Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{Under Construction}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 6, 2010.


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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara shook her head at the boys. It was time this stopped. Pushing herself off the wall she admired their fighting skill. Xara clapped for them and did her best to smile as she walked toward them, "Very nice boys. It's about time this stopped though. Don't you think you should save your energy for your test young man?"

    Xara walked down the hall until she stood a decent distance from them, her dull black gray eyes darting between them. Her boots echoed loudly as they clipped on the floor with each step. Her claps were muffled by her gloves but they still sounded loudly in the space. Xara waited until they'd stopped fighting to stop clapping. Her coat brushed against her as she moved and she almost asked if she could go next.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: in front of the Castle
    Interaction: Terra and Discord
  2. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy

    Discord was slightly impressed with Terra's effort and ability. He had never seen Earth-based Magic before. It seemed to provide a far better defense than his barrier did. Platinum eyes focused on Terra's face, trying to gain any hints of the boy's reaction or current status. Was he worried about being pelted by Magic? Was he starting to wear down? Some parts of the brunette's expression were easier to read than others, leaving the clockwork-minded boy with only half the information he had wanted. He kept his face at its usual level of expressionlessness, giving Terra as little information as possible about how exhausted he would soon become or what he would do next.

    Then, Terra charged forward, ready to lock blades once more; his strong suit in this battle. Discord knew he couldn't find a way out of it, so he simply charged forward as well, coating the edge of his blade with the same magic barrier as before. The two clashed, the barrier softening Terra's strike only barely. After a moment of desperate shoving, Discord knew that he couldn't keep it up. Earthshaker crashed through No Name's defense, sending discord backwards about a yard.

    The ivory-haired keyblade wielder shrugged off the damage as he got to his feet, his shoulder throbbing with a fresh bruise. Discord's right hand sparked to life with Thunder-magic in immediate response. The boy switched his blade into the static hand and pulling it back, over his freshly-pained shoulder.
    "Thundaga Raid," he commanded, tossing his keyblade forward, soaked in lightning.
    Discord had completely zoned out the fact that Xara had been watching them the entire time, or the fact that she was trying to stop the sparring match.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Xara.
    Out of Character: Sorry Twilight, I had the post done before I refreshed and noticed yours. D: ​
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara's eyes widened at Discord's attack and Superstition flashed in her hand. She stayed where she was, choosing not to get involved. Logic told her somehow this was supposed to happen. Though not one for listening to destiny, Xara let go of Superstition and continued to clap for them. It amused her breifly to see them fight so spectacularly.

    Though she disliked Discord, if he was going to ignore her, she'd let the brunette boy beat the pulp out of him. Xara felt the static from his attack and hoped it wouldn't bounce back at her. Xara leaned back against the wall and let things unfold the way they were supposed to. Her time in this world was going to come to an end soon and she wouldn't have to look at Discord anymore. She stopped clapping briefly and shook her head. Silver hair brushing against her cheeks, she sighed heavily. She seriously hoped the brunette did well on his test, he'd prove to be an exceptional Keyblade Master someday, though Discord still lacked something, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. He had gotten better since the last time she saw him.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: in front of the Castle
    Interaction: Terra, Discord
  4. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Reacting with near perfect precision, Kexyl cast an impromtu Aeroga which carried him upward and spun him around before stopping and shooting him above the boy. Falling downward, Kexyl kicked off of his helmet so as to land behind and seized the boy, intending to restrain him, knowing that he would likely be able to escape with relative ease, "You say you have no intent to kill Ventus, which I presume is his real name, and yet you attack me in order to either keep me from discovering or revealing some truth. Tell me," Kexyl paused for a moment to gather his thoughts, "why is that? Yes, I know your true nature, but I assure you that I have no intent reveal anything, provided you make a deal with me. You could die trying to kill me right here, or you could receive help in many ways. You want to make Ventus stronger, right? I can help you with that. So then, will you listen to my proposal?

