Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix Release Date Announced!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by libregkd, May 7, 2013.

  1. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006

    The European and US Playstation Blogs have finally given the official release dates of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix for both regions!

    North America: September 10th, 2013
    Europe: September 13th, 2013

    The blogs also announced that, in both regions, those that pre-order the HD Collection will receive a Limited Edition art book at no extra cost. How cool is that?
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by libregkd, May 7, 2013.

    1. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Same here. I wonder if these pre-orders will be avalible here in australia?
    2. Technic☆Kitty
      Nice ^^ Can't wait to be able to play KH again. Not going to pre-order, but the art book is an added bonus for those who do.

      Thanks for the update ^^
    3. kngdmhrts2
      As of the time I'm posting this for UK/PAL...

      1) Amazon UK still haven't changed anything of their page yet so still can't pre-order off of there
      2) GAME have now got the box cover on their page, but no change from their TBD date and no mention of the Limited Edition (yet anyway, but you can pre-order if you wanted to)
      3) ShopTo have now deleted the page they did have for KH 1.5 and made a new one for the Limited Edition which is available to pre-order at £27.85
    4. Cutsceneaddict
      Pre-ordered mine yesterday! :) And I don't even have a PS3 yet.

    5. Mixt
      Strange. Amazon US updated pretty quickly to mention the art-book (since I was double checking mine)
    6. kngdmhrts2
      Yeah we can't even pre-order at the moment, only to "Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available", no mention of a date or the art book at all. It took them forever too after Tales of Xillia was given it's release date before the page was changed.

      I'm gonna be getting it from ShopTo, it's gonna be cheaper and most of the time games get delivered the day before release.
    7. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      Hey look, more preorder bonuses I can't have. Oh well. I guess I'll get the game when I get a PS3....

      Thanks for the update though.:)
    8. dymitr
      Getting mine from ShopTo as well, now all I need is a PS3 to play it on.
    9. Krowley
      Australian release date was recently announced for September 12th 2013.

    10. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      thank you very much my good sir.
    11. ~Clave Ensis~
      ~Clave Ensis~
      FINALLY SOME NEWS!!! I am SOOO excited about this!!!! I've been waiting for this and now I have to get a PS3. But KH3 is coming out on the PS3 also, right?
      I'm definitely going to preorder this! But is the art book worth it? This is AWESOME!!
    12. Sara
      I gotta pre-order mine. I want to get the art book. That and it has the games that I want to play with my mom on them. Not including the Final Mix scenes. Geez, there's a lot on this I'm looking forward to. I was hoping it was coming out before October, looks like my hopes have been answered. (We might go to the Disney event in October so I'm showing my mom Kingdom Hearts beforehand, but I don't have COM anymore, nor the remake.)
    13. ~Clave Ensis~
      ~Clave Ensis~
      Pre-ordered and ready to go!
      For anyone who wants to pre-order it, EB Games has it up on their site and it's available for a pre-order at around $70. You get it delivered immediately via post on the day of release so that's a good option if you want to pre-order the game :)
    14. kingdomheartsgeek
      It is that i dont have a PS3. Otherwise i preorderd it when the preorders came avalible
    15. Zeroxys
      70$?!?! its only 40 in Michigan lol
    16. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova

      Might actually consider preordering. I don't usually keep artbooks around but I feel like this is a special occasion.

      Delivered via post? That's... interesting. Haven't heard of that being done before. But that might explain why you get it for 70 bucks, haha.
    17. Plums
      Probably not considering it probably won't be released till well into the PS4's lifespan haha. ;~;

      But I'm definitely excited about this since I never played KH1 or CoM! Also DAT ARTBOOK.

      Defs preordering and getting my PS3 sometime soon hopefully.
    18. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      Happy that it will be the "game of thrones" cover and not the white one..
      Unfortunetly Gamestop doesn't send here :(
    19. ~Clave Ensis~
      ~Clave Ensis~

      Really? Haven't you had games delivered via post before? And yeah it's pretty expensive but it's Australia so what can you do hahaha[DOUBLEPOST=1369907766][/DOUBLEPOST]
      I was afraid of that..
      I saw the price of the PS4 and I almost fell off my chair
    20. Misty
      Ah yeah, things are always quite a bit more expensive in Australia. I feel for y'all. It's selling for $40 in the states, I'd suggest importing for you guys considering the PS3 is region-free but I imagine the shipping would be expensive and take a while.
      Actually the price of the PS4 hasn't been officially announced (though I think/hope it will be at E3), though there have been rumors. I won't believe anything until we get official word from Sony, though.