Kingdom Hearts- FFM V3!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by P E A N U T, Mar 26, 2009.

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  1. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hearing nothing but Roxas' silence, Sora turned his gaze toward the girls once again. Without thought, he looked around them and the general area surrounding them. Of course there was no danger; it was the park, after all. But he couldn't stop being protective of Kairi even if he tried...and he didn't want to try. He was her protector, no matter what.
  2. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    "I'm pretty sure I know what this is mainly about..." Roxas started quietly as his eyes readjusted to the grass again. He bit his lip, trying to decide what words would be appropriate at the moment. He had more to say, but he didn't know how to say it. Not at the moment, anyway. Surely if the conversation started going, it would help jog his brain. But Sora had nothing to feed off of, so Roxas continued. "It's about the whole going-behind-your-back thing, right?" Roxas didn't wait for an answer, his eyes on Sora. "It's probably not only that, but the whole entire night, too..."
  3. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    "Something like that," Sora said quietly, his eyes falling to the ground. Roxas was right on with what he said; going behind his back was a horrible move. Not only was that affecting him, but their fight earlier in the night had been brutal as well. And the way that he had expected Sora to just let Kairi go into danger... Sora looked up at Namine again. Couldn't Roxas understand that Kairi was just as important to him as Namine was to him.
  4. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas sighed, shaking his head as he let his eyes fall to the ground. "Listen, man... I'm really sorry for what I did. Taking Kairi from you was a rotten move..." He let his eyes flit up to Sora again, though his friend wasn't even looking at him. "I should've understood the fact that in order for me to save Namine that I had to ask you to sacrifice someone you love."
  5. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    "I understand why you did, though," Sora started, his eyes moving to Roxas for a moment. "You were so frantic, trying to find a way to save her. You took the one option you saw as your option." Silence hung in the air for a moment before sighed, turning his eyes toward the girls again. He felt as if he needed to explain himself to Roxas, and that was what he was going to do at that very moment. "But I couldn't just let her go, Roxas. I've come close to losing her too many times, and I wouldn't let myself release her when I knew how dangerous the situation was." The brunette kept his eyes over in that direction, focusing his gaze on Kairi.
  6. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas turned his head slightly, following Sora's gaze and finding Kairi. He then let his eyes drop slightly. "...I probably would have reacted the same way, which is why I understood after everything was over why you were mad at me. And still are. I should've never asked that of you...but..." Roxas stopped, realizing that he was about to use Namine as his excuse for his actions. But she wasn't his excuse, she was his reason, but that was just as bad. He couldn't dump it on Namine. It was simple... "There was no excuse for my actions, and I understand that now," Roxas admitted, contradicting what he was about to say before.
  7. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora blinked once, keeping his eyes on Kairi despite the fact that he and Roxas were in the middle of a conversation. "You did have a reason, in a way," Sora state, trying to make Roxas feel a little less guilty about his actions. Why he was doing that, he didn't know at first. And then he did know: Roxas was his friend, and he never wanted his friends to feel bad. Even if they deserved it. "You couldn't have expected something like that to happen. You were caught off guard." Smith's return had been so unexpected, and it brought out the worst in all of them.
  8. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    "Maybe..." Roxas started slowly, bringing his arms up and crossing his arms over his chest. He kept his eyes lowered to his feet, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. "But even if I was, that shouldn't make the situation any better. Deception was a huge part of this, especially from my side of things." It was true, considering he was the one who came by and picked Kairi up anyway. That probably wasn't the best thing he could've done, but he was thinking in the moment, other than what the action might have caused in the future...which was this.
  9. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora nodded slightly, keeping his eyes on Kairi. "I can't disagree with that," he stated simply, agreeing with Roxas. Not only had Sora been decieved by Kairi that night, the love of his life, but he was tricked by his best friend as well. That night definitly didn't have any good memories for him. None at all made him feel anything more than sorrow or hurt. Not even the kiss, which Kairi had explained as a kiss of love, not deception. Still, Sora wasn't able to see past that and feel the love behind it. He just couldn't.
  10. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas shifted his gaze to Sora for a brief moment before it fell to the ground again. "But even if I did go behind your back, I kept my word," he said. "I made sure Kairi was safe, until you stepped in." And he had, up until Smith turned up out of nowhere and Kairi ran past Roxas.
