Hello KH-Vids. Yesterday/early today Jump Festa has came to a close. Not to worry! Our fun has just begun. Here's why...
The official promotional video or "trailer" - what ever you want to call it, is expected to surface on the internet within this week. We are in for a very special treat. Technically, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance will be released within three months and one week in Japan. Not that far, right?
In the mean time, SQEXGAL has provided a FULL in-depth trailer summary (like the one we posted before) but with A LOT more information and quotes. Are you ready? Go!
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance: In-Depth Trailer Script
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 18, 2011.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 18, 2011.
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