Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes (Closed 3)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by NeoCloudstrife, Aug 15, 2009.

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  1. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    i don't think so but u can use the Ability Modifer:

    Limit Form

    Skill Mod 1
    1032EE9C 0000????

    Skill Mod 2
    1032EE9E 0000????

    Skill Mod 3
    1032EEA0 0000????

    Skill Mod 4
    1032EEA2 0000????

    Skill Mod 5
    1032EEA4 0000????

    Skill Mod 6
    1032EEA6 0000????

    Skill Mod 7
    1032EEA8 0000????

    Skill Mod 8
    1032EEAA 0000????

    Skill Mod 9
    1032EEAC 0000????

    Skill Mod 10
    1032EEAE 0000????

    Skill Mod 11
    1032EEB0 0000????

    Skill Mod 12
    1032EEB2 0000????
  2. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Is there a ability mod which allows you to add any abilities you want? (Normal sora)
  3. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    Sora ability Modifer

    Skill Mod 1
    1032E074 0000????

    Skill Mod 2
    1032E076 0000????

    Skill Mod 3
    1032E078 0000????

    Skill Mod 4
    1032E07A 0000????

    Skill Mod 5
    1032E07C 0000????

    Skill Mod 6
    1032E07E 0000????

    Skill Mod 7
    1032E080 0000????

    Skill Mod 8
    1032E082 0000????

    Skill Mod 9
    1032E084 0000????

    Skill Mod 10
    1032E086 0000????

    Skill Mod 11
    1032E084 0000????

    Skill Mod 12
    1032E086 0000????

    Skill Mod 13
    1032E088 0000????

    Skill Mod 14
    1032E08A 0000????

    Skill Mod 15
    1032E08C 0000????

    Skill Mod 16
    1032E08E 0000????

    Skill Mod 17
    1032E090 0000????

    Skill Mod 18
    1032E092 0000????

    Skill Mod 19
    1032E094 0000????

    Skill Mod 20
    1032E096 0000????

    Skill Mod 21
    1032E098 0000????

    Skill Mod 22
    1032E09A 0000????

    Skill Mod 23
    1032E098 0000????

    Skill Mod 24
    1032E09A 0000????

    Skill Mod 25
    1032E09C 0000????

    Skill Mod 26
    1032E09E 0000????

    Skill Mod 27
    1032E0A0 0000????

    Skill Mod 28
    1032E0A2 0000????

    Skill Mod 29
    1032E0A4 0000????

    Skill Mod 30
    1032E0A6 0000????

    Skill Mod 31
    1032E0A8 0000????

    Skill Mod 32
    1032E0AA 0000????

    Skill Mod 33
    1032E0AC 0000????

    Skill Mod 34
    1032E0AE 0000????

    Skill Mod 35
    1032E0AC 0000????

    Skill Mod 36
    1032E0AE 0000????

    Skill Mod 37
    1032E0B0 0000????

    Skill Mod 38
    1032E0B2 0000????

    Skill Mod 39
    1032E0B4 0000????

    Skill Mod 40
    1032E0B6 0000????

    Skill Mod 41
    1032E0B8 0000????

    Skill Mod 42
    1032E0BA 0000????

    Skill Mod 43
    1032E0BC 0000????

    Skill Mod 44
    1032E0BE 0000????

    Skill Mod 45
    1032E0C0 0000????

    Skill Mod 46
    1032E0C2 0000????

    Skill Mod 47
    1032E0C0 0000????

    Skill Mod 48
    1032E0C2 0000????

    Skill Mod 49
    1032E0C4 0000????

    Skill Mod 50
    1032E0C6 0000????

    Skill Mod 51
    1032E0C8 0000????

    Skill Mod 52
    1032E0CA 0000????

    Skill Mod 53
    1032E0CC 0000????

    Skill Mod 54
    1032E0CE 0000????

    Skill Mod 55
    1032E0D0 0000????

    Skill Mod 56
    1032E0D2 0000????

    Skill Mod 57
    1032E0D4 0000????

    Skill Mod 58
    1032E0D6 0000????

    Skill Mod 59
    1032E0D4 0000????

    Skill Mod 60
    1032E0D6 0000????

    Skill Mod 61
    1032E0D8 0000????

    Skill Mod 62
    1032E0DA 0000????

