Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance: Jump Festa Details + New Screens

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    As you guys may know, Jump Festa is beginning now, the first day being December 17th. Dream Drop Distance is slated to appear with a demo, an eight-minute promotional trailer, and a new world to be confirmed. We've got our first look with these control charts set out by Square near the demos:
    Here's a summary of what the text says:
    Additionally, we've got some new details on worlds & character appearances, including a Tron: Legacy world and the appearance of Rhyme from The World Ends With You!
    There are also 17 new screenshots, which can be viewed over at Andriasang (click here!).

    Stay tuned as we get more information from Jump Festa, and hopefully footage of the lengthy trailer!

    Sources: FF-Reunion, Andriasang
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Dec 16, 2011.

    1. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      ...Best KH game yet? I'm starting to think so...

    2. Noroz
      Oh, a lot of news coming up now. Though I'm not sure if I like the cartoon-ish look.
    3. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      There's a Tron Legacy world? Hell yes! But I thought they said all of the worlds would be new in this game. Wouldn't this be a return to Space Paranoids?
    4. Noroz
      Tron Legacy stages. I did not see this. I have a feeling it won't be very overwhelming though, probably similar to the one in KHII

      There was also a shooting mini game that had Sora glide through the stage. Much like his Wisdom Form, I expect. Which makes me think, is there any information on whether or not there will be forms?
    5. Excasr
      I wanna that game.
      Now. I can't wait.

      Reading all this... I think I won't sleep today. ::L:

      Will this be really the best KH?
    6. Shikou
      I dont like the Lock-On system that much. I try to see how it would be like by pressing A+X on my DS and it is a bit weird to me. But the new KH games have this control type thing option where you can switch what control type you want now so I'll just wait if they bring back L+R or something like that.
    7. ygorvaz
      I turn off my pc for half a hour and thousand of news surface on the internet? G_G
      Mand, this kingdom hearts will be epic. New Enemies, New history, new moves, new outfits, IN 3D, EPIC! Mark my words!
    8. nickoboyzx
      hhhmmm......... i hope in my country had that game soon.....

      can't wait to play it....
    9. chessplayerjames
      Wow, I had thought they had done away with the automatic switching of characters (Drop). Guess not. Looks epic! Just need to save up for a 3DS.......
    10. Cloudrunner62

      All I want for christmas is a 3DS. Besides that, I just want cash for ikkicon. Only reason I really want the 3DS is this.
    11. Krown
      This game sounds awesome.
      Although I do wish they'd stop making games for handhelds.