Kingdom Hearts: Chasing Shadows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "And what will you do once you have your heart?" Keel asked. Nothing about what Saix had said sounded right for him. An enitre world just for a heart and what would they do if they didn't get their hearts as promised.
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys that I could also use the Keyblade," Kirra said in a weak voice. The more she spoke, the more she was holding back her tears. She felt like she had betrayed them somehow. "I-I was frightened. I didn't know you guys, and my Keyblade just brought me to your island. I didn't think and--"

    "It's alright," Sora quickly added, trying to calm down Kirra. "I can understand why you were so defensive; it was actually very smart of you. Don't be sad; we're still your friends, no matter what." Sora smiled widely as if he was an innocent child.
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Saix lifted his arms to the sky as if he could already feel Kingdom Hearts' warm light. "Then...we'll finally be whole and can live the rest of our lives." While he rambled on about Kingdom Hearts, Axel tugged Carrie into a tight hug, his eyes shut. "She promised us, Carrie. It's in the contract she made with the darkness. That much I know. If she can't uphold her end of the deal...a part of her fades away. Thirteen members...each will take a part of her with them when we fall back into darkness. She'll die if she doesn't give us hearts."

    Xenree scoffed and drew a line down her wrist, letting pure black blood seep from her pale skin and settle on the papers. "The contracts have been signed...all that's left is to gather a bit more sentiments and revive the rest of the Organization." She turned toward the door and held her wrist out. Lucretia moved like a shadow, half in the darkness, half out and licked the line of blood, closing the wound. "Why don't you reward your pet now?" Xenree sighed, "I should...before he takes it to his pathetic heart that he can do without me." Exiting her room, Xenree stepped lightly down the halls until she reached the foyer again. Looking around for Nox. The excessive white would've hurt her eyes had they not been a silver color. After all she believed in the darker your iris color, the less light you can take in. Soon, she'd look the light directly in the center and overcome it.
  4. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Nox was happy that he didn't run into Xemnas as he made his way to his room. It was where he always went when he tried to relax. He knew that it was his own damn fault that he was feeling like this. He tried to save Xenree, only to have it shot back into his face. Then he admits his feelings that he believed were destroyed years ago to someone who couldn't feel the same sentiments. Part of him wished for the emotions to go away, to be like a Nobody. There was no way that was possible though.

    "Alexander," He muttered to himself as he stared at the cieling. "You were weak, this is all your fault."
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree growled when she didn't find him. "Lucretia, find him!" Xemnas lifted his amber eyes from the ground to watch a shadow part with Xenree's shadow and slither off. Lucretia would never fail. She could feel Nox already. Agitated and distressed. She loved boys like that. Stepping out of her shadow puddle before Nox's door, she rapped lightly with her knuckle and half closed her eye. She figured it would be more enjoyable if the boy was a bit freaked out before she chose to point him in the direction of Xenree.
  6. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie hugged her best friend as much as she possibly could. "That means... I'm going to lose you again," she said sadly. "I just got you back-both of you..."
  7. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Alexander watched the scene unfold, a small tear flowing down his cheek. He wished that there was some way that he could help all of them. He knew what it was like losing somebody that they cared about. His world was destroyed, and he lost his family due to that accident. He couldn't hold it back anymore. "This isn't right," He muttered under his breath. He repeated the words over and over again, each time, it becoming an octave higher. Finally, his voice was a powerful growl. "This.Isn't. Right!"

    Nox heard the knocking on the door. He wished that he could ignore it, but instinct moved his body up the bed, and he opened the door slowly, looking at the woman in white. He summoned his Keyblade, not being able to feel the stranger's true intentions. She was a completely different kind of being from Xenree, but, to him, something felt familiar. "Who are you?" He ordered out of her.
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Saix returned the growl Alexander emitted, "There's nothing you can do about it boy!" Axel chuckled, "We'll be fine. We'll get our hearts. I know we will. And then...we'll come back, Carrie. Got it memorized?" he grinned down at her, his green eyes showing absolute trust in Xenree.

