Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes (Closed 2)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by EvilMan_89, Aug 28, 2008.

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  1. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    no, there is no difference at all between the 2 versions. i have the Ultimate Hits version and all the codes work perfectly for me.
  2. willi_211191 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 31, 2007
    I wont tell you >_>
    Hey Evil, can you give me the Joker code?
    i need to joker the full party mod =S
  3. armogeden528 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 19, 2008
    then i dont know wtf is wrong with what im doing...would a newer version of gameshark help? i have V1.1 from MadCatz
  4. saix551 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 18, 2008
    Kingdom Hearts
    Convert and request please? :)

    Hey guys, i have some requests... I want these to be converted to Action Replay MAX please?

    Infinite Drive
    201A1BE0 C60001B8

    Free Drive
    201a1b58 00000000
    201a1b64 00000000

    And what does this mean?
    /OFF = a08001b0

    Also, if someone has infinite Hp and Mp for all characters, that'd be great. Thanks in Advance. :)
  5. willi_211191 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 31, 2007
    I wont tell you >_>
    here you go:

    Infinite Drive

    Free Drive

    /OFF = a08001b0 you use this to turn some code off. not sure for what code, but you remplace it with the second part of the code
  6. saix551 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 18, 2008
    Kingdom Hearts
    Thanks, Do you have Infinite Health and MP for all characters? If so, could'ya post it, please?
  7. willi_211191 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 31, 2007
    I wont tell you >_>
    Only got for sora:

    Infinite HP
  8. saix551 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 18, 2008
    Kingdom Hearts

    No prob, Donald and Goofy can be knocked out 50 times in one battle for all i care. :D -snickers- You're a huge help, d you have Infinite MP as well?
  9. willi_211191 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 31, 2007
    I wont tell you >_>
    no problem.
    hold on

    EDIT: here ya go

    Infinite MP
  10. saix551 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 18, 2008
    Kingdom Hearts

    Thanks, You rock!!

    Hey, someone wanna test this code?

    I got it from an un-reliable source... so i don't know.
  11. willi_211191 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 31, 2007
    I wont tell you >_>
    here, i got a working one:

    Max AP
  12. saix551 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 18, 2008
    Kingdom Hearts

    Oh, O-Kay, Thanks. :D
  13. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    What device do you use? I'm using Gameshark 2 v5 or Gameshark 2 v1.3 (Not sure)
    Edit: The codes that I can't get to work are UCM, all synth items, O Shortcut is Roxas "The End" and several others too.
  14. Soraoscuro Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 27, 2007
    Spain, Ibiza
  15. armogeden528 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 19, 2008
    im pretty much teh same. teh only codes i can get to work are infinite health(must have once more ability on) and infinite munny

    i have gameshark2 V1.1 im thinking of going out the buying a newer version though
  16. dualroxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 14, 2008
    play as dual weild mickey
    play as riku
    max glide,high jump,aerial dodge,quick run and max dodge roll
    full drive bar
    party stays with drive
    and drive without party

