Kingdom Hearts II NTSC U/C Codes (Closed 1)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by EvilMan_89, Oct 1, 2006.

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  1. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    sry, it took so long for me to do this. when i'm at home, i have dial up :( here

    use these 2 codes together

    Drive w/o Supporting Characters
    201C78B8 0000102D

    Party Members don't disappear when using Drive
    201C77E8 0000102D

    just decided to throw this one in

    Summon Alone
    201C7994 0000102D
  2. theicksta123 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 18, 2007
    What's the code 4 the easiest difficulty in the game? i thinks its called Noob Mode or something, and I also need the code for the hardest difficulty, I want to see how fast I can beat the game with those 2.
  3. Taki King's Apprentice

    Mar 12, 2007
    So Antiweapon, is this all one code?

    E001FDFF0034D45C (R2)
    11C6CC2000000054 (Normal)
    E001FEFF0034D45C (L2)
    11C6CC20000002B5 (Haloween)
    E001FFFD0034D45C (L3)
    11C6CC2000000656 (Tron)
    E001FFFB0034D45C (R3)
    11C6CC2000000657 (Timeless river)
    E001FFFE0034D45C (Select)
    11C6CC2000000955 (Chrismas)
  4. oldman106 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 12, 2007
    Yes, yes you do need a better camera..

    I've tried these codes and they won't work at the same time ,please help..

    Sora changes to Roxas
    11C95618 0000005A

    Donal changes to Sora
    11C9561A 0000054

    Goofy changes to Rikku
    11C9561C 00008D1

    What am I doing wrong?
  5. raykoojo Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 2, 2007
    wouldnt you like to
    maybe you need that 3/4 sora crash code i think that will do it.
  6. oldman106 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 12, 2007
    heh? whats a 3/4 sora crash code please explain kind sir..
  7. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    The chrismas isn't supposed to be here, theres something called the kingdom hearts 2 final mix 100% correct codes thread -_- Well I converted this one......

    Sora changes to Roxas
  8. mikael110 King's Apprentice

    Jul 6, 2007

    3/4 Sora Fix
    201D4990 00000000

    AR MAX

    the 3/4 Sora Fix code prevents the game from freezing when you use more than one main character
  9. oldman106 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 12, 2007
    Thank you Kind Sir, It is very much appreciated Kind Sir.

    Kind Sir it didn't work the screen stays black and music plays on and on and it won't stop Kind Sir!! Maybe I entered code(s) in wrong Kind Sir , I check now Kind Sir. I will be on tomorrow good bye Kind Sir.
  10. Roxas XI` Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 28, 2007
    could you convert these to CB?
  11. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Can someone tell me what format this code is in? I want to convert it.

    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100YY
    200F900C 142F00ZZ
    200F9010 240F00XX
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400
    Thanx in advance.
  12. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I think we're allowed to post theories, but other than that we need pics or vids of it in action.
    And can you tell me the format for this code?

    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100YY
    200F900C 142F00ZZ
    200F9010 240F00XX
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400
  13. game8910 Moogle Assistant

    Sep 25, 2007
    thats raw i believe
  14. xigabyte Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    when i'm doing roxas' "awakening" thing... it wont let me use universal character modifier, when i put in a full party code donald and goofy dont appear, it just shows them on the start menu. The only way i found to mod it was the code

