Kingdom Hearts II NTSC U/C Codes (Closed 1)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by EvilMan_89, Oct 1, 2006.

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  1. Redsonic Banned

    Apr 3, 2007
    Interesting, I found one with the name TERRA...

    Though it probably ends up freezing the game, still interesting...
  2. keyblader of a nobody Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    Salinas, Califas
    i tried it and i got into a T-shape. so i think i can only do it in a battle. ama try that and to see if i can move around and about the worlds.


    I tried the code for DW Roxas with Axel in Xigbar's and its freaking hard to win since the area is small and the fire entraps you so you cant go on after Xiggy.
    can someone post the codes for Lion Sora, Shan-Yu as an "ally"? ARMXAX please!

    I turn on the code in the ending and i got stuck on the opening of KH. like when you do the slashing move? yup thats the one.
    then i tried again without it but then the one that gets me up the dragon (the one after) was my end because of the lack of Reaction Commands... kinda sucked lol.

  3. Darksora45 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 14, 2006
    maybe, i wouldnt try it because its probably for KHFM+
  4. JLHack7 Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 12, 2007
    yo, I'm about to go into da thousand heartless battle, so I'll test DW "Rock"-sas and kick 1000 @sses (er, bludgeon 1000 asses, as the case may be)
    also, i'll test Lion Sora
  5. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    updated digits

