Kingdom Hearts II NTSC U/C Codes (Closed 1)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by EvilMan_89, Oct 1, 2006.

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  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Can anyone put that into raw? Thanks xD



    Is this from Tron? It looks alot bigger.
  2. Darksora45 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 14, 2006
    wth...can u drive that? and yes thats from Trons world, thats the Light Cycle
  3. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No I can't drive it XD and it just seemed bigger then the Light Cycle

    Also can someone Turn this into raw data again?
  4. Darksora45 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 14, 2006
    i hate the fact my PS3 doesnt use CB. I always have to use my PS2 but my nephew is playing it all the time, but i hope when kh kid comes back with the boss codes, that will change
  5. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    sorry guys i'm done testing codes ( my gameshark has a crack going down it and it won't work anymore ) i've ordered a new one but it will take about a week or 2 till it gets here

    here's a update on all the codes i've tested

    yesterday's codes
    0110 - "Freeze"
    0111 - "Freeze"
    0112 - "Freeze"
    0113 - "Freeze"
    0114 - "Freeze"
    0115 - "Freeze"
    0116 - "Freeze"
    0117 - "Freeze"
    0118 - "Freeze"
    0119 - "Freeze"
    011A - Li Shang (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    011B - Yao (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    011C - Chien-Po (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    011D - Ling (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    011E - Der Kaiser von China / Emperor of China (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    011F - Chinesischer Soldat / Chinese Soldier (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0120 - Chinesischer Soldat 2 / Chinese Soldier 2 (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0121 - Mushu (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0122 - "kleiner roter Drache" / "tiny dark red Dragon" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0123 - "kleiner Drachenkopf" / "tiny Dragon Head" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0124 - "Feuerwerk" / "Firework" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0125 - "Shan-Yus Schwert" / "Shan-Yus Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0126 - "großes rotes Palasttor" / "great red Palace Gate" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0127 - Li Shang
    0128 - Auron (NPC) (ohne Schwert / withouth Sword)
    0129 - "Stift?" / "Pen?" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    012A - Hades (seltames Verhalten / strange behavior)
    012B - "Freeze"
    012C - "Freeze"
    012D - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    012E - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    012F - Adowampe / Large Body (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0130 - Propellerdrohne (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0131 - Schatten-Infanterist (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0132 - Wachroboter (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0133 - Twilight-Dorn / Twilight Thorn (Boss!)
    0134 - Dragoner / Dragoon (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0135 - Meuchler / Assassin (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0136 - Samurai (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0137 - Scharfschütze / Sniper (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0138 - Tänzer / Dancer (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0139 - Berserker (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    013A - Spieler / Gambler (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    013B - Beschwörer / Sorcerer (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    013C - Beschwörer v2 / Sorcerer v2 (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    013D - Kriecher / Creeper (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    013E - Dämmerling / Dusk (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    013F - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0140 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Das Land der Drachen / Land of the Dragons) (Objekt / Object)
    0141 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Ort des Erwachens / Station of Serenity) (Objekt / Object)
    0142 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Agrabah) (Objekt / Object)
    0143 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Space Paranoids) (Objekt / Object)
    0144 - "Schatzkiste" / "Treasure Chest" (Objekt / Object)
    0145 - "Schatzkiste" / "Treasure Chest" (Space Paranoids) (Objekt / Object)
    0146 - "Freeze"
    0147 - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0148 - "arabisches Schild" / "arabian Sign" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0149 - "Schatzbox" / "Treasure Box" (Objekt / Object)
