Kingdom Hearts II NTSC U/C Codes (Closed 1)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by EvilMan_89, Oct 1, 2006.

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  1. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    ok, im looking for a code... Sora wields way to the dawn, if someone has it, plz send it to me

    ok, new situation, i have the sora wields way to the dawn, *crosses out wat was above* but, now i either have no keyblade or it will just freeze, wats going on?
  2. lllsondowlll Moogle Assistant

    Jul 10, 2008
    Hey quick question. I am a decently skilled hacker/modder myself and I have a few questions for you guys. I'm not to fluent in searching for codes using the ps2dis method so I require some assistance. In the codes that swap partner characters, there is some problems. Anytime you have a certain partner equipt the game will freeze upon entering the pause menu. As a fluent hacker, I use my common sense to pinpoint this is because the game searches its index for the partner specified in your party, when this partner is not found in the data array it hangs the game. Such as axel, even though he is a partner there is no label for him in the pause menu therefor the game hangs. My question is, has anyone found a code yet that can clear the pause menu of showing or labeling the characters? I really hate the fact that the game crashes when performing a nessessary function such as pausing... I am looking to create a mod and inject the codes into the SLUS file to create a "party" mod for my website where I host all my game mods except before I can do that I need the game to atleast function atleast over 85% stable and freezing when trying to do such a common thing as pausing just won't cut it. Let me know what you guys think.
  3. AntiWeapon Chaser

    Jan 18, 2007
    As far as I know there isnt any way to stop that.

    You can try something like Joker a normal donald goofy then simple press the joker when pressing pause. But I think the pause menu data is loaded per room.

    Its probebly fixable but i dont think anyones botherd trying to.
  4. sora-final-riku The Summoned

    Jul 8, 2008
    can you jocker the way to the dawn?
  5. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Is this the one?
    RAZT-X176-AUZGK(Joker R3 +Select)
  6. sora-final-riku The Summoned

    Jul 8, 2008
    i dont know i was just throwin out suggestions. i will try it and post the results
  7. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    ok, im working on a code... DW Roxas with 2 way to the dawn's, im doing good so far... but i ran into a problem... i have the kingdom key equiped, but i dont wield one in the right hand, all i get is one in the left... i have tried the Sora wields the way to the dawn code with it, but still nothing happens... any suggestions guys?
  8. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    I think you need to this mod :
    1033FEC0 0000XXXX
    Or this:
    21CEF10C 0000XXXX
    If it doesn't work,add a joker.
  9. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    im already using the second one, i will try the first one... thx

    that one didnt work, is there a code to joker the way to the dawn?
  10. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Try this:
    D035B55C 0000FDFF(R2 Joker,i think)
    1033FEC0 00000317(Is this digit right?)
  11. Enigmatic XIV Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 13, 2008
    How about someone trying to do this.

    Not just WIELDING Way to the Dawn and the Darkside Kingdom Key(Mickey's blade) But actually having them in your inventory. as seletable weapons. And what is that Keyblade with the nobody symbol on it? I want to weild that one :D...
  12. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    I don't know how to do it.
    And That Keyblade is for FM and has no official translation,but everybody call it Acrossing Two of Fateful meeting or something like that.
  13. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i actually thot the problem was the same exact thing, but carey told me otherwise and he was right. the issue IS that thsoe characters have no profile in the menu, HOWEVER, that's what's CAUSING the issue. it's simply because you have them in between 2 slots of characters that DO have profiles in the menu, then the game will think no one is in the middle slot so it moves a character up there but then it freezes. so simple solution, make sure you mod whoever is in Slot 3. also make sure you have no 4th character slot, trust me, it will work just fine if you do that.
  14. Roxas3310 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 3, 2008
    does anyone have a code for quickly leveling up the drive forms...the 1 hit to level 7 code doesn't work
  15. Enigmatic XIV Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 13, 2008
    Ah well, whats the code for weilding a keyblade under antiform (and button combinations and when to do them), weilding way to the dawn, and Room mod for final Xemnas fight to be in the Station of awakening?