    does anyone have any of the above codes
  17. Riku_replica13 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 5, 2007
    Castle of Oblivion, Brazil
    See The First page if this tread because it has the most of the codes that you want, for Riku Code, you may look at recently pages because I don't remember it because I lost the most of my codes.
    Hey guys can someone tell me if this codes are for KH2FM:
    All  Bottle Items (98)
    2032F0B0 62626262
    1032F0B4 00006262
    0032F0B6 00000062
    0032F111 00000062
    2032F194 62626262
    1032F198 00006262
    Have All Accessories
    0032F0B7 00000062
    4032F0B8 00030001
    62626262 00000000
    1032F0CA 00006262
    0032F0CC 00000062
    1032F0CE 00006262
    0032F0D0 00000062
    1032F0D6 00006262
    0032F0D8 00000062
    1032F0DC 00006262
    1032F0E0 00006262
    0032F0EA 00000062
    1032F0EC 00006262
    0032F0EE 00000062
    1032F0F6 00006262
    1032F0FA 00006262
    0032F101 00000062
    0032F107 00000062
    1032F108 00006262
    0032F10A 00000062
    2032F10C 62626262
    1032F112 00006262
    1032F114 00006262
    0032F129 00000062
    0032F12B 00000062
    1032F12C 00006262
    0032F12F 00000062
    2032F130 62626262
    1032F134 00006262
    0032F136 00000062
    All Key Items
    0032F0C8 00000062
    0032F16F 00000062
    2032F170 62626262
    2032F174 62626262
    1032F178 00006262
    0032F17A 00000062
    0032F180 00000062
    1032F182 00006262
    1032F184 00006262
    1032F1A6 00006262
    1032F1A8 00006262
    0032F1AA 00000062
    1032F1C6 00006262
    All Sora Weapons
    0032F0D1 00000062
    1032F0D2 00006262
    1032F0D4 00006262
    0032F1AB 00000062
    0032F1AC 00000062
    0032F1AF 00000062
    4032F1B0 00040001
    62626262 00000000
    All Goofys Weapons
    0032F0D9 00000062
    1032F0DA 00006262
    1032F116 00006262
    2032F118 62626262
    1032F11C 00006262
    0032F11E 00000062
    0032F1AE 00000062
    0032F1C3 00000062
    All Other Weapons
    1032F0DE 00006262
    0032F0E3 00000062
    1032F0E4 00006262
    0032F0E6 00000062
    1032F0F0 00006262
    0032F0F2 00000062
    All Donald weapons
    0032F0F3 00000062
    0032F11F 00000062
    2032F120 62626262
    2032F124 62626262
    0032F12A 00000062
    0032F1AD 00000062
    0032F1C2 00000062
    Individual Items
    u will notice a section after the item name that has ( ) around it .. this is what they mean 
    (PO) Bottle Items
    (SA) Sora Weapons
    (DD) Donald Weapons
    (GY) Goofy Weapons
    (OR) Other Weapons
    (ACC) Accessories 
    (KI) Key Items
    (SY) Synthesis Items
    0032F0B0 00000062 = Potion (PO)
    0032F0B1 00000062 = Hi-Potion (PO)
    0032F0B2 00000062 = Ether (PO)
    0032F0B3 00000062 = Elixir (PO)
    0032F0B4 00000062 = Mega-Potion (PO)
    0032F0B5 00000062 = Mega-Ether (PO)
    0032F0B6 00000062 = Megalixir (PO)
    0032F0B7 00000062 = Ability Ring (ACC)
    0032F0B8 00000062 = Engineer's Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0B9 00000062 = Technician's Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0BA 00000062 = Expert's Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0BB 00000062 = Sardonyx Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0BC 00000062 = Tourmaline Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0BD 00000062 = Aquamarine Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0BE 00000062 = Garnet Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0BF 00000062 = Diamond Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0C0 00000062 = Silver Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0C1 00000062 = Gold Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0C2 00000062 = Platinum Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0C3 00000062 = Mythril Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0C8 00000062 = Torn Pages (KI)
    0032F0CA 00000062 = Orichalcum Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0CB 00000062 = Master's Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0CC 00000062 = Moon Amulet (ACC)
    0032F0CE 00000062 = Star Charm (ACC)
    0032F0CF 00000062 = Skill Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0D0 00000062 = Skillful Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0D1 00000062 = Kingdom Key (SA)
    0032F0D2 00000062 = Oath Keeper (SA)
    0032F0D3 00000062 = Oblivion (SA)
