Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by Explode, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Wheel of Time Time forever preserved in memory.

    Apr 1, 2007
    Europe, Sweden
    If you had looked through this page of the thread you should've seen this:

    Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms
    (With Antiform in Drive List)
    E006FDFF 0034d3c0
    2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF
    1032EE24 00000029
    1032EECC 00000029
    1032EF04 00000029
  2. xaddgx Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 21, 2011
    In their defense, that really should be in the "Drive/Summon" section rather than miscellaneous.
  3. mindwarper11 Moogle Assistant

    Jun 27, 2012
    Is there any way to make characters not dissapear during summoning?

    And how would you go about editing which character comes out when you summon? It'd be nice if you could just plug in the character codes for the universal character codes...

    ALSO! (Geez, who is this gosh darn demanding noob? could somebody or a nobody shoot him already? Xigbar? please?)

    How would you go about going BACK to the 1000 heartless battle, moding who you fight...and would it even be possible to make it say...unlimited until you got bored?

    p.s. rule of thumb, don't try bringing all 12 nobodies into that one room where all their doors are....because for 1 only 11 will spawn without crashing the game (or mayabe roxas was crashing it...did'nt test that far, not that it matters, because only the wind dude Xaldin stays and fights, the rest fall down to the bottom and become possible to lock onto, but do nothing else (course I do recall hearing "dance water dance!" at the start...and I swear if its not Xaldin calling Sora's name it must be someone else...most likely Xemnas...all those X's....geez)

    Hey another do you guys go about finding these codes? I have some (very meager, and mostly forgotten through lack of using...and maybe alcohol, but mostly because I stopped using them, but I haz them! I swaer!) minor coding skillz, and maybe could help learn some o' the codes.

    Also (Holy crap ( no I did not just cast holy on a pile o' poo) does this guy ever shut up? seriously shut this mugger fudder up! I will shoot him myself! Don't mind me...something about multiple personalities or something ya know? Ooh is that a keyblade? SHINY!!!) I forgot what I was gonna say...something about Axel probably...or maybe modding a character...or that one time at....yeah...
    I don't think it was a question...I think I was trying to be helpful...but who knows...certainly not me.

    signed, your truely Mindwarper the infinitely awesome, epically epic, master of your most uberish noobishness, newbie to reality, dude who types more at 1AM than he does all day, dude.

    p.s.I still don't remember what the crap I was gonna say...that will be killing me all morning...ah well I go to bed in about an hour or two...depends on when I get tired of typing...

    p.p.s. <--or w/e, I just thought of it possible to make infinite gummy blocks? Back when I used to play kh feverishly I had all gummy missions completely maxed out except the dreadnaught's third mission where I could not seem to beat the final boss thing dead-like, even wih my completely decked out gummi madness. (I had some cool looking ships mind you!) now that I am mostly screwing around playing khfm I want a giant....block...of power...)
    (I wonder If iwas going to ask how to get my "play as axel" code I found to work...if nothing else to play as Axel in something other than 358/2 days, specifically in like a friggin dream (just until kh3, where he will be the main character and save all the worlds and all that ,you know.)

    OKAY! I am finally shutting up! No more headaches for you!
    You may now proceed to yell at me and possibly ban me from the site for being annoying, but if you do that I swear to whatever deity or deities you worship I will haunt you! I will! and if you don't worship anything well...I will still haunt you...
  4. pika10 Moogle Assistant

    Jan 4, 2013
    thanks i have alredy do this but my kh2fm copy doesn't work so i have try whit another copy and it work thanks
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i don't think there's a code for that. we tried hacking that code and we just didn't find a way to make it happen

    we don't know of an easier way to do this right now. for now, you kind of have to make a new code for each thing you want to summon

    you can use the Boss Warp codes on the front page to return to 1000 heartless battle. you can mod enemies but you have to hack a completely different code for every object you want to replace, and for every room -_-. but it's not really possible to mod the enemies in 1000 heartless, from what i heard it crashes the game after a while. i don't think it's possible to make the enemies in that battle unlimited either

    using ps2dis (a program that is downloaded), and PCSX2 (an emulator that can give us memory dumps).

  6. mindwarper11 Moogle Assistant

    Jun 27, 2012
    thank you for the response, I suppose I will have to look into that psdis then.

    I suppose I missed that on the front page, I apologize for asking for something that was already there.
    As for the rest I assumed as much, just figured I would ask.

    I also apologize for making you have to break apart my block of text like that...
  7. xaddgx Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 21, 2011
    You actually can make the enemies in the 1000 Heartless battle unlimited, you just have to change them to neutral mobs and the game won't count them towards the Heartless-defeated counter in the battle, so the moving dummy heartless in the background will not disappear either.