    Lucretia huffed, a delicate noise, and set a warm hand on Nox's cheek. "I am nobody and everybody. Or perhaps I'm neither. It doesn't matter, what matters is the one you want so much that you don't want her is waiting for you in the foyer. She's come out like a good girl to reward you. Isn't that your desire? Little, heart boy?" Thin, pink lips curved into a smile as she stepped backwards and slid back down into a shadow puddle, skittering away.
  9. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Nox paused for a few seconds. His voice eased up. "Wait, how do you know that? Hey!" He saw her turn into a puddle, questioning what was going on. Part of him believed that he was simply hallucinating. Whether what he saw was real or not, he decided that it would be best to not stay in his room anymore. Getting out was probably the best idea. He walked back into the foyer, where he,in fact, saw Xenree. If anything, it added to the side where what he saw wasn't merely some illusion.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree turned and schooled her expression into one of carelessness. "There you are. I promised you something and I don't break promises." She sauntered to stand before him, her eyes darkening for a moment before she leaned in close to his ear. Whispering deliciously dark and disturbing things to him. Xemnas nearly lept from his chair at the oddness of the silence that stretched while she was whispering to him. Nipping his ear, Xenree's silver eyes trailed down his neck, "It's not fair... I'm very....hungry." Before he could speak, Xenree sank sharp fangs into the side of his neck and lapped up his blood.
  11. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Nox wasn't quite sure what was going on. He stayed silent as he listened to what she was saying to him. Part of him was disturbed, but somewhat intrigued. He then felt her bite into his neck. He let out a small grunt, but it passed. He wrapped his arms around him, flashing a very cocky smile towards Xemnas. He enjoyed the feeling of her feeding off of him. She needed him, that was how he took it.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Releasing him, Xenree busied herself with licking her lips. Flicking her eyes to his, she hummed. "That wasn't your reward, but it will do." She felt better, more in control, an odd side-effect of feeding off those with hearts. "You're surprisingly calm for one who's just been bitten by their Queen." she noted with slight discomfort. As much as she wanted to discourage his feelings, she hadn't been able to stop herself from feeding off him. Natural impulses were like that.
  13. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    He looked into her hallow eyes, hoping against hope that there was some spark in there that caused her to help the same way. If all he was just a feeding back to her, then he was okay with it. Being bit didn't feel too bad; in a way, it felt good to him. "I believe we both know the reason why. The heart, it really is a mysterious thing." He couldn't tell her he loved her again; he wasn't going to get rejected twice in one day. "If you're hungry again, don't hesitate."
  14. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie put her head on his shoulder and tried to keep the tears from falling... The worlds just weren't fair... Why did they-or at least Lea- have to leave her..."Isa... He really changed hasn't he?" said Carrie so only Lea could hear.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Name: Shinji Hibiki
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Class: Keyblade Wielder
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Curious, Reckless but determined, can be caring.
    Bio: A young man who ended up in Twilight Town after his world was taken in by darkness, he desires everything to be stimulating but cannot help poke his head in business where it doesn’t belong, but when he sets his eyes on a target, he’ll follow it though without flinching at his surroundings, some might even say he’s reckless but all he states for his actions is “If I don’t do there and then, I’ll regret it.” He does care for his allies even if he doesn’t show it outwardly, he currently resides in a rented home in Twilight Town.
    Other: Keyblade – Endless Freedom
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: accepted.

    Xenree flicked her hair over her shoulder, "We'll see what happens." She wasn't about to turn down a free offer to keep him close as a snack. Xemnas stood and pulled her out of the foyer and back into the room with the runes. "It's time to ressurect the rest of my Organization."