    014A - Abu (mit Edelstein / with Gem)
    014B - "zerstörbarer Fels" / "destructable Rock" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) (Objekt / Object)
    014C - "zerstörbarer Fels" / "destructable Rock" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) (Objekt / Object)
    014D - "zerstörbarer Fels" / "destructable Rock" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) (Objekt / Object)
    014E - "Feuerwerk" / "Firework" (Objekt / Object)
    014F - "Feuerwerk (Rakete)" / "Firework (Rocket)" (Objekt / Object)
    0150 - "Drive-Kugel Wagon" / "Drive Orb Wageon
    0151 - "Windritt" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command)
    0152 - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0153 - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0154 - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0155 - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0156 - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0157 - "Freeze"
    0158 - "Funke?" / "Sparkle?" (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0159 - "Weißes Feuer" / "White Fire" (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    015A - "Freeze"
    015B - "Freeze"
    015C - Dschafar / Jafar (Djinn) (Boss!)
    015D - Hades (Boss!)
    015E - Hades ( from the hades cup ) (Boss!)
    015F - Zerberus / Cerberus (Boss!)
    0160 - Hydra (Boss!)
    0161 - Torwächter / Thresholder (Boss!)
    0162 - Dunkeltroll / Dark Thorn (Boss!)
    0163 - Kettenbalg / Shadow Stalker (Boss!)
    0164 - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    0165 - Sturmreiter / Storm Rider (Boss!)
    0166 - Illuminator (Boss!)
    0167 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Boss!)
    0168 - Sora auf Teppich / Sora on Carpet
    0169 - Auron (K.O.)
    016A - Hercules (Partner!)
    016B - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    016C - "Nichts" / "Nothing"
    016D - Megara (anfeuernd? / cheering?)
    016E - Megara (gefesselt / enchained)
    016F - Gargoyle-Ritter / Gargoyle Knight (Gegner! / Enemy!) 
    0170 - Gargoyle-Krieger / Gargoyle Warrior (Gegner! / Enemy!) 
    0171 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object)
    0172 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object)
    0173 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object)
    0174 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object) 
    0175 - "Freeze"
    0176 - "Freeze"
    0177 - "Freeze"
    0178 - "Freeze"
    0179 - "Pferdekopf Statue" / "Horse Head Statue" (Objekt / Object)
    017A - "Alien Monument" (Objekt / Object)
    017B - "Alien Monument 2" (Objekt / Object) 
    017C - "Karussel" / "Roundabout" (Objekt / Object) 
    017D - "Freeze"
    017E - "Freeze"
    017F - "Freeze"
    0180 - "Freeze"
    0181 - "Freeze"
    0182 - "Goldene Hand mit Schwert" / "Golden Hand with Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0183 - "Goldener Statuen Kopf" / "Golden Statue Head" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0184 - "Freeze"
    0185 - Das Biest / The Beast (Prinz Klamotten/ Prince Outfit)
    0186 - Belle
    0187 - Belle (Ball Dress)
    0188 - Unruh / Cogsworth (Dummy)
    0189 - Lumiere (Dummy)
    018A - Madame Pottine / Mrs. Potts (Dummy)
    018B - Madame Kommode / Armoire The Wardrobe (Dummy)
    018C - Madame Kommode / Armoire The Wardrobe
    018D - "Kommode" / "Wardrobe" (Objekt / Object)
    018E - "Kuttenmann" / "Man with Coat" (Dummy)
    018F - Das Biest / The Beast (Menschen Form / Human Form) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0190 - "Torwächter Tor" / "Thresholder Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0191 - Das Biest / The Beast (Dummy)
    0192 - Belle (Dummy)
    0193 - Unruh / Cogsworth
    0194 - Lumiere 
    0195 - Madame Pottine / Mrs. Potts (Dummy)
    0196 - "Glocke?" / "Bell?" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0197 - "Ritter Rüstung" 1 / "Knight Armor" 1 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0198 - "Ritter Rüstung" 2 / "Knight Armor" 2 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0199 - "Ritter Rüstung" 3 / "Knight Armor" 3 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    019A - "Ritter Rüstung" 4 / "Knight Armor" 4 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    019B - "Violettes Holztor" / "Violet Wooden Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    019C - "Braunes Holztor" / "Brown Wooden Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    019D - "Blaues Holztor" / "Blue Wooden Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    019E - "Fenster vom Ball Raum" / "Window from Ball Room" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    019F - "Großes Tor" / "Great Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01A0 - "Blaues Holztor 2" / "Brown Wooden Door 2" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01A1 - "kleine Pyramide" / "tiny Pyramid" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01A2 - "1000 Herzlosen