Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{Under Construction}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 6, 2010.


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  1. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71


    "Today you will be examined for the Mark of Mastery. Not one but three of the Keyblade's chosen stand before me as candidates..."
    Three. Xehanort had not expected three. The third young man was unfamiliar to him, but he thought little of it. Perhaps the boy was a new recruit, or Xehanort just hadn't noticed him during his last visit. His fixation soon returned to Terra, though his looks were subtle; he maintained his tranquility, straight-faced and solemn.
    "But this is neither a competition or a battle for supremacy—not a test of wills, but a test of heart. All of you may prevail, or none. But I am sure our Guests, Master Xehanort..."
    The elder Master nodded in response.
    "...and Master Xara, did not travel all this way to see our youngest prospects in years fall short of the Mark. I trust you are ready."
    Xehanort knew the format of Eraqus's exam. It came in two parts; a fight against light and a duel among wielders. How underwhelming, he thought. It was like any other day of training for them. What part of this would prepare them for the staggering reality of their duties? How would destroying a few light orbs and holding a mock duel prove the younglings worthy of the Mark?
    Eraqus summoned his light orbs. Same as usual. This just would not do.
    At the very least, I can make this a bit more interesting...
    Xehanort smirked, and slowly raised his hand...
    An intruder? ...No, another Master. It seemed a new one came to light at every turn. Still, why had Vanitas not informed him of this? Xehanort couldn't recall if he knew this fellow, but it seemed the inverse was true enough.
    "Master Xehanort, may I have a word with you before the start of the exam? Eraqus, you may come too. It's highly urgent."
    The man went on, but Xehanort had already heard enough. One interruption was one too many.
    "Urgent enough to disrupt this most sacred of rites? Whatever your business with me, it will have to wait."

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne room
    Interaction: Master Eraqus, Terra, Kexlaybed​
  2. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Aqua, Terra, Discord, Eraqus, Xara


    Ven quietly stood off to the side, his posture straight as he listened to everything his Master would say. His eyes briefly hovered over towards the three that stood before Master Eraqus. Aqua, Terra and Discord. Maybe all three of them will become Masters. The boy slightly slouched forward, but soon straightened up once more when hearing his Master speak once more. His gaze soon hovered towards the two Masters that had come to see the exam. I've never seen that woman before. Ven averted his gaze, wondering who the woman might have been. He remembered Discord mentioned her the previous night, but she was new to him.

    Ven turned his attention past the three trainees, hearing an unfamiliar voice interrupt the exam. Who is he? Ven took a step away from where he was standing, surprised from the sudden interruption. He doubted this has ever happened before, but even if it did, who would even want to interrupt such an important event? Hopefully this doesn't ruin the chances of Terra and Aqua becoming Masters.
  3. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️

    "Oh...but...fine. You are a Master, and as such it is ultimately your decision. But I really must see you immediately after the exam," turning to the students, only two of whom he recognized, Kexyl continued, "Terra, Aqua, and...I don't believe I know your name, I sincerely apologize for the interruption. Master Eraqus," Kexyl bowed respectfully, "I believe I owe you more of an apology than anybody else. As for this other master who I don't recognize, I believe I owe you an apology as well. You seem very annoyed, and I want you to know that I will do my best not to disturb you anymore. I cannot say that I am taken by your beauty, but something about you seems different from other Masters that I have met. I hope we meet again in the future, as friends or otherwise."

    Being done speaking, Kexyl walked upward to the altar and crouched next to Xehanort in submission. For the first time in his life, Kexyl felt. A single tear rolled down his cheek, fell from his chin, and plummeted to the floor. He was sad. And it was the most beautiful feeling in the world to him.​
  4. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    "Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness."

