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Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 6, 2010.


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  1. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71


    The letter was a bit sweeter than the truth.
    Though the two still didn't nearly see eye-to-eye, Xehanort certainly regretted past actions against the old friend now standing before him. He had done wrong by Eraqus, and there was no avoiding that. But Eraqus was as willing as him to leave what had been done behind them. Xehanort was astounded; this pillar of a man was still so quick to forgive. Even now, it seemed Eraqus was still honored to stand in his presence. It was no less humbling now than it had been in the days their youth.
    Pah, but his mind was wandering, and at the strangest of times. The curse of age, he supposed. Regrets were irrelevant. No use doubting his choice at this stage; if it so happened that good hearts fell in the service of balance, so be it. And on the surface, they both knew there were more important matters at hand than reminiscing.
    "I appreciate your convening with me on this matter, my friend. As I mentioned in my letter, two subjects of import have come to my attention. Regarding the first, the matter of the Unversed... As you are in correspondence with Master Yen Sid, you have no doubt been informed of their influence, yes?"

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Inner chambers
    Interaction: Master Eraqus​
  2. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    "Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness."

    Master Eraqus

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Inner chambers
    Interaction: Master Xehanort

    The younger of the two Keyblade Masters nodded to his old classmate, answering his question in the simplest manner. The Unversed. Peculiar creatures that seemed to attack the worlds from nowhere. Granted, that is had seemed they came from the darkness, being made entirely of the material. Master Eraqus gave a stressed sigh.
    "Master Yen Sid has informed me of their intrusion, although I didn't need his message to know that something wasn't right with the worlds." His voice carried a frustrated tone, he knew that something needed to be done, but he himself had to stay and guard the Land of Departure. That was his responsibility. The ebony-haired old man cycled through many ideas, and found only one that seemed like it would work. No matter how much he hated to do so, it needed to be done; "I will send my apprentices tomorrow, after the Mark of Mastery exam. As much as I'd rather go myself, I am needed here in the Land of Departure." Deciding that the subject of the Unversed was then settled, Eraqus then questioned, "Now, what is the second matter that needs to be discussed?"

  3. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    OOC: Hey uh, are you going to reply to my response any time soon? I'm starting to get worried.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Aoika's eyes had widened in surprise as the cloaked man vanishied without a trace and he had ran to where he stood before. "Is that...even possible?" He thought to himself, looking around for any indication of the man as he sighed lightly. "He's gone." He said to confirm the situation as he walked down the path, passing an armoured man but he did not take much notice as Aoika really wanted to see his friends and soon came to the grounds seeing some people, including three who were very familar to him as he heard parts of the conversation about the stars above as he walked towards them, taking notice at the fourth member.

    "Hey you guys, what are you doing?" Aoika asked his three friends as he smiled, catching their attention in the process as he approached them, he couldn't help but wonder in thought who the fourth member was and that strange man. "Ah well, it's nothing to be worried about, people come and go as they please." He thought to himself

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ven and Discord
  5. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    The boy was rather confused after the man's assault had completely missed. Vanitas had half a mind to take off his helmet and double check his vision. The dark-hearted being just continued to stare as the man spoke once more, unsure of what the man was talking about. Wide yellow eyes blinked. If this man was to oppose Master Xehanort, there was Hell to be had. No one could defeat Xehanort, right? This sparked a slight vein of curiosity in the Unversed's thoughts. It would be an interesting battle, that was for sure.
    The man who had assailed him vanished, saying he'd see him very soon. Just wonderful. Vanitas closed his eyes, taking in the events that had just transpired. The boy made a heavy exhale, opening his eyes to find himself back at the Mountain Path.
    "That place was.... my heart?" he questioned, the imagery of his Station of Awakening still burnt into his mind.

    World: Land of Departure.
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: N/a
  6. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    Aqua listened closely as she heard them talk about the stars and how each was a world in and own itself. She giggled to herself, thinking how Ven and Terra would make such weird brothers. She looked up at the sky, wondering if all of those stars really were other worlds. I'd like to figure that out one day. She thought. Then something Discord said caught her attention, "Worlds like your home? Where do you come from?" She asked him, wanting to know a bit more about the boy.

    Aqua looked over as she heard Aoika approach them. "Hey there." She said to him. "How are you doing? This is Discord by the way." Aqua said as she pointed toward the ivory haired boy.