    OOC: Okay, edited. I still made contact, but also noted that Vanitas would probably be able to escape. This removes the autohit (at least in my opinion) while still allowing it to stay long enough for the guidelines. Is that fine?
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    This boy was getting on his nerves, Terra knew he could take him if he would just keep close but with the constant use of magic... Terra was excited to see that he could push Discord back so far but that only gave him even more breathing room to fight with only more magic. He growled lowly, wishing he could better read Discord's moves and how he was feeling with their battle. He couldn't tell if this newcomer was beginning to be worn down or not and this frustrated Terra.

    His eyes narrowed into a glare as he saw the electricity-coated keyblade fly at him. Something inside Terra began to stir up as his own keyblade very faintly began to release thin wisps of dark purple smoke, not visible to anyone unless they actually stood at the most a foot away from his keyblade. He raised his weapon, ready to deflect Discord's attack when something unexpected happened.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Sparring with Discord


    The Mysterious Figure

    The air in between the two keybladers warped and wavered as a disturbance seemingly tore through the very fabric of space. A man wearing a long black coat had instantaneously appeared, his hood completely obscuring his face behind a shroud of darkness. He raised both his gloved hands towards the two, one taking hold Terra's Earthshaker and the other effortlessly catching No Name, causing the electricity to run right into his arm and flow harmlessly into the ground. The hooded man turned his head slowly towards Terra, giving the boy a haunting gaze which, even without seeing his face, was enough to cause the male a great deal of discomfort. The Unknown turned his attention to his apprentice and shook his head as if to scold him. Now was not the time for sparring, he wanted events to play out for just a little longer before he would allow Discord the opportunity to fight with one of Eraqus's pupils once again.

    The man released Terra's keyblade and walked over towards Discord, whispering quietly in a deep voice as he began to pass the boy. "He is a dangerous one." He spoke monotonously, referring to Terra.

    EDIT: OOC: It'd be easier to post without being interrupted. B|
  6. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    Aqua heard what sounded like footsteps near by. She raised her defenses and began making her way towards the noise. Being sure to be extra quiet. She couldn't be sure if whoever it was was someone she knew or not now. Not with all of these people showing up and not knowing their place of origin or their mission. For all she knew, they could of been sent there to take over their world, or even to take all of them out.

    She walked up quietly behind the figure. Being sure to keep an eye on the spar as well. ready to jump in if she needed to. At a closer glance, she realized that the person was Ven. A smile graced her lips. He seems entertained. She thought to herself. Wonder if he would want to get involved in the fight.

    She closed in the space between them, she was now inches away from his ear, she whispered, "Hey Ven. Think we should step in?"

  7. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy

    Discord was shocked that his Master had showed up. He would usually feel the minor disturbance in time before he did, but this was different. Maybe it was because he was near the brink of exhaustion. Nevertheless, the battle ground down to a complete halt. His Master grabbed Terra's blade, and his own mid-flight, the thundaga not even phasing him. The white haired youth gave a silent gulp, slightly threatened by his master's disapproval. Inside, he shriveled smaller with every step that his teacher took closer, until finally, he spoke.

    "He is dangerous,"

    'Him? I could have taken him' Discord thought, though a response from his shoulder told him otherwise. Despite whatever Discord was thinking, he knew that his Master was right, and that this was not the best time for sparring.
    "Understood," Discord responded simply in his regular, apathetic tone.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Teacher, Xara.​
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara stood up straight as he old master appeared between them. She shivered from the distortion before he appeared and stared at him as he spoke quietly to Discord. She had expected he wouldn't be far behind if Discord was here. She just hadn't expected him to be so....himself when he did come.

    He still carried that intimidating aura with him that she admired. Xara moved forward to stand a few feet behind Discord, directly in the line of sight of her old master. She didn't speak to him since he barely spoke, if never, to her. Instead she glared behind him at the brunette, ""I expect you are one of Master Eraqus' apprentices? You'd best move along if you don't want to be late." She pointedly ignored Discord but inclined her head respectfully to her old master without a word spoken to him.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: in front of Castle
    Interaction: Discord, Terra, Unknown
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra's keyblade instantly disappeared as he blinked in shock, whoever this man was he had stopped two attacks barehanded without even showing the slightest signs of effort. His draw almost dropped in awe as Terra wondered who this man could possibly to have such an incredible amount of power. He doubted that even Master Eraqus could pull such a feat and come out unharmed. Who is he...?