    Master Eraqus

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Master Xehanort, Master Xara, Terra, Aqua, Discord, Keyxl

    Eraqus's expression changed from one of pride to one of anger. Someone had busted in on the Mark of Mastery Exam? That was... preposterous, blasphemous even. The Land of Departure's Keyblade Master gave the intruder the most stern of looks. His eyes were jets, ferocious black.
    "Yes, you must wait your turn. These kids have waited their whole lives for this day. What kind of person would dare interrupt the Mark of Mastery exam?" Eraqus pointed his keyblade at the newcomer, anger obvious in his voice. "I should punish you right now, but I think these kids mustn't wait any longer. Wait outside, we will deal witg you then. Let the Examination continue."



    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Discord wouldn't let the intrusion bother him, nor did he let Terra and Aqua slow him down. The white haired teen sliced his trusty No Name through two of the spheres of light, following this with a short-framed Stop; he was on one side of the room one second, and on the other side of the room in the next, attacking another ball of light as more spawned to fill the room. He continued to fight, putting up a good show for the observing masters, as well as his own teacher. Discord knew he was there, watching. Discord could feel his presence. It was a highly advanced form of Illusionary magic, something Discord himself could do had he put enough effort into it.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.​
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71


    "Wait outside, we will deal with you then. Let the Examination continue."
    And just like that, the interruption was deterred. As if nothing had happened, Xehanort again focused his attention on the examinees. They moved swiftly through the throng of lights, their prowess truly a marvel. For each orb that appeared, two more would be struck down. Their skill, their focus, their efficiency; all were in top form. Or perhaps it was just too easy.
    Ah, now where was I? Oh yes...
    Xehanort's hand flitted in the air for just a moment. The standing orbs twitched furiously, and were gripped by black, smoky tendrils. Incoming orbs were engulfed as well.
    A touch of aggression. Something to keep these baby birds on their toes.
    Indeed, the light orbs began attacking furiously, darting about and spraying rays of light indiscriminately across the room. It was a start, but not much more threatening. Still, it would have to do; Xehanort knew he'd best not flaunt his powers until his designs were well underway.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne room
    Interaction: General​
  6. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Discord thought he was doing well. Discord knew he was doing well. Platinum eyes glanced back at the three Masters. Despite the sudden outrage, Eraqus looked calm and collected, also looking as if he approved of Discord. The ebony haired male sat down in the middle throne, with Xehanort at his left and fledgling-master Xara to his right. The spheres of light multiplied, outmatching the keyblade trainee's twenty-fold. It was then that suddenly, unexpectedly, the orbs became possessed. Darkness enriched them all, almost simultaneously. Some of the orbs began to rush at Ventus.

    Discord back-sprung away from the threat, requiring time to analyze the change in his opponent's structure. Platinum eyes bore through the now-twilight manifestations. Discord grinned as he raised his key and stretched his foot backwards. Mid-step, he bumped into Aqua, being slightly embarrassed about forgetting his surroundings.
    "You know, I can take your share if you'd rather conserve your strength, miss." Discord spoke in a gentleman's whisper, ensuring that Aqua hear the sincerity of his suggestion, and that no one else know of his aid to her. His glowing keyblade was now behind his head in the ready position. The lightning sparked around his blade as it did the day before, dancing through the snow-haired boy's fingertips before he let it loose. The Thunder Raid flew straight-forward, spiraling through at least five of the austere spheres before No Name rerouted back to his hand.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room,
    Interaction: Aqua.​
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Aoika watched Keyxl as he interupted the exam. What could be so important as to stop the exam? Well, hopefully the Master's will forgive him."Aoika thought as he silently made sure not to interrupt the room as he stared upon the seats which were filled by the three masters and then to the field, taking notice of the spheres as they seemed to have a mind of their own until he saw Ventus about to be attacked by some of them. "Ven can handle those with no problem, but isn't this a Mark of Mastery exam, so shouldn't they only target Discord, Terra and Aqua?" Aoika thought to himself as stray sphere noticed his presence and flung itself towards him.