    Mickey replaces Roxas in Twilight Town
    20340CA4 10101009

    can someone help? i really would like to replace donald/goofy with a save slot so i can do boss battles there =P
  15. nauske Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 29, 2007
    holy crap jeez i cant believe that all this stuff happened while i was gone for a while oh well so besides the fact that there is another new KH2 thread and Redsonic is banned whats is new to the kh2 world of hacking?
  16. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    RAW codes for Kingdom Hearts 2:
    Battle LVL Obliteration
    0033F338 00000009
    Mickey with Sora's stats (and equipment)
    00340C8C 00000006
    2 Valor Soras
    20340CAC 02020404
    2 Wisdom Soras
    20340CAC 01010505
    1 Valor & 1 Wisdom Sora
    20340CAC 01020504
    Play as Goofy in all worlds 
    40340C9C 00130001
    10101002 00000000
    Play as Donald in all worlds 
    40340C9C 00130001
    10101001 00000000
    Cloud in Party The World That Never Was 
    20340CE4 10EA0300
    Mickey and two Rikus in the team in Holow Bastion 
    20340CAC 10030309
    Master Form w/ Normal Command Menu (just hit Revert when you're ready)
    20340C94 47C35000
    20340C98 47C35000
    21CFCDEC 47C35000
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020106 00000000
    00340C8C 00000003
    Wisdom Form w/ Normal Command Menu 
    20340C94 47C35000
    20340C98 47C35000
    21CFCDEC 47C35000
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020105 00000000
    00340C8C 00000002
    Final Form w/ Normal Command Menu
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020107 00000000
    00340C8C 00000004
    20340C94 47C35000
    20340C98 47C35000
    21CFCDEC 47C35000
    Valor Form w/ Normal Command Menu
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020104 00000000
    00340C8C 00000001
    20340C94 47C35000
    20340C98 47C35000
    21CFCDEC 47C35000
    Quick Level Up 
    201D4178 25EF0033
    Drive Forms Level Up to 7 after One Hit 
    201D417C 3C0F0007
    201D3F8C 240F0007
    All Abilities
    008B37A9 00000001
    008F37A9 00000001
    206B1061 01000001
    20531061 01010100
    205F1061 01010101
    205B1061 01000101
    15 Bars
    20340C90 0A0F0F64
    Max Drive
    201A02A0 00000000
    201A02BC 256EFFFF
    Anti-Form w/ Reactions hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Square X
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020108 00000000
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020100 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    All Bottle Items (98)
    20340CE8 62626262
    10340CEC 00006262
    00340CEE 00000062
    00340D49 00000062
    20340DCC 62626262
    10340DD0 00006262
    Auron in Beast's Castle
    40340C9C 00130001
    020301F0 00000000
    0033F338 00000000
    0033F338 00000001
    0033F338 00000002
    Battle Lvl 00 (I think this is more tied to Enemies HP should make everything easy to kill)
    20340E8C 00000000
    Battle LVL End game (enemies like in the end of the game, I don't know if it will affect bosses, someone see. And this is only for super crazy ppl that level up like crazy)
    20340E8C 0015FDF9
    Infinite HP
    200F7000 8C820004
    200F7004 080682F8
    200F7008 AC820000
    201666F8 0C03DC00
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020105 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020106 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020107 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020108 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10100309 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    Anti-Form w/ Reactions in Sephiroth Battle
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020108 00000000