    It took several long moments before he could compose himself and speak again. "Well..." Terra began, returning his gaze back towards Discord. "That was a good fight while it lasted. I haven't been pushed that for since who knows when." There were very small pauses in between some of his words as his nerves had been shaken from the unexpected appearance of the hooded man. He took a glance over at the woman observing their fight, curious as to who she was. He was about to speak to her when he remembered he had not even introduced himself to Discord yet. "By the way, I'm Terra."

    Once again, Terra opened his mouth to speak but heard the voice of the woman he had seen just seconds ago. "Well the Exam isn't until tomorrow so..." He looked over her shoulder, seeing his two friends standing some distance away. "Aqua? Ven? How long have you two been standing there!?" It wasn't a question asked out of anger but surprise. It was somewhat embarrassing to have them watch him fight and not even have an end to it. He didn't win and he didn't lose, to him that wasn't anything to be proud of.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Discord, Xara, Aqua, Ven


    The Mysterious Figure

    The hooded man forced the keyblade in his hand, No Name, to disappear as soon as he had walked by Discord. While he had scolded and even frightened the boy, he was not angry with him, and on the contrary he was even somewhat proud of his apprentice's display of skill. However, despite Discord's obvious advantages in the fight he knew that if had continued for too long it would've ended in a disaster. He knew what Terra was capable of, with that amount of darkness in him it was only a matter of time before it resurfaced again and again until he either would give in or conquer it himself.

    "Tomorrow." The Unknown muttered lowly to himself as he continued walking forward, heading away towards the summit. He could feel another disturbance, he knew it to be the makings of the one named Vanitas. It was not his fight so he decided against interfering as he was only concerned with two people at the moment.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Nearing the Mountain Path.
    Interaction: None
  10. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Aqua, Terra


    Ven suddenly gasped upon seeing multiple people arrive in front of Terra. Quickly, the boy summoned his keyblade to step in, but heard a familiar voice ring in his ear. "Whoa!" Ven quickly spun on his heels, stumbling back slightly when he saw Aqua. He stared up at her, panting slightly from the sudden moment. He didn't think she would even be around. He sighed out heavily before looking up at Aqua and smiling. "Thanks for surprising me," he joked.

    He turned his attention towards Terra and the other unknown figures, soon seeing Terra was now alone. "I guess it's too late for us to join in anything," he chuckled, turning his attention back towards his friend. He dismissed his keyblade and looked back at Terra, hearing him say Aqua's name and his name as well. Ven smiled slightly and started walking down the steps. "We've been here for a while."

    Ven chuckled once more, finally reaching the bottom step. "At least I was, anyway," he added, turning around to look towards Aqua. "Don't know how long she's been here." Ven's smile suddenly fading when he looked around the area, in search of those that had appeared. "Do you know who those guys were?" he asked, now looking up at Terra.
  11. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy

    The boy must have been having a bad day: He hadn't sensed Xara, his master, nor the other two people that had been nearby, he was exhausted far sooner than usual, and he hadn't judged Terra correctly, according to his Master. Discord's normal emotionless state returned as his master instructed him and departed. Discord saw the other two people approach as his teacher left, the brunette announced them as Aqua and Ven. Two of the three that his Master had informed him about. Just before that, the boy introduced himself as Terra, the last of the trio. This was the boy with the immense darkness in his heart? So that's what his master meant by dangerous. The ivory-haired boy loosed a sigh from his lips. Terra was good, and Discord could only imagine how powerful he would become when he was augmented by the Darkness.