    Lea sighed, "He has. But, perhaps we've all changed. Carrie, we have to do this, but soon I'll come back and find you and I'll introduce you into my new friend." He released her and smiled, "Got it memorized?"
  17. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie nodded, knowing there was no way to stop them. She had to trust in Lea. Maybe she could no longer trust Isa-as sad as that sounded-but she could trust Lea. Carried put a hand in her pocket and found it- Lea's bandana. "Here," she said,handing it to him. "And remember to come back to me,"
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Shinji was entering Market street from the Sandlot as he paused for a moment, seeing small black ant like creatures on it's hind legs moving it's head about continously before it noticed a visitor in the street then sunk into the ground as he gave a small smirk as the Shadow took it's shape once again from the protection of the flat surface that provided it and he begun to walk but brought his left leg up high and kicked behind him, the back of his boot connecting with the unfortnate creature as it bounced along the floor before regaining it's composure as Shinji truned to face the creature, his arms crossed at his chest.

    "I'd give you a point for that idea of attacking from behind but..." He started to say before he uncrossed hsi arms to his sides before a flash of light appeared in his right hand as he stood wielding a white coloured Keyblade that seemed to be modeled after wings. "Whenever I see something I don't like, I'll smash it to pieces, so come on!" He called out loudly in with a smile as more Shadow Heartless started to converge upon his location as he looked at his surroundings.

    "Invited your friends? Then I'll have to make sure I entertain you all, no charge." As three of the Shadows leapt upon him as if to punce him into the ground and he grinned before jumping back to slash them horizontally as they disappeared in puffs of black smokes before stepping to the right one pace to avoid a sneak attack from behind and swiped downwards to hit it on the head and cut through as he turned to the pathway that lead to Station Heights but it was crowded with Shadows who tracked him.

    "Let's make a show of it!" He started before charging in as he sliced from the left and right in his run as ran to oen of the side building walls before jumping at it to exetend his foot against the flat surface s he bent his knee for a few seconds before forcing it out, cutting through a airborne Shadow as he knelt on the floor, one knee touching the ground while the other was his boot, his coat hugging the floor. before breaking into another run, slicing left and right once more before pausing yet again and twirled his Keyblade once in his hand, letting go of it for the rotation to complete itself and sliced vertically behind him as unfortunate Shadows too disappeared in black smoke, releasing their pink hearts as he stared down the now empty street before hoisting his Keyblade to rest on his shoulder.

    "That should do it for now." He said to himself before turning around to see three people staring at him from the entrance to Stations or rather exit from their point of view, oen was a spiky brown haired kid with hair just seemed to defy it's own gravity but his clothes were clearly not from this world as were the other two's clothing, even though one of them was a white haired one at that with a girl who seemed to have hair as red as the sunset.

    "Ah well... not planning on hiding this anymore anyway." He thought to himself as his eyes shifted to his Keyblade briefly before focuing on the oddly hair coloured trio, waiting to hear what they wanted to say.
  19. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    KIrra's attention was averted for a moment, looking at the strange boy. Her face turned red, not knowing what to do. Sora looked at her, wondering what she was focusing on that was so strange. She saw the boy, and didn't quite understand.

    "Hey! Kid!" Sora called out to him.

    Nox's heart felt a bit relieved. It burnt with love again, a feeling that he very much disliked. His head began to ache as he followed her with Xemnas. He wouldn't say anything to him as long as he didn't need to. It was all part of the plan, for now anyway.
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Riku grabbed Sora's arm, his expression fierce. "Sora wait!" His mouth opened to speak again when Akii jumped off his back, her little silver eyes narrowed and darkness wafting off her in powerful waves. "Enough delays." Snapping her little fingers, several dark corridors appeared all over Twilight Town. Civillians were sucked into them and transported off to different worlds and Sora, Riku, Kirra and Shinji were swept into one.

    Riku landed on his back painfully in the grass. He recognized that sky...the stars twinkled at him and he looked around for his friends. The Mysterious Tower...Yen Sid's home loomed before them and Akii was no where to be found.

    Axel glanced back at Saix for a moment before opening a dark corridor and taking the scarf. "Carrie...forgive me." he pushed her into the dark corridor, "Roxas!" Roxas lept over Axel, Nikolai and Saix, landing in front of the Keyblade Wielders and dug his Keyblades into the ground, creating a wave of light that pushed them back towards the dark corridor.

    Renee screamed and backed into the darkness, loosing her footing easily as it sucked her inside. Sei ran after Carrie into the dark corridor.
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