Kingdom Hearts- FFM V3!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by P E A N U T, Mar 26, 2009.

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  1. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine blinked softly once, her gaze otherwise staying connected with Roxas'. The calm, quiet moments like these always made her feel more at peace, and she was sure Roxas understood that. He was always looking out for her in any way possible, always trying to make her happy. Namine always tried to act the same with him, and she could tell by the look in his eyes that she was making him feel content as well.

    Sora smiled softly, gently pressing his hand against Kairi's upper back. He started to gently lead her forward, the teen taking a few steps forward with her. The pond was directly in front of them, though there was still plenty of room between the couple and the water.
  2. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas let a short, soft chuckle leave his lips, his head lowering for a second as it did. He then looked back up at Namine, his teeth showing slightly behind his lips as he gazed at her. "I love you," he spoke, his tone one of happiness and, the obvious, love. Sometimes, he didn't think he could say it enough, but he knew his actions spoke much louder than his words. But, other times, Roxas felt that he had to say it, because his heart was full of so much of that love he held for Namine.

    Kairi's smile remained on her face as she started taking those first few steps forward, letting Sora lead her. She turned her head forward again, her curious eyes gazing ahead of her to see where they were going.
  3. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine's small smile widened at Roxas' words, the girl understanding the loving tone behind them as well as the spoken words. "I love you too," she said softly, her eyes staying on Roxas' ocean blues. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. And I don't.

    After a few steps, they were closer to the shining pond. Sora gently brought up his free hand and set it on Kairi's shoulder, bringing her to a soft stop. He was a little bit behind her, and that was exactly what he wanted. Without hesitation, he stepped over to the side and stood directly behind her. And then he gently brought both his arms forward, wrapping them around Kairi's stomach lightly.
  4. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas's smile widened a little more as he gazed lovingly at the blonde in front of him, still bent over the side of the bench, his right arm supporting his weight as he leaned against the arm of the wooden bench. "I love hearing you say that," he confessed softly, speaking that aloud without thought.

    Kairi's eyes were on the pond in front of them, where Sora had brought her. But then she lowered her head, looking down at the two arms that were now wrapped around her stomach. She felt her faint smile grow at the gesture, loving to be this close to Sora.
  5. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine's smile widened, her teeth showing a little bit. She felt the exact same way, and she almost said so. But she thought of something better to say, something that would fit the mood better. "I love saying it," Namine said softly, her sparkling blue eyes looking into Roxas' piercing blue orbs.

    Sora looked at Kairi from behind before stepping in as close as he could, his body connected with hers. He turned his head to side slightly as he moved it forward a little, letting it hover over Kairi's shoulder as he gazed at the pond.
  6. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas's blue eyes brightened a shade at Namine's words. Gosh, he loved her. He didn't know how many times he could say it until it actually reached that level of love he held for her. Which was unlimited, unconditional... Roxas let his smile stay on his face as his thumb stroked Namine's cheek again, his eyes on hers.

    Kairi felt Sora's form against her back, and her smile widened slightly. She lifted both of her hands and gently set them on his arms across her stomach, letting them rest there, but also setting them there as if to keep Sora in that position with her. She loved being close to him...anytime, anyplace. His presence gave her a sense of protection...of love, and care. It was all unlimited and from free will, and that made it even better.
  7. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine noticed a small difference in Roxas' eyes, though she couldn't quite place what the change was. But whatever it was, she knew that it was a good thing. His simple, caring gesture only supported what she already knew.

    Sora smiled softly, feeling Kairi's arms on his. He figured it was to keep him there, as well as to be close to him. He was glad she felt that way, because he obviously felt the same. He loved her with everything he had, and that love was unconditional and unending. Forever and a day.
  8. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas felt his smile soften a little as he kept his eyes lined with Namine's, not really wanting to look away. He let his thumb stroke her cheek for another few moments before he slowly let it come to a stop.

    Kairi lifted her head finally, her eyes falling on the sparkling water ahead of her. It was a pretty sight, and she guessed that was one of the reasons Sora brought her over here. She kept her hands over his arms, still held within them.
  9. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine's smile faded slightly, though it was still visible as she gazed at the boy in front of her. The one who she loved with her entire being. Her prince charming. Her guardian angel.

    Sora silently released a breath, his eyes staying on the water. A peaceful aura surrounded him and Kairi, and he was glad for that. Peaceful moments like this never got old.
  10. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas's hand rested against Namine's cheek for another moment, the boy just gazing at her in silence. Sometimes, just looking at her took his breath away. He didn't know how he became so blessed to actually be able to call this angel his. When he had first met Namine, he had been more confused than ever. But when he was actually with her, all of his nerves seemed to settle. He guessed it was Namine's natural touch that caused that, even when things did get even worse with the Organization and DiZ. Regardless, his feelings had grown for her. They had a connection, one that could only be described as natural. And ever since then, Roxas's feeling had developed even more for Namine, and now he loved her more than he thought humanly possible. And that would never change.