    0000 - "Freeze"
    0001 - Böllerwampe (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0002 - Schizo-Spuk (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0003 - Schoßhund (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0004 - Flederhaken (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0005 - Magus Magnus (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0006 - Blauer Baron (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0007 - Bombenmolch (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0008 - Hammerlakai (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0009 - Zentaurier (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    000A - Schreck-Geck (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    000B - Wahrsagerin (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    000C - Mondräuber (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    000D - Retro-Raser (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    000E - Böllerbolzen (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    000F - Schädelbulle (ohne Schamane) (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0010 - Transbot (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0011 - Lanzensoldat (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0012 - Drilling (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0013 - Shamane (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0014 - Flugboxer (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0015 - Shan-Yu (Boss!)
    0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yus Falke / Shan-Yu's Falcon) (Boss!)
    0017 - Fackelständer/ Standing Torch (Objekt / Object)
    0018 - Blaue Barriere / Blue Barrier (Objekt / Object)
    0019 - Nebelkugel / Mist Sphere (Objekt / Object)
    001A - "Unsichtare Rüstung" / "Invisible Armor" (Objekt / Object)
    001B - "Freeze"
    001C - "Freeze"
    001D - "Freeze"
    001E - Gulliver-Kanone (Objekt / Object)
    001F - Unruh / Cogsworth
    0020 - Lumiere
    0021 - Madame Pottine / Mrs. Potts
    0022 - Madame Kommode / Armoire The Wardrobe
    0023 - "Niemand" / "Nobody"
    0024 - "Niemand" / "Nobody"
    0025 - "Niemand" / "Nobody"
    0026 - "Niemand" / "Nobody"
    0027 - Hercules (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    0028 - "Niemand" / "Nobody"
    0029 - "Niemand" / "Nobody"
    002A - "Freeze"
    002B - "Freeze"
    002C - "Freeze"
    002D - "Freeze"
    002E - "Freeze"
    002F - "Freeze"
    0030 - "Freeze"
    0031 - "Freeze"
    0032 - "Freeze"
    0033 - "Freeze"
    0034 - "Freeze"
    0035 - "Fels mit Ringen" / "Rock with Rings" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0036 - "großes goldenartige Tor" / "big goldenlike Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0037 - "großes goldenartige Tor" / "big goldenlike Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0038 - "große Unterwelt Tor" / "big Underworld Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0039 - "großes grünes Tor" / "big green Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    003A - "Ketten-Ding" / "Chain-Thing" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    003B - "Münzenartiges Ding auf dem Boden" / "Coinlike thing on the ground" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    003C - Pech & Schwefel Pokal / Panic & Pain Cup (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    003D - "Freeze"
    003E - "Freeze"
    003F - "Freeze"
    0040 - "Freeze"
    0041 - "Freeze"
    0042 - "Freeze"
    0043 - "Freeze"
    0044 - "Freeze"
    0045 - "Freeze"
    0046 - "Freeze"
    0047 - Silberling (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0048 - Saphirling (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0049 - Purpurling (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    004A - Luftpirat (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    004B - Freudenspender (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    004C - Kugelfeuer (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    004D - Würfeleis (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    004E - "Freeze"
    004F - "Freeze"
    0050 - "Freeze"
    0051 - Axel (Boss!)
    0052 - "Freeze"
    0053 - "Freeze"
    0054 - Sora
    0055 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form)
    0056 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form)
    0057 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form)
    0058 - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form)
    0059 - Sora (Anti-Form)
    005A - Roxas 
    005B - Micky / Mickey (mit Kutte / with Coat)
    005C - Donald
    005D - Goofy
    005E - Biest
    005F - Jack (Halloween Town)
    0060 - Jack (Christmas Town)
    0061 - Simba
    0062 - Aladdin
    0063 - Mulan
    0064 - Ping
    0065 - Auron
    0066 - Sparrow
    0067 - Königsanhänger / Kingdom Key (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0068 - Sternentreue / Oathkeeper (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0069 - Memoire / Oblivion (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    006A - Glitchy KHI Ultima (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    006B - Glitchy KHI Ultima (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    006C - Zauberstab (Dummy)
    006D - Ritterschild (Dummy)
    006E - Schild (Dummy)
    006F - Krummsäbel (Dummy)
    0070 - Schlachtengefährte (Dummy)
    0071 - Ahnenschwert(Dummy)
    0072 - Mushu (Dummy)
    0073 - Totenkopfschwert (Dummy)
    0074 - Mickys Schlüsselschwert / Mickeys Keyblade (Dummy)
    0075 - Nichts? / Nothing? 
    0076 - Gigg-Schack (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0077 - Gigg-Schack (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0078 - Schattenschalk (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    0079 - Tetrabot (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    007A - Morgenstern (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    007B - Tornado-Tänzer (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    007C - Crescendo (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    007D - Schauderplanze (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!)
    007F - Furcht / Lock (Boss!)
    0080 - Angst / Shock (Boss!)
    0081 - Schrecken / Barell (Boss!)
    0082 - Teppich / Carpet (Dummy)
    0083 - "Freeze"
    0084 - "Freeze"
    0085 - "Freeze"
    0086 - "Freeze"
    0087 - Dschinni / Genie (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    0088 - Aladdin (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    0089 - Dschafar / Jafar (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    008A - Dschafar / Jafar (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    008B - "Freeze"
    008C - "Freeze"
    008D - "Freeze"
    008E - Wüstenräuber / Bandit (Gegner aus KHI / Enemy from KHI) (Dummy)
    008F - "Kiste" / "Box" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0090 - "Wagen aus Agrabah" / "Wagon from Agrabah" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0091 - "Rotes Ei? / "Red Egg?" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0092 - "Graue Plattform" / "Grey Platform" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0093 - "Goldene Affenstatue" / "Golden Monkey Statue (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0094 - "Violette Treppen" / "Violet Stairs" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0095 - "Rotes Tor" / "Red Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 
