blade, only just managing to avoid the rest of the blow. Zack swerved his bike aside and looked at his new enemy. It was an Invisible, humanoid in shape with wings and a huge sword. It swooped towards him, ready for another strike. Zack stood up, ready to face the strike.

    Clang. Heartless blade met Buster Sword. The force being applied to the lock caused the bike beneath Zack's feet to spin out of control. Zack broke the lock and, realizing the bike was uncontrollable, leaped towards the Invisible. He cut through it in a single powerful slice, the two halves dropping to earth. Zack landed gracefully and turned.

    Row upon row of Heartless confronted him, more still appearing even now. Invisibles, Angels, Assault Riders, Neoshadows, powerful Heartless. Zack backed up, Buster Sword held ready. There was a sound behind him, like a lot of air displaced. Zack spun to deflect a blow, only seeing a swirling portal of Darkness. There were Heartless behind him too, but not in the portal. Zack took another look at his options.

    "Anywhere's better than here," he decided, running into the Dark portal.

    Zack arrived at his destination. He stepped out onto a blue stone cliff. Behind him, he heard air displaced again and knew that the portal had disappeared. Zack sheathed the Buster Sword and had a look at his surroundings. He was standing atop a huge blue cliff, overlooking a town. A partially-reconstructed castle overlooked the town, and beyond he could see what looked like a waterfall.

    "Well, better have a look around," Zack said to himself, beginning the climb down.
  11. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    OOC: soon I swear. I tell you all what, how about the regular characters and the golden trio go ahead and get to destiny islands and the new characters will follow soon. Soranspartanti, sweet_and_silent, and I will finish our dreams and then go there too.
  12. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    ((OOC: sounds great!))
  13. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    (OOC: The time in my character's world is diffrent from everyone elses by about a few weeks. Just a heads up. This one might be long.)

    Zidane was sitting on his bed. A few mopnths had passed since he had gotten the Red Wings packet. He had met the leader, someone called Cid. He seemed to be nice to Zidane and the other cadets. Zidane had learned a great may things like how their world was connected to others by passage ways and a boy with a "keyblade" went from world to world helping them out. He also learned about these things called "Heartless" and "Nobodies" went destroying worlds. The reason for Red Wing is to assist the boy in defeating the Heartless and Nobodies. But they had to do months of training to prepare. Cid and the Red
    Wings had somehow made a sheild around the planet.

    Troops, one of you will be sent to help this kid, Sora. I will personally choose who goes. The rest will stay here and ward off the invaders.

    Zidane got up and walked down to the library in the monistary. He hand passed over the old textbooks from the ages. He heard a sound at the other end of the library. Some fat black human shaped masses wearing red were standing near each other. On their chests were an insignia shaped like a heart. They saw Zidane and pointed at him. one took a lumberting step toward him and inhaled. The thing then slapped its belly and a fireball shot out of its mouth, heading straight for Zidane. Zidane jumped out of the way. "What the heck is that thing? It can't be a heartless, can it?" Zidane said to himself. Then smoke drifted into his nostrils and he peeked around the coner of the bookcase he was hidding behind. Three bookcases were on fire and a fourth was broken into splinters. The Heartless were scratching their heads, wondering what to do next. Zidane snuck over to the open door. When he stepped on the bottom stair, it made a loud creak. The Heartless turned and started to inhale. Zidane took off without a second glance.

    Zidane ran out of the monistary and out into the ending blizzard. No one else was outside. The entire place was on fire. Smoke was starting to fill the sky. Zidane looked through the smoke and saw someone coming outside. Another type of Heartless had appeared. It had yellow armor and a bouncing lance. They also had a Heartless sign on them. More of these Heartless came out of the doorway. Zidane ran off and they saw him and chased after him. Zidane was faster but he was slowed down by the snow, which was three feet deep. The Heartless then used a weird attack where they flew around and around, ending with them smashing into the ground. One had passed Zidane and it looked him in the eye. The lance had just cut Zidane's cheek. Zidane stopped short and the Heartless finished it attack a few feet in front of him. Zidane turned and ran til he found the highway. The Heartless chased him into the street. Zidane stopped and stared as an eighteen wheeler slammed on his brakes and sharply turned the wheel to miss the teenager. The truck tipped over and the last thing Zidane saw before blackness was a huge white wall and some sparks. He didn't even have time to scream.

