Kingdom Hearts go to . . . Middle School!?

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by kairi's_memories, Jan 6, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Sorry for my inacitivty. I've been brain-storming, and I finally found a way for Kasha to fall for Luxord instead of Zexion. ^^


    Luxord's eyes get distracted for moment, his eyes seeing double! But quickly, he recognized the trick Zexion had laid, the only problem was now guessing which was the real Kasha, and which was the duplicate who was Zexion in disguise.

    Luxord, taking the two over-sized cards in his hands and using his powers to make them vanish, he stand solemn across the gym floor, and summons a blockade of cards making a surrounding wall, which gradually made itself a smaller and smaller circle around the trio.

    Luxord grinned, for his cards were too high to jump over, and the only thing known to cut it, and that would have to be with great skill, was a keyblade.

    Zexion grows slightly nervous, the walls slowly closing in on him and Kasha. At that same moment, he could almost feel like a wisp of sorts had entered him. From that moment on....he didn't feel much like himself. But still he stood resolute, his disguise still active.
  2. khmaniac101 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 3, 2007
    Aqua'a bed *fuhuhaha*
    after finally getting to class 20 min late xigbar finally decided to play

    He warped behind zexion and kasha and grabbing them by their shirts threw them out of the card wall and warped out himself.

    "ha gamble on that Cesar-cut"
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: At first, I was about to make what you said null-and-void....since I can do that.....But whole Ceaser-cut was funny enough....Let's just say Kasha and Zexion get tossed into the card walls...., Deal?


    Luxord at first is caught off-guard by Xigbar's actions, but is somewhat releived to see where Zexion and Kasha winde up, which is right next to each other!

    His plan furthered farther than he had planned prior, Luxord moves with stunning speed, both of his hands gripping onto material, a sound rip coming from both his sides as he passed.

    When he finished his speedy flight, he gave out a chuckle and waved two ripped shirts about like flags, one in each hand.

    Zexion, despite the illusion of his disguise not being real, he could feel and see everything on his person at the moment, and now felt a cold chill in his upper torso.

    Judging by the fact Luxord had two shirts in grasp, one Kasha's the other a duplicate, he could only guess the same embarrassing fate had befallen Kasha.
    The only thing Zexion could do was shut his eys tight, thinking to himself, Don't look directly down, don't look directly dow, don't look directly- Crap
    He looked down, unable to control his male instincts.

    Luxord looked between the two, and sneered at the Kasha Dwyre that looked down at her own chest. That Kasha, no doubt, would be Zexion in disguise.

    Using the moment that Zexion was distracted, Luxord summoned another over-large card and made a mad dash towards Zexion's direction. His card struck true, fazeing right through Zexion's midsection, causing the illusion to blank out, showing him back in his Organization Cloak, and doing him a great deal of damage.

    With another snap of his fingers, Luxord's cards all disappeared, and let loose a small, but deep chuckle.

    However, on Zexion's side, he dropped to his knees, and coughed and choked as bits of darkness began to
    depart from him. He looked up towards Kasha helplessly, unable to speak as he was returning to darkness.
    " me there......please...." Zexion slowly pieces together, trying to make enough sense.
  4. khmaniac101 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 3, 2007
    Aqua'a bed *fuhuhaha*
    ooc: thanks for lettin me in and you can come up with some weird stuff lol

    warping next to luxord xigbar with mouth wide open had just realized what he had done

    "uuh......did...I.....when*** I"M A GENIUS!!!!!!!"

    ooc: can I take xaldin as well?
  5. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay

    Is it okay for me to join? Sorry, I'm kinda impatient...
    Yuf would be 13, in grade 7, Saix and Aerith both grade 8, aged 14
  6. SeaSaltIcecream21 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 24, 2008
    Can I join? I really wanna be Zexion.

