KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep: The Collectors Edition (For Selected Countries)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    With the release of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep in North America and Europe, fans from the series are gearing up, but will they get an exclusive with their game?

    Well...that depends on the location of the fan. KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep is set for North America and Europe in September 2010.

    Fans will be able to receive their copy of a collectors edition, which features 2x KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep artprints, hardback, and the 48-page artwork book entitled "The Art of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep".

    The Special Edition is being distributed into UK, France, Germany/Austria/Switzerland, Nordic countries, Benelux, Spain, Italy, Australia/New Zealand, Russia and Cyprus.

    So, what about North America?

    Gamestop, Amazon and Best Buy have updated their pre-order page with the decal set, but fans are frustrated as they may not see this collectors edition in North America.

    We'll keep you guys posted.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 23, 2010.

    1. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Now that is what I want. Not stickers. I would love the art collection in hard cover for BBS. What garbage. =/ ​
    2. Maggy
      is there any way we can order it from those countries? like Australia so that it's in English? *sigh*
    3. Kubo
      Online as I always I suppose.
    4. ShibuyaGato
      I admit this is just unfair. We only get a decal set but pretty much the rest of the world gets the collectors edition. I hope they change their minds and give it to us too.
    5. XIII-roxas
      wow, lucky me? im Australian...but that is unfair though. i'd be pissed too.
    6. Aster Phoenix
      Aster Phoenix
      Well this sucks!
      I don't want shitty stickers
      I want awesome peice of artwork to hang up on my wall of amazing things!
    7. Maggy
      I AGREE

      let's beat SE up for it D:<

      lol JK
    8. Demyx_MelodiousNocturne
      of course we are frustrated! yes i think have a kh themed psp would be kool. but its nothing compared to that artbook! the US has everyright to be frustrated! i want all that stuffs!
    9. Mike
      ...And here I thought I was going to get the roles as Ventus.
      Just kidding guys. =)
    10. kngdmhrts2
      Yay UK getting it!! *starts drooling*.....but yes NA should get it too!
    11. Llave
      To be completely honest, we Americans have been deprived since day one of Kingdom Hearts. From Final Mix, Final Mix+, and now this possibly as well... argh. makes you wonder if the rest of the world hates us. :(
    12. Ansem59
      HA! I was just about to say the same thing when I read your comment! I was just going to say that Japan hated us... but the whole world sounds a little worse... Well, congrats for the countries that get the special edition.
    13. Mway1
      Ok now seriously USA grow up none of the PAL region got Re:Chain of Memories yeah i get it would have been difficult for an english translation but once they got that out of the way what was the problem. You atleast still get Birth By Sleep. Life sucks deal with it (oh yea and what is with the US always thinking europe is kinky or something? It's not) just needed to get that off my chest.

      Oh yes and most of Europe does hate your country not necessarily the people but your Governments do always try to play God.
    14. C
      OMG, nordic countries? That's me! I will deffinitly be on the look out for this, thank you Mike for spreading the love or news or whatever.
    15. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      WTF everyone expect US is getting it ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    16. Mway1
      Actually the Japanese dont get btw WTF everyone but PAL get Re:Chain of Memories guess what payback
    17. Shikou
      thats a bit unfair Square Enix screw us over people was happy with Final Fantasy Dissidia why cant we be happy with Birth By Sleep :(
    18. nekodoru
      wait... wait...
      nordic countries...........?
      NORDIC countries?
      well I CERTAINLY hope sweden's counting themselves in as nordic this time! xDD
      fuhuhuhuhuh..... I was wondering why the price was so high... OuO
    19. Ominous-Glory
      I'm sorry but as harsh as this sounds I don't feel too bad about the EU getting this, because I mean we lost out on an entire game. You may only lose out on some artwork. At leats you may be able to buy this and have while ifyou bough a US RE:Chain you'd need a US PS2 or a chipped PS2. And too a lesser extent an emulator. But who wants that trouble. >3<

      Thank you someone noticed.