    Kairi felt Sora's breath tickle her ear and move a few strands of her red hair. Her calm smile was still on her face as she looked out at the pond, in Sora's arms--the only place she ever wanted to be. She saw him a little out of the corner of her eye, and turned her head to the side slightly, his face coming into view, his head just above her shoulder. From what she could see, he was happy, content. The peaceful aura around them surely had a part in that.
  11. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine kept her head lightly against Roxas' hand, the girl holding his gaze. Gosh, she was so fortunate to have him in her life. Though they had met under bad circumstances, she knew from their first meeting that things would never be the same. And that was in a good way, of course. They really were the perfect pair.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Sora noticed that Kairi was looking at him. He turned his head slightly and moved in, giving Kairi a light peck on the cheek. After that gesture, he moved back to his previous position, a small smile on his lips as he gazed at the redhead.
  12. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas felt his smile widen ever so slightly, his eyes bright as he gazed at the girl in front of him. He moved his thumb again, stroking Namine's skin on her cheek for a few seconds before he stopped. He slowly and gently pulled back his hand, his fingertips trailing over her cheek before they left her face.

    Kairi's gentle smile widened at the gesture, her eyes brightening a shade in glee as she looked at the boy who held her. She loved him so much, and that love was never going to diminish. Her heart wouldn't allow it to. Kairi may have been a princess, but Sora was definitely the prince. He always would be, no matter what happened.
  13. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine kept her eyes on Roxas despite the fact that he had pulled back some. When he moved, she had brought her head off his hand, and now she was back to a more normal position. However, not having the slightest desire to look away, Namine kept her sky blue eyes on Roxas' ocean-blue.

    A small smile stayed on Sora's lips as he returned Kairi's gaze. He saw happiness in their depths, something he loved to see. His first mission may have been to protect her, but the second was to keep her happy. Whether it was through love, protection, or goofiness, he would always keep her happy.
  14. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas moved his other hand back so he was leaning more comfortable against the bench, both of his hands against the arm of it. He blinked once, his gaze staying fixed on Namine's eyes.

    Kairi giggled softly, her eyes drifting away slightly from Sora's. She felt so happy, and she knew that was because of the boy next to her. Life was good again...mostly because of him. They had been through so much, but without Sora, Kairi wouldn't be where she was that day.
  15. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine looked down a little bit, seeing Roxas' hands on the arm of the bench. Without hesitation, she brought a hand out of her lap, lifting it and setting it on one of Roxas' hands.

    Sora's eyes brighted a shade at Kairi's giggle. One chuckle left his lips in happiness as he looked at the beautiful redhead he had in his arms. Gosh, he loved to hold her. After everything they had gone through together, it seemed fitting that he would be able to hold onto her so tightly now. He was her protector, and her lover. And he would never, ever, let her go. Without thought, he tightened his embrace around Kairi a little.
  16. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas finally tore his eyes away from Namine's face, looking down at his hand. It was now covered by her own, and he couldn't help but smile at the touch.

    Kairi kept her hands against Sora's arms, her arms crossed as well as they rested on top of his. She felt her smile grow a little more at the tightening of his hold on her, which sent a pang of warmth to her heart.
  17. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine kept her gaze on their hands for a few more moments, a small smile on her lips. Seeing their hands together like that just felt so natural. Even at the beginning of their relationship, things had seemed so perfect. But now, after everything they went through together, Namine knew that it didn't only seem perfect. It was perfect. She now knew that she and Roxas were supposed to stay together forever. Because as long as they were hand in hand, nothing could touch them. Life could throw tons of road-blocks in their way, but together, they could handle it. That was the feeling she had in her heart, and she knew the feeling was correct.

    Sora inhaled a silent breath, finally looking away from Kairi at that moment. He turned his gaze forward, looking out at the pond. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, children were laughing, everyone around them was happy. And best of all, Kairi was in his arms. Everything was set up wonderfully, as if fate had played a part in that day. Sora didn't doubt that was true; destiny and fate acted in mysterious ways. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad. But no matter what, he and Kairi would make it through the day. And then the next. As long as they were together, they could handle anything. They already had been tested on every level of their relationship in the past few months, and now the teen only saw a bright future for himself and the girl he loved.
  18. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas looked down at the hand on top of his for a moment, a smile spreading on his lips. Turning his hand, the boy curled his hand around Namine's. This moment...right made him realize that he had the rest of his life to live out dreams. Not only his, but also the ones that belonged to the girl in front of him, the girl he loved with his whole being. Namine was his angel, the one he was sure to spend the best moments of his life with. With her by his side, Roxas knew that they were inseparable and unbreakable. They had gone through so much within the last few months, and had overcomed them together. Nothing could stop them, and nothing ever would. Destiny brought them together, but it was never going to tear them apart. Together, Roxas and Namine were their strongest, and their strongest was how they were going to stay. Forever.

    Kairi let her violet-blue eyes lift to Sora's gorgeous ocean-blue for a moment before turning her head forward again, looking out at the pond ahead of the two of them. She exhaled a soft breath, taking in the moment. The signs around her--the clear skies, the shining sun, the laughter that filled the air, and the boy that held her tightly in his arms--convinced Kairi of a brilliant, beautiful future ahead of her. Throughout the last few months, things had been their hardest. But she had overcome them, not on her own, but alongside the people she loved. Roxas and Namine had conquered their own conflicts and were free to enjoy the peace that filled their lives. But Sora and Kairi... With this boy by her side, Kairi knew that nothing could ever prevent her from succeeding in anything she did. If fate threw any more conflicts at her, she and Sora would conquer them together. They would get past them, and continue to live life to its fullest. With her recent experiences, she finally understood that life really was too short, and living with regrets and sadness was a waste of the precious life she was given. Alongside Sora, Kairi was going to live life to its fullest, with no regrets and no doubts. Sora was her light, and she was going to stay in that light for eternity. Forever and a day.
  19. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    ~Locked on request of the thread co-creator~
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