Kingdom Hearts III

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Fifth Element, May 27, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Alright! I shall go to advertise!!!
  2. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    good so will I
  3. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Okay, so, Fifth asked me to play Sora.. so I am. :X

    When do we start?
  4. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    alright, we can start now. You will start in your own worlds and when I give the signal then you all will be teleported to Destiny Islands, you all will wach up on the beach and we will go from there.
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Okay. I can't be on much longer tonight, however. x_x

    BIC: It was a nice, warm summery day. The wind began to pick up, and small wavelets began to crash onto the small beach. The boy lying there, sighed as he relaxed on the shore. Now, from any other normal person's point of view, this boy wouldn't look like anything special. But, to the more trained eye, they could see boundless potential, and a heart fortified by adventure. That boy, was named Sora. He was one of the ones chosen by the Keyblade. A mythical blade, the Keyblade had brought much happiness, much sadness, confusion, and most any emotion into Sora's life. It'd saved his life, more than once. But, sometimes, he doubted that he had to right to wield such a blade. If what he was doing with that blade was right. Picking himself up, Sora slowly jogged around the island. Maybe, he'd find one of his friends, or maybe he'd find some new adventure. Who knows?
  6. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Sitting on the sand, looking at the waves, Kairi was thinking. Kairi was a girl that liked adventuree when she was little. She always would look for adventure with his friends Riku and Sora. But yet, Kairi had gone through lots of adventure at her time. Being the princess of hearts and a weilder of the keyblade gave her lots of adventure. This has been going through her mind lately.
  7. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    omigosh, is it too late to join?
  8. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    OOC::blink::shocked: That.....was....amazing Xegreny

    BIC: The wind was there, as it always was. Sometimes the wind was your best friend, giving gentle puffs to whisk your hair around your face, to cool you off after a long day of working. Other times, the wind was a terrible foe, sweeping trees and fences and anything imaginable around and around until it became a horrible storm, the kind of storm where you want to just crawl into a hole and never come out. Unfortunately, it looked like today was going to be one of those days. The sky was growling and spitting rain down. Lightning brightened the sky with its terrible crack, followed soon after with an earsplitting peal of thunder. Spero Est Novus hurried the chickens into their small coop. His hat flew off, exposing his short jet black hair that seemed to stick out no matter what he did to it. His ice blue eyes danced with excitement. He loved these kinds of storms. Spero finished his chore and bolted off across the moor. He was free, from everything, even this earth. He closed his eyes as he ran, feeling the wind stinging his face like a thousand bees. He welcomed it though, it was home. Finally he reached the edge of the moor, where it dropped off into sheer cliffs that ending in a turbulent sea about 100 feet below him. He took off his shirt and flung himself over the edge. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, heightening his senses. If it had not been for that, he would not have heard the small voice whisper, " Hope is reborn." Then he slipped into the water and it all went black.


    naw read the rules, post your profile and hop in!
  9. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Name- Shiarra


    Weapon- Tanto

    Personality- Bubbly and fun, but dont make her mad, she blows.

    Appearance- [​IMG]

    History- She has a great family and is surrounded by great friends. She also has a dog & a cat.

    World they live on(include description)- Kancolos. It is a tropical island similar to Destiny Islands. Only it is smaller and there is a big mountain, right in the middle.

    Other- ?? ^.^

    Demo post-
    Shiarra looked around wildly at her friends. "What did you say?" She asked, looking at Lynn, her best friend.

    "Light conquers all." She said.

    "Woah, i dont know where you heard THAT...but, what ever." Shiarra said, picking up Moshie, her cat.

    Played By- godsgirl

    i g2g now!!!
  10. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    good you are in!

    EDIT: I g2g :china: see ya tomorrow
  11. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    OMFG, Soranspartanti PMed me to be Sora, but I was beaten! CURSES!

    Hey, I'm sort of character-creativity-dry at the moment, so could I join as Zack Fair? He's sort of my character-of-the-month. If I need to PM you his profile or anything just tell me. This looks good!


    Zack stood in the boiling sun, the Buster Sword slung across his back. All around him was nothing but dry, dusty, dead soil. The air above the ground wavered in the heat. Before him stood hundreds of Shinra soldiers, each levelling their own rifle at him. Row upon row of blank, impassive visors stared at him. Zack could even spot a helicopter or two over the ridge.

    Zack slowly drew the Buster Sword, remembering Angeal's words to him.

    "Hold on to your dreams," Zack muttered, the flat side of the sword pressed against his forehead, "Rember your honour." He lowered the sword and looked at the soldiers again. He thought of Aerith, Cloud, Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Tseng, Cissnei... all of them people important to him.