    "Whoa!" He thought to himself before instinct kicked in as Shining Light appeared in his right hand to cut at the oncoming opponent as the sphere dissolved from the attack as Aoika's eyes looked calm and serious. "...Stay on your toes Aoika...they'll attack anyone not on their guard..." He thought as focused on any other spheres that'll come his way.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: N/A
  8. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    "Yes sir. I will be waiting in the courtyard. Summon me when the exam is over so I can discuss what I need to with Master Xehanort and then take my punishment as necessary," Kexyl replied, standing from his position next to Xehanort and walking into thin air so as not to disturb the exam any more. After materializing in the courtyard like he planned, Kexyl slowly paced, thinking about his next course of action and the punishment that Eraqus had lined up for him. Having known Eraqus for only a few hours and those few hours being a whole year ago, Kexyl had no idea of what the man was capable. Eventually he came to rest on a small bench and reminisced about the Keyblade War. He lost many friends in such a short time. Little by little, Kexyl began to drift off into his memories, the past and present blended together.

    "Kexyl, help!"
    "Ultima! Master, we have to help her!"
    But alas, he could not be heard. Ultima and her master died. The man fell and finally disappeared into the air while Ultima clattered to the ground, lifeless. All this occurred at the hand of an opposing Wielder. The blade of a brother. "I've had enough," Kexyl said, knowing that his Wielder couldn't hear.

    With that, the blade who had shown so much loyalty to his master knew, or thought he knew, what had to be done. Doing all he could, he sapped his "partner's" strength bit by bit, the raw power building in his shaft and head until he began to glow, knowing that his Wielder was growing weaker by the second. This was power. Soon the one Kexyl once called "partner" would be naught but a naked Heart, ready to return to the bane of all Keyblades and the desire of all Keyblade Wielders. Kingdom Hearts. Soon Kexyl himself would have reached his full potential as a Keyblade, finally able to destroy that wretched Heart of all Worlds. But something went wrong. All the power that he had absorbed was suddenly released. It was over. In those last moments, Kexyl's lifeless body fell to the ground, with nothing but a metallic clatter to signify his death.

    And now, probably hundreds upon thousands of years later, Kexyl sat on a step with his own partners. Hoping the exam would be over by now, Kexyl started to pace the courtyard again, wondering what could be taking so long.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Castle Courtyard
    Interaction: Nobody, unless you count the flashback.

    OOC: This was really just quick backstory post to explain just what is up with Kexyl and his want for revenge against Kingdome Hearts.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra, noticing that Discord had already passed his own headstart knew it was time to step back into action after having been distracted. He raised his keyblade and brought it backwards, a faint glow radiating from Earthshaker as Terra's eyes fell on a line of several of the orbs. He wasn't sure why they had become so aggressive but it mattered little as it would all end the same. In the next instant Terra had practically flown across the room, holding his keyblade in front of him. An entire row of the orbs was instantly destroyed with his Zantetsuken. It was a powerful technique he had practiced and also the fastest move in his arsenal, it being the only thing that could surpass even Ven's speed.

    He grinned and turned towards Aqua and Discord. "Don't waste time talking." He said towards the two, spinning around on his heel before thrusting his keyblade into the ground which caused several crystals to seemingly sprout from the ground and eliminate another large group of the orbs before the crystals disappeared leaving no damage to the ground itself. I still have to keep from draining myself... Terra thought, bringing his keyblade in front of him when one of the orbs came charging at him. He blocked its assault and struck it down, ready to keep fighting.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua


    The Mysterious Figure

    The hooded man was glad to see that the exam had not been put on hold. While he was impressed with the progress of his own apprentice, his eyes remained fixed on Terra as he awaited for the first signs of his darkness to emerge once more. After watching Terra destroy several of the orbs, the figure turned his attention towards Master Xehanort, the man who had secretly modified the test just seconds ago. He knew that Eraqus would never believe that the man he thought to be his friend would have caused the darkness to sprout on the orbs he had conjured. Eraqus might even think that it was Terra's darkness that brought about the change in the test. The hooded man silently thought, although he was unsure of the ongoings of Eraqus's mind. For all he knew, Eraqus might have thought nothing of it.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara ignored Kexyl's comment on her looks. She didn't know how to respond or fake a response to his words. Trying to focus on the test was what she had to remind herself was what she was doing, instead of seriously hurting him like Master Eraqus wanted.