    0096 - "Roter Krug" / "Red Pot" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0097 - Dschafars Wunderlampe / Jafars Magic Lamp (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0098 - "Dach von einem Agrabah Haus" / "Roof from a Agrabah House" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0099 - "Brauner Krug" / "Brown Pot" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    009A - "Roter Vorhang" / "Red Curtain" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    009B - "Goldene Dschinn Statue" / "Golden Genie Statue (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    009C - "kleine violette Pryamide" / "tiny violet pyramid" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    009D - "Orange Statue aus'm Agrabah Dungeon" / "Orange Statue from the Agrabah Dungeon" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    009E - "Braune Statue aus'm Agrabah Dungeon" / "Brown Statue from the Agrabah Dungeon" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    009F - "Arielles Schwester Orange" / "Arielle's Sister Orange" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00A0 - "Arielles Schwester Violet" / "Arielle's Sister Violet" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00A1 - Fabius (Dummy)
    00A2 - "Rochen" / "Stingray" (Dummy)
    00A3 - "Tintenfisch mit Bongos" / "Calamari with Bongos" (Dummy)
    00A4 - "Schnecke" / "Snail" (Dummy)
    00A5 - "Schnecke mit Trompete" / "Snail with Trumpet" (Dummy)
    00A6 - "Qualle" / "Jellyfish" (Dummy)
    00A7 - "Blauer Fisch" / "Blue Fish" (Dummy)
    00A8 - "Hai" / "Shark" (Dummy)
    00A9 - "Freeze"
    00AA - "Freeze"
    00AB - "Freeze"
    00AC - "Freeze"
    00AD - "Freeze"
    00AE - "Freeze"
    00AF - "Freeze"
    00B0 - Zero (Jacks Hund / Jack's Dog) (Dummy)
    00B1 - "Freeze"
    00B2 - "Freeze"
    00B3 - "Freeze"
    00B4 - "Freeze"
    00B5 - "Badewanne" / "Bathtub" (Dummy)
    00B6 - "Freeze"
    00B7 - Sora (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) (Angreifbar / Attackable)
    00B8 - "Freeze"
    00B9 - Donald (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) (Angreifbar / Attackable)
    00BA - "Freeze"
    00BB - "Freeze"
    00BC - "Freeze"
    00BD - "Freeze"
    00BE - "Freeze"
    00BF - "Freeze"
    00C0 - "Freeze"
    00C1 - "Freeze"
    00C2 - "Freeze"
    00C3 - "Freeze"
    00C4 - "Freeze"
    00C5 - "Freeze"
    00C6 - "Freeze"
    00C7 - "Freeze"
    00C8 - Helden-Form / Valor-Form (Dummy)
    00C9 - DiZ (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00CA - Micky / Mickey (mit Kutte / with Coat) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00CB - Karlo / Pete (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00CC - Hercules (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    00CD - Megara (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    00CE - Auron (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 
    00CF - Hades (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D0 - Das Biest / The Beast (Dummy)
    00D1 - Belle (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D2 - Großer Dschinni / Big Genie (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D3 - Jasmin / Jasmine (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D4 - Li Shang (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D5 - Mulan (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D6 - Ping (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D7 - Mushu (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00D8 - Jack (Weinachtskostüm / Christmas Costume) 
    00D9 - Sparrow (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00DA - Behemoth (Gegner aus KHI / Enemy from KHI) (Dummy)
    00DB - Wyvern (Blau / Blue) (Gegner aus KHI / Enemy from KHI) (Dummy)
    00DC - Schatten-Infanterist (Gegner! / Enemy!) (Dummy)
    00DD - Wachroboter (Gegner! / Enemy!) (Dummy)
    00DE - "Naminés Zeichenblock" / "Naminés Sketchblock" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00DF - "Buntstift" / "Crayon" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E0 - "Puppe" / "Doll" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E1 - Vierkristalltrophäe / Four Crystal Trophy (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E2 - "Rote Murmel" / "Red Marble" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E3 - "Blaue Murmel" / "Blue Marble" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E4 - "Gelbe Murmel" / "Yellow Marble" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E5 - "Grüne Murmel" / "Green Marble" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E6 - "Twilight Town Zug" / "Twilight Town Train" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E7 - "Barriere" / "Barrier" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    00E8 - "Freeze"
    00E9 - "Freeze"
    00EA - "Freeze"
    00EB - "Freeze"
    00EC - Kairi (Schuluniform / School Uniform) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00ED - DiZ (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00EE - "Kuttenmann" / "Man with Coat" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00EF - Karlo / Pete (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00F0 - "Kuttenmann" / "Man with Coat" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    00F1 - "Freeze"
    00F2 - "Freeze"
    00F3 - "Freeze"
    00F4 - "Freeze"
    00F5 - "Freeze"
    00F6 - "Freeze"
    00F7 - "Freeze"
    00F8 - "Freeze"
    00F9 - "Freeze"
    00FA - "Freeze"
    00FB - "Freeze"
    00FC - "Freeze"
    00FD - "Freeze"
    00FE - "Freeze"
    00FF - "Freeze"
    0100 - "Freeze"
    0101 - "Freeze"
    0102 - "Freeze"
    0103 - "Freeze"
    0104 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0105 - Donald (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0106 - Goofy (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0107 - Goofy (Chain of Memories) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0108 - Sora (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    0109 - Sora (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    010A - Axel (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy)
    010B - "Freeze"
    010C - "Freeze"
    010D - "Freeze"
    010E - "Freeze"
    010F - "Freeze"
    028A - Sora (Löwen-Form / Lion-Form)
    02D4 - Tron
    0318 - Micky / Mickey (ohne Kutte / without Coat)
    0319 - Donald
    0323 - Roxas (Helden-Form / Valor-Form)
    05EF - Donald (Möwen-Form / Gull-Form)
    05F9 - Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form (Dummy)
    05FA - Meister-Form / Master-Form (Dummy)
    05FB - Ãœber-Form / Final-Form (Dummy)
    061B - Goofy (Schildkröten-Form / Turtle-Form)
    0616 - "Vorhängeschloss" / "Padlock" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0661 - "Honig-Topf" / "Honey Pot" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0666 - "Niemand" / "Nobody"
    06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I Costume)
    0777 - Mysteriöser Graben / Mysterious Abyss (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    081D - Sparrow
    0819 - Riku (Nur Gast / only Guest)
    0999 - "Freeze"
  6. keyblader of a nobody Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    Salinas, Califas
    okay?i know codes but is this one for ARMAX?
  7. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    the one in your quote is RAW

