Kingdom Hearts II.5 HD ReMix, x[chi] and Kingdom Hearts 3 in recent Famitsu

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Happy Holidays KHV! We've had some good news regarding next year's II.5 HD Remix and so the news continues!
    Famitsu's latest issue holds an interview with Tetsuya Nomura on the upcoming Kingdom Hearts titles of; Kingdom Hearts 3, Kingdom Hearts χ[chi], and Kingdom Hearts II.5 HD ReMix. Below you will find his take on progress for the II.5 HD ReMix, x[chi] gameplay additions, and even the possibility of an HD remaster for Dream, Drop, Distance.

    Below are the bullet points of the interview, translated by Zephyr of KHInsider.

    News find courtesy of Libregkd.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Dec 24, 2013.

    1. libregkd
    2. Anixe
      (Well, this all answers my questions from before lolol.)

      But seriously, now faintly recalling that if even they had mentioned that Kingdom Hearts III's announcement was too early, I'm also starting to think that its definitely affecting the current hype being built around it. But alas, quite the clever ploy to release these remixes and remasters and fillers to cope with the waiting game.

      Now if chi[x] is gonna be largely story-related, as well as the possible hint at DDD HD Remaster, then I'm betting on something else being released before or at the same time as KH3. Regardless of what it is, I fear it will also affect such development. D:

      Well, at least I'm happy with Re:coded gettin' some new scenes. It certainly wasn't as astounding as the rest of the spin-offs, but it's at least getting some attention to detail.

      Oh and

      Because timing was always your thing, Square...
    3. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Yes, because releasing HD remasters (done by two individuals) will TOTALLY affect development on a game being worked on by a bunch of individuals -__-

      Anyway, if DDD really does get released on a console, then my dream of experiencing the entire series on consoles will be a dream come true! No more damn handhelds! Then again, I'm hearing that X[chi] will be crucial to KH3's plot... Damn you Nomura! Really hope it gets released internationally.
    4. Anixe
      Well, I am just speculating. I just feel that there is a lot on their plate and some overlookings could be had. I was just thinking that along with DDD, they were considering a re-release of chi[x], which I imagine would be an HD cinematic or a reworking of the gameplay onto whatever console medium they choose.

      geez, you're really steppin on my tail >:c
    5. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      You have to understand that like with 1.5, 2.5 is being done by 2 individuals only. I really doubt those 2's absence from KH3 will really affect KH3's development when a bunch of other people in the Osaka team are already working hard on the game. And Nomura brings a great point. People need to be up to speed with KH developments once KH3 is released, which is why these rereleases are imperative (plus the fact that KH series should really move as far away as possible from hanhelds). Though, like you said, there is the thing with X[chi]... not really sure what they're going to do with that (btw, IIRC, X[chi] is developed externally, which means KH3 is pretty much unaffected by whatever they do with it).[DOUBLEPOST=1387956483][/DOUBLEPOST]One thing I noticed though...

      Umm, Nomura, don't we already have such a scene:

      Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
    6. Crypt
      Nomura hasn't even written the plot of the final game? Really?
    7. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      What I'm more interested in is what the hell happened to Birth by Sleep 2.

      And, since Birth By Sleep 2 isn't coming around any time soon, and it wouldn't make sense for them to make it after KH3 since there's no point in back-peddling in the story, wouldn't it make sense for them to make it into some sort of movie like they did with Days & Re:Coded and possible add it to some bundle?

      Are you actually surprised?
    8. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Full interview translated by :

    9. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Man, REALLY excited about the Re:Coded scenes now that I know they're going to have battle scenes and Disney worlds
      Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
    10. Satoshi Kusanagi
      Satoshi Kusanagi
      If you mean Birth By Sleep Vol.2, if you consider the whole concepts of the game and all the stuff that happened in it and even how the gameplay was designed, then the short answer is "that was Dream Drop Distance".

      That's the answer Nomura would give, anyway.
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
    11. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      Well, Dream Drop Distance focuses more on Sora & Riku. BBS V2 (which was teased in KH BBS: Final Mix) was supposed to be about Aqua wandering in the realm of darkness, in which she found a castle of some sort, the words "A fragmentary passage" flashing on screen, Mickey being in the realm of darkness, the stuff that Riku did in KH1 behind the scenes, Kairi and the Twilight Town gang finding DiZ's headquarters for some reason, how all of the Xehanorts are connected (which was answered in 3D), and how Ventus managed to disappear from Castle Oblivion.

      Of course, finding all of this out may not warrant a WHOLE NEW GAME, but some type of explanation/in-game movie that can be bundled with one of the HD collections would be nice, because it would fill in all of the plot holes.
    12. Satoshi Kusanagi
      Satoshi Kusanagi
      That's all nothing more than speculation. Majority of those things in the trailer were nothing more than dramatic shots of the characters while showing everyone who was important to the series (excluding Hayner's gang). It just so happens that everyone in that trailer also showed up in 3D at one point. There was never any clarification on just what BBS Vol. 2 was. Only guesses. You shouldn't consider those concrete. More than likely, it was probably nothing more than a conceptual trailer of what Nomura initially was thinking of doing for the next game until it became 3D instead.

      Plus, Ventus didn't vanish from Castle Oblivion. The room he's in is hidden and sealed away. That's the room the Org. constantly talks about trying to find in Castle Oblivion during Days. He's still in Castle Oblivion, it's just a matter of where in the castle.
    13. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      Well, ****ing aye. I'd appreciate it if Nomura would think things through with his secret endings and the next game before changing his mind completely. The KH1, KH2, KH1 FM, KH2 FM, and original BBS, secret endings weren't so bad and weren't so far off from the next project that they were hinting at. But KH BBS: FM's secret ending is mostly unrelated to KH3D (minus the inclusion of all of the Xehanorts). I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have had KH3D than a BBS2, but still, Nomura REALLY needs to plan his stuff out more accordingly.

      Hmm, you sure about that? I mean, in the trailer it shows him vanishing.

      Regardless, though, his heart is in Sora's, so wherever his body is, is kinda irrelevant.

      EDIT: Disregard this, I suck cocks. I just beat KH3D and saw the scene of Ventus' body still being in Castle Oblivion.
      Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
    14. Antidote
      That is certainly great news about Re:Coded - I'm really looking forward to this one since it's the only KH game in the series I've (shamefully) never played, so it will all be fresh to me.

      On another note, I can't believe there's going to be a connection to KHIII in KHX. I thought it was just a little mobile browser side-game. It's also not being released outside Japan, is it? So that'd be some pretty relevant details that we would be missing out on. Thanks for the internet, I guess. :/
      Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
    15. Krowley
      From what I've played in Kingdom Hearts chi, I think the connection will revolve around keyblade lore.
    16. Misty
      We've spoken about this before in the KH sections, the only official word from Nomura is in the KH3D Ultimania:
      I actually don't think Nomura is to blame here (or, well, he is in a respect for his incessant minigames). It sounds more so to me that he was planning another side game but was told to get KH3 out already. I'm sure we'll see some "Aqua in the Realm of Darkness" scenes in KH3.
    17. Antidote
      We might even get to play as Aqua in the Realm of Darkess. There was only a short playable side-story added to BbS:FM, but that was only to pad out the added extras and obviously introduce this new shadow monster thing. I'd like to see more of RoD.