    Xara noticed the fight was rather boring until darkness engulfed the orbs of light. She hadn't moved but she caught the subtle gesture from Master Xehanort. A small smile played on her lips, This should prove entertaining. she thought. She could feel Xehanort's darkness but never suspected he'd use it around Master Eraqus.

    While the trainees fought with the orbs of darkness she focused her attention simultaniously on Terra to Discord, to Ven. Terra was doing quite well for himself, his inner darkness she knew lie inside waiting for something to spurr it into action. Discord proved well for himself. Clearly he was ready but that was a decision for their master to make. She was slightly impressed with how quickly he moved, but strength still wasn't a feature he used. His magic was limited as she noticed his Thundaga Raid slice through several orbs.

    Xara settled on a few orbs and let her own darkness, however subtle it was, slip into them and directed them at Ven. She wanted to see how well he would prove himself. It was time a few other not in the test showed their abilities.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Everybody
  11. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    Aqua didn't let herself get distracted by the interruption. She kept herself concentrated on the orb, taking them out with a mixture of magic and of strength. She was completely focused, not letting any of the orbs get past her.She thrust Rainfell at several and took them out. She was determined, she was going to make this dream of her's come true. She also didn't want to let her friends down. She knew she had to try her hardest and she was.

    After a moment Discord bumped into her, she didn't let this bother her, she then heard him say something, "I do not think it would be right for you to do that since this is an exam. I need to show my strength, thanks for the offer though." She didn't let what he said fluster her, normally something like that would, but she couldn't falter at a time like this.

    She charged at several more orbs, taking them out easily. She had this under control. And wanted their dream to come true.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Discord

  12. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    "Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness."

    Master Eraqus

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Master Xehanort, Master Xara, Terra, Aqua, Discord.

    Master Eraqus was shocked when all the orbs he had summoned were corrupted with Darkness. Where had it come from? The Keyblade Master narrowed his brow in frustrated curiosity. Darkness had many ways of intruding the Land of Departure, but through his own Orbs of Light was unheard of. This was the work of.... No, Xehanort wouldn't put Eraqus's apprentices in such danger. Perhaps it was Terra's unchecked, lingering Darkness, manifesting itself in the simplest form possible.
    "What do you make of this?" Eraqus said in an aside to Xehanort, his jet eyebrows furrowed.

    After a few more moments, the Keyblade Trainees had made short work of the twilit orbs. The Keyblade Master rose from his throne, slightly impressed with the apprentices' work, but still frustrated over where the Darkness had sprouted from.
    "That was unexpected, but, one must keep a still heart even in the most trying of circumstances. It was an excellent test, one I chose to let unfold; Which brings us to your next trial."

    "Now, Terra, Aqua, and Discord, the three of you will face eachother in combat. Remember, there are no winners- Only truths, for when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed."



    OoC: Oh, and there is now an OoC thread for this roleplay. Click Here.

    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    The platinum eyed youth grinned as the next challenge began. The Orbs were such easy opponents, they might have even been destroyed by his slashes. Physical attacks from the frail Discord, one-shotting anything was a sight to see. Maybe the next challenge was actually... Dare I say, Challenging?
    And challenging it would be; Eraqus had wanted the three keyblade-apprentices to do battle, following the instructions by saying that there was no real winner. Hah, lies to lessen the wounds of the losing parties.

    Discord got into position, his glowing keyblade poised in his left hand, magic cycle through him, through the blade, and then back through him.
    "Terra, Aqua, I apologize in advance for what is about to happen," Discord spoke with a slight air of arrogance about him, readying himself for a defensive-based battle.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua.​
  13. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: N/A


    Ven relaxed himself when Master Xehanort made the intruder go away. Although it was none of his business, he was still curious to know who he was and why he wanted Master Xehanort. I hope it was nothing bad. His mind wandered for a moment before hearing his own Master's voice once more. Ven turned his attention back towards his two friends and Discord, watching them and the orbs. His expression changed when the orbs suddenly changed. What's happening? Knowing he couldn't step in, Ven stayed where he was, but soon saw one of the orbs come towards him. Quickly, he summoned his keyblade and swung it at the orb, causing it to disappear.

