Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{Under Construction}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 6, 2010.


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  1. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71


    Xehanort had been privileged to spectate only a handful of duels between Keyblade wielders in his time; he'd been part of a few more. But a three-way duel? An interesting notion on paper, but it seemed to be going how he'd expected: One stayed on the sidelines while the two fought it out for the right to move on.
    Still, the silver-haired boy had some interesting tricks. Xehanort didn't even blink as, within an instant, the boy was reeling from an attack, then poised to return fire with an illusory copy to buffer his assault.
    He has access to time magic. Intriguing.
    It held his attention for but a moment as the object of his designs began to swell with darkness. It had taken only one attack to incite his rage! Xehanort hadn't even had to reach out to his heart, as he'd been intending. Terra's power spiked sharply as a hand burst forth from an unknown void. Xehanort couldn't help but throw his eyebrows up in surprise. The boy did not only carry darkness; he had a talent for its use.
    At this rate, it will be a small task to deepen the divide between him and this adoptive family of his. Their absolutism will push him away.
    Xehanort grinned inwardly. The pieces were already beginning to sidle into place.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne room
    Interaction: Discord, Terra​

    OOC: Goodness. xD I wasn't expecting Terra to go apesh** so quickly. Caught me off-guard.
  2. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Discord Entropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    The brunette made the shortest work of the boy's clone. Terra's expression swiftly went from pride, to guilt, to surprise. After attacking the pale boy's scapegoat, the brunette was left wide open for Discord's tactic. The horizontal lightning bolt darted to to Terra, grounding the brunt of the Thunder into the ground with his keyblade. The brute's chest was still exposed to lightning. Discord grinned slimly while his attack landed. Although, then Terra grew furious. It was like he wasn't going to be pushed around any more. Terra's rage manifested swiftly, growing and growing until it overflowed, reaching forward and forcing his shadow to take form, a dark claw slammed into Discord, his platinum eyes narrowed as he was forced backward, taking the full force of the shadow. Discord looked to the Keyblade Masters, seeing the bald, older man's face light up as Terra released his inner self. Shame that Master Eraqus hadn't noticed it then.

    However, getting knocked back was always a good thing in the mage's case. Discord raised his keyblade, magic coursing through his sword. He pulled it back behind his shoulder, the blade giving out an eerie dark glow.
    "Stop Raid," he thought, time coming to a halt the second after he launched his blade. The sword stopped in mid-air as Discord started to move. The ivory-haired boy moved into position, ready to catch his blade if it had struck through Terra and initiate a final combo.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua.​
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara noticed the dark shadow and overflowing darkness flow from Terra and strike Discord. She couldn't believe the boy knew how to control his darkness. Her black eyes shifted toward Xehanort who was hiding his grin but she could almost feel his pleasure at seeing the darkness. Xara tried to put a feeling to her sudden surprise and intrest, but failed and sat there animatedly watching.

    Discord handled himself well after such a surprising attack. She was starting to believe Terra, Discord and even the masters would play a part in her goal. But Terra's darkness needed to be honed and she could teach him that, if Xehanort didn't get to him first. She scowled into empty air and tried to re-arrange her goal for interruptions from the masters. She couldn't add the younger trainee's into her plans, since their significance was limited to her. Xara willed a small smile to her face and continued watching to see how this pleasant outcome would affect Terra's future.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: N/A
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Aoika watched the fight as Terra defended himself from Discord's illusion and comeback combination attackand Terra's reactions to it, it was an effective move to use to get closer to your opponent until he saw a large clawed hand emerge to slam into Discord as Aoika's eyes widened. "What...?" He thought to himself, honestly surprised at the sight of it but then he remembered the arm. "So that's...the darkness?" Aoika thought to himself.

