Kingdom Hearts: Chasing Shadows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    (So it's alright if Poke has either a ship or a flying keyblade?)
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    This is just great. Keel thought to himself. The world heart was bac where it belonged, but aparently people where joining up with Xenree.
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Yes it's fine.
  4. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    "C'mon, Riku; we can't just leave the poor girl here," Sora said to his friend. "We should let her tag along; maybe she'll figure out where she came from."

    Kirra looked into Sora's eyes, seeing something far different from Riku's. She could tell that the boy had been hurt by the darkness a number of times, and she expected him to seem wounded by it all. That wasn't what came out though. He still seemed to have the eyes of a child, but also of a mature young man. To her, it was very odd.

    "How exactly are you two going to go to other worlds," Kirra asked.
  5. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie laughed and blushed. "My mom was warm too- and so were my friends' moms- so yes. I think all moms are warm," said Carrie. She smiled again and ruffled his hair. She headed to the kitchen and wondered if there was any food. She opened the freezer and to her releaf there was a frozen pizza. It wasn't much but at least it was something. While she went to open a draw to get a scissor to open the box she said "Hey Sei do you-" She froze and paused when she saw what was inside the drawer. It was a scarf... Lea's scarf... She had no idea that it was in a draw of all places... and before she could stop them tears ran down her cheeks.

    OOC: Sorry that got kinda long XD
  6. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Poke summoned his keyblade, getting ready for flight. He took a relaxation sigh, before throwing his keyblade in to the air. It transformed in to a vehicle, shaped like a hover board. The front narrowed in to a spike, while near the end and front were small circular pads that were where his feet were to be. The back of the keyblade was shaped like an M. He then rode his hoverboard in to space, where he saw the other planets. Having a hard time to pick, he thought and thought, before he got a feeling of where he wanted to go. Destiny, or just a feeling? One way to find out, and that was to go with his instinct. Poke then flew down towards the planet, before getting a laser to the back of his vehicle. "AUGH! What the--" He turned to see a pesky flying heartless, before he uncontrollably flew down to the ground. "Carp carp carp crab crunch!" He grabbed the front with his arms and pushed down on the end pad with both his feet, getting back in to a horizontal position, then to a vertical one. His speed decreased, before he crashed, quite loudly, right in front of Merlin's house. The dust cleared. Poke was face-down on the floor, with his keyblade gone. He stutteredly got up, before grunting an "Ow." And then fell back down, unconscious.
  7. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "And..without a heart..i'd still be able to summon? I'd still survive? That makes no sense. Is that really the kind of power i'd get?" Rat questioned. Every second he was finding the opportunity more and more appealing.
  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Nikolai was growing impatient. He just wanted to go and get whatever torment he had coming over with. He looked toward Rat. "Are you coming or not!?" He yelled, the demonic tone returning to his voice.
    (OOC: I use the red color for when his voice is all evil-y.)
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Riku turned away from them and hid his embarrassment, "Ah, we haven't exactly figured that out yet...Sora, do you think Donald and Goofy would come?" He considered the door in their secret cave, but tossed it aside. He didn't really have an idea on how to get off the island again. Another raft? No, that was stupid.

    Xenree's temper stayed simmering as she regarded Rat carefully, "We don't have time for questions. Come!" waving her hand, Xenree shoved Nikolai into the dark corridor and followed suit. Leaving the harsh black hole standing in the middle of Twilight Town.

    Sei watched Carrie's tears fall and picked up the scarf in the drawer. "This has Axel's scent on it." he sniffed it cautiously and again more determinedly. "I remember....momma said she met him...she he remembers..." Sei screwed up his face as he tried to think what it would mean and came up empty. "We should look for mom. I think she knows your friend."
  10. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie's tears started to fall faster when she heard the name Axel- that meant that Lea was gone... that he had become and nobody... and that he was most likey dead... Like the rest of the nobodies...She wiped her tears away with her hand and wrapped her arms around Sei. "We-we'll find your mom... For both of our sakes," She said.
    It took her a few moments but Carrie calmed down and opened the pizza box. She put it in the oven and said "Ready for some pizza?"
  11. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Nikolai almost tripped after being pushed. "Where are you..." He stopped and exhaled. "Where are you taking me?" He said, walking through the darkness.
    (OOC: Sorry for the shortness)
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sei nodded greedily. "Yeah!" Just like the child he was, he bounced up and down, waiting for his pizza. One eye closed and he flinched in the most dramatic way. Jerking his head and entire body to the left, Sei twitched and stood straight again. "Well that hurt... Hey, hey, hey, hey, Carrie! Do you think your friend is with my mom? You think she's alright? That she hasn't given into the darkness?" He yammered on before another twitch controlled his body and he clamped his mouth shut, slinking back to slump into a chair.