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020100 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    00340C8C 00000005
    I think you're supposed to hold down L1 L2 R1 R2 Square X as you walk into a scene and it should work?
    You have to have unlocked Final Form or the game will freeze.
    Final Anywhere
    40340C9C 00130001
    10101007 00000000
    Anti-Form Anywhere
    40340C9C 00130001
    10101008 00000000
    Infinite drive 
    201A02A0 00000000
    201A02BC 256EFFFF
    Full Party at All Times
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020100 00000000
    High Jump Max 
    1033FF14 00000061
    Quick Run Max 
    1033FF16 00000065
    Aerial Dodge Max 
    1033FF18 00000069
    Glide Max 
    1033FF1A 0000006D
    00340D31 00000062
    Detection Saber WEAPON
    00340D0C 00000062
    Detection Shield WEAPON
    00340D12 00000062
    Staff of Detection WEAPON
    00340D62 00000062
    Edge of Ultima WEAPON
    00340D0D 00000062
    Anti-Form with Reactions (done the same way as Wisdom Form w/ Normal Commands)
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020108 00000000
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020100 00000000
    20340C90 0A090964
    Mickey(Hollow Bastion)
    20340CAC 10101009
    Mickey(Twilight Town)
    20340CA4 10101009
    20340CB4 10101009
    Mickey Beasts Castle
    20340CB0 10101009
    Mickey Agrabah
    20340CB8 10101009
    Mickey Land of Dragons 
    20340CBC 10101009
    Mickey 100 Acre Wood
    20340CC0 10101009
    Mickey Pride Lands
    20340CC4 10101009
    Mickey Atlantica
    20340CC8 10101009
    Mickey Disney Castle
    20340CCC 10101009
    Mickey Timeless River
    20340CD0 10101009
    Mickey and Riku in TWTNW
    40340C9C 00130001
    10100309 00000000
    Save anywhere
    00340C8D 00000001
    Donald Flare Force early 
    1034000C 000000C8
    Donald Comet early 
    1034000E 000000C7
    Donald Auto Limit early 
    Play as Auron in Olympus Coliseum
    20340CB4 10010203
    Play as Alladin in Agrabah 
    20340CB8 10010203
    Play as Mulan in Land of Dragons 
    20340CBC 10010203
    Play as Simba in Pride Lands 
    20340CC4 10010203
    Play as Jack Skellington in Halloween Town 
    20340CD4 10010203
    Play as Jack Sparrow in Port Royal
    20340CDC 10010203
    Play as Tron in Space Paranoids 
    20340CE0 10010203
    Play as Beast in Beast's Castle 
    20340CB0 10010203
    Play as Goofy in Disney Castle 
    20340CCC 10100102
    Play as Donald in Timeless River 
    20340CD0 10100201
    Play as Mickey in Hollow Bastion 
    20340CAC 10020109
    Play as Riku in the World that Never Was (Doesn't work) 
    20340CE4 10010203
    Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas in Twilight Town 
    20340CA4 10101004
    Play as World Characters (must skip cutscenes)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020103 00000000
    Play as World Characters (Goofy gone, can watch cutscenes)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020103 00000000
    00340C8C 00000001
    Play as World Characters (Donald gone, can watch cutscenes)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020103 00000000
    00340C8C 00000002
    Drive Free (No Drive required use Forms)
    21C95308 0A070764
    Max/Inf HP (Sora)
    01C95158 000000FF
    01C9515C 000000FF
    Max/Inf HP (Donald)
    01C94F00 000000FF
    01C94F04 000000FF
    Max/Inf HP (Goofy)
    01C94CA8 000000FF
    01C94CAC 000000FF
    Open All Worlds
    202C66D0 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 ACAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080B19B5
    Play as Donald (all worlds, World Character is 3rd Char)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10030201 00000000
