Kingdom hearts goes to the beach!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by In explicit Angst, Jun 19, 2008.

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  1. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    Riku was sitting in the shadow of a tree, listening to the waves. He loved the sea, he was happy to be here. He had it easy, unlike some people...

    "Zexion? Why are we here again?" Marluxia asked number VI.
    "Good question... I don't remember."
    "Wait! It's coming back to me..."
    "It was..."
    "We got drunk."
    "Well... that explains... a lot..."
    "Oh s*it!"
    "Now what?"
    "I just remembered..."
    "Remembered what?"
    "Your not gonna like it but... We kinda dragged Saix with us. And he's not exactly a beach person."
    "And that means...?"
    "Idiot! We're in trouble if he finds us!"
    "Correction number VI, your in trouble. I recall you commanding number VII to come with us! So... see ya!" That said, Marluxia laughed as he skipped away. (Skipped???!!!)

    "I hate you all..." Zexion started to bang his head on the tree next to him.
  2. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Xemnas laid back on his lawn chair reading a magazine, "going to the beach...what was I thinking...." he sighed lifting his shades, "we could be collecting hearts right now...."

    Xigbar lifted his shades and looked over at Xemnas, "come now superior....its good to take a break once in a while...." he grinned and laid back down, "after all the assignments we completely day in and day out...."
  3. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Ooc: Actually, never mind Base, I thought of something better... I'll post it soon, I'm a bit busy now...
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Goofy gives a great big sigh, not really perking up as he heard the toast pop up from the toaster behind him. He got another plate out solmely, and put the toasted loaves of bread onto the plate. He got out the Jam, and then a knife, and without looking down at his plate at all, he sat back down, still staring straight up.
    As if on instinct, he took the knife, dipped it in the jam, and splattered it onto the plate. However, instead of landing on the toast, the jam landed on his own hand, which he had clumsily placed on the toast as he sat down.

    He spread the jam thin over his own gloved hand, and then placed the oter loaf his hand and the lower loaf. Now his hand was sandwhiched in between the two loaves, with his hand soaked in Jam.

    Slowly, his the other hand, he unthoughtfully lifted the sandwhich to his mouth, and bit down hard. A moment later, his eyes burst open in realization, and looked down at his snout, where he had his teeth bearing right into his own hand.

    In a mass of pain and clumsiness, Goofy managed to parade about his own kitchen, smashing into objects and causing things to crash. Ultimately, Goofy landed flat on his back, dzed on the floor of the kitchen.

    Outside, Axel and Demyx were just now walking into the cluttered driveway of the Goof residence, finding the front door to be locked, and the open garage too messy and cramped to walk through.

    Just as Demyx was about to take the moment and high-tail it, Axel grabbed him back the scruff of his hood, and held him there, Demyx not gaining any ground.

    Axel rolled his eyes and pointed his thumb towards the backyard.
    "How about we try the back door?"
    Axel suggest blankly, letting go of Demyx, and forcing him to follow.

    The backdoor opened with ease as Axel turned the handle, and led Demyx inside the house. Though they were Nobodies and could not feel, they felt a hint of shock to see their target, dead on the floor.

    Demyx hurried over to the fallen Goof, who's toungue was hanging out of his jaw, flopped onto the floor. He quickly took Goofy's shoe off, and placed the black foot to his ear, trying to listen for something. With a look of tragedy and loss on his face, he dropped the foot back onto the ground.
    "Not a single heart-beat, man..."
    Demyx sniffed, sitting on his knees in the kitchen, Axel standing crossarmed and leaning up against an opposite wall.

    Axel shook his head with pity....for Demyx's sake that is. He uncrossed his arms, and slowly walked over to where Goofy lay.
    He slowly lifted up his heavy foot, bringing and raising it almost to his chin, and literally pounded his foot back to the ground, and right onto Goofy's stomach with a horn-honking sound and a shocked wail from Goofy.

    Goofy quickly got up, and looked all around, daze-eyed and confused.

    Demyx, slightly confused himself, looked and burst into fake tears, calling on his water powers to make water come out of his eyes gradually.
    "He's alive!"
    He yelled out, embracing Goofy in a big Silly hug, and ctaching the Goof off-guard once more.

    Suddenly, Goofy not being totally stupid, looked from Demyx, who was still hugging him, and Axel, who was shaking his head in embarrasment.

    Goofy then lept up to his feet, making Demyx fall flat on his face on the ground at Goofy's one-shoed feet, and Goofy quickly clammbered into the living room in a haste.

    Seeing the moment to comprimise, Axel quickly followed him, taking only a moment to bring Demyx back to his feet, and the two followed Goofy into the living room.

    Already, Goofy had a Broom in hand, holding it bristles facing him, and waving the stick towards Axel and Demyx, across the room, heroically.