Kampffront" / "1000 Heartless Battlefront" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01A3 - "1000 Herzlosen Kampffront" / "1000 Heartless Battlefront" (Animation) (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01A4 - "1000 Herzlosen Kampffront" / "1000 Heartless Battlefront" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01A5 - "Junge aus Twilight Town" / "Boy from Twilight Town" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01A6 - ältere Frau / older Woman (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01A7 - kleines Mädchen / little Girl (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01A8 - Mann mit blauem Hemd / Man with a blue Shirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01A9 - Typ mit weißem Hemd / Guy with a white shirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01AA - Frau mit weißem Rock / Woman with a white Skirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01AB - Mädchen mit orangem Rock / Girl with a orange Skirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01AC - alte Frau / old Woman (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01AD - alter Mann / old Man (T-Pose / T-Stance) ( (Dummy)
    01AE - Marluxia (T-Pose / T-Stance) 
    01AF - Larxene (T-Pose / T-Stance)
    01B0 - Lexaeus (T-Pose / T-Stance)
    01B1 - Zexion (T-Pose / T-Stance)
    01B2 - Vexen (T-Pose / T-Stance)
    01B3 - "Rainbow Naminé" (T-Pose / T-Stance)
    01B4 - Marluxia (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01B5 - Lexaeus (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01B6 - Vexen (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01B7 - Naminé (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01B8 - Riku (KHI, Org. Outfit) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01B9 - Riku (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01BA - Kairi (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01BB - Squall / Leon (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01BC - Yuffie (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01BD - Aerith (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01BE - Cid (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01BF - Tidus (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01C0 - Selphi (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01C1 - Wakka (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    01C2 - "Sternenanhänger" / "Star Chain" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01C3 - "Sternenanhänger" / "Star Chain" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    01C4 - "Ein Terminal aus Space Paranoids" / "A Terminal from Space Paranoids" (Objekt / Object) 
    01C5 - "Freeze"
    01C6 - "Freeze"
    01C7 - "Freeze"
    01C8 - "Freeze"
    01C9 - "Freeze"
    01CA - "Freeze"
    01CB - "Freeze"
    01CC - "Freeze"
    01CD - "Freeze"
    01CE - "Freeze"
    01CF - "Freeze"
    01D0 - "Freeze"
    01D1 - "Freeze"
    01D2 - "Freeze"
    01D3 - "Freeze"
    01D4 - "Freeze"
    01D5 - "Freeze"
    01D6 - "Freeze"
    01D7 - "Freeze"
    01D8 - "Freeze"
    01D9 - "Freeze"
    01DA - "Freeze"
    01DB - "Freeze"
    01DC - "Freeze"
    01DD - "Freeze"
    01DE - "Freeze"
    01DF - "Freeze"
    01E0 - "Freeze"
    01E1 - "Freeze"
    01E2 - "Freeze"
    01E3 - "Freeze"
    01E4 - "Freeze"
    01E5 - "Freeze"
    01E6 - "Freeze"
    01E7 - "Freeze"
    01E8 - "Freeze"
    01E9 - "Freeze"
    01EA - "Freeze"
    01EB - "Freeze"
    01EC - "Freeze"
    01ED - "Freeze"
    01EE - "Freeze"
    01EF - "Freeze"
    01F0 - "Freeze"
    01F1 - "Freeze"
    01F2 - "Freeze"
    01F3 - "Freeze"
    01F4 - "Freeze"
    01F5 - "Freeze"
    01F6 - "Freeze"
    01F7 - "Freeze"
    01F8 - "Freeze"
    01F9 - "Freeze"
    01FA - "Freeze"
    01FB - "Freeze"
    01FC - "Freeze"
    01FD - "Freeze"
    01FE - "Freeze"
    01FF - "Freeze"
    todays codes
    0600 - A little dirt hole
    0601 - sora in card form
    0602 - sora in dice form
    0603 - nothing
    0604 - A window from timeless river
    0605 - part of 100 acre wood
    0606 - A dusk that does nothing
    0607 - freeze
    0608 - The reaction command post
    0609 - freeze
    060A - nothing
    060B - freeze
    060C - freeze
    060D - freeze
    060E - freeze
    060F - freeze
    0610 - freeze
    0611 - Luxord T-stanced
    0612 - the element ball from agrabah ( fire )
    0613 - the element ball from agrabah ( blizzard )
    0614 - the element ball from agrabah ( lightning )
    0615 - the gate to the mansion in twilight town
    0616 - chains to the gate of the mansion in twilight town
    0617 - sea salt ice cream bar
    0618 - A present from halloween town
    0619 - freeze
    061A - opened treasure chest from port royal
    061B - freeze 
    061C - leon as ally
    061D - freeze
    061E - nothing
    061F - freeze
    0620 - a box
    0621 - A green triangle
    0622 - Xigbar
    if you post these on a different forum/site please credit me, i worked hard to get these fot you guys and even broke my gameshark in the process =(