    Play as Donald (all worlds, just Goofy and Donald)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10100201 00000000
    Play as Goofy (Wrd Char is 3rd)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10030102 00000000
    Play as Goofy (just Goofy and Donald)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10100102 00000000
    Sora isn't there when you get a gameover
    001ADDB8 00000000
    Master Form w/ Glide Ability
    10340B7E 0000006D
    To get to Seashore, you CANNOT have visited Atlantica and TWTNW. Use this code to get there.
    202C66D0 00000000
    200FFF3C 00000000
    200FFF40 00000000
    200FFF44 00000000
    200FFF48 00000000
    200FFF4C 00000000
    Infinite Time (during minigames and Demyx battles)
    20356F18 00000000
    20356F28 00000000
    Roxas is equiped with 2 Struggle Weapons
    1033FEC0 00000180
    10340C64 000001F5
    Demyx Points Kill (Press R3 to set it to 1 kill needed) 
    D035B55C 0000FFFB
    11D5D8FC 00000001
    Battle LVL End Game (increased difficulty, 
    Has no effect after 1000 Heartless event)
    20340E8C 0015FDF9
    Battle LVL Deadly (makes the game a HELLA lot harder, 
    But gives enemies infinite HP in some worlds 
    20340E8C 001FFFFF
    Press the button when you are moving to another map.
    To transform into Roxas
    R1 For DW Roxas
    D035B55C 0000F7FF
    11C95618 00000323
    L2 For Roxas
    D035B55C 0000FEFF
    11C95618 0000005A
    11C9561A 0000015F
    Hades (can't do any damage to him)
    11C9561A 0000015E
    Dark Thorn (once he jumps for the chandelier game will crash)
    11C9561A 00000162
    11C9561C 00000161
    Hydra (once you use the reaction command game will crash)
    11C9561C 00000160
    Shadow Stalker
    11C9561A 00000163
    Twilight Thorn
    11C9561A 00000133
    Pete (game crashes when he uses the curtain move)
    11C9561A 00000167
    Roxas as a partner 
    11C9561A 00000173
    Leon as an ally partner
    11CFA3FE 0000061C
    No Music
    10354E9C 000000FF
    10354EAC 000000FF
    Stock x98 Of Every Keyblade For Sora
    00340D09 00000062
    10340D0A 00006262
    10340D0C 00006262
    00340DE3 00000062
    00340DE4 00000062
    00340DE7 00000062
    40340DE8 00040001
    62626262 00000000
    Have Upper Slash and Trinity Limit
    1033FF86 00000089
    1033FF84 000000C6
    It appears as another blade instead of the shield.
    Sora equpped with Test the King
    1033FEC0 00000033
    It should be Mickey with the Struggle Sword, tell me if it actually appears or it's just his normal weapon.
    Mickey with Struggle Bat
    103401A0 00000180
    Anti-form dummy keyblade.
    Press or Hold R2 to activate
    D035B55C 0000FDFF
    1033FEC0 00000047
    Have Micky and rikus keyblades
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020103 00000000
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020109 00000000
    You just go into a cutscene. You hold down L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle Circle for Mickey. Hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Square X for Riku's blade.
    Final Form w/ Normal Command Menu (get killed when you want code to activate, on gameover screen, press R2 and go to Continue, and then hit revert)
    E003FDFF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10010307 00000000
    00340C8C 00000004
    Master Form w/ Normal Command Menu (same method as above)
    E003FDFF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10010306 00000000
    00340C8C 00000003
    All Abilities (press R2 and go to new map)
    E006FDFF 0035B55C
    00349C58 00000001
    00349C5C 00000001
    20349C60 01000001
    20349C68 01010100
    20349C6C 01010101
    20349C70 01000101
