KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep: The Collectors Edition (For Selected Countries)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    With the release of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep in North America and Europe, fans from the series are gearing up, but will they get an exclusive with their game?

    Well...that depends on the location of the fan. KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep is set for North America and Europe in September 2010.

    Fans will be able to receive their copy of a collectors edition, which features 2x KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep artprints, hardback, and the 48-page artwork book entitled "The Art of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep".

    The Special Edition is being distributed into UK, France, Germany/Austria/Switzerland, Nordic countries, Benelux, Spain, Italy, Australia/New Zealand, Russia and Cyprus.

    So, what about North America?

    Gamestop, Amazon and Best Buy have updated their pre-order page with the decal set, but fans are frustrated as they may not see this collectors edition in North America.

    We'll keep you guys posted.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 23, 2010.

    1. Umiyuri Papaeyra
      Umiyuri Papaeyra
      How about somebody here who lives in the UK orders multiple copies and then sends them to you?
    2. Mway1
    3. Maggy
      aaaaand this is why americans get in trouble with the rest of the world lol

      But really, they need to put KH in general out there more so people actually know about it and we can all get goodies everywhere...*sigh*
    4. Kubo
      True, true.
      Don't worry guys. You'll get what you want one way or another.
    5. Clawtooth
      Well maybe the Collectors edition will show you how it feels when you don't get something that the rest of us don't. Re:CoM anyone? My point is made.
    6. khfreak123
      OH MY GOD!!! That is so gay of square enix!
    7. KHblader
      I must have it. It's the first time that I see countries like Italy or Australy take advantage! It's singular, doesn't it? XP
    8. Kubo
      Jealous much m8? =]
    9. rikusorakairiown
      Wow, I'll definetely be making sure I get this.
    10. Crumpet
      One of the good reasons why living Australia is good. For once we get something better. I like this!
    11. Alex856
      It looks great, but I doubt I'll EVER come out here xDD

      Since I live very far from the US, everything good needs to be imported ;-;

      If it comes out here I might get it :]
    12. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Sounds pretty awesome, and I'm glad that I live in Europe otherwise I wouldn't be getting a hard copy of the artwork, which would be a shame. :c

      Getting this game is so on my to do list.
    13. Clawtooth
      I have no PSP though :(. I really want this game though.
    14. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      It seems to me a lot of people hold grudges about Re: CoM. IMO, it wasn't even that outstanding of a game. The only thing setting it aside from it's gameboy predecessor being 3D graphics. Grow up. ​
    15. Sonic Toadstool
      Sonic Toadstool
      The collectors Edition isn't coming to America huh? Pfft well that figures, oh well at least we are still getting the game. And I suppose that I could buy the collectors edition off of someone selling it on Ebay once Birth By Sleep is released in the selected countries for of course a higher price than in retail stores<_<. But I guess that's the life of a Kingdom Hearts fan*remembers the trouble I went through to get my hands on the final mixes*. :/
    16. xAquaLinax
      Whoops, I totally forgot I had this pre-ordered. Good thing I looked here today, ahahaha... -.-'
    17. Ominous-Glory
      Thank you! Someone gets the point I made earlier.
    18. Clawtooth
      See ... ya know that felling you felt when you found out they were never releasing Coded or any of the Final Mixes outside of Japan?

      That's the SAME FEELING everyone outside of America and Japan who likes Kindgom Hearts feels. The fact that we didn't get Re:CoM and you did is totally unfair, so I think we're entitled to some compensation, i.e. this lovely collectors edition. That is why I think SE is doing this.
    19. Ominous-Glory
      You my friend are spectacular.
    20. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Let's be adults. Square is doing this for the money. Not to please a select few people. Video gaming being as huge an enterprise as it is today, that is what it is always about. I never got to play either of the final mixes, but you don't see me busting some Japanese person's chops who was lucky enough to get the chance. That is more or less what individuals such as yourself are doing to Americans in this thread. Reality check. Life is not fair. It never will be. And that sense of entitlement? You're entitled all right. Entitled as much as anyone else to put more money into SE's pockets. ​