    Zidane woke up with a jolt. He felt his chest to see if he was alright. "Where am I?" He asked aloud. He seemed to be in a metal room with pods ligned along the wall to the right. A brown headed man was facing Zidane. He had a scar running from above his right eye, across his nose and under his left eye. In his hand was a weird-looking sword. Near the handle was a thing like the cylinder of a revolver. The man tossed the sword to Zidane. Zidane caught it. A voice in his head said a single word: "Gunblade."

    "Umm thanks sir." Zidane muttered. He looked at the chain on the end. It looked like a lion's head. Before his very eyes, it chained to something that looked like a wing. The color changed from silver to crimson. Zidane looked up at the man, but he was gone. Zidane walked to where the man was. To his left there was a door. He walked up to it and looked for a handle. He didn't see one. Then a foolish thought entered his head. He placed his left hand on the door and the door slid upward. There was a flash of light and Zidane covered his eyes.
  14. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Shiarra stayed in her room for 2 weeks, only leaving it for the essintials. She was trying to figure out what it meant, 'go to the island.' One day she stood up to walk around outside, because she found out, lockjng herself in her room wan't going to help. She went outside and began to take a lap around the island.
    Shiarra soon felt light-headed. The mountain before her dissapeared and was replaced with huts. She felt as though she was falling, and soon found out she was. She hit the soft sand. "Where am I?" she asked out ound. Then, she saw a girl with red hair. "Excuse me...i think i just fell out of the sky." she said to the girl (Kiari).
  15. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Zack entered the town. Of course, he had no idea that it was Radient Garden. Aerith still had no idea that he was alive, and if she had there would definately have been hundreds of letters detailing the world. As it was, Zack was completely clueless. He saw a moogle shop and ran over.

    "What do you need, kupo?" it asked.

    "Could you fix this?" Zack asked, showing it the Buster Sword, "It's been unused a while and I'd like it in fighting shape."

    "Sure, kupo."

    "Hey, what's this place called?" Zack asked.

    "Radiant garden, kupo." The moogle answered. Zack gave the moogle some munny and walked off. Maybe if he found the mayor of this town or something he'd be able to find out how he got here and how to get home.
  16. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Ignis Fatuus lunged at the man who found him. The man screamed and tried to runfrom him, but it was too late. Ignis Fatuus already caught him by the throat. The fires that formed him charred the man to death. This is what you get...for finding me. I cannot be found, no matter what. He then threw the corpse into the lake. Steam and water vapor rose from where it landed. He walked over the water and looked at the full moon. He began to think about his life. Inferno, huh? Not a bad name. I could use a name change after all...
  17. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    Zidane was blinded by the dazziling light. He squinted to see beyond it but there was nothing. Suddenly, he felt someone push him foward. He stumbled and the last thing he heard was a lady say: "I think you might have overdone it Squall."

    Zidane plumitted to the ground. There was a cocoon of light surrounding him. He was going faster and faster toward the earth. He closed his eyes in anticipation. He waited for the bone-shattering crunch. He opened one eye. Somehow he had landed on his feet like a feather. He looked around. He saw a perfect sunset on a beach. He saw some kids playing some sort of water sport. Zidane sighed and dragged the Gunblade's tip in the dirt. Some dust floated up as he walked. He placed his right hand in his pocket and felt a rectangular box. He smiled. It was his contact box. He could wear them but he prefered his glasses. He was close enough to two boys to hear them converse with each other. The darker skinned of the two had somewhat of an accent. He sounded like he lived near water his whole life and was raised like a surfer. The other boy just nodded and smiled. His jeans were cut off at one knee. Zidane walked past them and toward the beach.
  18. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth walked to the farm where he worked, opening the creaking gate and slamming it behind him, without looking, with one hand. He walked forward, looking at the animals around him. He walked down the dirt path and got himself to the barnyard door, slipping himself inside, and the farm owner looked back, bening backwards to inspect who it was, and finally, after seeing Seth pick up a pitch fork, bended back, chewing more of his straw peice, watching Seth, and finally getting back to his work.
    Seth placed the pitchfork in the dung infested straw, and repeated the process of getting them into the wheel barrow. After a few hours of cleaning the farm, he hearded the sheep, sheared them, fed the horses, and walked the dog.
    After a days work, the farmer, knowing Seth doesn't talk much, quietly handed him the bag full of coins and held his shoulder for a while, Seth looking straight at the ground, placing the bag full of coins in his small jacket.
    Seth walked away when the farmer let go, pushing the gate, and walking down the dirt path home, through the city again, buying some food, and water, past the shipyard, and into the inn. He placed the rents pay onto the counter, and left upstairs.
    He placed the food on the table, and stopped.
    He looked at his hand, some kind of force moving into it.
    I'm tired, and my hands numb. Seth thought, casually plopping himself onto the bed, and closing his eyes.
    Another day's work, no change. Seth thought, drifting his way to sleep.