    World: Land of Departure.
    Location: Front of the castle.
    Interaction: Terra, Ven, Discord, and Aoika

  7. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71


    "Master Yen Sid has informed me of their intrusion, although I didn't need his message to know that something wasn't right with the worlds."
    Xehanort felt the frustration in his friend's words. Eraqus himself could not leave his home, for it was his foremost duty as successor of their Master to guard this place with his life. No matter how protective he was of his students, they both knew there was only one recourse. Xehanort smiled inwardly as Eraqus continued.
    "I will send my apprentices tomorrow, after the Mark of Mastery exam. As much as I'd rather go myself, I am needed here in the Land of Departure."
    "It is regrettable that the younglings face such a trial at such an early stage of their development... but perhaps it is for the best. Their strength may serve to put a swift end to this crisis. I have the utmost confidence in your students, Eraqus."
    It seemed Eraqus was in less of a mood than usual to mince words. He continued right on:
    "Now, what is the second matter that needs to be discussed?"
    "Ah, yes. Concerning that young man, Terra..."
    Xehanort paused for a moment, contemplating.
    "As I stated in my letter, I am concerned for his well-being. Now, obviously his Master knows him better than I, but when I last visited this land I felt a lingering darkness within him. As you have decided to hold a Mark of Mastery test after all, it seems you are on top of things; I would only advise caution. Terra is still very much a servant of the light, from what I gather, and only a slight shadow flickers at his back."
    Soft, coaxing words. Triggers. The seeds of doubt. A sensible man would see Xehanort's words for what they were: friendly advice, not a warning and not a sign of danger. But a student was too close to his Master's heart, and Eraqus's heart in particular too paranoid of the darkness. He would read things into it. He would take it poorly. He would watch Terra just too closely. From there, all Xehanort had to do was ensure that the young man... tripped. Just once, and it would be enough.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Inner chambers
    Interaction: Master Eraqus​
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra turned slightly towards Aoika when he arrived, crossing his arms as he listened to Aqua's introduction of Discord. "I think it's getting a bit too late for Ven to stay up." He lightly said, placing a hand on his younger friend's head as he ruffled the boy's hair. "We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, Aqua. Are you ready for the exam?" Although he asked, Terra figured he knew the answer already. Of course she was ready, Aqua didn't seem to show any signs of anxiety while he on the other hand had spent his time fretting about the possibility of failing Master Eraqus. He lowered his hands to his sides and returned his attention back towards Aoika.

    "You missed me sparring with the newcomer. He's pretty strong." Terra lowly spoke, a slight hint of regret in his voice as he had wanted to finish the fight to find who was stronger. It bothered him that this boy had even managed to put up so much of a fight. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't so sure if he wanted to know the outcome of the battle. I still need to get stronger... Terra thought to himself.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Front of the castle
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua, Ven, Aoika
    OOC: Shorter post than I had wanted. ><
  9. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Discord's emotionless exterior broke down as Aqua had asked him what he had meant, where he was from. A heavy sigh followed as the white-haired boy's expression sank only slightly.
    "I was born on a world that was far too close to the darkness. A world that has long-since passed." Discord answered in a plain tone. His platinum eyes finally disconnected from the massive array of light, counting up to at least one-hundred in that specific direction. "I'd rather not speak of it," Discord lied. He would love to talk about his home, if he could remember anything about it, but covered up his lost memories with excuses, "Where I come from is no longer relevant. It is a matter that, much like the place, has long-since passed."

    Discord's platinum eyes then focused on the voice that had questioned him. Aqua, was it? She was rather attractive for a keyblade wielder, the boy noted. A warm, friendly smile opened on his face as the gears of his mind began to turn.
    "Yes, are you ready for the exam.... Aqua, was it?" the boy asked, his tone much more friendly than before. The teen opened his arms in a welcoming manner. "Your friend is right, I suppose. I am somewhat strong. I think it would be unfair for me to spar with him and not you, as well. Would you like some.... Special training? I'm sure you must be nervous." Discord spoke, his flirtatious tone only slightly apparent.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.
    OoC: Silly Discord, Aqua could kill you. xD​
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    "I'm doing fine Aqua, thanks for asking." Aoika said to her, giving off a smile in apperciation and looked at Discord whom Aqua introduced for him. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Aoika." He said politely and respectfully as he had thought about the sky as he looked up. "I guess it would be hard to believe those stars are worlds but who knows, maybe if it were true, there could be so much to discover and learn from them." Aoika said in a thoughtful way.

    "I hear you two have your Mark of Mastery exam tomorrow, I look foward to seeing how far you two have come, will it be magic who defeats strength or strength overwhelming magic?" Aoika asked the two, it would be something spectactuclar to see until he saw Ven staring at him. "Of course, me and Ven will get around those attacks with ease right?" He asked his blonde haired friend, laughing a bit.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ven and Discord
  11. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    "Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness."