    Edit: and whats the base code for editing Riku's keyblade?
  16. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    I only have Riku's :(
    Way to the Dawn mod
    21CEF7B0 0000XXXX 
    Replace XXXX with:
    0069 - Memoire / Oblivion (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0074- Mickey's Keyblade
    0317- Way To Dawn
    0125 - "Shan-Yus Schwert" / "Shan-Yus Sword"
    023D - Königsanhänger / Kingdom Keyblade (Dummy)
    023E - Sternentreue / Oathkeeper (Dummy)
    023F - Zauberstab / Mage's Staff (Dummy)
    0240 - Ritterschild / Knight's Shield (Dummy)
    02C0 - Schlachtengefährte / Battle Companion (Aurons Waffe / Auron's Weapon) (Dummy)
    04A7 - "Barbossas Schwert" / "Barbossa's Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    04DA - "Schwert" / "Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    055E - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Dummy)
    055F - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0560 - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Dummy)
    0561 - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0562 - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Dummy)
    0563 - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0564 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Dummy)
    0565 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0566 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Dummy)
    0567 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0568 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Dummy)
    0569 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056A - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Dummy)
    056B - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056C - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Dummy)
    056D - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056E - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Dummy)
    056F - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0570 - "Beta-Schild" / "Beta Shield" (Dummy)
    0596 - Hammerrute / Hammer Staff (Dummy)
    0597 - Siegesglocke / Victory Bell (Dummy)
    0598 - Meteo-Stab / Meteor Staff (Dummy)
    0599 - Komet-Stab / Comet Staff (Dummy)
    059A - Besen des Herren / Lord's Broom (Dummy)
    059B - Stab der Weisen / Wisdom Wand (Dummy)
    059C - Steigender Drache / Rising Dragon (Dummy)
    059D - Niemandslanze / Nobody Lance (Dummy)
    059E - Schamanenrelikt / Shaman's Relic (Dummy)
    05A8 - "Beta-Stab" / "Beta Staff" (Dummy)
    06BF - Berserker-Schwert / Berserker Sword (Objekt / Object) (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    06FA - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object) (Boss!)
    073B - "Struggle-Battle-Schläger" / "Struggle-Battle-Bat" (Dummy)
    0769 - Sternensucher / Starseeker (Dummy)
    076A - Verborgender Drache / Hidden Dragon (Dummy)
    076B - Heldenwappen / Hero's Crest (Dummy)
    076C - Monochrom / Monochrome (Dummy)
    076D - Folge dem Wind / Port Royal's Keyblade (Dummy)
    076E - Der ewige Kreis / Follow The Wind (Dummy)
    076F - Photonen-Debugger / Photon Debugger (Dummy)
    0770 - Möwenflügel / Gullwing (Dummy)
    0771 - Donnerrose / Rambling Rose (Dummy)
    0772 - Seelenwächter / Guardian Soul (Dummy)
    0773 - Wunderklinge / Wishes Lamp (Dummy)
    0774 - St. Kürbinian / Holy Pumpkin (Dummy)
    0775 - Schlafender Löwe / Sleeping Lion (Dummy)
    0776 - Süße Nostalgie / Sweet Memory (Dummy)
    0777 - Mysteriöser Graben / Mysterious Abyss (Dummy)
    0778 - Unheilbringer / Fatal Crest (Dummy)
    0779 - Flammenfesseln / Bond Of Flame (Dummy)
    077A - Fenrir (Dummy)
    077B - Ultima (Dummy)
    077C - Struggle Bat A (Dummy)
    077D - Struggle Bat B (Dummy)
    0843 - Xigbars Armbrust / Xigbar's Gun Arrow (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0845 - Xaldins Speere / Xaldin’s Spears (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    08BD - Kairis Schlüsselschwert / Kairi's Keyblade (Dummy)
    1E0 = Star Seeker (KeyBlade)
    1E1 = Hidden Dragon (KeyBlade)
    1E2 = Save the Queen
    1E3 = Save The King (Sheild
    1E4 = Hero Crest (KeyBlade)
    1E5 = Monochrome (KeyBlade)
    1E6 = Fallow the wind (KeyBlade)
    1E7 = Circle Of Life (KeyBlade)
    1E8 = Photon Debugger (KeyBlade)
    1E9 = Gull Wing (KeyBlade)
    1EA = Rumbling Rose (KeyBlade)
    1EB = Guardian Soul (KeyBlade)
    1EC = Wishing Lamp (KeyBlade)
    1ED = DeCisive Pumpkin (KeyBlade)
    1EE = Sleeping Lion (KeyBlade)
    1EF = Sweet Memories (KeyBlade)
    1F0 = Mysterious Abyss (KeyBlade)
    1F1 = Fatal Crest (KeyBlade)
    1F2 = Bond of Flame (KeyBlade)
    1F3 = Fenrir (KeyBlade)
    1F4 = Ultima Weapon (KeyBlade)
    1F5 = Struggle Wand (KeyBlade)
    1F6 = Struggle Hammer (KeyBlade)
    1F7 = Save The Queen+
    1F8 = Save The King+
  17. Enigmatic XIV Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 13, 2008
    :D Thank you Deaheart! *hugs*
  18. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Don't mention it.
    I just read it again,the wield Way to Dawn you want is for Anti-Form or Sora?
    EDIT: forget about it,here is the mod for Anti and Sora weapon:
    10340BC4 0000????
    1033FEC0 0000????
  19. Enigmatic XIV Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 13, 2008
    Normal Sora, but is that Anti code for when I turn into anti Sora? Like him wielding a keyblade?

    I was wondering that too, how to Play as Anti Sora with a Keyblade, and/or with the final form model.
  20. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Yes,that's his weapon mod.
    When you drive into Anti-Form you equip Antiform Dummy right away(But stay with your old weapon ability),thsi code changes it (I think),also,i never changed it so i don't know what will happen when you equip something else.

    With Final Form Model,he will just stay with White Clothes,don't you mean his moveset/Two keyblades?
    If you just want to switch models use this code and Drive to Final Form,it will be with Anti model.
    21cb9874 5f303031
    21cb9878 58455f50
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