    I have been waiting for you, young one.
    Your second trial shall begin now.

    Seth heard these voices in his head once again, but they were in his heart.
    Seth, again, was on the platform, with a stainglass showing thirteen cloaked people.
    A cloaked person apeared, on the same platform as him, and the claoked person, about his age, moved his hands like sliding out swords, but strange weapons apeared, each time he 'unsheathed' his 'weapons'. The boy? lifted his two weapons quickly over his head, in a cross formation, and a small flash came as they touched, the cloaked person putting them down beside him, one black, one white.
    Seths hand felt strange, and as he couldn't talk, his hand opened, and the same 'key' apeared in his hand like the last dream.

    Fight the thirteen that one of the Golden Trio fought....
    And your second trial shall be completed.
    Do not fail me...
    For I have chosen one which I believe that will help the Golden Trio.

    The cloaked member got into a fighting stance, and he dragged the keys along on the ground, they sizzling upon contact with the stainglass, but the sparks did not penetrate the glass at all.
    Seth slammed his keyblade down, but the figure blocked with two keyblades, and pushed him backwards.
    Seth flipped backwards, making more of the force which went into him go into the flip, and Seth landed away from the cloaked person. The cloaked person ran at him still, and slashed sideways, at his chest. Seth hit the keyblade back, the word coming into his mind.

    The strongest weapon of all.

    Seth was held into a locker hold, and the cloaked member held his two weapons down onto Seth.
    Seth placed one hand to support him, and held the keyblade up.

    The keyblade.

    Seth pushed up, and if he did was pushed back, his hand supported him from falling.
    Seth slashed through, and this time, the cloaked person was pushed back, but he did the same thing.
    Seth ran at the cloaked person, and threw his keyblade at the person. It spinned around, and striked the person, and the boy? was startled, not knowing that that would happen.
    He fell backwards by the hit, and Seth summoned his keyblade again, ran at the member, and slammed it down.
    A flash of light and darkness appeared, and faded quickly. Seth still had his keyblade down, but there was no cloaked person.
    A set of glass, thin slabs appeared, leading to another platform.


    Seth de-summoned his keyblade, and walked up the steps to the next platform.
    Thirteen times this continued, and Seth fought back against the cloaked members. At the very end, Seth was again, trained even more.

    I am glad I have chosen you.
    You have done well.
    You have completed the second trial.
    I will see you again.

    Seth awoke, his eyes opening. He looked to the side, tilting his head, and the old woman, his foster parent, set up the food on the table.
    Another strange dream. Seth thought.
  19. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    OOC: Holy S*** Soranspartanti! Your post makes all mine look weak and pathetic. Sorry for the spam here guys. Had to get this out.
  20. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Aerith was walking through the Borough, planning to talk to Merlin. As she walked through the crowd of people, she stopped and froze. Walking pruposefully through the crowded streets was a man she had thought she would never see again. Zack Fair, jet-black hair as spiky as always, walked past Aerith on the other side of the street. Aerith did a double-take. She did not just see her dead boyfriend. When she looked again, Zack was gone.

    Something made Zack turn. Call it sixth sense, call it destiny's force, he turned. He saw a Cetra, her brunette hair bound in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. A ribbon he had bought for her. Zack's face immediately lit up, and he charged through the crowd towards her, ignoring the indignant cries of the people he knocked over.

    "AERITH!" Zack yelled joyfully. Aerith turned, and saw Zack running towards her, arms open. Zack barreled into her, wrapping his arms around her. She return the hug with just as much enthusiasm.

    "Zack, I thought you were dead!" she whispered, her eyes burning uncontrollably.

    "I'm back, Aerith," Zack answered, "and I promise I won't let you down again."

    OoC: So, is Aerith in on the whole KH3 thing? Will she just teleport Zack?
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