    Final Form with Mickey (hold down L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle Circle as you're going to new map)
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10070707 00000000
    00340C8C 00000006
    Negative combo x3 code, here's the real one.
    1033FF14 0000018A
    1033FF16 0000018A
    1033FF18 0000018A
    The game crashed when I looked at Valor Form's abilities.
    Air Combo Code
    4033FF1C 001A0001
    80A380A3 00000000
    You gotta save the game and start the game w/o the code for it to work.
    "Overkill" code. It should add 5 combo pluses
    4033FF18 00040001
    000000A3 00000000
    Not sure if the one above works but this is a different version
    4033FF18 00040001
    A3A3A3A3 00000000
    Sora and Mickey together (Hold down L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle Circle)
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10000000 00000000
    00340C8C 00000006
    No MP Charge
    201A0568 10000006
    Invinclible Keyblade (don't use in any forms except valor)
    00340D0D 00000084
    00340D0E 00000084
    Mickey with Equipment (not sure if this is right but it should let you equip stuff)
    003401AC 00000002
    003401AD 00000002
    003401AE 00000002
    3 Goofys (own with defense)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020202 00000000
    Aerial Dodge Max for Mickey (save with code on but start game w/ code not on)
    103401F6 00000069
    Mickey & Sora in party
    40340C9C 00130001
    10100009 00000000
    Sora with Mickey in reserve
    40340C9C 00130001
    09101000 00000000
    Own with Magic
    40340C9C 00130001
    10010101 00000000
    All Drive Forms unlocked (just save w/ code on and play w/ code deactivated so that you can change blades)
    20340E28 FFFFFFFF
    20340E2C FFFFFFFF
    20340E30 FFFFFFFF
    10340B24 00000180
    10340B74 00000180
    10340B9C 00000180
    Sora, Mickey, Anti-Sora in party(converted from CODEBREAKER)
    200D5FA8 1A5DD0D1
    20100610 1A5DD182
    2012AC78 1A5DD233
    201552E0 1A5DD2E4
    2017F948 1A5DD395
    201A9FB0 1A5DD446
    201D4618 1A5DD4F7
    201FEC80 1A5DD5A8
    202292E8 1A5DD659
    20253950 1A5DD70A
    2027DFB8 1A5DD7BB
    202A8620 1A5DD86C
    202D2C88 1A5DD91D
    202FD2F0 1A5DD9CE
    20327958 1A5DDA7F
    20351FC0 1A5DDB30
    2037C628 1A5DDBE1
    203A6C90 1A5DDC92
    203D12F8 1A5DDD43
    203FB960 1A5DDDF4
    20425FC8 1A5DDEA5
    20450630 1A5DDF56
    2047AC98 1A5DE007
    204A5300 1A5DE0B8
    204CF968 1A5DE169
    204F9FD0 1A5DE21A
    20524638 1A5DE2CB
    2054ECA0 1A5DE37C
    20579308 1A5DE42D
    205A3970 1A5DE4DE
    205CDFD8 1A5DE58F
    205F8640 1A5DE640
    20622CA8 1A5DE6F1
    2064D310 1A5DE7A2
    20677978 1A5DE853
    206A1FE0 1A5DE904
    206CC648 1A5DE9B5
    206F6CB0 1A5DEA66
    20721318 1A5DEB17
    2074B980 1A5DEBC8
    20775FE8 1A5DEC79
    207A0650 1A5DED2A
    207CACB8 1A5DEDDB
    207F5320 1A5DEE8C
    2081F988 1A5DEF3D
    20849FF0 1A5DEFEE
    20874658 1A5DF09F
    2089ECC0 1A5DF150
    208C9328 1A5DF201
    208F3990 1A5DF2B2
    2091DFF8 1A5DF363
    20948660 1A5DF414
    20972CC8 1A5DF4C5
    2099D330 1A5DF576
    209C7998 1A5DF627
    209F2000 1A5DF6D8
    20A1C668 1A5DF789
    20A46CD0 1A5DF83A
    20A71338 1A5DF8EB
    20A9B9A0 1A5DF99C
    20AC6008 1A5DFA4D
    20AF0670 1A5DFAFE
    20B1ACD8 1A5DFBAF
    20B45340 1A5DFC60
    20B6F9A8 1A5DFD11
    20B9A010 1A5DFDC2
    20BC4678 1A5DFE73
    20BEECE0 1A5DFF24
    20C19348 1A5DFFD5
    20C439B0 1A5E0086
    20C6E018 1A5E0137
    20C98680 1A5E01E8
    20CC2CE8 1A5E0299
    20CED350 1A5E034A
    20D179B8 1A5E03FB
    20D42020 1A5E04AC
    20D6C688 1A5E055D
    20D96CF0 1A5E060E
    20DC1358 1A5E06BF
    20DEB9C0 1A5E0770
    20E16028 1A5E0821
    20E40690 1A5E08D2
    20E6ACF8 1A5E0983
    20E95360 1A5E0A34