    Psxman found cloud so credit him
    CLoud- 08F3
  6. Silentninja822 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2007
    Interesting... When I was fighting Xigbar on the Black Pearl's deck, I fell through the floor. But underneath it was solid floor that you could walk on, even though it is unaccesible by normal means. Of course, if you walk on the water you sink.

    But it fixes itself when Xigbar "changes" the scenery, you are warped back onto the glitchy solid floor again. ^^;

    EDIT: Also, I used the Dual Wield Roxas code, but it gives him Sora's voice.
  7. Darksora45 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 14, 2006
    hmm, oh well, i guess we can go without more bosses for a while, good job with the other stuff kh kid, im gonna be happy fighting heartless and nobodies with Leon by my side
  8. Apostrophe Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 11, 2007
    Complied enemy list:
    0001 - Fat Bandit 
    0002 - Trick Ghost 
    0003 - Rabid Dog 
    0004 - Hook Bat
    0005 - Bookmaster
    0006 - Aeroplane
    0007 - Minute Bomb
    0008 - Hammer Frame
    0009 - Assault Rider
    000A - Nightwalker
    000B - Fortuneteller
    000C - Luna Knight
    000D - Hot Rod
    000E - Cannon Gun
    000F - Living Bone (without Shaman)
    0010 - Devastator
    0011 - Lance Soldier 
    0012 - Mole Driller
    0013 - Shaman
    0014 - Aerial Knocker
    0015 - Shan Yu 
    0016 - Hayabusa 
    0047 - Silver Rock
    0048 - Emerald Blues 
    0049 - Crimson Jazz
    004A - Air Pirate 
    004B - Bulky Vendor
    004C - Fiery Globe
    004D - Icy Cube
    0051 - Axel (Twilight Town second)
    0076 - Wight Knight
    0077 - Wight Knight (Halloween Town)
    0078 - Neoshadow 
    0079 - Magnum Loader
    007A - Morningstar 
    007B - Tornado Step
    007C - Crescendo 
    007D - Creeper Plant
    007E - Oogie Boogie 
    007F - Lock 
    0080 - Shock 
    0081 - Barrel 
    008E - Bandit (From Kingdom Hearts) (Dummy)
    00B7 - Sora (Dummy) (Attackable)
    00B9 - Donald (Dummy) (Attackable)
    00DA - Behemoth (Palette swap from Kingdom Hearts) (Dummy)
    00DB - Wyvern (Palette swap from Kingdom Hearts) (Dummy)
    012D - Soldier 
    012E - Shadow 
    012F - Fat Body 
    0130 - Rapid Thruster 
    0131 - Armored Knight 
    0132 - Surveillance Robot 
    0133 - Twilight Zone
    0134 - Dragoon 
    0135 - Assassin 
    0136 - Samurai 
    0137 - Sniper 
    0138 - Dancer 
    0139 - Berserker 
    013A - Gambler 
    013B - Sorcerer (Without cubes)
    013C - Sorcerer (With cubes)
    013D - Creeper 
    013E - Dusk 
    014E - The Land of Dragons firecrackers
    014F - The Land of Dragons rocket
    0150 - The Land of Dragons rocket wagon
    0158 - Timeless River small flame
    0159 - Timeless River large flame
    015C - Jafar
    015D - Hades (First, Second)
    015E - Hades (Third, Paradox Hades Cup match 50)
    015F - Cerberus 
    0160 - Hydra
    0161 - Thresholder
    0162 - Dark Thorn
    0163 - Shadow Stalker
    0165 - Storm Rider 
    0166 - Illuminator
    0167 - Pete (Timeless River)
    016F - Gargoyle Knight 
    0170 - Gargoyle Warrior 
    040B - Volcanic Lord
    040C - Blizzard Lord
    0453 - Undead Pirate A
    0454 - Undead Pirate B
    0455 - Undead Pirate C
    0459 - Groundshaker
    045A - Strafer
    0612 - Agrabah Fire puzzle
    0613 - Agrabah Blizzard puzzle
    0614 - Agrabah Thunder puzzle
    0622 - Xigbar (The World That Never Was)
    0625 - Bees
    0627 - Bolt Tower
    0711 - the Experiment vacuum (Non-attackable)
    0712 - the Experiment claw (Non-attackable)