    He remembered one of Eraqus's lessons was that darkness was something that upsets the balance in the worlds and that the darkness itself must be destoryed if the worlds were to know true peace once again as it was their duty as wielders of the Keyblade to go forth and destory the darkness that people used in their schemes as Aoika stared at Terra. "But Terra's not a bad person...but I wonder how this will affect the exam?" Aoika thought with worry, he did want all three to pass for their constant wish to become Masters.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: N/A
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: None​

    With each step he took forward till he reached what appeared to be a training zone. Strange rings dangled from contraptions that spun. The area was not what he was asked to look for but it interested him and Feign considered the possibility of something happening when the correct input was added to the spinning ring device. Thus, he increased his walking speed to a somewhat average person's speed and arrived at arms length of the closest ring.
    With one hand he felt the side of the ring, testing it's durability, texture and material. Gaining enough understanding of the device he returned his hand to his side and drew one of his weapons, a LunaFang, and swung it at the ring before him causing it's movement and green orbs to fall from it.
    The orbs where now of interest to him, they seemed to recover his vitality. Finding these in a time of dire need would be of use to him and Feign noted it. Even a beast needs to heal. It was no different for a heart completely swallowed by darkness.

    After his research into the foreign contraption, Feign continued ahead to the large castle looming in the background. Knowing his presence may cause difficulties he hid himself so he would not cause problems for his task. Finding the key the whispers spoke of would be an easy task for him, if only he knew what 'the key' meant. Even without knowing what he was truly seeking, Feign considered two options of the word find. Locate or take. Locate was what was on his mind.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    A smile flickered on Terra's face when he saw Discord knocked back quite a bit, that must have hurt to have taken the full force of the attack. Terra pulled his keyblade backwards, pointing the tip of Earthshaker at Discord, his golden eyes focused on the boy in front of him.

    Discord's keyblade flew at him, a faint coat of magic visible to Terra's eyes. He wasn't going to let that hit him, there was no telling what his opponent could follow it up with this time. He had to strike first and strike hard. Terra lurched forward, planning on using his Sonic Blade technique to close in the distance but instead he vanished, leaving No Name to fly through the room and hit nothing. This time it was Terra who was behind Discord, his Earthshaker covered in darkness. Terra shook from anger, ready to dash straight at the boy.

    His eyes caught a glimpse of his master for just a split second. The darkness faded just as quickly as it appeared, Terra's eyes returning to their original shade of blue as he swung his keyblade backwards to rid it of the remaining black tendrils that covered it. I don't need the darkness to win! He thought to himself as he struggled to regain his control.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua
  7. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Discord Entropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    "Shi-!"No. No... It was going all wrong. Terra was supposed to be hit by the Key. And what was this technique he was using? Discord was baffled as his platinum eyes tracked the trajectory of his keyblade, flying aimlessly to the other side of the room, not even towards Aqua. The boy turned around, predicting where Terra would end up. He raised his right forearm to the blade, his coat ripping and sparks spraying every which-way while Earthshaker slid across Discord's arm brace. This lessened the blow to the ivory-haired teen's torso, but it was still strong enough to get its point across. The darkness was strong within Terra, just as Discord's Master had predicted. Without it, Terra would have been defeated soon. Discord reached forward with his unoccupied arm, reaching past Terra. His essence reached across the room, willing his blade back to him. In the same laser-blue light that had formed his master's weapons, Discord's No Name had returned to his hand.
    "Stop" The white-eyed teen read in his mind, hoping Terra wouldn't notice the change in frames. Discord was taking in the scene he had paused. Terra was trying to regain control of himself, it had looked like it had started to work. He was looking over to the Masters; Eraqus was giving Terra an enraged, if not, concerned look. Discord left another full-body clone in his stead, taking the exact stance as he was. Discord walked closer to Aqua's location, at a safe enough distance to cast a long-distance Reflect on his clone and still have time to parry the blunette's attacks when she would jump in.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua.​
  8. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Sensing an odd disturbance, Kexyl decided to investigate. Leaving one of his partners in the courtyard to to explain to Eraqus' Keyblade why he left, Kexyl took his leave via his unique "portal" abilities. Materializing in front of the castle, he continued down the stairs to the Mountain Path where he noticed a figure clad in shiny black armor. Quickly hiding himself behind one of the three chairs to carefully observe. The figure seemed to be examining one of the large gold rings that the apprentices used to train. Without warning, the figure summoned a dark blade that might have resembled a Keyblade if Kexyl didn't know better. At that time the armor clad man struck the ring, releasing a flurry of green orbs that were quickly absorbed into his body. He then started walking again, at which point a series of thoughts that were not his own went through Kexyl's mind.
    At that time, Kexyl decided that it was time to take action. He walked out and stood in the man's path before saying out loud, "Hey. What are you doing here? If you're here to crash the exam you'll just get thrown out like I did, so don't try. And why were your thoughts in my mind? What's this about seizing or locating a key?"

