Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes (Closed 3)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by NeoCloudstrife, Aug 15, 2009.

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  1. ajmrowland Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 1, 2009
    Can someone give me the Room of Awakening mod?
  2. mchammer Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 30, 2010
    the castle that never was or will
    Hey is there a code to fight all of the organization at once like in the same area.
  3. Phazeun Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2010

    No and you can't!!!!! Urg... Ive seen this SOOOO Many times it's not even funny! :P
  4. sora_101 Hollow Bastion Committee

    I agree. Didn't Evilman_89 Pointed this out before?

    Oh and isn't the Keyblade Replacement mod digits up at the front page?

    EDIT: No, it isn't. This is from the Complete Digit List, slightly German. Try to translate!

    0068 - Oathkeeper (Objekt/Object) (Dummy)
    0069 - Memoire / Oblivion (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0074- Mickey's Keyblade
    0317- Way To Dawn
    0125 - "Shan-Yus Schwert" / "Shan-Yus Sword"
    023D - Königsanhänger / Kingdom Keyblade (Dummy)
    023E - Sternentreue / Oathkeeper (Dummy)
    023F - Zauberstab / Mage's Staff (Dummy)
    0240 - Ritterschild / Knight's Shield (Dummy)
    02C0 - Schlachtengefährte / Battle Companion (Aurons Waffe / Auron's Weapon) (Dummy)
    04A7 - "Barbossas Schwert" / "Barbossa's Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    04DA - "Schwert" / "Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    055E - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Dummy)
    055F - Adaman-Schild / Adamant Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0560 - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Dummy)
    0561 - Kettenwächter / Chain Gear (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0562 - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Dummy)
    0563 - Ogerschild / Ogre Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0564 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Dummy)
    0565 - Sternschnuppe / Falling Star (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0566 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Dummy)
    0567 - Kumulus-Kranz / Dreamcloud (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0568 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Dummy)
    0569 - Ritterwappen / Knight Defender (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056A - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Dummy)
    056B - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056C - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Dummy)
    056D - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056E - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Dummy)
    056F - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0570 - "Beta-Schild" / "Beta Shield" (Dummy)
    0596 - Hammerrute / Hammer Staff (Dummy)
    0597 - Siegesglocke / Victory Bell (Dummy)
    0598 - Meteo-Stab / Meteor Staff (Dummy)
    0599 - Komet-Stab / Comet Staff (Dummy)
    059A - Besen des Herren / Lord's Broom (Dummy)
    059B - Stab der Weisen / Wisdom Wand (Dummy)
    059C - Steigender Drache / Rising Dragon (Dummy)
    059D - Niemandslanze / Nobody Lance (Dummy)
    059E - Schamanenrelikt / Shaman's Relic (Dummy)
    05A8 - "Beta-Stab" / "Beta Staff" (Dummy)
    06BF - Berserker-Schwert / Berserker Sword (Objekt / Object) (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    06FA - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object) (Boss!)
    073B - "Struggle-Battle-Schläger" / "Struggle-Battle-Bat" (Dummy)
    0769 - Sternensucher / Starseeker (Dummy)
    076A - Verborgender Drache / Hidden Dragon (Dummy)
    076B - Heldenwappen / Hero's Crest (Dummy)
    076C - Monochrom / Monochrome (Dummy)
    076D - Folge dem Wind / Port Royal's Keyblade (Dummy)
    076E - Der ewige Kreis / Follow The Wind (Dummy)
    076F - Photonen-Debugger / Photon Debugger (Dummy)
    0770 - Möwenflügel / Gullwing (Dummy)
    0771 - Donnerrose / Rambling Rose (Dummy)
    0772 - Seelenwächter / Guardian Soul (Dummy)
    0773 - Wunderklinge / Wishes Lamp (Dummy)
    0774 - St. Kürbinian / Holy Pumpkin (Dummy)
    0775 - Schlafender Löwe / Sleeping Lion (Dummy)
    0776 - Süße Nostalgie / Sweet Memory (Dummy)
    0777 - Mysteriöser Graben / Mysterious Abyss (Dummy)
    0778 - Unheilbringer / Fatal Crest (Dummy)
    0779 - Flammenfesseln / Bond Of Flame (Dummy)
    077A - Fenrir (Dummy)
    077B - Ultima (Dummy)
    077C - Struggle Bat A (Dummy)
    077D - Struggle Bat B (Dummy)
    0843 - Xigbars Armbrust / Xigbar's Gun Arrow (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0845 - Xaldins Speere / Xaldin’s Spears (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    08BD - Kairis Schlüsselschwert / Kairi's Keyblade (Dummy)