    20EBF9C8 1A5E0AE5
    20EEA030 1A5E0B96
    20F14698 1A5E0C47
    20F3ED00 1A5E0CF8
    20F69368 1A5E0DA9
    20F939D0 1A5E0E5A
    20FBE038 1A5E0F0B
    20FE86A0 1A5E0FBC
    21012D08 1A5E106D
    2103D370 1A5E111E
    210679D8 1A5E11CF
    21092040 1A5E1280
    210BC6A8 1A5E1331
    210E6D10 1A5E13E2
    21111378 1A5E1493
    2113B9E0 1A5E1544
    21166048 1A5E15F5
    211906B0 1A5E16A6
    211BAD18 1A5E1757
    211E5380 1A5E1808
    2120F9E8 1A5E18B9
    2123A050 1A5E196A
    212646B8 1A5E1A1B
    2128ED20 1A5E1ACC
    212B9388 1A5E1B7D
    212E39F0 1A5E1C2E
    2130E058 1A5E1CDF
    213386C0 1A5E1D90
    21362D28 1A5E1E41
    2138D390 1A5E1EF2
    213B79F8 1A5E1FA3
    213E2060 1A5E2054
    2140C6C8 1A5E2105
    21436D30 1A5E21B6
    21461398 1A5E2267
    2148BA00 1A5E2318
    214B6068 1A5E23C9
    214E06D0 1A5E247A
    2150AD38 1A5E252B
    215353A0 1A5E25DC
    2155FA08 1A5E268D
    2158A070 1A5E273E
    215B46D8 1A5E27EF
    215DED40 1A5E28A0
    216093A8 1A5E2951
    21633A10 1A5E2A02
    2165E078 1A5E2AB3
    216886E0 1A5E2B64
    216B2D48 1A5E2C15
    216DD3B0 1A5E2CC6
    21707A18 1A5E2D77
    21732080 1A5E2E28
    2175C6E8 1A5E2ED9
    21786D50 1A5E2F8A
    217B13B8 1A5E303B
    217DBA20 1A5E30EC
    21806088 1A5E319D
    218306F0 1A5E324E
    2185AD58 1A5E32FF
    218853C0 1A5E33B0
    218AFA28 1A5E3461
    218DA090 1A5E3512
    219046F8 1A5E35C3
    2192ED60 1A5E3674
    219593C8 1A5E3725
    21983A30 1A5E37D6
    219AE098 1A5E3887
    219D8700 1A5E3938
    21A02D68 1A5E39E9
    21A2D3D0 1A5E3A9A
    21A57A38 1A5E3B4B
    21A820A0 1A5E3BFC
    21AAC708 1A5E3CAD
    21AD6D70 1A5E3D5E
    21B013D8 1A5E3E0F
    21B2BA40 1A5E3EC0
    21B560A8 1A5E3F71
    21B80710 1A5E4022
    21BAAD78 1A5E40D3
    21BD53E0 1A5E4184
    21BFFA48 1A5E4235
    21C2A0B0 1A5E42E6
    21C54718 1A5E4397
    21C7ED80 1A5E4448
    21CA93E8 1A5E44F9
    21CD3A50 1A5E45AA
    21CFE0B8 1A5E465B
    21D28720 1A5E470C
    21D52D88 1A5E47BD
    21D7D3F0 1A5E486E
    21DA7A58 1A5E491F
    21DD20C0 1A5E49D0
    21DFC728 1A5E4A81
    21E26D90 1A5E4B32
    21E513F8 1A5E4BE3
    21E7BA60 1A5E4C94
    21EA60C8 1A5E4D45
    21ED0730 1A5E4DF6
    21EFAD98 1A5E4EA7
    21F25400 1A5E4F58
    21F4FA68 1A5E5009
    21F7A0D0 1A5E50BA
    21FA4738 1A5E516B
    21FCEDA0 1A5E521C
    21FF9408 1A5E52CD
    22023A70 1A5E537E
    2204E0D8 1A5E542F
    22078740 1A5E54E0
    220A2DA8 1A5E5591
    220CD410 1A5E5642
    220F7A78 1A5E56F3
    221220E0 1A5E57A4
    2214C748 1A5E5855
    22176DB0 1A5E5906
    221A1418 1A5E59B7
    221CBA80 1A5E5A68
    221F60E8 1A5E5B19
    22220750 1A5E5BCA
    2224ADB8 1A5E5C7B
    22275420 1A5E5D2C
    2229FA88 1A5E5DDD
    222CA0F0 1A5E5E8E
    222F4758 1A5E5F3F
    2231EDC0 1A5E5FF0
    22349428 1A5E60A1
    22373A90 1A5E6152
    2239E0F8 1A5E6203
    223C8760 1A5E62B4
    223F2DC8 1A5E6365
    2241D430 1A5E6416
    22447A98 1A5E64C7
    22472100 1A5E6578
    2249C768 1A5E6629
    224C6DD0 1A5E66DA
    224F1438 1A5E678B
    2251BAA0 1A5E683C
    22546108 1A5E68ED
    22570770 1A5E699E
    2259ADD8 1A5E6A4F
    225C5440 1A5E6B00
    225EFAA8 1A5E6BB1
    2261A110 1A5E6C62
    22644778 1A5E6D13
    2266EDE0 1A5E6DC4
    22699448 1A5E6E75
    226C3AB0 1A5E6F26
    226EE118 1A5E6FD7
    22718780 1A5E7088
    22742DE8 1A5E7139
    2276D450 1A5E71EA
    22797AB8 1A5E729B
    227C2120 1A5E734C
    227EC788 1A5E73FD
    22816DF0 1A5E74AE
    22841458 1A5E755F
    2286BAC0 1A5E7610
    22896128 1A5E76C1
    228C0790 1A5E7772
    228EADF8 1A5E7823
    22915460 1A5E78D4
    2293FAC8 1A5E7985
    2296A130 1A5E7A36
    22994798 1A5E7AE7
    229BEE00 1A5E7B98
    229E9468 1A5E7C49
    If that's not in the right format then this is it(converted from RAW)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10080900 00000000