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: Feign
  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: Kexyl​

    As he approached the entry way towards the looming building, Feign was cut off by another being. Was it a local? Feign couldn't tell nor did it interest him. Hearing the questions but being unable to reply he did the only thing he knew and raised his already summoned LunaFang for battle as he summoned the other. The obstacle that blocked Feign's path would be removed by force if necessary, not realising what the being before him is, was and wields.
    Feign's lack of knowledge of the key he sought was a weakness at best, his original world was one without keyblades or knowledge of keyblades but knew of the darkness that connected worlds, the same darkness that created him as he is now.

    The hollow shell of darkness that was Feign acted upon his basic instincts and prepared his attack. He raised both his LunaFangs into a two-sword stance with his left sword was held more forward and lower than the other while the right sword was held higher and further back to the right side of his body. Being unable to use speech he waited to see Kexyl's reaction.
  10. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    "Oh, so you want to fight? Well I'm sorry, but I have no intention of fighting you," Kexyl said as he walked forward and summoned his Keyblade, "However, I will show you this. I assume this is the "key" you were thinking about. Long ago there was a war involving these keys, called Keyblades. I was one of of those Keyblades. My master used me to kill many people during that war, all for the purpose of obtaining one special kind of Keyblade, the χ-Blade. It may sound the same, for which reason some pronounce it as Kyeblade, but I assure you it is very different. If you want to learn more, come with me, and talk to me. If you cannot talk, I have a feeling that you can communicate via telepathy based on the fact that I heard your thoughts a few moments ago."

    With that, Kexyl walked back to the castle, waiting for the man to follow or not.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    I can still win like this... Terra charged forward, his eyes locked on the figure in front of him. He jumped high into the air just before he was within striking distance of Discord's copy and flew right over it. He spun around in midair and prepared to strike from behind until he caught a glimpse of something from the edge of his vision.

    Terra landed and jumped backwards away from the clone without attacking it. He saw that Discord was now standing farther away and closer towards Aqua. Another copy? He really likes messing around. Terra was unsure of how best to counter these kinds of spells, even Aqua who was the best at magic in the group could not do something like this. I'll just have to be faster. Terra thought to himself, tightening his grip on his keyblade as he pulled Earthshaker backwards in preperation for an attack of his own. Terra swung his keyblade, dashing across the room at blinding speed as he attempted to strike Discord with Zantetsuken.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua


    The Mysterious Figure

    Time freezed for a moment as Terra flew at Discord, catching the scene while Terra had only closed in half the distance between the two. Knowing that he did not have to worry about anyone spotting his appearance, the hooded figure stepped from beside Xara's chair and slowly walked over towards Terra, giving a blank gaze at the boy. He looked into the boy's blue eyes and shook his head slowly when he saw a lack of anger in them. They didn't show the same determination as when the darkness had surfaced.

    "If your power grows, the end result will allow me to reap the most out of this." The figure took a momentary glance at the young Ventus. "It won't be too long before you're of any use to me." The man pulled his hood back and took in the still air, turning his attention towards Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort. How will it feel to lose him to the darkness, Eraqus? And what will you do when you face me, Xehanort? He had done enough sight-seeing, the man pulled his hood back over his head and snapped his fingers, leaving the scene with no traces of his presence.
  12. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Discord Entropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    "What happened right there? I think you were doing much better with that shadow."