    073C - Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids)
    090E - Hades (Goddess of Fate Cup match 10, Paradox Hades Cup match 30)
    090F - Pete (Olympus Coliseum)
    0910 - Hercules
    096F - Terra
    Party and allies:
    001F - Cogsworth (Beast battle)
    0020 - Lumiere (Lighting torches)
    0021 - Mrs. Potts (Lighting torches)
    0054 - Sora
    0055 - Valor Form
    0056 - Wisdom Form
    0057 - Master Form
    0058 - Final Form
    0059 - AntiForm
    005A - Roxas 
    005B - Mickey (with Coat)
    005C - Donald
    005D - Goofy
    005E - Beast
    005F - Jack Skellington (Halloween Town)
    0060 - Jack Skellington (Christmas Town)
    0061 - Simba
    0062 - Aladdin
    0063 - Mulan
    0064 - Ping
    0065 - Auron
    0066 - Jack Sparrow
    016A - Hercules (Pete battle)
    016E - Megara (Pete battle)
    028A - Sora (Pride Land)
    02D4 - Tron
    0318 - Mickey (without Coat)
    0319 - Donald
    0323 - Roxas (Two Keyblades)
    055A - Donald (Space Paranoids, glitched)
    05EF - Donald (Pride Land)
    0601 - Card Form
    0602 - Die Form
    061B - Goofy (Pride Land)
    061C - Leon
    06C1 - Sora (Original outfit)
    081D - Jack Sparrow
    0819 - Riku (Only as Guest)
    0873 - Cloud (Glitched)
    095D - Limit Form
    *Megara as an ally makes a nice alternate target for enemies.
    *Axel's fire floor allows you to walk over holes in Xigbar's battle.
    *0873 (Cloud) is only for look. Cloud does absolutely nothing useful and sometimes freezes the game.
    *Undead Pirates are invincible outside of Port Royal.
  9. Darksora45 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 14, 2006
    Terra?!?!!?!?!? Terra Works?!?!?
  10. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
  11. Darksora45 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 14, 2006
    oh man, i was so excited to, i was about to go try em out :( :( :(
  12. oblivion9794 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 7, 2006
    New York
    oh aw man i wanted to fight him,i have an idea,what if we get xemnas' code and do the reaction command from the tower,wouldnt that make them teleport to another place possibly.
  13. juanma Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 24, 2006
    is limit form code glitchy????
  14. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    it's only for Final Mix+ since it doesn't even exist in original KH2

    also, here Xaldin

    RAW code to have no music
    10354E9C 000000FF
    10354EAC 000000FF

    and i've tested almost all the music, i need to test about 20-30 more
  15. AzureKite Moogle Assistant

    Dec 18, 2006
    Can someone please post the new boss codes for ARMAX specifically Xigbar. Thank you.
  16. juanma Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 24, 2006
    evilman are u coming?
  17. Apostrophe Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 11, 2007
    No. You should get it in the game beforehand, though. I tried an early Final Form game, and it froze.

    Everything after 0923 (I believe) is Final Mix.
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    ????? coming where?
  19. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Evil_Man89!

    Also sorry Cloud vs Sephiroth wants, gamefreezes the moment you talk to Sephiroth, though with Leon it seems to work perfectly, so I'm gonna do a vs Sephiroth with Sora and Leon.
  20. Clontox Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 17, 2007
    Kent, WA
    Look like the card/dice form trials are over, lol.
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