    Master Eraqus

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Inner chambers
    Interaction: Master Xehanort

    Eraqus's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of Terra's inner darkness. The keyblade Master shook his head; He hadn't wanted to think of the subject, but it was necessary eventually. Contrary, it was necessary now. Xehanort himself gave into the darkness times before, but he could control himself now. Terra, on the other hand, was an embodiment of adolescent angst, and doubt, both of which were tied to the darkness.
    "I knew this would come up sooner or later," he spoke with disdain in his breath. Terra was like a son to him. Should Terra be overwhelmed with the darkness, that would be an utterly sad day for Eraqus. He would have to defeat Terra by his own means. "Terra does have the potential to be a great Keyblade Master, but so too does he have the potential to become a great source of darkness. Should the latter eventually happen, should his shadow grow stronger, I will tend to the matter myself.... I have little doubts in Terra for tomorrow." Eraqus knew it wasn't what he had wanted, but if it came to that, he would be ready. "When did the worlds grow so full of trouble, my old friend?" he asked rhetorically, reminiscing of their days as apprentices.

  12. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Aqua, Terra, Discord, Aoika


    Ven's train of thought broke when he heard a familiar voice, causing him to turn around to see it was Aoika. "Hey," he said, turning his attention back towards Terra when he heard him say something. Ven frowned, lowering his head slightly when he felt Terra place his hand on the boy's head. "Stop treating me like a little kid!" he said, slowly raising his head. Even though he was the youngest out of the three, he didn't consider himself like a child. He'd rather be treated like an adult.

    Ven sighed out slightly, a smile crossing his lips when when hearing Terra's question. "I'm sure you guys are ready! The both of you will become Masters and I'll be there to watch." The event that would take place tomorrow was something he was waiting for. He was eager to see his two best friends become Masters, but he was also nervous for them.
  13. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    "Well, if you don't want to speak of it that is quite understandable." Aqua said to Discord, but still she was rather curious about where he came from. Maybe at some point she could get him to tell her a bit about it. She enjoyed learning about other worlds, especially ones far away.

    Aqua looked over at Discord, a slight blush forming across her cheeks. "Special training, hmm, I uh...well...what exactly do you mean by that?" She asked, trying to act nonchalantly. "The two of us could spar if you wanted..."

    "I suppose I am a bit nervous for tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be alright. I'm glad that the two of you will be there to watch. And when you two take your exam, I will be there to watch." She smiled at the two of them.


    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aoika, Ven and Discord
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra grinned at Ven when he responded to being treated like a child. "Well you still have a lot of growing up to do." He teased, pushing at Ven's shoulder lightly. Terra's smile faded when he picked out a certain tone in Discord's voice when he spoke to Aqua. He stepped forward, wanting to change the subject.

    "You'd stand no chance after having been worn down from our previous match." Terra directed towards Discord, traces of discomfort coming from his own voice. "Anyways, we should probably all get some rest otherwise nobody's going to be in the mood for the exam tomorrow." Mainly me... Terra added in his mind. He scratched the back of his head, watching Aqua from the corner of his eye. What she had said about being there to watch the others' exam made him wonder just how long it would be before Ven would take his place as a Keyblade Master. With so much light within him, there was no doubt that Master Eraqus would immediately find him worthy of being a Master.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Front of the castle
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua, Ven, Aoika
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Aoika heard Aqua's words and also to learn about the new arrival as he looked at her. "Well, I sure look forward to when that time comes to us, of course, we'll still be friends no matter what roles we take on." Aoika said with a grin as he thought about it.

    "Master Aoika huh...? Then again, it's up the Master whenever I'm ready for that duty." Aoika thought to himself, he wondered how far the two promising students have come, what's more was, three Masters were going to overlook the event. "Well, you're right Terra, we should get some rest and see you and Aqua at full strength." He said to him as he realised how late it was for the group.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ven and Discord
  16. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Discord made a tiny retreat as Terra responded to his courting attempt, even after Aqua had accepted his gesture. As if a wolf had made an attempt to lunge at him, protecting its young. "Well, I guess that answers that." he thought, shrugging in his mind. It was somewhat endearing, seeing her turn red like that. The brunette was technically right. Discord was far too exhausted for any special training, and he would need to save his energy for the upcoming day. Sure, there was the Mark of Mastery exam, but that was the least of his worries. According to his teacher, Discord was a Master by Eraqus's standards. Save for the lingering darkness in his heart, but that's what the coat was for, after all.
    The ivory haired boy loosened a yawn from his thin lips, stretching as he did so.
    "I think it's close to everybody's bedtime," he joked, referencing to Terra's statement about Ven having a bedtime. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Best of luck." Discord wished them luck as he walked in the direction of his master's temporary home, awaiting a good meal and the comfort of his bed.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.​
    Out of Character: And then there was a time skip;


    "Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness."

    Master Eraqus

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room.
    Interaction: Master Xehanort, Master Xara, Terra, Aqua, Discord.