    The silver-eyed boy scowled in his mind, keeping the charge on his Reflect from taking full form. Terra didn't fall for the trick. Darn. Discord had done a smart job with placing himself between Terra and Aqua, making a straight line with the three of them. That was the next part of his plan. The boy thought quickly, analyzing Terra's stance, his blade ready to strike. Discord noted the brunette's speed, Terra had gained a ton of speed between then and his earlier attacks. Would he fall for the same trick again? The snow-haired boy was swiftly thinking of a way out. He couldn't back up. He would most likely be attacked by Aqua. No, he would definitely be attacked by Aqua. Time was getting thinner and thinner. Earthshaker was drawing nearer. Discord himself was growing more and more exhausted. He would surely not be casting spells much longer. Maybe if he could draw the attention away from himself. Then again, that tactic didn't work, as he had just seen when Terra didn't attack the fake Discord. With that, Discord rerouted the Magic that he would have used for Reflect into a Stop.

    "Sorry about this, miss," The illusion apologised as Earthshaker rended him in two. The true apprentice was a safe distance away, catching his breath. The clone had moved into position simultaneous to him departing from it. As Discord had planned, this would most likely send Terra's blade into the blunette. Or, at least in her direction, very close to her. This would probably either end Aqua's chances at this match; Terra's attack was blindingly fast. Option two was that the two would then battle amongst themselves, leaving Discord with the minor responsibility of keeping his distance. The boy cursed in the back of his mind at Master Eraqus; Why was bringing Potions or Ethers against the rules?

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua.​
  13. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: Kexyl​

    Hearing the words of the being, a former keyblade, Feign collected the information into an order in his mind. Taking into account the words of the whispers he heard his purpose again and more clearly with his memory. Finding the key was all that it asked, it did not specify to take it. This would be harder to take the key when there is so many in one place, this world must be full of them and the being that stood before him wields one and was one. Which key was he to find didn't matter, all that matters was he found the source of the key, or as it would appear to Feign now, a collection of keys. He required the next step from the whispers and turned away from the castle, opening a dark corridor and returning to the Lanes Between where he was able to hear the whispers.
  14. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk

    World: Radient Garden
    Location: The Castle
    Interaction: N/A​

    Ienzo sat on the front steps to the castle he called his home, nibbling on a bar of Sea-Salt Ice Cream. He savored the cool treat for every bite, until there was nothing left but a sticky mess and a wooden stick. The boy was slightly disappointed by the end of the ice cream, but he stood up and went back inside.

    After washing his hands of the mess and discarding the stick, he climbed the stairs to his room, if he could even call it that. It was so packed full of books that it could barely be considered a bedroom. The only traces of someone living there was the bed in the corner and the closet doors opposite from it. The only source of light was a large window that overlooked the the town.

    Ienzo crossed the room to the bookshelf next to the bed, where he kept his favorite books. He took out a black leather volume and opened the front cover. The book was in a language he couldn't understand, but he just liked how the symbols looked on the page, a mystery yet to be uncovered. There was a certain air about the book, something he didn't understand. He had tried everything to decifer it, looked through many of the books in Master Ansem's study, and had even gone so far as to ask the Moogles in town if they could read it, but no one had been able to tell him anything. But he wasn't about to give up that easily.
  15. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: N/A


    Ven's eye darted back and forth, turning his attention from Discord to Terra, then back again. He had never seen a battle like this and it was incredible to him. He always saw Terra and Aqua fight, but the way Terra was fighting seemed much more different compared to the simple sparring the three of them would do. However, Discord's abilities seemed to have Terra on his toes. I never saw this guy before and he pulls out with all these attacks. Ven's eyes narrowed as he suddenly got curious as to who exactly was that boy.

    Ven's attention momentarily turned towards the three masters that were watching the battle. He thought for a moment before returning his gaze back towards the fight. I wonder what Master Eraqus is thinking. The boy's lips slightly pressed together, curiosity and several questions entering his mind.
  16. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    Aqua watched as Terra took on illusions summoned by Discord. "That magic, it's so strong." The next thing she knew there was a either an illusion, or Discord himself standing near her. She gripped her keyblade tighter. Ready to send a burst of magic at it. The next thing she knew, Terra was rushing towards the two of them. She saw him swing his keyblade ready to strike. She held up Rainfell near her face, in defense.

    As he neared, his keyblade broke away the illusion, and in turn knocking Aqua down because of the great force. She was lucky she held up her keyblade, if she had not, she would not be able to get back up. She hobbled to a stand using Rainfell as a crutch. She then faced Terra and swung towards him. She wasn't going to let a hit like that keep her down, this was her chance.