    Axel, not really being one to turn up violence, quickly made his way across the the room, and took the fire-poker from the fireplace, the iron cold but dangerous still.
    Inspired by Axel's quick movements, Demyx tries to leap over the couch, but only windes up clumsily tripping over the back of the couch, and then falling in a heap onto the floor after he bounced off of the cushions. Recouperating fast, Demyx then made his way to the fire place too, but only wound up taking the fire blower, which could only blow a little matter of air at a time.
    "Ah man....."
    Demyx groaned, pumping air out of the deivice in disdain.

    Axel shook his head at Demyx's actions, and then quickly parried his weapon at Goofy, who managed to block the fire poker with his own wooden stick brrom.

    As Goofy and Axel dueled, as if pirates, parrying, blocking, lunging, and jabbing at each other, with only bare misses, Demyx then discarded his mock-weapon and just stood there and watched Axel and Goofy go all out.

    But, Goofy was beginging to gain the foreground, Axel begining to weaken, and it only took a little more time to finally knock the fire poker out of the Axel's hands, and cuasing it to soar towards Demyx.

    Demyx shreiked and ducked, the Fire poker flying right over Demyx, and clattered in an armchair with a loud noise.

    Axel, on the grund and helpless, the stick of Goofy's broom fixed right in front of his neck, looking almost worreidly, suddenly sparked an idea, wondering why he hadn't thought of it before.

    Without hesitation, he summoned his chakrams, and beared them onto Goofy's broom, which chopped it into kindling quickly, leaving the once dominant-looking Goofy with only the bristles at the end.

    Goofy tossed the Bristled end behind him, and gulped as he stared at the chakrams worriedly.

    But just then, police sirens blared out around the house, and caused Demyx to go into panic, and hide behind the couch, while Axel and Goofy just darted their eyes around in confusion, red and blue lights peering into the room from the window facing the road outside.

    Axel dsiacarded his weapons and rolled into the fireplace, his slight and slim build able to climb up the chute a bit, and he held his grip on the bircks inside the dark chute, as he heard the front door being broken open, and feet marching into the house.
  5. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Aerith and Yuffie stared at the strange Englishman-err, nobody. He had started talking to thin air! Aerith grabbed a hold of the black coat around the shoulders, while Yuffie did the same with his waist.
    "Umm, sir, we think you've got a sun stroke... You are wearing something under this, aren't you?" Aerith asked politely. Saix fought back the non-existent rage that wasn't brewing inside him, when he snarled back:
    "Of course I have clothes underneath, what do you think I am, a uncivilized flasher?"

    "Good!" Yuffie said shortly, as she and Aerith yanked the coat off of the nobody.
    "Oh brother..." Aerith sighed. Saix was wearing a pair of black jeans and a collared long-sleeved black shirt. The two human females lead him in to the water, and dunked him under the surface to cool him off. (ooc: Uh-oh... Failure...)
    "GrblegrlbeYAAAAH!!! What do you think you two are doi-" the Luna Diviner bit back a snarl of non-rage that wasn't escaping from his lips. And then he saw him. The Cloaked Schemer. Completely, utterly, totally, hammered. YOUUUUU!!!!!! NUMBER VI!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ooc: This was rather fun to write... But then I accidentally deleted it and had to start all over... I think I forgot something too, but oh well, shait happens!
  6. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    Zexion saw Saix and new the faith that would await him if he wouldn't run like hell.
    Was the only thing that he could say as he started running.
    He was drunk, but not that drunk to not know what was best for his safety... And his limbs.
    So he ran.
  7. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Namine had passed-out and Roxas was dragging her somewhere where she can rest. He end up putting her at the sand.
    "Finally" Roxas mumbled and ran to go swimming.
    Leon was walking around the beach as he tripped on Namine.
    "Uh, are you okay?" he asked.
    Namine kept laying there.
    "I guess so" he mumbled
    At the same time Namine woke-up.
    "Where am I?" she asked and grapped Leon's hand to get up.
    "At the..."
    "BEACH!!!!" Namine yelled happily and joined Roxas at the water
    "Why do I care answering"
  8. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Saix attemtped to lung at Zexion. Unfortunate for him (and goddamned fortunate for Zexy) Aerith and Yuffie where clinging on to him, weighing him down.
    ''Sorry, but we would rather not be witnesses for a public slaughter, so we think we're gonna hold on to you for a while!'' Yuffie gasped, fighting to keep a hold of the angered Nobody. Then something strange happened. The clouds shifted, to reveal a full moon on the clear sky. And Yuffie and Aerith gave each other a terrified look, both having a simultaneous flashback:

    They were back at the Heartless invasion of Hollow Bastion, during Sora's fifth visit to the city. Aerith had just healed Yuffie, and after they had given a glance to Leon and Cloud small-talking before battling (they would have both paid to hear what the two where talking about) they had rushed near to the Great Maw, where a man dressed in a black trench coat, and blue hair was waiting for someone. Yuffie had grinned confidently and said:
    ''Come on, he's alone, we can take him!!!''
    The man had turned at them, eyes gazing upward to the sky, a scary smile on his lips. A full moon was appearing. Aerith had asked Yuffie:
    ''Do you notice something different about him?
    Yuffie hadn't had any time to answer, since the man had lunged at them in speed unnatural for a normal human, swinging a huge weapon at them. After letting their eyes widen and their jaws drop, the duo had turned away, screaming at the top of their lungs...

