Kingdom Hearts II NTSC U/C Codes (Closed 1)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by EvilMan_89, Oct 1, 2006.

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  1. Roxas1337 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 22, 2007
    Ok, by the time I found out about the New universal character mod I had no clue what what going on. Anyways, I tried to do a battle with me being Roxas, vs Saix during the 1000 heartless battle, but it would not work, Saix just never shows up. What do I have to do to make the bosses appear?
  2. nauske Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 29, 2007
  3. DjC Chaser

    evilman 89-sry if i spelled ur name wrong anyway i heard ur good at kh2 codes and i heard u have a code that will let sora hold the way to dawn keyblade that will not give u the kingdom key if thats true please post the code thanks..................oh and by the way im new here
  4. Redsonic Banned

    Apr 3, 2007
    Get us a dump of Riku in the Final Battle =D
  5. DarkRikuMan King's Apprentice

    Apr 9, 2007
    we dont have that code as far as I know Sora can hold Way to the Dawn but it looks like kingdom key. And welcome

    EDIT; I have a save int he world of nothing if I have final xemnas and xemnas riku in my party fight xemnas get to where I play as Riku and then leave the area through the exit we would be playing as Riku in TWTNW. Then somebody just needs to dump the game there. Just a theroy. Tell me if it would work RESULTS: HORRIBLE I used final xemnas replaces donald had full party cheat on and loaded game in world of nothing....... when game started I had just goofy on my team. Maby I need to have final riku in goofy slot. Final test

    EDIT2: I'll be testing my theory and giving reports. TEST1: In the World of Nothing you can have 2 Final xemnas rikus as partners. However once you go outside your back to donald and goofy. You can change to Riku but you cna have only 1 final xemnas riku. Now onto next part of test. Conclusion 1: Full party works in World of Nothing
    TEST2: I'm going to use final xemnas replaces donald and try to fight him in World of nothing with final xemnas as partner.

    KK First I can have you play as hooded mickey but its in all worlds no exceptions if you want it ask me. I dont know the mickey cutsceen code but I can bet that evilman has it. Finally it for DW Sora it wouldnt work. We tried to do that with forms but you played as a form with 1 keyblade but had normal command menu
    Thus the creating of blank form with normal command
  6. Wisdom Form Guy Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Sunset Horizons
    Tested things with the Summon alone code and here they are.

    -Summoning in the battle before Final Xemnas will make them appear,but when Xemnas smacks you away,they are gone and if you dismiss them,Riku will NOT come back.Also,Riku is invisible in RC's.
    -In Final Xemnas Battle,avoid all reaction commands(except the first one)Then when when you get to the laser RC,dismiss them quickly.
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    can't do a Save Dump. gotta do Live Dump cuz the reaction won't come if you're Riku

    there's no such code :(
  8. DarkRikuMan King's Apprentice

    Apr 9, 2007
    All my tests failed =( nothing I tried worked whenever I tried to have final xemnas in my party he wasnt there. Evilman do you know why?
  9. naxdorj Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 1, 2007
    hey guys I just found out something weird: the infinite jump code actually gives you EVERY growth ability, not just an improved version of aerial dodge and glide
    because i stared the game with no abilities equipped and i could still use high jump, quick run, aerial dodge times x, and glide. Sorry if everyone already knows this.

    also, has anyone figured out how to get the trails/streaks/slash-lines that all keyblades have if you attack while playing and as anything(that wields a keyblade) besides the antiform, i know the antiform can use a keyblade if your the antiform with normal menu, but the trails don't seem to appear when you attack.
  10. Redsonic Banned

    Apr 3, 2007
    Why not just use a Third Sora to activate the save point then?
  11. Roxas1337 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 22, 2007
    Nvm, I found them, but the codes I really can't find even when Im looking hard is the Cloud, Leon, Tifa, and Yuffie on your team without the buggy mess. (There probably right in front of me...)
  12. Redsonic Banned

    Apr 3, 2007
    Hey guys, I just thought of a clever idea.

    Drive into Sora solo, Then get captured.

    Then, when playing as Riku, let Sora's drive gauge run out and see what happens.

    If, when the drive gauge depletes, Riku reverts to Normal Sora, we know Riku is a drive. If not, who knows.
  13. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    That won't work because Riku's coding is a supportive playable character, not a Drive. The case is most people are trying to put Riku into the main slot as the playable character which is more then likely where the freeze is coming from. My own thought is that if we can find a way to hack the game to make us do things like play Mickey even though Sora is in the main slot and Mickey is beside him, then we can try it on Riku.

    And Live Dump is something completely different then just save dumping it still won't help much in finding Riku if you do a save dump there. :/
  14. Taki King's Apprentice

    Mar 12, 2007
    Where's the BGM code for the song played during the game when you play with the FF characters before the 1000 heartless?
  15. Roxas1337 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 22, 2007

    I was wondering the exact same thing, I was also wondering if it was possible to get the Beginning and Ending CGI cutscene music to be BGM. (Probably not) Also, can anyone post the code for Roxas to have his voice? (if there is one) Help greatly appriciated.
  16. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    my thoughts exactly. Save Dump is limited to only wats saved onto the Memory Card. some information like the Universal Character Mod is NOT saved on the memory card so a Save dump wouldn't reveal that. but a Live dump shows ALL the addresses in use at the time of the dump. i'm GUESSING that Riku is in the portion that isn't revealed by save dump.
  17. The_One_Man7 Twilight Town Denizen

    May 17, 2007
    Xaldin, it seems to be an automatic thing for it to focus on a specific slot instead of the main slot should the char there be playable. Placing things like 3 Soras makes it focus on one of the ones replacing Donald or Goofy, and leaving the map freezes the game.
  18. MasterNightmare Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 20, 2007
    Scrubbing the floors of Hyrule!
    what do you mean by a live dump? like... by using an emulater?
  19. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    EXACTLY! that would be great if someone could do it
  20. MasterNightmare Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 20, 2007
    Scrubbing the floors of Hyrule!
    so, someone would have to either
    a. upload their file from their mem card, and put it on their comp for the emulater
    b. start a new game and suffer thru the game
    i wish i had a ps2 emulater, a computer game pad for it, or get really good at using the keyboard, i had enough trouble using the keyboard to try a ps1 emulater
    if i remember correctly, jlhack said he'll get a new laptop (yay for moving convinience) with a ps2 emulater, then try... (off Topic) i swear, if a code for letting sora use way to the dawn, or playing as riku comes out, i'll laugh hard, and yeee "in your face mickey!
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