    And you would do that with this code.
    2036C3EC 0016F298

    In regards to playing as Axel...
    Yet again, I will post this text file download for the 7th time. The codes in there were only made by Gultigargar, as far as I know.
  8. mindwarper11 Moogle Assistant

    Jun 27, 2012
    so strange that just changing them to neutral is all it takes...

    I am guessin it is because my game is patched, but it only allows me to play as goofy (and if I try to equip a shield it crashes after I leave the menu screen) when I try axel. Haven't tried anyone else but I can imagine that as long as I use my english patched game it wont work (note did not patch it myself, don't even know which patch was used)

    I apologize for you being bothered to repost those codes. Maybe they should be added to the front page...

    anyways, speaking of the front page, the true hero cup with a billion lines of code...what does that modify? I don't recall seeing a "hero cup"
    I am also not quite getting the summon mod code,

    Summoning Mod
    0032f055 000000??

    00 =
    01 =
    02 =
    03 =
    04 =
    05 =
    ??? what does 00 equal? 01? 02?

    also what exactly does the 3/4 sora fix code do?
    I haven't tried NOT using it, but I did notice using more than one main character allows you to somewhat control all the characters (camera follows one, all jump, but their attacking is a bit...odd...)
    never mind I just looked at my codes and noticed I have been playing without it for a while...meaning I don't think it has any effect whatsoever...

    and one more thing, I was messing with the status and moveset modifier codes along with a few other codes.
    well I turned sora into Donald, had all his abilities and weapons and the likes, and I could run jump and attack and the likes. but I really couldn't figure out how to use any of Donald's magic, nor could I find anything in the shortcut/reaction command's relating to his abilities

    thank you for your for your response
    and thank whoever responds to this afterwards.
    regardless of being able to help me or not.

    thanks to people like you I can play kingdom hearts 2 for the billionth time and then some...I mena without stuff like this it gets old once you've played each game a few billion times waiting for the next game (and for the spare change to buy another DS since my lil sis sold hers....guess that's what I get for buying games for a system I don't own...ah well and dream drop is for 3ds anyways.)
  9. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    summoning mod changes which summon you are currently using. each value points to a different summon. it's not that useful in my opinion.

    that code makes it so that the game doesn't crash if you're using more than one main character. without that code, the game would crash if you tried changing maps.

    the names of those codes are a little deceiving. the status mod kind of turns a character into a another character but not really. like, you can give Sora Auron's status, but he plays the same except is named Auron and has his abilities/stats. the moveset mod, changes a character's weapons as well as your combos depending on which movesets you use.

  10. Spyro Moogle Assistant

    Jan 9, 2013
    I'm having trouble making Valor Sora look like normal Sora, I've tried both of these Model Modifier codes.

    21C95554 00303031
    21C95558 00000000
    21C95554 00303031
    21C95558 464C5442

    and I get the same result each time: a normal-clothed Sora with a very annoying (and bright) particle effect.

    Anyone know of a way to fix this?[​IMG]
  11. Limit-Sora Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 21, 2007
    is there any code that removes the background music?
  12. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State

    I don't think you can change a drive form's model to normal sora's model without have some sort of after effect/problem, but you can change normal sora with a drive forms model without having problems so yeah hope that answers your question.=)
  13. soriku final Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 28, 2008
    Bahrain, hopefully i'll move into a better place
    ummmm :/
    im not sure if i understood his question and ur answer XD
    buuuut its possible to play with valur form ( or any other form) with sora's model.
    like having valur's form move set with sora's model ( or anti form which looks cool)

    i'll search for the code :D
  14. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State

    He's actually tryin to change valor form to look like normal soras costume by model modding, but there's not a way to do it that way without having some kind of issues, the only way to pull that off is to do a texture mod which btw is DMA.=/
  15. soriku final Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 28, 2008
    Bahrain, hopefully i'll move into a better place

    ohhhhh now i understand :D
    well i guess hes doing it wrong lol[DOUBLEPOST=1357932762][/DOUBLEPOST]ipod sora code?

    Attached Files:

  16. Devdraco Moogle Assistant

    Jan 11, 2013
    Does anyone have character stat modifier codes? Just tryin' to fix up Strength/Magic/Defense for Sora. I think this one is valid? but I'd like the other ones if anyone has 'em. Thanks in advance.

    Character Slot 1 Defense Mod
    0032E02B 000000??
  17. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State

    try the attachment file on the op call character stats.=)

    btw guys can someone give me a working play as hercules code the one I have is kinda buggy, I wanna make a hacked battlle with hercules vs hades, thus can someone give me a code so hades can be hurt even when he turns red and is invincible, cus I'm not sure I can knock the energy balls or what ever they are back at hades while playing as herc without the game crashing or freezing, if not a code to hurt hades then maybe a code to let herc use RC's.=)

    thx guys
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    you want the music mod which is somewhere on the first page
  19. Miles Cull a Duty 2 : Electric Boogaloo

    Jul 31, 2011
    Hey guys. I'm trying to get the play as sephiroth to work but i cant. Does this not work with pnach?
  20. xaddgx Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 21, 2011
    Model Modifier codes shouldn't be used to change Drive Forms to normal Sora due to that particle effect.
    Instead, use a moveset modifier to make normal Sora's moveset into Valor Form.