    I don't think this is normal. Ven stayed where he was, this sudden situation wasn't something he could interfere in. He simply stayed where he was, and if another orb came towards him, he'd only swung his keyblade at it if needed to. Come on you guys. As soon as everything had ceased, Ven dismissed his keyblade and straightened his posture once more. He sighed out softly, keeping his gaze on the three keyblade wielders. They're going to fight against one another. They can do it.
  14. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    Aqua became more determined as Master Eraqus announced the next challenge. She had to fight against two, equally, or maybe even stronger than herself. She knew she could handle it, though. She had sparred with Terra countless times before. She wasn't too sure about Discord, she had only seen him fight, not be his opponent. She shook away her nerves and stood her ground. Ready for whatever was about to come her way.

    She held her keyblade tight in her right hand. A slight smile escaping her lips. "Don't be overconfident." She said to Discord. "You don't know what the outcome of this spar will be." She summoned a bit of magic at the tip of her keyblade, ready to send it flying at whoever made the first move. Her eyes transfixed on both the males.​

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Terra, Discord.

  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    I wonder how exactly we'll do this. Terra thought to himself, even with Ven he and Aqua had never done a real three-way battle. He tightened his grip on his keyblade as he took a few steps away from both Aqua and Discord as to keep an eye on both of them. He knew that simply putting in all his strength would not be enough, he had to think of some sort of plan to get the first strike in.

    An idea struck him, he had not shown Discord any of his other spells and knew it was the perfect opporunity to suprise the boy with something other than brute strength. He glanced over at Aqua, wishing to save the fight with her after Discord had been defeated. He smiled and nodded at her as if giving her a signal that he would be the first to strike. "Fire!" Terra called out, pointing Earthshaker at Discord as a bright orange ball of flame rushed at the male. Terra followed this up by dashing straight at him, leaping, then bringing his keyblade down at Discord hoping the spell was enough of a distraction.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua
  16. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Discord's platinum eyes followed Aqua's movements, slightly distracted by her slender frame. His nature, I suppose. His nature had caused him to miss Terra's gesture at the blunette, looking over to him only as he had prepared himself for a rush. The same stances, the same mentality as the night before. Such overwhelming strength wasn't necessary when one could master Magic. Strength was useful in some cases, but, Magic could do everything muscles could, after all.
    "Tsk tsk. Typical Terr-" Discord started as the brunette charged forward, but was interrupted by the brute.
    "Fire? I didn't think he even knew that!" The white-haired boy's emotionless exterior ejected, turning into one of minor surprise, carrying the slightest undertones of worry. Discord raised his right hand, focusing on the fireball flung his way. The mage waved his arm to the side, magically dragging off a large mass of the Fire spell and tossing it aside. However, he hadn't rerouted the entire spell, the remnants of the fireball slamming into said arm, fraying the ends of his coat's sleeve. Exposing the pale skin of his right arm only slightly. Terra had followed through his magic attack with the predictable rush that Discord originally anticipated. Earthshaker connected with the boy's chest, sending him backward a few feet.
    "Stop" Discord muttered mid-fling, time around him came to a halt as he landed gracefully on his feet. The boy thought back to what Terra had said the night before, saying that appearing behind him was the typical place to go. Discord grinned as he activated his illusionary Magic; Spawning a single full-body clone. The clone took its place behind the brunette, becoming the perfect scapegoat. Discord himself stood behind the clone, at a safe distance. As time got back on track.
    Lightning sparked around his hand, charging his unique Thunder Δ, ready to fire the bolt the second Terra sliced through his clone.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua.​
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara wasn't very impressed with Ven's skill of the Keyblade. He needed to get stronger. But that is the fate of a light Keyblade user. Terra's darkness hadn't shown itself and she was getting impatient for something exciting.