    ''OH CRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
    Saix had entered his berserker state. Zexion was far gone by now, but that didn't stop him from letting out some steam. He swung his enormous Claymore, hitting Aerith in the stomach and dropping her back in to the water, breathless. Yuffie on the other hand got flung on the Nobody's shoulder, and before Aerith had time to do anything, he had summoned a dark portal, and gone through it with Yuffie. Aerith tried to follow the two, but the portal closed right in front of her nose. She said in a small, but hearable voice that was about two octaves higher than her normal speaking voice:
    ''Cou-could so-omebody help?''
  9. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Leon noticed what happen. He ran to Aerith and asked: "are you okay?"

    Roxas noticed a black portal. He ran to Aerith and Leon.
    "What happened?"
  10. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Aerith, still out of breath and with some water in her lungs managed to gasp out:
    ''I should be fine, but that crazy berserker we told you about got Yuffie!''
    After this she had another cough attack, that left her with a very sore throat.
  11. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    "Berserker? You mean Saix?" Roxas said when he heard what Aerith had said.
    "Who the heck are you" Leon asked
  12. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Aerith tried to get up, but her feet wouldn't carry her weight. She said in a raspy voice to Roxas:
    ''I don't know his name, but he had blue hair, orange eyes and strange, pointy ears... Mind helping me up?'' She looked at Leon.


    Saix had portaled himself and Yuffie only a few hundred meters away from the others, but behind sand dune, so the rest couldn't see them. Suddenly he noticed something strange about his captive.
    ''Shouldn't you be screaming for help right now?'' he asked Yuffie. She thought of it for a second, then answered:
    ''Nope, that's not my style!''
    ''Then what is your style?''
    ''THIS IS!'' Yuffie yelled before swing herself down behind Saix. The Luna Diviner turned to her with a snarl, ready to enter his berserker state. Yuffie swung her shuriken, and her foot. The weapon hit Saix's head. Her kneecap met a very sensitive area. The ninjas eyes widened when the tall Nobody fell on his knees, groaning.
    ''Ohmygoshohmygosh! I'm so sorry!'' she squeaked before turning away and running, fast. She ran in to Zexion, who was now fleeing straight at Saix. She gasped, out of breath:
    ''If your running away from that insane elf-werewolf guy, your goin' the wrong way. Hey, why not tag along with me! The two of us could maybe fight him off, if he would catch up!''

    Ooc: Yuffie and Zexion. Now that would be a strange pair!
  13. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    "Yep, thats Saix" Roxas mumbled
    Leon pulled Aerith up.
    "You still haven't told me who the heck are you"
    "Oh, I'm Roxas. And you are?"
    "I'm Leon and she is Aerith"
  14. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    Zexion looked at the girl. He thought for a second and said,
    "Sure. Why not? Oh, by the way... Who the heck are you?"
  15. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    ''I'm the Great Ninja Yuffie, obviously!'' Yuffie winked, then noticed the smell of liquor around her new companion.
    ''And your drunk!''
  16. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Namine noticed that Roxas had left. She looked around, but couldn't see him.
    The blond girl saw Leon and Aerith. Then she noticed that Roxas was with them. She ran to the boy, stared him evilly and turned to Aerith to ask what happen.
  17. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    Zexion was a little offended of Yuffie's comment of him, being drunk, so...
    "I SWEAR TO DRUNK I AM NOT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Then he passed out, making him almost fall on top of Yuffie.

    Ooc: Okay, I copied the "I swear to Drunk, I am not God" thing. But only because it's so darn funny!
  18. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Ooc: I knew I had heard/read it before emo_bunny!
    Bic: Yuffie stared at the passed out Nobody.
    ''Okey-dokey, wierdo!''
    She slung Zexion on her shoulder and carried him back to the others; she knew that if she had left him there, nothing but shreads of him would've been left...

    Aerith, too tired to talk, pointed at Leon, hoping that he would explain everything to Namine.

    Ooc: You know... I think Yuf might actually be strong enough to carry Zexy... I mean he's so tiny! And she has to be pretty strong to pull out some of those crazy ninja-acrobatic attacks...
    And I'm also starting to think that the Aerith&Yuffie meet Saix thing could almost be possible! Yuffie was pretty much cowering behind the door, when you see her for the first time after the Heartless invasion, and Aerith seemed to be a bit more, ummm, ferocious then... I still have nightmares of that glare she gave Leon *shivers*
  19. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Leon explained everything to Namine. Then he noticed someone coming closer.
    "Isn't that Yuffie?"
  20. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    Marluxia was hugging a tree.
    "What are you doing?" The pink haired dude heard a voice behind him.
    "None of your concern, now go play with some one little child."
    That said Riku knocked Marluxia out.
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