    Normal Sora Moveset = Valor
    01C95536 00000002

    Normal Sora Moveset = Wisdom
    01C95536 00000003

    Normal Sora Moveset = Master
    01C95536 00000004

    Normal Sora Moveset = Final
    01C95536 00000005

    Normal Sora Moveset = Limit (can't use Sonic Rave, Strike Raid, Ars Arcanum, or Ragnarok.)
    01C95536 000000042

    Unfortunately, a glowing particle ends up appearing on one of Sora's shoes with the Valor Form after using an attack, but it at least doesn't have his entire chest area glowing.

    Music is disabled
    202BD264 0000302D
    202BD2AC 0000302D

    If you're playing on an emulator, you will have to activate this code then reboot the game for it to work. This will not disable Dearly Beloved on the start menu.

    Play as Hercules
    2032F094 12030102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2AA 00008052
    1032E2B8 0000808A
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    E006FDFF 0034D45C
    11ce0b6e 0000???? - Replace "????" with the UCM digit of who you want to fight
    11ce0b6a 00000910
    2094bc58 00ad89a0
    2094bc68 00b04940
    2094bc88 00bc3500
    209adc58 00bc3990
    E025FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209c2b68 00c5e990
    209c9cf8 00c5e990
    209cc638 00c63720
    209d43b8 00c63720
    209d9ef8 00c63720
    209df898 00c63720
    209e2e38 00c63720
    209e7358 00c63720
    209ebb38 00c69d20
    209f0758 00c71bf0
    209f4be8 00c76ff0
    209f9568 00d6a3a0
    209fc978 00d6a3a0
    20a09f08 00d1b200
    20a09f18 00d4aa50
    20a5e8d8 00ce0630
    20a5e8e8 00ceafa0
    20a64b68 00cf8c20
    20a64b78 00d043e0
    20a6b4d8 00ceb030
    20a6b4e8 00cf8ba0
    20a70078 00ce0630
    20a70088 00ceafa0
    20a10838 00c7fb80
    20a16fe8 00c87680
    20a1ce28 00c90950
    20a224a8 00c96a40
    20a26988 00c9f820
    20a2b728 00ca5470
    20a2f858 00cad070
    20a33e18 00cb3160
    20a3bb08 00cbc610
    20a40038 00cc14d0
    20a4e928 00d4aad0
    11C6C280 00000000

    Hades cannot take damage, but you CAN make him flinch in his pyromaniac form as if he were not in it, and even joker a code to make his HP 0 so that you kill him on the next hit, so Movie Mode can completely mask this problem.
    21C6C690 64646464
    21C6C694 64646464
    E001FFFB 0034D45C
    11C6C4E8 00000000

    Now, as for the areas...

    "- First go to the Hall of the Cornerstone in Disney Castle
    - Press and hold R2 while walking into the Audience Chamber
    - When the room has loaded, let go of R2 and press L2 once (to activate animations)
    - The character you are "playing as" will also be there. You can either:
    - Fight him/her/it, or,
    - Press R3 once to set their life to 0 (You can kill/stop them in 1 hit)"

    Since I'm too lazy to go look up joker values, I've just removed the joker for the enemy Hercules' HP bar, so it'll just automatically be 0.

    This Play as Hercules code, and the directions, were made by Gultigargar.
    Hopefully this covers everything. I believe Mako Tsunami found the addresses for Slot 1's stats, or at least he was the only one who actually cared enough to post them.
    Slot 1 Max HP (Sora/Roxas/Mickey/Party Member)
    21C6C750 000000FF
    21C6C754 000000FF
    Beginner/Standard/Proud mode HP
    21C6C750 00000078
    21C6C754 00000078
    Critical Mode HP
    21C6C750 0000003C
    21C6C754 0000003C
    Slot 1 Max HP and Instant Desperation Mode (if Sora is removed and it's a boss vs boss fight)
    11C6C750 00000D48
    11C6C754 00002EE0
    Slot 1 Resistances Removed
    21C6C8F8 64646464
    21C6C8FC 00646464
    Slot 1 Invincible
    21C6C8F8 00000000
    21C6C8FC 00000000
    Slot 1 Defense Mod
    21C6C8DC 000000??
    Slot 1 Strength Mod
    21C6C8D8 000000??
    Before we attempt to fix your problem, you should mention where you found the code so we know what room it is supposed to be in. Play as Boss codes are bound to the one room they are made in.