Kingdom Hearts Coded Trailer SUmmary

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, information is just pouring in, and we'll keep you updated as fast as we can! Starting off with a report information from Famitsu.

    At the beginning of the video, waves of images pop up, with the text "KINGDOM HEARTS NEW CONSEPTS(Concept?) NEW TITLES" showing that the Kingdom Hearts New Project was finally announced.

    The first thing that was shown, was the ending of Kingdom Hearts II, afterwards the text "The secret ending is solved, and the worlds still extend" Is shown, and then the words "Flow" is shown.

    The video then officially begins with Jiminy Cricket looking at his journal, the words "Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories" pop-up. He then notices something he did not right in his journal "You need to return, to heal the wounds" Jiminy Cricket then rushes to report to King Mickey. Mickey who is startled by this only replies with "Only he is the one who can solve it." The scene soon changes to Sora standing in Destiny Islands, in Kingdom Hearts 1. However Sora only appears in the form of computer data that is being transmitted.

    After the image, the game soon changes to a battle scene. Heartless are attacking, and the gameplay mechanic seems odd, as Sora appears to be moving pies of blocks making it a puzzle game in a sense. Soon the command "Debugging" comes up. When this command is clicked, Sora moves at high speed, and vanishes as well. The scene soon changes to Sora being in Traverse Town with Mickey (As seen in the latest scans) With Mickey saying "I was here on that day." and then "Let's speak truly"

    Afterwards the text "Kingdom Hearts Coded" comes up, this is a game for hte cellphone.

    Source: Famitsu
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 19, 2007.