    Skill Mod 63
    1032E0DC 0000????

    Skill Mod 64
    1032E0DE 0000????

    Skill Mod 65
    1032E0E0 0000????

    Skill Mod 66
    1032E0E2 0000????

    Skill Mod 67
    1032E0E4 0000????

    Skill Mod 68
    1032E0E6 0000????

    Ability Digits (Put an 8 on the front of the digits)

    Sora's Abilities
    052 = Guard (Ability)
    05E = Hight Jump Lvl 1 (Ability)
    05F = Hight Jump Lvl 2 (Ability)
    060 = Hight Jump Lvl 3 (Ability)
    061 = Hight Jump Max (Ability)
    062 = Quick Run Lvl 1 (Ability)
    063 = Quick Run Lvl 2 (Ability)
    064 = Quick Run Lvl 3 (Ability)
    065 = Quick Run Max (Ability)
    066 = Aeriel Dodge Lvl 1 (Ability)
    067 = Aeriel Dodge Lvl 2 (Ability)
    068 = Aeriel Dodge Lvl 3 (Ability)
    069 = Aeriel Dodge Max (Ability)
    06A = Glide Lvl 1 (Ability)
    06B = Glide Lvl 2 (Ability)
    06C = Glide Lvl 3 (Ability)
    06D = Glide Max (Ability)
    089 = Upper Slash (Ability)
    08A = Scan (Ability)
    09E = Aerial Recovery (Ability)
    0A2 = Combo Plus (Ability)
    0A3 = Air Combo Plus (Ability)
    0A5 = Donald Fire (Ability)
    0A6 = Donald Blizzerd (Ability)
    0A7 = Donald Thunder (Ability)
    0A8 = Donald Cure (Ability)
    0B0 = Healing Water (Ability)
    0B1 = Furious Shout (Ability)
    0BB = Cure Potion (Ability)
    0BE = Healing Herb (Ability)
    0C3 = Slow 3 (ability,delete)
    0C6 = Trinity Limit (Ability)
    0C7 = Fantasia (Ability)
    0C8 = Flare Force (Ability)
    0C9 = Tornado Fusion (Ability)
    0CA = Teamwork (Ability)
    0CB = Trick Fantasy (Ability)
    0CC = Overdrive (Ability)
    0CD = Howling Moon (Ability)
    0CE = Applause, Applause! (Ability)
    0CF = Dragon Blaze (Ability)
    0D0 = Eternal Session (Ability)
    0D1 = King's Pride (Ability)
    0D2 = Treasure Isle (Ability)
    0D3 = Complete Compilement (Ability)
    0D7 = Pulsing Thunder (Ability)
    0D8 = Brave Shot (Ability)
    0D9 = Brave Beat (Ability)
    0DA = Sonic Strike (Ability)
    0DB = Sonic End (Ability)
    0DC = Wisdom Shot (Ability)
    0DD = Mobile Action (Ability)
    0DF = Synch Blade (Ability)
    0E0 = Magic Haste (Ability)
    0E1 = Magic Spice (Ability)
    0F6 = Over the Horizon (Ability)
    0F7 = Omega Final (Ability)
    0F8 = Reflect Dummy (Ability)
    0F9 = Upper Dummy (Ability)
    101 = Master Strike (Ability)
    102 = Disaster (Ability)
    103 = Endless Magic (Ability)
    105 = Master Magic (Ability)
    106 = Slap Shot (Ability)
    107 = Dodge Slash (Ability)
    108 = Slide Dash (Ability)
    109 = Guard Break (Ability)
    10A = Explosion (Ability)
    10B = Finishing Leap (Ability)
    10C = Counterguard (Ability)
    10D = Aerial Sweep (Ability)
    10E = Aerial Spiral (Ability)
    10F = Horizontal Slash (Ability)
    110 = Aeriel Finale (Ability)
    111 = Reraliation Slash (Ability)
    181 = Auto Valor (Ability)
    182 = Auto Wisdom (Ability)
    183 = Auto Master (Ability)
    184 = Auto Final (Ability)
    185 = Auto Summon (Ability)
    186 = Combo Boost (Ability)
    187 = Air Combo boost (Ability)
    188 = Reaction boost (Ability)
    189 = Finishing Plus (Ability)
    18A = Negative Combo (Ability)
    18B = Berserk Charge (Ability)
    18C = Damage Drive (Ability)
    18D = Drive Boost (Ability)
    18E = Form Boost (Ability)
    18F = Summon Boost (Ability)
    190 = Combination Boost (Ability)
    191 = Experience Boost (Ability)
    192 = Leaf Bracer (Ability)
    193 = Magic Lock-on (Ability)
    194 = No Experience (Ability)
    195 = Draw (Ability)
    196 = Jack Pot (Ability)
    197 = Luck Luck (Ability)
    198 = Fire Boost (Ability)
    199 = Blizzard boost (Ability)
    19A = Thunder Boost (Ability)
    19B = Item Boost (Ability)
    19C = MP Rage (Ability)
    19D = MP Haste (Ability)
    19E = Defender (Ability)
    19F = Second Change (Ability)
    1A0 = Once More (Ability)
    1A1 = Auto Limit (Ability)
    1A2 = Auto Change (Ability)
    1A3 = Hyper Healing (Ability)
    1A4 = Auto Healing (Ability)
    1A5 = Mp Hastera (Ability)
    1A6 = Mp Hastega (Ability)