  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    World: N/A
    Location: The Lanes Between

    For the first time the whispers where silent. There was no sound in the empty void Feign floated in. Had he failed the objective they gave to him? This worried him, if he didn't find an objective soon his last shreds of mentality would fade away and there was only thing that could happen to his blackened heart. He had found the key, or more correctly, a collection of them. They did not ask of him to retrieve it in a full statement, at least Feign saw it that way. The state his mind was in would only allow him to follow the exact commands to the letter. If they don't say it directly, he won't do it. Floating still for a moment he could feel his mind drifting without objectives to follow. Deep inside his mind he could see what he was becoming, the creature he fought against was his own darkness yet he still embraced it. It was a twisted tango between his inner darkness and desire. Still, he wasn't able to create his own objectives and the 'requests' of the whispers kept him active. Panicking, he opened a dark corridor and drifted inside it, towards a world without a specified location.

    OOC: I probably won't be able to post frequently so I thought I'd throw my character out of the way for a bit so I don't prevent anyone else from posting.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Aoika watched the battle with calculating eyes. "They are each experts in their own right..." Aoika thought to himself, amazed at the three wielders as his eyes trailed to the three Masters, from their expressions and stances, they were also watching the intense fight with caution, Master Xehanort seemed very relaxed, as if he was enjoying the battle before him as Master Eraqus seemed very concerned if Aoika had to guess, but the middle Master Xara seemed...unreadable but Aoika quickly turned his attention back to the fight.

    "If I know Aqua as well as I think I do, she's not going to take that attack lying down, if I were perhaps her...I'd cast Fire as the keyblades are clashed to create a smokescreen and attempt to get behind Terra then cast another spell since my strong point is magic so I'd be able to cause more damage, but this is Aqua I'm talking about, she's someone who's in a class within in her own right." AOika thought as he brought his hand to his chin in thought.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: None
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra's eyes widened when he found himself striking Aqua by accident, it had been yet another trick by Discord. This was both good and bad news to Terra. On the positive side, it meant that Discord knew he couldn't fight him head on...and on the negative side it meant that now he was fighting Aqua who he had yet to even wear down. He almost apologized when he knocked her back but wasn't given the chance when Aqua struck out at him.

    Terra braced himself, placing his keyblade in between the two as their blades locked. He pushed hard against Aqua's weapon, looking her in the eye. "Didn't mean to hit you." He spoke through his gritted teeth as he used his sheer brute strength in an attempt to overpower Aqua. This'll take longer than I thought... Terra silently thought to himself, knowing that with two opponents, it would be a struggle to stay on top of things.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua
  20. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Stunned at the figure's response, Kexyl decided to walk back to the courtyard instead of using his unique powers to get back. Walking through the castle was such a calming experience, especially due to the fact that so many of Kexyl's brethren were raised and trained here. He could literally feel the memories of his dead brothers flowing through the walls, making them come alive with voices and visions that the human residents of the castle would never have the privilege of experiencing.

    The way to the courtyard, Kexyl passed by the stairs leading up to the Throne Room. Hearing the clash of brother against brother, Kexyl decided to walk up the stairs to observe how the exam was proceeding. Communicating to Eraqus' Keyblade, and hopefully Eraqus by extension, that he was merely observing for the moment to ensure things were going well after the rather disastrous results of his intrusion, he peered up over the wall to see that Terra and Aqua were sparring whilst the unknown boy who was also being examined stood to the side.

    Sensing that Terra was letting the Darkness take an unhealthy hold on him, Kexyl also sent a small message to Earthshaker telling it try and keep Terra under control as much as possible, though he knew it wouldn't be enough to make a significant difference. In the end, Kexyl ended up watching for much longer than he expected, the fight having an odd hypnotic quality and drawing him deeper and deeper into a sort of waking sleep. Eyes wide, Kexyl stood straight, watching the fight between his brother, sister, and their soon to be masters.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Eraqus(?), Terra (indirectly)

    OOC: I may not be on as much due to very unexpected but most certainly good circumstances. If I'm gone for any period longer than three days, I give permission to the group as a whole to do what you will with Kexyl WITHIN REASON.
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