    Some weapons not belonging to Sora probably need Mulan's Moveset. Mickey's Keyblade Doesn't, Though.
  5. malqua Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 9, 2008
    Thanks for the variables, but I don't have the actual code either :P
  6. Kingdomblood Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 8, 2006
    look on page one its all thare
  7. Roxazthelight Hollow Bastion Committee


    do you mean room of sleep?
    or station of awakening?

    for room of sleep
    Press R2 to activate
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 00001B04

    for station of awakening
    Press R2 to activate
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 00002202​
  8. malqua Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 9, 2008
    Digits 0074 didn't give me Mickey's Keyblade, It gave me Guardian Soul.

    But it could be that I used it for a replacement with:

    Final Form
    1032EF04 0000????

    instead of an acutal weapon replacement mod such as:

    "Oathkeeper is Mickey's Keyblade"

    (^I'd like to have that code, btw^)
  9. Silent Angel Gummi Ship Junkie

    First off, calm down, second off, that is a code you would have to hack yourself which I know how to do -partially- and will NOT teach you as it involves unspeakable subjects here at Also, it is highly DMA which means it would work in ONE ROOM ONLY. If you want him to just be a -partner- and not attack anything and just sit there like a goof (or he'll attack you but not be able to hurt you, depending on the boss sometimes) then ask just that. Thank you :)
  10. ajmrowland Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 1, 2009
    no its not, otherwise I wouldnt be asking.

    Edit: thx, RtL! much appreciated

    Edit again: When I try to go to the Room of Sleep, I only get a half-completed version of the Heartless Manufactory with the floor missing.
  11. malqua Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 9, 2008
    Can someone give me the Arm mod code, for sora to have a shield?
  12. Silent Angel Gummi Ship Junkie

    it should be somewhere in the extensions on the first page, or in one of the custom forms.

    EDIT: This should make sora wield the Genji Shield. 1032E020 00000568
  13. Roxazthelight Hollow Bastion Committee

    for left hand and keyblade on right hand or just for right hand without keyblade?​
  14. malqua Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 9, 2008
    Left Hand should have the shield
  15. xali Moogle Assistant

    Apr 18, 2010


    Okay but can you pm me or something on how to do that?

    I'm guessing it has to do with using the emulator to look at the thing that codebreaker edits and look at it from there and try editing it or something. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think thats illegal, ps2 emulator running a real cd works too. Unless thats reverse engineering, which is pretty much what codes are... (or pm me if my guess is terribly wrong)

    Also I think I know how to make them 'appear' as an ally; the role mod to make them partners or w.e, but that didn't work. Probably because I'm doing it wrong. After replacing my party member like donald with a boss like axel, do I put the apply the role mod to donald or axel?!? I realize now that i should do it to axel. Doing it to donald makes a bsod.

    Also, I tried some roxas as ally codes, one didnt do anything or bsod, and another spawned a t stanced roxas, even if it was hit. Can you link me a proper roxas ally code?
    infact, any ally related thing would be good. ie another website, a thread here i may have missed...
  16. malqua Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 9, 2008
    Can someone throw me the codes for

    1000 heartless battle. R2

    shield arm mod
  17. Roxazthelight Hollow Bastion Committee

    I see, here ...

    21C9FC04 464C5448
    21CD6324 00303330
    21CD6328 00000000
    11CD632C 00000000
    103262AC 000001EE
    10326F60 00000029
    11CD54F8 0000056E

    1000 Heartless Fight (Jokered R2)
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
  18. RikuFan1314 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 4, 2010
    need duel wield sora code

    did somebody have the code "Duel Wield Sora"?
  19. Roxazthelight Hollow Bastion Committee


    DW sora:
    01C9F62F 00000001
    21C9F634 00303031
    01C9F655 00000030
    01C9F674 00000001
    11CE0B68 00000323​
  20. xali Moogle Assistant

    Apr 18, 2010
    bump? oh and is ps2dis what people use to make hacks? is it possible to use a ps2 emulator and look at the memory or something?
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