    Here are some more but i don't know if these work for Normal Sora

    More Ability Digits

    021B= Combo Master
    023C= Light and Dark?
    021F= Acrossing 2 Keyblade (Sora Weapon)
    0220= Winner's proof Keyblade (Sora Weapon)
    0221= Lexseus's Tomahawk (Donald Weapon)
    0222= Lexseus's Tomahawk + (Donald Weapon)
    0223= Mushroom Wand (Donald Weapon)
    0224= Mushroom Wand+ (Donald Weapon)
    0225= Another Mushroom Wand (Donald Weapon)
    0226= Ultimate Mushroom Wand (Donald Weapon)
    0227= Ultimate Mushroom Wand + (Donald Weapon)
    0228= Vexen's Ice Sheild (Goofy Weapon)
    0229= Vexen's ICe Sheild + (Goofy Weapon)
    022A= Mushroom Sheild (Goofy Weapon)
    022B= Mushroom Sheild + (goofy Weapon)
    022C= Another Mushroom Shield (Goofy Weapon)
    022D= Ultimate Mushroom Shield (Goofy Weapon)
    022E= Ultimate Mushrrom Shield + (Goofy Weapon)
    022F= Action Ability (not sure which one)
    0230= Magnet Splash?
    0231= Aerial Dive (Action Ability)
    0234= Dodge Roll LV1
    0235= Dodge Roll LV2
    0236= Dodge Roll LV3
    0237= Dodge Roll MAX
    0238= Auto Limit (Ability to become Limit Form
    0239= Sonic Rave(Limit Form Ability)
    023A= Ars Arcanum (Limit Form Ability)
    023B= Strike Raid (Limit Form Abilty)
    023C= Ragnorak (Limit Form Abilty)
    023D= Zantesuken (Limit Form Ability)
    023E= Air Spiral (Limit Form Ability)
    023F= ???
    024D= Zantesuken Counter
  4. soxajn Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 5, 2009
    room mod

    what is the code so I can warp to the room of sleep
  5. razor234 Chaser

    Jun 20, 2007
    um to my knowledge yes you can
    but it would be dma, we would remove the animation entirely and put zanzutkens anim where it would be tht way you would only use zanzutken
    but other than that to my knowledge there is no other way considering how some of the forms abilities are just dummys

    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 00001B04

    This should do it -^_^-
  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    moveset codes, those codes control how many finshers you have and stuff like that.
  7. razor234 Chaser

    Jun 20, 2007
    XD i should have thought of tht
    but what about getting rid of a finisher which is what he wants

    i know he could use the code so he has does like 20 hits in a combo and on finisher
    but he only wants to use one specific finsher, he wanted to get rid of the other finisher thts not zanzutkens
  8. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i know but he could use DW Roxas moveset which only has one type of finsher for ground and air.
  9. razor234 Chaser

    Jun 20, 2007
    ahhh ok
    thanks for clarifying that ^^
    i had forgotten bout that
  10. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    yo guys i have a problem:

    -The NeoMoveset Modifer V.1 or V.2 don't work with my kh2fm ): can someone tell me why?
  11. soxajn Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 5, 2009
    can someone give me the code to play as Organization XIII Roxas if it exist
  12. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    here ya go:

    Hooded Roxas Final Release

    Final Version Play as Hooded Roxas!
    E006FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = modelmod/various
    21c954f0 58455f4e
    21c954f4 5f303238
    21c954f8 004c5442
    11ce267c 009400DE
    2036d8c0 61786f72
    0036d8c4 00000073
    E008FBFF 0034D45C................................... L1 = Effects Glitch
    004f9458 00000042
    204f945c 2e303933
    204f9460 6d662e61f
    204f9464 00000000
    004f94a8 0000004e
    204f94ac 5f303238
    204f94b0 2e4c5442
    204f94b4 6d662e61
    E026FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    2081cc44 00000347
    20e67644 00000101
    2081cdb8 00e91130
    2081feb8 01038f20
    2081ff38 00fe12e0
    2081ff78 00fe5c60
    2081fef8 00efd300
    208200b8 00e7d430
    2081f218 00ff3a10
    2081db18 01080f60
    2081cef8 00e9b910
    2081cf38 00ea9280
    2081cf78 00eb6fb0
    2081cfb8 00ec33e0
    2081cff8 00ed10a0
    2081d034 00edc350
    2081d078 00ee6e40
    2081d0f8 00efd300
    2081da58 010556b0
    2081cc58 01023820
    2081ffb8 00fea5b0
    2081fff8 00fea5b0
    20820038 00fea5b0
    2081f998 01041d00
    2081f9d8 01041d00
    21106598 00fea5b0
    210fe868 00f28be0
    210eb708 00f28be0
    210f3348 010ae000
    210f6f98 010ae000
    211dfe48 0108c180
    2081d6d8 00f12b60
    20820078 00e68660
    2081d678 00fd4030
    2081f518 0104a2d0
    2081f558 010de3c0
    2081f798 01080f60

    1032f228 000002A3
    200FE000 8C820004.........................Last 4 lines not necessary, but recommended
    200FE004 0806891E
    200FE008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03F800


    get to the garden of assemblage and go to fight roxas. hold R2 through the roxas battle selection until the cutscene comes on. while in the cutscene, hold L1 until the fight actually starts. once the fight has started, fire up the anim-mods with R2 at any moment you wish! Enjoy^^
  13. super_rocker_90 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 7, 2009
    ok umm where is the INF HP code at ? i mean seriously enough of the mods for a while anyways i found this inf hp code but when i get hit at certain things like at the oogie boogie battle when that hand comes down i get hit from that then its game over so is there any way to fix this hp code ?

    Inf. HP (FM)
    200FE000 8C820004
    200FE004 0806891E
    200FE008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03F800
  14. soxajn Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 5, 2009
    i have the code to normal DW roxas but he sound like sora when i use him what can i do so he sound like roxas
  15. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    go into twilight town and he have his voice^^
  16. Darxae_22 Twilight Town Denizen

    May 19, 2008
  17. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    try this:

    Ally Axel lvl 99 mode
    11C6CC22 000004DC
    51CBF990 00000020
    01CA59B0 00000000

    and do you mean this?

    Royal Rumble Code (by Naru and Slip) [FM+]
    11CE0B6A 0000???? <--UCM Ally
    11CE0B6C 0000???? <--UCM Boss
    E002FEFF 0034d45C L2
    1032BAE0 0000??XX <--Room mod
    2036ACA4 00000000
    2036CE98 00000000
    003496BC 00000001
    003497CC 00000001
    003496BC 00000000
    003497CC 00000000
    E001FDFF 0034D45C R2
    00348750 00000006
  18. Darxae_22 Twilight Town Denizen

    May 19, 2008
    Thank you. So...can you convert the Axel's code and this code for AR Max? At the moment, I don't have the Max Convert
    11CE0B6A 00000646
    11CE0B6C 0000015F
    E002FEFF 0034d45C
    1032BAE0 00000312
    2036ACA4 00000000
    2036CE98 00000000
    003496BC 00000001
    003497CC 00000001
    003496BC 00000000
    003497CC 00000000
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    00348750 00000006
  19. Wheel of Time Time forever preserved in memory.

    Apr 1, 2007
    Europe, Sweden
    here you go:

  20. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    here ya go:

    Max Convert
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