    Sorry, I forgot to put in this part.
    Name: Zexion
    Age: 13
    Bio: A kid who REALLY hates to talk.
    Appearance: Black cloak (I think that's how you spell it), long blue hair covering some of face, and short.
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
  8. Marluxiaofcurse Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 5, 2008
    In the fifth demension
    ooc:um i guess but i would have to let everybody hav one then and it would get sor...

    ooc still:ta outa hand for me so let me get a hold of things first k?
    Theonly9one yes to yuf and aerith not so sure cant remember wether or not Saix is taken but we hav a complete Archive of this board so u can look through a couple pages and find out cuz im not gunna be on for a little wile so ima hav alot to do everytime i com thts y im apoiting BamaSebastian to Second in command.
    Yes KH maniac u can hav them but u need to be active .i kno tht sounds weird seeing the fact that im not on much but my computer is wack so its hard.okif i forgot anyone just message me and ill take care of you.And yes you can Xiyamae but just one till we figure out how itll go.:)

    bic:Roxas was wandering down the halls to his next class.Physics."We dont go along with the laws of Physics,Why should we learn them?"Roxas said to himself."Am I weird for even talking to myself?"Roxas asked already knowing the answer. He walked by the gym and saw Kasha Helping Zexion Across the floor and ran up to them and asked,"What the heck happened?"
  9. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Ooc: From what I've seen, it doesn't seem that Saïx was taken... But correct me if I'm wrong!
  10. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK

    Kasha quickly knew what was happening, I t really was embarresing(sp?). She covered herself with her arms. At the same time she felt angry but didn't want to do anything. Her eyes which normally just continued to stare into the future were now wide with embarresment and fear.
    'Jerk,' She thought, and glared at Luxord. Kasha didn't do anything, all she cared about was keeping her chest covered. Kasha suddenly gritted her teeth and glared at Luxord once the cards had disappeared. She suddenly put out a hand and pulled it across the air. From her palm had come fire, directly at Luxord. She didn't know what she was doing and didn't care she Luxord.

    OoC://I got confused xD
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Luxord, at first looking quite smug, then changes his mood to: 0_0" the fire quickly comes near him. He quickly ducks out of the way, all in all, getting the fringes of his already cut-short hair singed. He meeped silently, and tried not to laugh at the fact Kasha still only had "minor coverage".

    Zexion, still fadeing away, watched in awe as the fire nearly struck Luxord to ashes, wide-eyed at the fact kasha could do that. He didn't know why he was fadeing away, after all, he hadn't even been struck all that hard by Luxord...come to think of it...Zexion wasn't even so sure he was controlling his body, as words he wasn't even concious of came out of his mouth.
    "Kash----a....take the boys' room....quick...!" He heard himself mutter weakly, his eyes directed at Kasha.
  12. deededee13 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 26, 2008
    either in ps2 dis or playing kh2fm
    umm i kinda would like to be axel but i guess i cant soo ill be xemnas then if i can...i guess ill write the description

    appearance:black coat (matches everyone elses >.>) anime-ic hair i think white
    bio: i have kool beam swords if u mess w/ me in my locker(luckly they havnt been confiscated) and i never take my coat off (as far as you know)

    so i guess pm me about it cuz it sounds kool and by the way i like saying it but im eagerly awaiting my kh2fm+ in the mail
  13. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    appearance:white t-shirt with a gray long shirt underneith
    bio:Likes to read and gets teased about it. Queit, shy, and is emo. She is the "freak" of the grade.
  14. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at Zexion and put his arm around her shoulder and stood up. Kasha started towards the locker room, at the same time she was in thought about what just happened. She had somehow subconsciously used alchemy to attack Luxord. "Nothing bad is going to happen." She re-assured Zexion. The thought of possibly being able to heal him struck her. If she was able to fight with Alchemy she could use the same skill to heal him. And get her shirt back.
  15. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    - MOVED to Crossovers RP section-

    KH + Real life events counts as a crossover RP guys. C:

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