    0032F0D4 00000062 = Detection Saber (SA)
    0032F0D5 00000062 = Edge of Ultima (SA)
    0032F0D6 00000062 = Soldier Earring  (ACC)
    0032F0D7 00000062 = Fencer Earring  (ACC)
    0032F0D8 00000062 = Mage Earring  (ACC)
    0032F0D9 00000062 = Knight's Shield (GY)
    0032F0DA 00000062 = Detection Shield (GY)
    0032F0DB 00000062 = Test the King  (GY)
    0032F0DC 00000062 = Slayer Earring  (ACC)
    0032F0DD 00000062 = Cosmic Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0DE 00000062 = BattleFields of War (OR)
    0032F0DF 00000062 = Sword of the Ancestor  (OR)
    0032F0E0 00000062 = Medal (ACC)
    0032F0E1 00000062 = Cosmic Arts (ACC)
    0032F0E3 00000062 = Beast's Claw  (OR)
    0032F0E4 00000062 = Bone Fist  (OR)
    0032F0E5 00000062 = Proud Fang  (OR)
    0032F0E6 00000062 = Skill and Crossbones  (OR)
    0032F0E8 00000062 = Lucky Ring  (ACC) 
    0032F0EA 00000062 = Draw Ring  (ACC)
    0032F0EC 00000062 = Elven Bandanna  (ACC)
    0032F0ED 00000062 = Divine Bandanna  (ACC)
    0032F0EE 00000062 = Power Band  (ACC)
    0032F0EF 00000062 = Antiform Dummy (SA) Crash
    0032F0F0 00000062 = Scimitar (OR)
    0032F0F1 00000062 = Way to the Dawn  (OR)
    0032F0F2 00000062 = Identity Disk  (OR)
    0032F0F3 00000062 = Mage's Staff (DD)
    0032F0F6 00000062 = Buster Band  (ACC)
    0032F0F7 00000062 = Protect Belt  (ACC)
    0032F0F8 00000062 = Fake  (OR)
    0032F0F9 00000062 = Fake (SA)
    0032F0FA 00000062 = Gaia Belt  (ACC)
    0032F0FB 00000062 = Protect Belt  (ACC)
    0032F101 00000062 = Cosmic Belt  (ACC)
    0032F107 00000062 = Fire Bangle  (ACC)
    0032F108 00000062 = Fira Bangle  (ACC)
    0032F109 00000062 = Firaga Bangle  (ACC)
    0032F10A 00000062 = Firagun Bangle  (ACC)
    0032F10C 00000062 = Blizzard Armlet  (ACC)
    0032F10D 00000062 = Blizzara Armlet  (ACC)
    0032F10E 00000062 = Blizzaga Armlet  (ACC)
    0032F10F 00000062 = Blizzagun Armlet  (ACC)
    0032F111 00000062 = Tent (PO)
    0032F112 00000062 = Thunder Trinket  (ACC)
    0032F113 00000062 = Thundara Trinket  (ACC)
    0032F114 00000062 = Thundaga Trinket  (ACC)
    0032F115 00000062 = Thundagun Trinket  (ACC)
    0032F116 00000062 = Adamant Shield (GY)
    0032F117 00000062 = Chain Gear (GY)
    0032F118 00000062 = Ogre Shield (GY)
    0032F119 00000062 = Falling Star (GY)
    0032F11A 00000062 = Dreamcloud (GY)
    0032F11B 00000062 = Knight Defender (GY)
    0032F11C 00000062 = Genji Shield (GY)
    0032F11D 00000062 = Akashic Record (GY)
    0032F11E 00000062 = Nobody Guard (GY)
    0032F11F 00000062 = Hammer Staff (DD)
    0032F120 00000062 = Victory Bell (DD)
    0032F121 00000062 = Meteor Staff (DD)
    0032F122 00000062 = Comet Staff (DD)
    0032F123 00000062 = Lord's Broom (DD)
    0032F124 00000062 = Wisdom Wand (DD)
    0032F125 00000062 = Rising Dragon (DD)
    0032F126 00000062 = Nobody Lance (DD)
    0032F127 00000062 = Shaman's Relic (DD)
    0032F129 00000062 = Shadow Anklet  (ACC)
    0032F12A 00000062 = Staff of Detection (DD)
    0032F12B 00000062 = Dark Anklet  (ACC)
    0032F12C 00000062 = Midnight Anklet  (ACC)
    0032F12D 00000062 = Chaos Anklet  (ACC)
    0032F12F 00000062 = Abas Chain  (ACC)
    0032F130 00000062 = Aegis Chain  (ACC)
    0032F131 00000062 = Acrisius (ACC)
    0032F132 00000062 = Ribbon  (ACC)
    0032F133 00000062 = Champion Belt  (ACC)
    0032F134 00000062 = Petit Ribbon  (ACC)
    0032F135 00000062 = Acrisius+ (ACC)
    0032F136 00000062 = Cosmic Chain  (ACC)
    0032F13F 00000062 = Blazing Shard (SY)
    0032F140 00000062 = Blazing Stone (SY)
    0032F141 00000062 = Blazing Gem (SY)
    0032F142 00000062 = Blazing Crystal (SY)
    0032F147 00000062 = Lightning Shard (SY)
    0032F148 00000062 = Lightning Stone (SY)
    0032F149 00000062 = Lightning Gem (SY)
    0032F14A 00000062 = Lightning Crystal (SY)
    0032F14B 00000062 = Power Shard (SY)
    0032F14C 00000062 = Power Stone (SY)
    0032F14D 00000062 = Power Gem (SY)
    0032F14E 00000062 = Power Crystal (SY)
    0032F14F 00000062 = Lucid Shard (SY)
    0032F150 00000062 = Lucid Stone (SY)
    0032F151 00000062 = Lucid Gem (SY)
    0032F152 00000062 = Lucid Crystal (SY)
    0032F153 00000062 = Dense Shard (SY)
    0032F154 00000062 = Dense Stone (SY)
    0032F155 00000062 = Dense Gem (SY)
    0032F156 00000062 = Dense Crystal (SY)