    "Today you will be examined for the Mark of Mastery. Not one but three of the Keyblade's chosen stand before me as candidates..." Master Eraqus started, speaking loudly and proudly. His voice echoed throughout the throne-room. "But this is neither a competition or a battle for supremacy—not a test of wills, but a test of heart. All of you may prevail, or none." Master Eraqus looked to the two Masters beside him, then to Terra, Aqua, and Discord. But I am sure our Guests, Master Xehanort and Master Xara, did not travel all this way to see our youngest prospects in years fall short of the Mark.... I trust you are ready." the jet-black haired master summoned his keyblade, raising it upward and placing is empty hand on the blade, "Then let the examination begin." He smirked, his blade radiating with power, summoning orbs of light.

  17. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    "Terra, Ven, before the two of you go I have something for you. I made us good luck charms. One for each of us. Somewhere out there. there's this tree with star-shaped fruit and the fruit represents an unbreakable connection. So as long as you and your friends carry good luck charms shaped like it, nothing can ever drive you apart. You'll always find your way back to each other. Technically, I think you're supposed to make them with seashells, but I did the best with what I had. I worked a little magic on them, an unbreakable connection. We will be together...always." Aqua explained the story, afterwards heading to bed, tomorrow was the big day.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, and Ventus.


    Aqua listened as the masters spoke. Her heart was racing a bit but she was ready for this. Her Keyblade, Rainfell, appeared in a flash of light and she was ready to go. She nodded and smiled at Terra and Discord, "Good luck." She said to the two of them.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Terra and Discord

  18. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    "Wait!" Kexyl yelled, bursting through the doors of the castle, "Master Xehanort, may I have a word with you before the start of the exam? Eraqus, you may come too."

    Knowing that this was highly unusual for a Mark of Mastery Exam, Kexyl tried to explain, "It's highly urgent. I can't explain here in the presence of these...children, but at least Master Xehanort needs to come with me immediately. Eraqus can stay here and conduct the exam. I only urgently need Xehanort."

    Smiling behind his helmet, Kexyl waited for an answer. Xehanort was an old senile man, but he was also strong below his years. This was a risky move, but necessary for his plan to be carried out.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Xehanort, Eraqus, Xara, and pretty much everyone else in the room.
    OOC: Sorry for such a short post. I wanted to get this in before the plot moved too far.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra swung his right hand backwards, drawing Earthshaker as he prepared to fight. "I think you're the one who'll be needing the luck." He responded towards Aqua, showing a more confident attitude than normal. While he acted like it, Terra was far from sure of his own success. Last night had only brought more dreams, visions of a barren land filled with keyblades. It was like the stories he had heard from his master before...

    Terra shook his head quickly, trying to focus on the first test. He charged forward, his golden Wayfinder that Aqua had given him dangled from his belt as he brought down his heavy blade on the first orb of light, destroying it. Terra raised his keyblade to strike once more when he heard another's voice speak out. Terra eyed Kexyl, wondering who the intruder was. The exam was not something to be interrupted by just anything or anyone.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Front of the castle
    Interaction: Eraqus, Xehanort, Aqua, Discord, Xara, Ven, Unknown


    The Mysterious Figure

    The air about Xara's chair wavered ever so slightly before settling. No one could see him due to a spell he had cast on himself, although it did prevent him from moving otherwise the air would distort from it. Discord's master watched as Terra eagerly took the first move, finding that the scene was different than he had expected it to be. He turned his head to watch Kexyl as he intruded on the exam. His hands clenched tightly into fists as he wondered whether or not he would have to destroy the newcomer himself. He was the one to decide the outcome of the coming events, not anyone else. It was tempting to strike out but the figure kept patient, fully aware that he could change things to his liking if anything went astray.
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara sat perfectly still as Keyxl interrupted the testing. She scowled briefly but felt a familiar presence. Even though she saw nothing, she could feel her old master overseeing how Discord faired. It was expected. Though she'd left before finishing her training and became a Keyblade Master in another world, one much more depressing and empty. The Keyblade Graveyard. She almost shuddered at the memory of the place. It was all she had left to remember but she could at least remember that.

    Xara suppressed the urge to stand and violently attack this intruder who'd so rudely not addressed her by name. She had to remember that no one knew she was a Master. Time would estabish a reputation for herself.

    Xara looked over at Master Xehanort to see if he was actually considering leaving the test to commence in his absence to speak with a boy she didn't know. He obviously knew Xehanort or so it seemed by the way he addressed him.

    She didn't want to hold her tongue. Xehanort was crucial to her plans as well and if this boy was theatening her plans, she'd have to eliminate him. Xara's hands clutched the armrests of her chair instead of summoning Superstition to lob off his head.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne Room
    Interaction: Keyxl, Xehanort, Eraqus, Terra, Aqua, Ven, Discord and Unknown
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