    Or this(converted from MAX RAW)
    "WTF" brings items and SOMETIMES T-stance-ers to other worlds lock and shock are in 
    WTF Code
    40340C9C 00130001
    10111100 00000000
    DW Roxas (alone)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10101004 00000000
    DW Roxas (with other ppl)
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020104 00000000
    Journal 100% Complete
    4033FDB0 00040001
    FFFFFFFF 00000000
    Play As Lion Sora
    11C95618 0000028A
    Roxas w/ 2 Sleeping Lions
    10340C64 000001EE
    1033FEC0 000001EE
    Roxas has all growth abilities
    1033FF80 00000061
    1033FF82 00000065
    1033FF84 00000069
    1033FF86 0000006D
    Left Hand Weapons for Roxas
    Follow the Wind
    10340C64 000001E6
    Hero Crest
    10340C64 000001E4
    Rumbling Rose
    10340C64 000001EA
    Guardian Soul
    10340C64 000001EB
    Wishing Lamp
    10340C64 000001EC
    Way to the Dawn
    10340C64 00000049
    10340C64 0000002B
    Kingdom Key
    10340C64 00000029
    Fenrir (i personally think he looks cool w/ this one)
    10340C64 000001F3
    Ultima Weapon
    10340C64 000001F4
    Struggle Wand
    10340C64 000001F5
    Sleeping Lion (looks cool if you got this on right & Fenrir on left)
    10340C64 000001EE
    While walking into a new map press:
    L1+R1+L2+R2+Triangle+Circle to Play as Mickey alone
    L1+R1+L2+R2+Square+X to revert to Sora alone
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10101009 00000000
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10101000 00000000
    Watch the cutscenes as Mickey
    This one kicks off goofy
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020109 00000000
    00340C8C 00000001
    This one kicks off Donald
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020109 00000000
    00340C8C 00000002
    This one kicks both ppl off
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020109 00000000
    00340C8C 00000004
    When using codes like this:
    L2 To Play as Regular Roxas with Enemy Riku (Riku Replaces Donald)
    D035B55C 0000FEFF
    11C95618 0000005A
    D035B55C 0000FEFF
    11C9561A 0000063C
    R2 To Play As DW Roxas with Enemy Riku (Riku Replaces Goofy)
    D035B55C 0000FDFF
    11C95618 00000323
    D035B55C 0000FDFF
    11C9561C 0000063C
    201C78B8 0000102D
    201C77E8 0000102D
    201A0568 10000006
    Kingdom Hearts 2 Music Mod
    10354E9C 00000058
    10354EAC 00000058
    4033FF1C 001A0001
    80A380A3 00000000
    You gotta save the game and start the game w/o the code for it to work.
    Add 5 combo pluses
    4033FF18 00040001
    000000A3 00000000
    Not sure if the one above works but this is a different version
    4033FF18 00040001
    A3A3A3A3 00000000
    Enjoy :P

    Erkz Edit - Please, next time when posting really long lists of codes, use the
     vb Tag. Thank you. [/COLOR]
  17. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Can someone test this for me? It'll probably freeze or BSOD, but I just want to be sure. It's a moveset mod. Please tell me if it works. It's in AR MAX Format.

  18. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    If you can:
    1. Teach me how to use PCSX2.
    2. Test this code for me.

  19. theicksta123 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 18, 2007
    Does anyone have the codes I requested earlier?

    EDIT: The codes I requested were the easiest and Hardest difficulties ever in the game, I think one of them in called Noob Mode
  20. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I'm pretty sure that they are in the post I posted earlier o_o check in it, it's the one with the scroll bar thing... :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:
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