Kingdom Hearts Director Wants To Add Pixar

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Jason Schreier of revealed that from a conversation with Tai Yasue, that the Director was interested in Creating a Pixar themed world.

    Interesting Fact, Buzz and Woody were planned to be summons in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.
    Their 3d Models appeared in the game's coding but never made it to the final product.


    Any film in particular you would like to see added to the series?
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 8, 2012.

    1. chessplayerjames
      No I'm pretty sure it was children they were afraid of, not humans. Sorry, can't look it up though since they stole some of our DVDs on the move here -_- That included Kingdom Hearts: ReCom and the case for Kingdom Hearts II -_-

      But yeah, I would like to see them as monsters lol hadn't thought of that before.

      Oh yeah, a Bugs Life would be sweet, instead of heartless and nobodies and unversed and
      dream eaters

      we get grasshoppers instead! And for the mega boss, HOPPER. Or maybe the bird? LOL the possibilities are endless.

      Ratatouille? Maybe an optional world with cooking mini-games or sounds more boring than I can imagine it.

      Finding Nemo? No. Had a PS2 game of Finding Nemo and it made sitting around doing nothing seem like
    2. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      If we do get some Pixar based worlds in KH, they would have be of the movies that could actually work as worlds. Toy Story, Monsters Inc., The Incredibles, and A Bug's Life all could work as worlds. Cars and Finding Nemo on the other hand would not.
    3. DarknessKingdom
      Kingdom Hearts fanfiction authors have been putting Pixar characters into their fanfiction since the inception of the series. It's not exactly an original idea since fans have more or less speculated or expressed interest in Pixar characters being in the franchise since day 1 but should be interesting to see what they throw in.
    4. starseeker3
      Wall-E, please! my all time favorite Disney/Pixar movie ever, Monsters, Inc. would be a fun world to see (Sora as a monster...Just imagine it!) and Cars would be funny, instead of a Gummy Editor, we get a Sora Editor.
    5. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      *le gasp*

      I want to see Bug's Life as a KH World!

      Donald should be a beetle....
    6. Hayabusa
      I'm excited to hear that they want to do it, but now I'm trying to figure out what would make the most sense to use...

      Brave could definitely work, but I don't really know the specific plot.

      The Incredibles would be awesome, fighting alongside superheroes. I can see them questioning how Sora is so strong...

      Toy Story would be amazing, for obvious reasons (Toy Story + Kingdom Hearts)

      Monsters, Inc. sounds cool, but I don't know how they would work the story in really since Sora's a Sora? (more so than Halloween Town)

      I really don't want to see Cars. I really don't. No. Finding Nemo would definitely not work either.
    7. Orangethousand19pro
      Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Monster's Inc., The Incredibles, Wall-E.
    8. Krowley
      Keeping a tally, the score for wanted Pixar films are as follows;
      9 - Toy Story
      9 - Incredibles
      9 - Moster's Inc
      4 - Bugs Life
      3 - Brave
      3 - Cars
      2 - Wall-E
      1 - Finding Nemo