Kingdom Hearts: Council of Souls

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Redeyesblackdragon, Nov 16, 2008.

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  1. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    OOC: I know this is your first RP, but how do you run to Destiny Island? Infact thats actually impossible.

    BIC: I see in the distance a new building being built.
  2. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    As I stare at the glass of water, I hear the door to the tavern open and look to see who is coming in, Emma. I get up and walk over to her, limp really, and pulled myself with my hands on my knees down to her eye-level "Something wrong Emm-"

    "No kids allowed!" The bartender yelled "Get her out of here or I'm gonna make you get her out of here! Or make both of you get out of here!"

    I couldn't stand this guy anymore for one second, he asked me one question, now he was ordering me like a dog, he'd stepped the line already. I pulled out Phear and jumped up into the air and landed in front of him where he sat on the floor, almost ready to wet himself as Phear was nearly an inch from cutting his throat "Tell me what to do again, or yell at Emma, you're dead...understood?" I exclaimed as he nodded in fear and I left the tavern with Phear put in his sheath and Emma holding my hand.
  3. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    "So the endless harvest has begun. The harvest shall be bountiful. Those fools have no idea. Soon the harvest of sins shall begin again and all shall know its place," As Xarkness says this he looks up at one lone star in the sky. Then he says, "The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. The light simply cast its own shadow upon humanity that eventually grows stronger then the light and consumes it." A portal of darkness opens and Xarkness enters. He arrives at Traverse Town. "So this is where those who refuse the darkness arrive. The harvest shall grow," Xarkness said.
  4. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    "Where on earth did he take that girl, why did he ever care for her, why should I care! I just don't know anymore, Darkness was part of me I was part of darkness, now I feel light. It seems to sprout within me, it seems to grow." I said out loud.
  5. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I sighed as I walked with Emma towards the square, apparently, there were people not caring where I came from, although I did look different then what they would have expected.

    "This is Cloud's world..." Emma uttered under her breath as I could see the small puff of smoke come out of her mouth.

    "Cloud?" I questioned, she only said one thing after another, she obviously knew one thing after another. I looked at her as she and I kept walking along the square, only to sit at the edge of the fountain in the middle.
  6. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    Xarred opened a portal. "I will go see what is happening over in the mysterious world I stoled upon the other day." I said.
  7. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I sat there with Emma, who was looking at the ground in front of her feet, not talking for what seemed like eternity, so I had to ask "So..uhh...what are those creatures back there?" I looked at her with enthusiasm, but she didn't look at me. I sighed.

    "They're the creatures of our dreams, and nightmares...they're the soul that wanders endlessly in search for its body and heart...they want to be whole again...but they can't be whole with the keybearer and others like him, running around, slashing at Heartless and Nobodies...they're well as defenseless with their powers...the only thing they can do at this point is be eternal and vanish from an attack...but they have a group know as the Council Of Souls...this Council commands the lesser beings that they are..." Emma said to me, but not in a cheerful way.

    I was speechless to what she had said and now I was the one not talking...for a few moments at least "Council..Of, Souls?" I exclaimed with confusion "So, they're just souls?"

    Emma nodded, or what seemed to be a nod, couldn't tell, but she did agree, which was a good sign.
  8. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    I arrived at this world confused. "Where is this place? I wish I knew." I said. This place seemed so destroyed, it reminded me of the plains, that led me the mansion. I took a few steps to see an old abandoned waterway. It seemed as if it were destroyed by an earthquake. "I wonder what destroyed this waterway? Was it an earthquake, was it a massive explosion, or was it just destroyed in a battle." I thought.

    I walked a bit wondering what to do. I felt a presence again. I pulled out my blade. "What are these things, why do that just keep reappearing." I said. "Can you speak?" I asked. Nothing seemed to reply. " I ask again, can you speak?" I asked again.

    "We are always searching." a faint voice spoke. "We desperately search to become whole, we want to be free from the darkness." the voice spoke again.

    The shadows disappeared. "That is why they keep coming back they are almost like spirits searching for a body to become whole." I said out loud.
  9. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I smiled and looked at the ground. "So, that solves mystery number 1, now we need to find out where the keybearer really i-"

    "He's at Destiny Islands...where we cannot reach him, for we do not have darkness to aid us..." Emma said, interrupting me.

    My smile faded and as I looked to the sky, annoyed, I felt the determination fading "Do you know who Genesis is, Emma?" I asked again. Emma didn't respond again, but it was like he never existed, or was he? "I'll never know the answer at this point." I thought.
  10. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    I moved on eventually showing up in a small town. "Where is this?" I asked a local Villager.

    "This is a sacred town. I'm afraid I can not tell you more." the Villager said.

    "A sacred town. I wonder." Xarred said. I walked a few feet not knowing where to go. I stopped and opened a portal.
    "I must go pay the one I hate a visit." I said. "Its time to repay the favor. Its time to teach the key bearer a lesson. If it wasn't for him, I would be at rest for eternity, but he had to stop Xemnas. He made me become reborn in the eternal hell of a world." I screamed out loud as I stepped through the portal.
  11. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I looked at my surroundings as I heard people beginning to run around anywhere to hide, I jumped up to my feet and as I looked to Emma, she was still sitting there "Emma, go hide." I ordered, but she just sat there and I was about ready to pick her up and take her somewhere when Heartless showed up in front of us, or what seemed to be Heartless to me anyway, they were wolf-like Heartless.

