Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{Under Construction}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 6, 2010.


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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Cielo di Nuvola

    "" Cielo asked himself as he bent over huffing, his hands on his knees. "Master Yen Sid, sorry I'm late," he apologized silently, perfectly aware that his master couldn't hear him. After a few moments, Cielo straightened his body and looked in front of him. There was the door to the throne room. The door was clean and shiny, a slightly blurred reflection of him staring right back. Cielo spent a few minutes studying himself. His spiky brown hair jutted out, slanting towards his left. A blue eye stared back, the other one tinted by the pink lens covering it from his half-goggle. Uncrossing his arms, he noticed the brown gloves on his hands, gloves he's always worn. It took the sound of combat on the other side to stir from admiring himself. "Hm?" He pondered as he tilted his head, crossing his arms in front of his chest. It didn't sound like they were fighting Balls of Light, could they have already moved on to the second half of the exam? "I knew it! I'm even later than I thought!" He cried out as he raised a hand towards the door before pausing. Was it really okay to interrupt an exam? He couldn't just wait outside; the whole point of his visiting was to see the exam and how others fared. He considered knocking, but then decided against it. "There's no fun in formalities," he grinned as he slowly opened the door a crack.

    Cielo walked in slowly and quietly. He would make sure not to make a loud disturbance. After closing the door behind him, the tardy apprentice leaned against it, taking in the sight. There were three apprentices taking the exam and he could see three Masters on the other side, proctoring, but his gaze refocused on the examinees. The big one must be Terra, he thought, watching the ground-named apprentice. The girl, of course, is Aqua, he noticed who Terra was defending himself against. But there was a third. "I could have sworn Master Yen Sid only two of the apprentices would be tested today," he inquired to himself. He's never met any of the other Masters or their apprentices, but Yen Sid told him plenty. The third silver-haired boy didn't resemble the description of Eraqus' third apprentice, Ventus. Cielo made a point to stay still, hoping not to distract the others or catch the unneeded attention of the Masters until after the exam. Hopefully, the clash of Keyblades won't near him.
  2. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    (Since no one else seems to want to continue...)


    World: Radient Garden
    Location: The Castle
    Interaction: N/A​

    Ienzo turned the pages of the book, gazing at the foreign symbols. Dreams of what fantastic things the letters could say filled his head, and he soon fell asleep on top of the book, cheek stuck to the page.


    We the boy woke a few hours later, he found that the room had grown dim, and the sun was just setting below the horizon through the window. He switched on the lamp on his desk (which was completely overflown with books), and turned to look at the wall clock. Surely someone should have come looking for him by now?
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