Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Collides with...?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Neku" width="500" height="376" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3101" /></a></center>

    It's the Tokyo Game Show! Gear up for all the latest news revolving Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. We'll have all the latest information regarding the new playable demo and it's new trailer that will be available for the public.

    To our surprise, Siliconera is reporting that they've had a hands on experience with Kingdom hearts Dream Drop Distance. While playing the demo; Neku, the protagonist of The World Ends With You appears in the title.

    Siliconera also noted that the demo has two parts. Sora's episode starts in Traverse town. "Sora calls for Riku, but finds Neku instead who is hanging from a roof. He jumps down and shows Sora the number on his hand and mentions he needs a partner to play the Reapers’ game with."

    This indeed sounds very exciting! More coverage coming soon. Hold on guys; it's going to be a very bumpy ride (I'm not sure what I'm saying. Work with me guys. It's a happy day for KH fans).
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 14, 2011.

    1. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Mike you aren't kidding right!?!?!??! Mikey don't be playin' with me! Are you serious?

      NEKU IS IN KINGDOM FLIPPING HEARTS?!?!????? Holy ****.... This is the best day of my life... Maybe Joshua will be in it too.... *faints*
    2. Yozora

      Wow, this should be interesting.... Having Neku and all. I don't think The World Ends With You is much of a kid's game, is it?
    3. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa wtf. If this is a joke I am not laughing. I'm not mad at this but I'm confused. The main character from a Square game is now in a new Square game... Damn I'm going to need to play this game now. I know nothing about it so I can't tell if it'd be like a Disney thing (Where some character from a game comes in) or if it'd be like a serious thing (where he would be a big part of the story) mainly because I know nothing of The World Ends With You.
    4. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      What? NEKU? So then it's official, Kingdom Hearts is no longer Disney+Final Fantasy, it's Disney+All of Square Enix. AND THAT'S AWESOME. Does I smell Chrono Trigger characters?
    5. Mixt
      I figured we were in for something weird when there was talk of two new allies that hadn't appeared in KH before, but this just came out of left field. I mean wow.

      Although I haven't played TWEWY, I looked up what a Reaper's game was quickly and evidently dead people can participate. Maybe this is how we were seeing Xemnas and Ansem SoD in the trailer?
    6. Amaury
      It's nice to hear that the Tokyo Game Show, which I kind of have had suspicions.

      Thanks for the update.
    7. Day~Dream
      He must be one of the new allies that was mentioned =3 this is amazing! Sora and Neku side by side. This is gonna be so cool! I wonder whose the other.
    8. Plums
      TWEWY in KH?


      OMG YES


      I KNEW it would happen eventually, but yay :'D
      Oh my god I'm not sure what to say, other than I really want gameplay footage. >:
      This is probably the best thing ever.
      Thanks for the update Mike. <:

      and mr. nomura how you spoil me so <3
    9. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That actually makes perfect sense, they were both in Traverse Town weren't they?

      In the Reaper's Game, dead people are allowed to fight for a chance at their life back. It may turn out that Xemnas wins and gets to come back.

      So, the Reaper's Game is played in Traverse Town (WE'D BETTER GET TO FIGHT SOME REAPERS) and we fight a bunch of people we've already killed. Sounds pretty cool to me.
    10. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      I feel like that would kind of take away the Kingdom Hearts experience. I'm sure Noramura has some more complicated way as to their return or appearance in Traverse Town.
    11. cloud's buddy
      cloud's buddy
      Freaking Square making me buy a 3DS for this game.
    12. KeybladeSpirit
      This is absolutely amazing. I didn't think this week could get any better, but it just did! I can't wait to see what else there is.
    13. Llave
      Aight dawg, indeed it is! This is something that will surely quell most of our KH cravings for more stuff! Neku, boss, jus sayin. So this will aready be on my "Christmas List", given it would come out then, but i'm not sure... Anyway awesome stuff, keep us informed Mike! Thanks! (Dang, you really have your work cut out for ya!)
    14. exile0025
      YES*throws hands up in the air and spins in chair*