Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes (Closed 2)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by EvilMan_89, Aug 28, 2008.

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  1. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I know. Who do you think figured it out?
    Roxas Texture Mod?
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    21CE0B68 TTTT????
    1032E020 00000029
    01C9XX2F 00000001
    20943E74 00D7D540
    21CE267C 003F00AC

    TTTT=Texture Source UCM Digit
    ????=Texture Thief UCM Digit
  2. sora-final-riku The Summoned

    Jul 8, 2008
    Lol Texture theif, You als o forgot to menton that the XX is for Roxas or DW Roxas to use RC commands
  3. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    can some1 give me this code please:

    -Sephioth Battle Warp [no joker]

    thank u
  4. thecoder180 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 22, 2009
    It needs to be jokered to prevent freezing.
  5. q22853470 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 1, 2007
    i need a code that makes enemies not target Sora.

    another question
    can the code use exceed two ally ?

    and ...

    how to make boss HP max ~ (examle Cloud. Leon ....become boss)
  6. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    i know that but i need the sephiroth battle warp code !
  7. sora-final-riku The Summoned

    Jul 8, 2008
    Can someone please explain where they get the substatus mod? I have looked everywhere to find it and I have asked a couple of times and no one ever helps me.

    21c956bc 0?000000

    00 - Sora
    01 - Valor (It will unable you to use magic)
    02 - Wisdom
    03 - Master
    04 - Final form
    05 - Antiform

    Is this the substatus mod?
  8. Aurangzeb56 Chaser

    May 18, 2007
    substatus........?? :S

    Donald Replaced by:

    01C957EF 0000000E
    11C957F4 00003131
    11C95814 00003131
    21C95834 00010002
    2036D8C8 61786F72
    2036D8CC 00000073
    1032D21C 0000002A ----- Weapon Mod

    01CB9A4F 0000000E
    11CB9A54 00003131
    11CB9A74 00003131
    21CB9A94 00010002
    2037B898 61726F73
    2037B89C 00000000
    103400A8 0000002B ----- Weapon Mod

    Valor Form Ally(Donald)(Equip Mage's Staff before)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c95550 00000020
    01c957f0 00000000
    51c95570 00000020
    01c95810 00000000
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000
    1032EE24 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95836 00000002
    01C957EF 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as above)

    Wisdom Form Ally(Donald)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F0 58455F50
    21C957F4 5F303031
    21C957F8 4647414D
    21C95810 58455F50
    21C95814 5F303031
    21C95818 4647414D
    21C9581c 65736D2E
    21C95820 00000074
    01C95836 00000003
    01C957EF 00000001
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000

    Limit Form Ally(Donald)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth*
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F0 58455F50
    21C957F4 5F303031
    21C957F8 4631484B
    21C95810 58455F50
    21C95814 5F303031
    21C95818 4631484B
    21C9581C 65736D2E
    21C95820 00000074
    01C95834 0001000D
    01C95836 00000042
    01C957EF 00000001
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000

    Master Form Ally(Donald)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c95610 00000020
    01c957f0 00000000
    51c95630 00000020
    01c95810 00000000
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000
    1032EECC 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95836 00000004
    01C957EF 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as above)

    Final Form Ally(Donald)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c95670 00000020
    01c957f0 00000000
    51c95690 00000020
    01c95810 00000000
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000
    1032EF04 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95836 00000005
    01C957EF 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as above)

    Antiform Ally(Donald)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F0 58455F50
    21C957F4 5F303031
    21C957F8 464C5448
    21C95810 58455F50
    21C95814 5F303031
    21C95818 464C5448
    21C9581C 65736D2E
    21C95820 00000074
    01C95836 00000006
    01C957EF 00000001
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000

    Lion Sora Ally w/Riku limit(Donald)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c9c8d0 00000020
    01c957f0 00000000
    51c9c8f0 00000020
    01c95810 00000000
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000
    11CD46B0 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95834 0001000D
    01C95836 00000007
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as above)

    Lion Sora Ally w/Riku limit ver.2(Donald)
    E008FDFF 0034D45C
    51c9c8d0 00000020
    01c957f0 00000000
    51c9c8f0 00000020
    01c95810 00000000
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000
    11CD46B0 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod
    01C95834 0001000D

    DW Roxas Ally(Donald)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c9f630 00000020
    01c957f0 00000000
    51c9f650 00000020
    01c95810 00000000
    2036d8c8 61786f72
    0036d8cc 00000073
    1032F01C 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95836 0000000A
    01C957EF 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as above)

    Sora KH1
    E009FDFF 0034D45C
    21C957F0 58455F50
    21C957F4 00303231
    21C95810 58455F50
    21C95814 2E303231
    21C95818 7465736D
    01C95836 00000001
    01C957EF 0000001B
    2036D8C8 61726F73
    2036D8CC 00000000

    Goofy Replaced by:

    01C957EF 00000001
    11C957F4 00003031
    11C95814 00003031
    21C95834 00010002
    2036D8C8 61786F72
    2036D8CC 00000073
    1032D21C 0000002A ----- Weapon Mod