    "Those aren't Heartless, they're the demon dogs of hell in this world of Cloud's...destroying them will not be easy..." Emma said, as if she could read my thoughts.

    I pulled out Phear and slashed at one, another appeared in its place and I swiped Phear at it, more kept coming and coming as I kept swinging Phear like a hacksaw. "Damned beasts...what can I do now?" I muttered to myself as I backed up towards Emma, she still was there, sitting, like these things didn't seem to bother her. "Emma, I told you get going!" I yelled and she didn't even care if I did, she sat there, like nothing was going on. "Damn, girl..." I thought grimly.
  12. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    I arrived on the Pier of the Island. "Only a body of water separates me from you key bearer. I will teach you a lesson."
    I walked and jumped high in the air and began to sprint fastly running on top of the water. "Damit, I'm sinking!" I yelled.
    I attempted to jump, and failed. I began to sink slowly as I was unable to swim.
  13. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I kept my cool as I began to try and run, but how could I, I was hacking and slashing away at things that would never leave, like shadows. I spat on the ground and looked at Emma, she kept her cool, cool as the night-chilled air. "I can't take any more of this!" I gasped and put Phear away as all the wolves vanished in one swing of another blade. I looked to see who it was and sure enought, it was Cloud, the one who Emma kepted talking about, but he left soon after and went on his way with his motorbike "Cloud..." I whispered so no one could hear me, but Emma did and held my arm in hers this time, I flushed and looked away as I sat back down on the fountain.

    After a few seconds went by, people came back out and started cheering as they congratulated me on fighting so hard. That was the best part of my day so far, and it soon became nightfall and Emma and I were headed towards an inn. I asked if we could have a room, and he was the one who was the first to say that the first night was free to travelers. I looked at Emma and said "Lucky us, Huh?" Emma just walked over ot some photos on the desk next to her. I sighed and took the keys from the desk-clerk as I walked to the room where she and I would be staying for tonight.
  14. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Xarkness comes upon the strange world. "Come seeker of power. Together we shall regain our power. Come bring death. Come bring the dawn of dusk. Come, come, oh come, fallen angel. Come rise from the ashes. Together we shall rise and finish the most honorable of causes." Sephiroth appears infront of Xarkness.
  15. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I stopped in my tracks as I looked behind me, Emma was still standing there, looking at the photos. I sighed and walked back to her and stopped next to her "Emma, aren't we gonna get into that room or what?" I asked, no reply back. I sighed again and looked at what photo she was looking at, it had people I didn't know...except for the one at the end. "Sephiroth..." I whispered under my breath and kept looking at the photo, but I was immediately pulled by Emma and she took me outside.

    "I think we should leave this town." She said unsuspectingly and we walked on for a while until we reached the outside of town, where the winds were much harsher than others, it was a wasteland out there.

    "Emma, what in the world is going on, why are we leaving, I didn't even give back the keys ye-"

    "Keep them, you'll need them later, now hurry!" Emma implied as we kept walking out into the wasteland, wandering for what seemed like forever, until I discovered a sword in the rocks of a cliff.

    "Emma, wait, I'm gonna go check something out." I said and let go of her grip as I ran for the sword, as I did, I jumped and grabbed it, the thing was wedged within the rocks like super-glue does to paper. I pulled my hardest and voilĂ , I got the sword out, but I was falling to the ground backwards. I let my legs hit the ground and landed next to Emma "Not a bad jump and fall, eehh?" I said with enthusiasm, but Emma didn't smile, so I just let myself have the moment and looked at the blade "I hear its name...Buster Sword....Buster Sword!?" I said weirdly "What kind o' name is Buster Sword?" I asked and looked at Emma, she started walking without me "Wait up!" I yelled and held the word in my hand while I ran to get to where she was.
  16. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    "Together we shall bring ruin to those who have brought us ruin," Xarkness said. "They shall pay in flames," Sephiroth said. "The flames of oblivion shall feed the harvest of sin," Xarkness said.
  17. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    "Damn no not this, I don't need this, no no no!" I screamed. "I cant die now!" I attempted another jump and realized I was swimming.
  18. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I walked with her for a while now until she stopped "Something wrong?" I asked.

    She held out her hand and said "Those that seek freedom are dark and true, those who seek freedom are blind and neglected, we are the souls who open our hearts, and with it our call appears before us...I call upon you, Excalibur!" and with that a keyblade shot from a flash of light into her hand, I was in awe.

    "You're a keyblader too?!" I exclaimed, she nodded, not looking at me and before I knew it, she looked at me darkly. "Emma?" I said solemnly.
  19. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    I swam as much as I could. Finaly I was on the shores of the other island. I laid there unable to move. "Im so tired, I dont think I can ---" I said as I passed out.
  20. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I kept my cool, knowing this might be the end "Emma, what are you doing?! This is insane, you can't be a keybearer, I should know, what in the world do you think this will accomp-" I was cut off by the fact she had slapped me in the face, I looked at her, my hand over my cheek.

    "Get a grip, do you honestly think I would help you?! A person who has no powers, no strengths against these souls, what can you do to stop the Council? Attack us to death? We cannot die, for we are merly souls." she said and with that, she left.

    I was all alone, all but alone with the Buster Sword and Phear left with me.
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