    0032F157 00000062 = Twilight Shard (SY)
    0032F158 00000062 = Twilight Stone (SY)
    0032F159 00000062 = Twilight Gem (SY)
    0032F15A 00000062 = Twilight Crystal (SY)
    0032F15B 00000062 = Mythril Shard (SY)
    0032F15C 00000062 = Mythril Stone (SY)
    0032F15D 00000062 = Mythril Gem (SY)
    0032F15E 00000062 = Mythril Crystal (SY)
    0032F15F 00000062 = Bright Shard (SY)
    0032F160 00000062 = Bright Stone (SY)
    0032F161 00000062 = Bright Gem (SY)
    0032F162 00000062 = Bright Crystal (SY)
    0032F163 00000062 = Energy Shard (SY)
    0032F164 00000062 = Energy Stone (SY)
    0032F165 00000062 = Energy Gem (SY)
    0032F166 00000062 = Energy Crystal (SY)
    0032F167 00000062 = Serenity Shard (SY)
    0032F168 00000062 = Serenity Stone (SY)
    0032F169 00000062 = Serenity Gem (SY)
    0032F16A 00000062 = Serenity Crystal (SY)
    0032F16B 00000062 = Orichalcum+ (SY)
    0032F16C 00000062 = Munny Pouch (KI)
    0032F16D 00000062 = Crystal Orb (KI)
    0032F16E 00000062 = Seifer's Trophy (KI)
    0032F16F 00000062 = Tournament Poster (KI)
    0032F170 00000062 = Poster (KI)
    0032F171 00000062 = Letter (KI)
    0032F172 00000062 = Namine's Sketches (KI)
    0032F173 00000062 = Membership Card (KI)
    0032F174 00000062 = Olympus Stone (KI)
    0032F175 00000062 = Auron's Statue (KI)
    0032F176 00000062 = Cursed Medallion (KI)
    0032F177 00000062 = Present (KI)
    0032F178 00000062 = Decoy Presents (KI)
    0032F179 00000062 = Ice Cream (KI)
    0032F17A 00000062 = Picture (KI)
    0032F17B 00000062 = Orichalcum (SY)
    0032F17C 00000062 = Frost Shard (SY)
    0032F17D 00000062 = Frost Stone (SY)
    0032F17E 00000062 = Frost Gem (SY)
    0032F17F 00000062 = Frost Crystal (SY)
    0032F180 00000062 = Mega-Recipe (KI)
    0032F182 00000062 = Star Recipe (KI)
    0032F183 00000062 = Recovery Recipe (KI)
    0032F184 00000062 = Skill Recipe (KI)
    0032F185 00000062 = Guard Recipe (KI)
    0032F186 00000062 = Dummy 06
    0032F187 00000062 = Dummy 07
    0032F188 00000062 = 
    0032F189 00000062 = 
    0032F18A 00000062 = 
    0032F18B 00000062 = 
    0032F18C 00000062 = 
    0032F18D 00000062 = 
    0032F18E 00000062 = 
    0032F18F 00000062 = 
    0032F190 00000062 = 
    0032F191 00000062 = 
    0032F192 00000062 = 
    0032F193 00000062 = Dummy 19
    0032F194 00000062 = Drive Recovery (PO)
    0032F195 00000062 = High Drive Recovery (PO)
    0032F196 00000062 = Power Boost (PO)
    0032F197 00000062 = Magic Boost (PO)
    0032F198 00000062 = Defense Boost (PO)
    0032F199 00000062 = AP Boost (PO)
    0032F19A 00000062 = Dark Shard (SY)
    0032F19B 00000062 = Dark Stone (SY)
    0032F19C 00000062 = Dark Gem (SY)
    0032F19D 00000062 = Dark Crystal (SY)
    0032F19E 00000062 = Dummy 20
    0032F19F 00000062 = 
    0032F1A0 00000062 = 
    0032F1A1 00000062 = 
    0032F1A2 00000062 = 
    0032F1A3 00000062 = 
    0032F1A4 00000062 = 
    0032F1A5 00000062 = Dummy 27
    0032F1A6 00000062 = Style Recipe (KI)
    0032F1A7 00000062 = Moon Recipe (KI)
    0032F1A8 00000062 = Queen Recipe (KI)
    0032F1A9 00000062 = King Recipe (KI)
    0032F1AA 00000062 = Ultimate Recipe (KI)
    0032F1AB 00000062 = Star Seeker (SA)
    0032F1AC 00000062 = Hidden Dragon (SA)
    0032F1AD 00000062 = Save the Queen (DD)
    0032F1AE 00000062 = Save the King (GY)
    0032F1AF 00000062 = Hero's Crest (SA)
    0032F1B0 00000062 = Monochrome (SA)
    0032F1B1 00000062 = Follow the WInd (SA)
    0032F1B2 00000062 = Circle of Life (SA)
    0032F1B3 00000062 = Photon Debugger (SA)
    0032F1B4 00000062 = Gull Wing (SA)
    0032F1B5 00000062 = Rumbling Rose (SA)
    0032F1B6 00000062 = Guardian Soul (SA)
    0032F1B7 00000062 = Wishing Lamp (SA)
    0032F1B8 00000062 = Decisive Pumpkin (SA)
    0032F1B9 00000062 = Sleeping Lion (SA)
    0032F1BA 00000062 = Sweet Memories (SA)
    0032F1BB 00000062 = Mysterious Abyss (SA)
    0032F1BC 00000062 = Fatal Crest (SA)
    0032F1BD 00000062 = Bond of Flame (SA)
    0032F1BE 00000062 = Fenrir (SA)
    0032F1BF 00000062 = Ultima Weapon (SA)
    0032F1C2 00000062 = Save the Queen+ (DD)
    0032F1C3 00000062 = Save the King+ (GY)
    0032F1C4 00000062 = Promise Charm
    0032F1C5 00000062 = Munny Pouch
    0032F1C6 00000062 = Hades Cup Trophy
    0032F1C7 00000062 = "The Struggle" Trophy
    And can someone give me this codes again please:

    - Play as Riku(the lastest version)
    - All Drive forms(without crash in cutscenes)
    - Play as a Limit Form that can use Drives/Limits
    - Sora with Limit Form model(I don't know if there's any code to stop the keyblade shine if there's any coede tell me please)

    I think that's for now

    Please help me!

    See Ya!!
  18. dualroxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 14, 2008
    ye none of the codes i asked for are in the first page all i want is play as DW mickey and to get max glide and all other max abilitys for sora which also are not in first page
  19. armogeden528 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 19, 2008
    well, i got a newer version of gameshark ( 2 V1.3) and there is no change...would these codes work on a NTSC action replay MAX?
  20. dualroxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 14, 2008
    well Riku_replica i did find some good codes on the first 30 pages like these

    D034D45C 0000FDFF
    0032ED7C 0000006D

    Aerial Dodge
    D034D45C 0000FDFF
    0032ED80 00000069

    Terra replaced by Donald
    11C556E0 0000005C

    Free Drive
    201A1B58 00000000
    201A1B64 00000000

    Mickey Code - Special Edition
    11CE0B68 00000318
    21C9F26C 01000000
    21C9F2B4 001C0001
    21C9F2BC 0A000000
    1032E020 00000029
    21CD4AE0 00000769
    21CD5888 58455F57
    21CD588C 5F303130
    21CD5890 464C5442
    21CD5894 00004C5F
    21CE267C 005B009B

    but i still wish i had dw mickey
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