    01CB9A4F 00000001
    11CB9A54 00003031
    11CB9A74 00003031
    21CB9A94 00010002
    2037B898 61726F73
    2037B89C 00000000
    103400A8 0000002B ----- Weapon Mod

    Valor Form Ally(Goofy)(Equip Knight's Shield before)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c95550 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c95570 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000
    1032EE24 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95896 00000002
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as above)

    Wisdom Form Ally(Goofy)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 58455F50
    21C95854 5F303031
    21C95858 4647414D
    21C95870 58455F50
    21C95874 5F303031
    21C95878 4647414D
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    01C95896 00000003
    01C9584F 00000001
    2036D8D0 61726F73
    2036D8D4 00000000

    Limit Form Ally(Goofy)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth*
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 58455F50
    21C95854 5F303031
    21C95858 4631484B
    21C95870 58455F50
    21C95874 5F303031
    21C95878 4631484B
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    01C95894 0001000D
    01C95896 00000042
    01C9584F 00000001
    2036D8D0 61726F73
    2036D8D4 00000000

    Master Form Ally(Goofy)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c95610 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c95630 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000
    1032EECC 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95896 00000004
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as before)

    Final Form Ally(Goofy)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c95670 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c95690 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000
    1032EF04 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95896 00000005
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as before)

    Antiform Ally(Goofy)*Made by 00Roxas00 and Keytotruth*
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 58455F50
    21C95854 5F303031
    21C95858 464C5448
    21C95870 58455F50
    21C95874 5F303031
    21C95878 464C5448
    21C9587C 65736D2E
    21C95880 00000074
    01C95896 00000006
    01C9584F 00000001
    2036D8D0 61726F73
    2036D8D4 00000000

    Lion Sora Ally w/Riku's limit(Goofy)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c9c8d0 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c9c8f0 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000
    11CD4848 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95894 0001000D
    01C95896 00000007
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as before)

    Lion Sora Ally w/Riku limit ver.2(Goofy)
    E008FDFF 0034D45C
    51c9c8d0 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c9c8f0 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000
    11CD4848 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod digit
    01C95894 0001000D

    DW Roxas Ally(Goofy)
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    51c9f630 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c9f650 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    2036d8d0 61786f72
    2036d8d4 00000073
    1032F01C 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits)
    01C95896 0000000A
    01C9584F 00000001
    11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as before)

    Sora KH1
    E009FDFF 0034D45C
    21C95850 58455F50
    21C95854 00303231
    21C95870 58455F50
    21C95874 2E303231
    21C95878 7465736D
    01C95896 00000001
    01C9584F 0000001B
    2036D8D0 61726D73
    2036D8D4 00000000
    sorry but tha replacement mod for setzer and sifer rnt made yet but u can hack those urslf if u want but fr tht u need a dump of the match ^^"
  9. sora-final-riku The Summoned

    Jul 8, 2008
    Yeah the sub-status mod use for Warrior form. I need it. And people keep saying stuff about it but no codes.
  10. Saixt he luna diviner Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 26, 2007

    I was using Zexion ally code. I tried both with all boss ally and the zexion alone ally, but it didn't work. Like Luxord's cards and Saix's claymore and Thanks.

    Can you get me the ally claymore code too? Thanks in advance

    If you use all boss ally you can. But if you use ally bosses separated, i don't know. I never tried that before without using all bosses ally code.
  11. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    thank u so much ^^ and can you teach me how to hack this ^^

    PS:Need Tester for FM+ :] if somone help me please PM me ^^
  12. sora_101 Hollow Bastion Committee

    I can't find a Specific role Mod for the claymore, but you can use the"All bosses are allies" to make the calymore not hurt you, since the claymore is apparently a boss. XD

    Also, the KH2FMRolemod.txt file attachment is at the front page, hopefully you know that! :D
  13. Saixt he luna diviner Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 26, 2007
    tried it before, didn't work. Luxord's cards has a separated code too (which I have), but if the cards die the game freezes. I did it in a 1000 heartless battle before.
  14. q22853470 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 1, 2007
    how to make others boss HP max ~ ( for example Cloud. Leon ....boss)
  15. NeoCloudstrife Decisive Being

    Apr 16, 2007
    there are 2 different Stat mods - one for people you fight alone, and one for people you fight with a full party. they're both up here, so look around.

    Also, just for future notice guys, and i notice this happens a lot, Make sure you do not delete the "[/quote]" BB code when you happen to quote someone. if you delete it by accident, and you notice your quote has "
  16. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    i need that too :) NeoCloudStrife can you give them us ?
  17. Aurangzeb56 Chaser

    May 18, 2007
    well yea sure ill teach u but not nw later since ive got a fever rght nw :)
  18. NeoCloudstrife Decisive Being

    Apr 16, 2007
    I dont keep any codes. all i could do is search here, but you can do that too.
  19. Aurangzeb56 Chaser

    May 18, 2007
    haha :P well dont think tht there is any code for Max HP for other bosses except Cloud
  20. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    all the boss stats codes are on the first page of this thread. if i remember corretly, they are labeled for the Limit Cut bosses but they actually work depending on what slots the enemies are in
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