My Kingdom Hearts III story. Hope you like it!! _______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you liked it!!!
No keyblade?!?!?!?? WAT!!!!?????!!! I luv it so far! YAY but y r there heartless/nobodies in the castle if there is the cornerstone of light? AND MICKEY CAN DO MAGIC!?!?!?!? HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!:)
coool This is cool! But as critique, It will be cool if we have more detail! I mean, you have this awesome story in your mind, but we can't see the full detail! I mean, it's good, but What was sora feeling at that moment? Stuff like that! Keep it up! I want to read more!
woah that was surprisingly awesome. it sounds like something that would really happen in the next game. total keyblade shortage.