    The blonde newcomer had asked who they were, Discord's platinum eyes shifted their focus to him. The boy resonated with pure light, just as his nameless teacher said. That must have been Ven.
    "That was my Teacher. And Master Xara. She'll be the third Master judging the Mark of Mastery test tomarrow." Discord explained.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.​
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara left when her old master left. Turning quickly on her heel and avoiding the way the other two apprentices were coming. Her thoughts remained on Terra, as he'd introduced himself. She wished she could've stuck around much longer to figure out who they all were but she trusted Discord to do introductions for her. She'd meet them soon enough tomorrow.

    She nearly hit herself for forgetting when the test was. Eraqus and Xehanort were too into each other to really take notice of her. Xara wandered around the castle before returning to the Master's throne room. She sat back down in her hard, uncomfortable chair and mumbled to herself, "So that was Terra. Truely something I must look more closely at. Discord's level of his training has increased ten-fold. I'm impressed." She glanced down at her lap and shook out her hair, "Tomorrow couldn't come sooner." She smiled emotionlessly but with a faked amusement in herself and Terra.

    The boy had acted as if seeing her, her old master and Discord in one day had been completely normal for him. She didn't admit, even to herself, how disappointing it was to watch her old master break up the sparring match between the two of them. Xara laughed once, sharply as her own intentions changed for tomorrow's test.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Throne room
  13. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    The Unversed was shocked as the man narrowly avoided his Dark Cannon. Yellow eyes widened behind his dark helmet, following the man as he zoomed ever closer. Vanitas swiped Void Gear at the man as he closed in, but had missed, resulting in the cloaked figure stepping off of his headgear to gain better ground. The shoving foot made Vanitas stagger and waddle backwards for a second, waving his arms slightly to regain balance. In half a second, the dark boy found himself restrained by the larger man, forced to listen to another earload, an add on to the rambling that Vanitas had hated. The Unversed turned into a pure pitch-dark shadow, dripping through the man's arms like water and regrouping as a single puddle of darkness on the stained glass floor.
    "How do you suppose I would die here? By your hand? Hahaha. Even if you could defeat me, who would be left to open Kingdom Hearts? That is what you want, isn't it?" the clever boy retorted as his body came back together, further away from Kexyl."That is what you're after, isn't it?" Vanitas interrogated, gauging the man's reaction.
    "What kind of deal are you trying to strike here?"

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Station of Awakening.
    Interaction: Kexyl

  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Username: Protecter212
    Name: Aoika
    Age: Early eighteens
    Faction: Light
    Weapon of Choice: Shining Light
    Fighting Style: He prefers speed above all else but he has trained to put his power as a close second for a change of pace.
    Personality: Aoika is a person who focuses on what his goal is with a cheerful smile to back it up, he tends to stick to the bright side of thinsg revovlign around him as he tries to help as much as he can with people, in battle, he is completely focused on his surroundings to defeat his foe but if there is an ally, he'll attempt to back that ally up with as much aid as he can.
    Biography: Aoika lived within the LoD's Castle roughly around the same time as Eraqus's three students had taken up their way of the Keyblade but he has befriended his fellow wielders since he didn't fancy the fact of loneliless, he did respect them as much as he respected Eraqus himself as he and Ven developed a small rivalry over their respective fighting style in all good fun except Aoika hold his Keyblade forward instead of reverse.
    Roleplay Sample:

    Aoika had awakened from under the fabrics of his bed's quilt as the sun was shining through a gap in the curtain, unfortunately for him, the gap shone across an eye as he instinctively reached out to cover it. "That's one way to wake up..." He said in a quiet voice, obviously not awake as he pulled the covers and with momentum, swung his legs over the side as he stood up, rubbing his brunette spiky hair, walking to the bathroom as he turned a tap of a sink and cupped his hands under the running cold water then splashed his face. "That's better." He thought to himself as he reached for the small towel hanging up to dry his face off as he was thought about what's happening today.