    "The price of freedom sure is steep," Zack observed, readying the Buster sword. At once, with a great cry, he charged the army, his boots kicking up great waves of dust. Behind him Cloud lay as if dead, depending on him.

    "I won't let you down!" Zack promised as he charged. This was his end. But for Cloud, it was a beginning.

    Did I became a hero? Zack wondered.

    OoC: Oh by the way, LIGHT CONQUERS ALL!
  12. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    It was a dark and wintery night. A blizzard had just started around the metropolis area. Zidane looked down from his perch. He could see most of the city from it. Out of his backpack, he pulled out a lexicon and started to read. "Xenial - the influence or effect of pollen on a structure other than the embryo, as the seed or fruit. " Little white snow flurries started to land on the old, moth-eaten pages. Zidane closed the book and sighed. "I probably need to go back now." He didn't move. He just tilted his head towards the sky and closed his eyes.
  13. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    sorry and yeah profile would be nice
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    A young man was sitting on the docks,staring out at the ocean.A couple years ago he'd give anything to escape Destiny Islands,but now he'd do anything just to stay.He had his fill of adventure and danger for a lifetime.He had thought that the darkness was the true path to victory,but his best friend,Sora,had proved him wrong in every way.He was still coming to terms with what had been done,and he wants to drive it out of his mind..but he found it more difficult that in seemed.Sora..had beaten him,he had gotten the girl,and he could never compete with him

    The score was tied,2 to 2,but who would get the last point?
  15. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Sora lapped the entire island once. Nope, nothing new on this old dreary place. But, for Sora, that was just fine. He'd had enough adventure lately. He'd fought thousands of heartless, and nobodies, and restored peace to the worlds. For now, he wanted to take a break. Falling backwards onto the sand, Sora sighed contentedly. Maybe he'd try and go back to school. Nah, he was so far behind now, that it wouldn't matter. Besides! He knew everything he needed to know. How to fight. How to use magic. How to fly a gummi ship. Right from wrong. The essentials.
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    A sound of running through the sand flew through Riku's ears,and he slowly turned his head to his left,watching Sora finishing a lap around the Islands.He had gotten up just as the guy fell back down on the sand."..No one trying to kill him must be driving him nuts..''Riku mumbled,jumping off the dock and onto the warm sand."Sora!"he called,making his way over to his childhood friend.
  17. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Sitting up, Sora looked around for the source of the voice. Seeing Riku, he called back, "Hey there Riku! I can't believe we're finally back here. Y'know? I thought we were done for sure!"

    OOC: I can't think of what to write now. x___x
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Yeah,I never want to leave again!"Riku agreed,stopping next to Sora and looking back out at the ocean.He still wasnt sure of a few things."..Sora,back when I asked how I was going to face everyone..I dont think a goofy face would work..''he said silently.

    OOC: It's ok,happens to everyone..
  19. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Kari looked down again. Everything is so quiet now. There's no adventure anymore. she thought. Then she smiled when she thought of the day they wanted to make a raft. It seems so long ago. It's seems like she had grown out of those adventures now. They seemed....childish to her. But then again, she missed these days. The excitement the 3 of them had together...the fun.
  20. lonbilly Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 21, 2008
    OOC: Hey could I join?

    Weapon(later on they will get this)-Brass Knuckles
    Personality- Heartwarming, caring, loving guy. He has a harsh life, but always looks after his friends and his sister, Saya. He works out alot, and has a fit body.
    Appearance-The blonde one......
    World-Fateful Slums - A world of horrible ;andscapes and land. The people are poor, and most are criminals, they steal, they kill, ect.
    Demo post(required of everyone)-
    Zain stared into the beautiful sun, for it was the only beautiful thing in this roach-infested, rat-crawling, filthy world. He was eating a chocolate bar, and bit off a piece from it harshly.

    "In all.......I will get off this horrible place, one day, just maybe, i'll get out there, into a new place, a new world," He said, eating another peice he harshly bit off still staring at the sunset. "After all........light conquers the horrible smell of death."

    History- He's lived in these slums for all his life, and hates it. His sister, Saya, and his friends, Pony and Serena are all he has left. He had a messed up home, where his father beat him, and his mother always worked nights. His sister took him in when they kicked him out at the age of 13, and now he lives with her. But he steals from places and is always getting in trouble. His friends look out for him, as he does for them and himself too.
    Other- Nothing really.......
    Played By- lonbilly
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