    Xenree pushed Nikolai out into the empty new black foyer of Castle Oblivion. "Welcome to my Castle...Nikolai." She walked around him and tilted his chin up with one slender finger, "Your name is lovely. Your personality is charming. However did you end up on the side of light...?" She rubbed her forehead and stalked to her chair. Curling into it like a cat, Xenree rubbed her eyes, "I'll give it a minute before we head to Radient Garden."
  13. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    OOC: Twilight I hate you :p you are making me addicted to this RP xDDD

    Carrie padded the boy on the head. He was a good kid-pretty hyper but a ton less then she, Isa and Lea were when they were his age. She couldn't help but smile- Ah memories. "I hope they are together... I really really hope so," said Carrie. "But one thing I'm sure of is that your mom's okay. She must be if she's as strong as you," smiled Carrie. As she took the Pizza out of the oven she saw Sei twitch. " Are you alright?" She said, worried.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sei blinked at her, his silver eyes shy and timidly flicking back to the music box he'd set on the table in front of him. "Huh? Oh...I'm alright. Wh-what were we talking about?" Flipping open the music box, Sei smiled a bit as the music tinkled out. "Your friend...has a different name than Axel does. Yet they smell the same. Did your friend become a Nobody?" Lifting his eyes to Carrie's, Sei poked the little black upside down triangles under his eyes. They were stark black against his white skin. "Do you ever think...that what they say about the deaths of Nobodies and their Heartless...will recreate the original body is real?"
  15. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Nikolai was surprised that she knew his name. Had he spoken it in front of her before? It didn't matter at this point. "I'm not on any 'side'. I fight using Darkness, yes, but I choose not to use it for evil. You can thank Maleficent for that." Nikolai replied before Xenree curled up in her chair.
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Looks like there nothing left to do here. Keel thought as he walked away from the station. As he walked pasted Renee he said. "I'm going to another world, your welcomed to join me if you want." Even though he kept on walking, he figure that he'll find out if she'll tag along or not.
  17. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie sighed and gave Sei a sad smile. She nodded her head. "I believe so... At least that's what I think. Before You came here I'd heard rumors but I never believed them," Carrie sighed once more. "I guess the same thing happened to my friend Isa too... I just wonder if they died like the other members of the organization... Killed by the keyblade wielder, Sora," as she talked she put the pizza on the table and put a piece on a plate for Sei and then for herself. "I just have to hope that if my friends are dead that they will come back as their somebody selves.." Carrie took a bite out of her Pizza.
  18. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Nox waited patiently inside Castle Oblivion, waiting to feel a change in the air. There was a shift in power, meaning that Xenree was back, and with a guest it would seem. He made a portal to help himself appear in the same room where they were. He saw Xenree sitting in the char, like she usually was. He pulled down his hood, uncaring about the other person in the room.

    "I can take it that you didn't screw it up after all," Nox said before pointing to the other person in the room. "Whose this kid?"

    "Um, maybe. It could take a while to get a message to the King," Sora commented. The only way that he and the King kept in touch were the letters from the King, and he wasn't even sure how they were able to wash up onto shore. He felt completely sunk.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Renee chased after Keel. "Oh, wait for me!" She didn't want to be alone again, but tagging along with a stranger wasn't her first choice in seeing the other worlds. After all, she could barely remember her own name. "'m Renee, by the way. You have a name don't you?"

    Sei frowned at the name, "Sora...hmm..." Taking thoughtful bites out of his pizza, Sei hadn't realized the food started to taste odd to him. He swallowed and made a face. "Your food doesn't taste very must shop at the same store Aerith does..." Even though the food was fine, Sei pushed it away from him and shut the music box. "I think...there's something wrong with me. Nothing I eat tastes good...or normal. It feels like it's moving in my mouth and it ends up tasting like dust or dirt."

    Xenree popped her neck and licked her lips, trailing a pink tongue along her bottom lip. "Maleficent...?!" Narrowing her eyes into silver slits, several spears of pure darkness manifested around Nikolai as her temper boiled, "What do you know about Maleficent! That old hag nearly had me scrambling for a new plan! Worthless old witch! She couldn't follow orders even if they were hers. Everything was interesting to her!" she spat and snarled. The Castle very nearly trembled as her gloved hands gripped the armrests of her chair.
  20. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    The dark spears freaked Nikolai out, but he still answered. "I-I was under her training about two or three years ago...It was me and another boy, Riku. I left her training since she seemed to take more of a liking to Riku than she did me." Nikolai shook of the fear. "I assume you and her don't communicate well?" Nikolai replied, sarcasm in his voice during the last question.
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