    "Isn't it the day before Terra and Aqua's Mark of Mastery?" He asked no one in particular and he looked in the mirror. "So it is that day huh, I wonder how they feel, nervous I bet." He thought to himself as he turned the sink's tap the other direction, effectively stopping the water gushing out as he walked back into his room to get dressed as he opened the cupboard to select his clothes which wasn't very much variety as he started to dress himself.

    After about five to seven minutes, he was all ready and walking down the steps of the front castle, taking in the view as he noticed another but heading out from the Mountain Path as his face was shrouded under his hood and his coat followed his tracks. "I wonder who that is? A friend of the Master's perhaps?" Aoika thought to himself as he kept on walking.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Front Castle
    Interaction: Unknown (Even though they haven't spoken)
  15. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    "You think I want Kingdom Hearts? That's ridiculous. Why would I want the very thing that ravaged the worlds and killed hundreds upon billions of my kind? No. Kingdom Hearts is something that should never have existed. What I propose to you is that I will secretly train you in addition to your master. I'll also place a charm on Ventus so that however strong you get, he'll gain double that strength until the two of you are equal, at which point the charm will break."

    Kexyl strode across the platform to the depiction of the boy's head. "This way, when the two of you combine to make the χ-blade, it will be even stronger than you planned. All you have to do is use the χ-blade to destroy Kingdom Hearts when it appears. You can do whatever you want after that. All I want is to avenge my countless brethren who died in the Keyblade War. Actually, I want one more thing. Do not, under any circumstances, kill Aqua. She's also extremely important to my plan to rid the worlds of that wretched Kingdom. So what do you say?"

    Kexyl extended a hand, already anticipating the boy's answer.

    World: N/A
    Location: Station of Awakening (Vanitas' Heart)
    Interaction: Vanitas
  16. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Vanitas listened patiently through the man's proposal. Well, as patient as he could anyway; his yellow eyes rolled in annoyance behind his black helmet. This plan was ludicrous. Destroy Kingdom Hearts? Was that even possible? Doing so would probably destroy all the worlds in the process. Destroying the Heart of all worlds? Releasing that much power at once... The thought made Vanitas curious, but not curious enough to agree with the proposal.
    "My master and I don't need your training. Xehanort is much more powerful then you could ever become. Furthermore," The Unversed took his regular battle stance, blade aligned next to his head, "I will be the only one to train Ventus. It's not you're place to do so much as touch him. So what are you to do if I decline your offer? Kill me? Tch. Then there's no χ-Blade, and no hope of getting your vengeance." the black-haired boy stated. In fact, it was a plan opposite this man's that Xehanort had wanted. Vanitas was going to use the almighty key to unlock Kingdom Hearts, it's light gathering keyblade wielders from every world, creating a second Keyblade War. This guy was starting to break Vanitas's cool, not an easy task. It wasn't long before he either charged the guy or simply left, completely annoyed. He did wonder, however, what use Aqua was to the man.

    World: N/A
    Location: Station of Awakening.
    Interaction: Kexyl
    Out of Character: Hey, everyone. I made a few edits to the rules. Like, defining God-modding and auto-hitting, expanding the section on Behavior, as well as new stuff like Character Priority and Shotlocks. Check them out.

  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra was about to answer Ven when he heard Discord speak. He was glad that the fellow keyblader answered as he did not know who the other two were. "I've never heard of another master. The only ones I know of are Master Eraqus, Master Xehanort, and former Master Yen Sid." Terra spoke, crossing his arms. What made him curious however was not Xara but the other man who was apparently the boy's own master. He didn't refer to him by name or gave any real indication that the man was a keyblade user of any sort. A master without a keyblade...? It made no sense to him as he had never heard of anyone being so powerful without a keyblade.