    Xara drifted off into her own thoughts while her black eyes watched the trainee's fight. Since Masters Eraqus and Xehanort had obviously accepted her as a master but she could sense Discord had doubts of her abilities. She'd have preferred to show him her strength she'd gained from the Keyblade Graveyard, but there would be plenty of time for that later.

    Xara twitched and curled her legs up under her, she was bored already and nothing was meeting her expectations, but she had to admit, Terra, Aqua and even Discord were proving acceptable masters of the Keyblade. She could remember when she'd pulled Superstition from the ground in the Keyblade Graveyard. It had moaned and looked dull. Since then, she'd sharpened it and silenced that moan. Her bond with her Keyblade was a bond she couldn't maintain with other people.

    Xara's thoughts turned to Discord and her nameless master, What if I'd stayed with them to complete my training...would I also be there with Discord instead of made Master long ago? Would I have ever seen the desolate land of the Keyblade Graveyard? My goal wouldn't be the same that's for sure.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: N/A
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Aoika watched as Terra, Aqua and Discord took out the orbs and he breathed a bit more easily as he dismissed his keyblade from his hand as he listened to Master Eraqus's words of a three way battle between them as one of his eyebrows raised. "Now this I got to see!" He thought with some excitement as he watched the fight as his eyes had widened slightly. "Terra's using magic now and even Discord was distracted..." He thought once more before seeing Discord's move of using a clone and being positioned behind it, that is an excellent move as Aoika's eyes turned slightly to Aqua.

    "Of course, there is the possibility of Aqua joining in to stop the attack, I have no doubt Terra would handle it as well, he is built around strength so the damage will be slightly less powerful on his body." Aoika thought once more, he honestly wanted to cheer for them but decided not to so it doesn't break their concentration on the fight.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: N/A
  19. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    World: None.
    Location: The Lanes Between.
    Interaction: None.​

    In the depths of darkness, on the lanes between worlds. The stationary armour floated, currently in a state of unconsciousness. As time elapsed life grew back into the armour and Feign re-awoke. Upon his awakening he heard the whispers that asked him of tasks speak to him. It asked for something.




    Suddenly, the armour moved. Limb by limb, it corrected it's position from it's back seemingly lay on the darkness to upwardly floating on it. Brandishing it's weapons, two strangely shaped swords teeming with darkness, it began to walk along the darkness until it swarmed around him and then before him. Shortly, Feign vanished through the mass of darkness, returning his feet to land as he exited the other side. With a job to do and a world to explore, he continue forward, his armour now working in harmony with his conciousness. It was as if his body and mind slowly woke up after movement. The dark corridor closed behind him as he stepped forward one foot at a time. His boots left a faint, expiring impression on the floor as he walked on the soil of this world.

    World: Land of Departure.
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: None.​
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    He vanished again! Terra grinned, believing he was ready for an instant counter. He spun around, remembering the same trick Discord had pulled last time. Earthshaker effortlessly cut through the pale haired boy. For a moment Terra had thought he had gone too far, but it all became clear when this boy too had vanished. It was nothing more than an illusion.

    Terra's eyes hovered over the charging spell for just a moment before it was released. This time he had no chance to summon anything to defend himself. Terra placed Earthshaker in front of him, letting it act as a lightning rod as it caught the blunt of the spell before he cut downwards causing the electricity to pour into the ground. The attack had even pushed Terra back some. It wasn't enough however, a good deal of the electricity had hit him and left its damage. Terra was fortunate enough to be resiliant though. He took in a heavy breath, frustrated with his failure to read Discord's trap. Terra's breathed slowed down as he closed his eyes for a moment, when they opened they were an unnatural shade of yellow and his left arm let out several streams of darkness. He wasn't going to be pushed back anymore. Terra suddenly thrusted his hand forward at Discord, causing a much larger hand seemingly made of pure darkness to come forward and strike at the boy.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua
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