    this is ARMAX...
    sora ( lion form )
  8. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    I don't get the digit thing, how does it work?
  9. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    i have an idea for a soft reset code. make a jokered code that sets ur hp to 0 so its a gameover and u can load a new file.

    Organization Member In Cloak instead of Donald

    will digits 1000 to FFFF maybe work for more codes?

    EDIT: Hi Xaldin ^_^
  10. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    TEST IT! Also, is there anyway to make the bosses (i.e. Axel/Oogie Boogie) actually partners who will fight WITH you?
  11. AzureKite Moogle Assistant

    Dec 18, 2006
  12. axel8th Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 1, 2006
    Twilight town clock tower
    Well......PLEASE TEST IT NOW!!!!!! Dude do you know hpow much of a ground breaking discovery that is? Oh and TERRA only exits in FM+ so..... unless it's a beta of him.
  13. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    i thought terra's the name the people on KH-vids call him? he can't be in there plus i've been through the data and i've never seen that

    redsonic give me a addresses
  14. Clontox Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 17, 2007
    Kent, WA
    1) What about The Cursed Jack Sparrow, Xemnas, And Sephiroth? And I think I know why characters from other KH games are in there. My theory is that the cut-scenes aren't recorded. They're actually remade with the same audio (Except Xehanort's heartless had a different voice than in KH1).

    2) Terra might work if my theory is correct and applys to the good looking cut-scenes as well.
  15. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Ok, I believed you may be right for a little with the cut scenes, but cinematics, NO WAY they're made in-game.
  16. Clontox Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 17, 2007
    Kent, WA
    Yeah, but it's the only explination for Terra unless he's beta. By the way, has anyone ever wondered about Terra and Dirge of Cerberus and if there is a connection?
  17. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know what? If someone manages to test all the missing digits there,, and test the freeze ones in other worlds, since they said they only used TWTNW on their site, and find some awesome discoveries, that'd be something.

    I tried a few but they were also just freeze.
  18. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    my plans for tonight have been ruined so i'll test ALOT of digits tonight
  19. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wow, good luck and god speed man! You have no idea what might happen if you found something awesome. I'm pretty sure most of these people here viewing this forum won't be able to express their gratitude, I know I can't already by you trying this already xD

    No, Nomura confirmed him by an interview, and if Terra was in it, it'd be KH2FM+ not KH2, he wasn't even thought up as a boss then, hell Final Mix was more then likely not thought up during KH2's production in Japan
  20. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Well I'll express thanks to you Kh-Kid. Thanks for the hard work.
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