    "The day seems to be coming to an end." Terra commented as he looked up at the starry sky, gazing deeply into it. "Did you know that the light of each star comes from the heart of a different world. It's hard to believe that there are so many out there besides this one." He added, speaking to no one in particular.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Discord, Aqua, Ven


    The Mysterious Figure

    The man paused, feeling the presence of another keyblade user behind him. His senses extended far beyond that of the average person, exceeded that of even a Keyblade Master. It was all too easy for him to feel another nearby. He stood still for a long moment, lowering his own head as he pondered over what he could do now that he was being watched. He had no plans for this particular day and was only waiting for the next before he could judge what his next move would be. The boy who had followed him posed no threat to him and had nothing to learn from simply watching him. To the hooded figure, there was nothing to do but wait for the coming day. He took another step forward and just like that he vanished, leaving the air in his wake wavering for a split second before it returned to normal and left absolutely no traces of him ever being there.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Nearing the Mountain Path.
    Interaction: Aoika
  18. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Aqua, Terra, Discord


    Ven perked an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he lowered his gaze. "I've never heard of them before," he calmly said. He thought about it for a moment before sighing out softly. He lowered his arms down to his sides and looked at Discord; he'd never seen the boy before, and he was already curious as to who he was. Deciding not to get suspicious or anything, Ven smiled at Discord. "My name's Ventus, by the way. But you can call me Ven."

    The blue eyed boy turned around when he heard Terra speak. He narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky, his eyes widening slightly when he noticed all of the stars. "Wow," he whispered. He has seen this countless times already, but it still amazed him every time. "The light of their hearts shining down on us," Ven quietly repeated Terra's word. The boy lowered his head as he thought about it more and more. He would wonder about where light comes from, and he felt like Terra had kind of finally given him an answer.
  19. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    "You are right that killing you will make obtaining the χ-Blade...difficult, so I will spare you. However, I don't plan to leave without giving you a small parting gift."

    Kexyl rushed Vanitas, throwing his Keyblades one at a time. Both missed by a large margin, as did each of the various spells he flung at the boy. But that was not the point of the attack. Knowing that the boy's heart was pure darkness, Kexyl also knew that there must be a small light in that darkness. He was searching for it.

    "There. You'll notice what I gave you soon enough. Not only that, you will be eternally grateful once you discover it. Now if it's not too much trouble, would you mind introducing me to your master? Although my desire conflicts with his, I feel we should help each other until our plans diverge, at which point we'll decide who will get his way by the only means possible. I also want to meet Xehanort's partner as well. Most Masters can't communicate with their partners, but I can unlock that ability. You'd be surprised what we have to 'say.' That being said, it's probably best if we continue this conversation outside, otherwise Eraqus will know something is wrong. Come to think of it, I should probably just stop talking with you for now. You seem annoyed. Stay here as long as you need, but remember that your body is vulnerable while you're here in this velvet room."

    Kexyl walked into the thin air, his voice echoing one final sentence, "You'll see me again very soon, boy."

    Now back in the Land of Departure, Kexyl headed up toward the castle, hoping to find Xehanort and Eraqus there. However, the trek from the mountain path was very strenuous and he decided to rest in front of the castle before going in.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of castle
    Interaction: Vanitas in the beginning, but now whoever is already in front of the castle.
    Out of Character: Okay, I've decided that I'm going to be to Vanitas what he is to Ven. You know, the guy who he sees every now and then and says unsettling things to him. Consider me an anti-villain of sorts.
  20. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Discord nodded at Ventus's first comment. He had highly doubted that anyone had heard of 'Master' Xara before. When did she even earn her Mastery anyway? Discord raised a brow at the thought of it. When had she surpassed him, if she even had? The white-haired boy thought of it as a hoax. Perhaps it was a false title. Discord believed he could defeat her, but only narrowly. The two had never sparred together. Why? Discord himself didn't know.
    "It's nice to meet you, Ven." Discord responded politely.

    Terra had made a comment about the stars, followed by another word from Ven.
    "And to think; That's not all of them, too. There are some worlds far too close to the Darkness to let the light travel this far." Discord explained, making a failed attempt to count the endless orbs of illumination. All of those worlds. There had to be at least a billion of them. And those were just the worlds in the Realm of Light. "Worlds like my home..." He added to his last statement in a low whisper, silently scolding himself for losing his childhood memories.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.​
    Out of Character: I think that song is very fitting for Discord.
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