  11. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Once again, Sora nodded faintly. Roxas had protected her until he stepped in. Well, sort of. Sora had warned Kairi of the coming danger, which Roxas wouldn't have been prepared for. "She almost gotten taken, Roxas," Sora's voice was tense at the thought, the teen's eyebrows furrowing slightly without him realizing it. Roxas had been in front of her, which made sense in one way. The blond had probably expected Smith to be up ahead, but that assumption couldn't have been more wrong. Smith was a snake, always taking any opportunities he had to make his move.
  12. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas's eyebrows furrowed a little more at Sora's words, the blond keeping his eyes focused on the ground. Sora's words were true, and he couldn't deny them. It felt as if Sora were rubbing the mistakes in his face, but then again...everything was his fault, especially what he did to Sora.
  13. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora sighed softly, shaking his head slightly as he lowered his gaze to the ground. "I guess you couldn't have really affected that, though," Sora said quietly, trying to take the blame off Roxas once again. "You were in the best position you could have been, since you assumed Smith was ahead of you." The brunette lifted his gaze to the blond beside him, pondering if he should say anything else. After a moment, he thought of something else. "I know you would have protected her to the end." Roxas had given Sora his word before it all happened, and he considered it valid. His friend had protected Kairi the best he could under the circumstances. That meant a lot to him.
  14. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas let his eyes flicker up to Sora, and he nodded once to confirm his statement. "Of course I would have. I made you a promise, even if you didn't really accept it at first. And I intended to keep that promise," he explained, his arms still crossed over his chest. Whatever it took to keep Kairi safe and get to Namine, that was what Roxas had been willing to do. But the tables turned when Smith had shown up out of nowhere.
  15. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora nodded once, his eyse connecting with the bright blue orbs identical to his own. He could tell that Roxas was being completely honest with him now, and he was grateful that they seemed to be working things out. Well, at least they were out in the open, anyway. "I understand that now," Sora said simply, his eyes staying on Roxas.
  16. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas kept his eyes on the ones identical to his own, uncrossing his arms and letting them come back to his sides. "And I appreciate what you did for Namine as well. I have to admit," he started, bringing a hand to the back of his head, "I wasn't really expecting you to call...or offer to go in yourself."
  17. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora shrugged slightly, not really expecting that change in the conversation. "I did what I saw as the best option," he said, leaving it at that. There was no need to let Roxas know how close he had come to death for Namine...if he didn't already know. Sora was sure that his friend still felt some guilt for getting him involved in the first place, and the last thing Roxas needed to know was how dangerous things had really gotten for him and Namine.
  18. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas let his hand come back down to his side. "...Namine told me about the gas," he said, letting his eyes fall for a moment. Then he looked back up at the brunet. "I owe you a lot for that, Sora." Even if Sora wasn't going to bring up that topic, Roxas had planned to anyway. It was a big deal, but when they talked on the phone before all the chaos at the warehouse, they had both vowed they would do what it took to protect the other's girl. And they both ended up doing just that...though Roxas's assumption was wrong about Smith coming out ahead of them...just like how all of his other assumptions had been wrong.
  19. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora's eyes widened slightly, the teen not expecting Roxas to bring up that topic so easily. In fact, he hadn't even been sure that Roxas was aware of what had happened. But thinking about it now, it made sense. After all, Namine was Roxas' girlfriend, and she probably told him everything that went on. "I...didn't want you to find out about that," Sora said awkwardly. He brought a hand to the back of his head and diverted his gaze to the ground.
  20. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    "...I kinda thought that you wouldn't," Roxas said quietly. "But you and I weren't talking so...Namine was the one to break the news. Don't get mad at her for telling me or anything, because I asked her what happened. But back at the warehouse, when I first got to her, she asked about you, and I remembered what Kairi had told me, too... I wasn't really sure of what actually happened to you." Roxas let his eyes fall to the ground for a second, letting his words hang in the air. "Well, let's just say that after Namine told me, I wasn't feeling my best." The boy pressed his lips together a little, letting his eyes fall on the grass next to the path.
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