KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep: Special Decal Set

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hey everyone, if you haven't pre-ordered you're copy of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep, then you may not know about the special decal set that is avalaible for free when you pre-order your copy at Amazon, Gamestop and Best Buy.

    The decal set are stickers that will design your regular PSP system into a KH themed set. Sounds exciting? Share you're thoughts now!

    This is an North American exclusive.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 22, 2010.

    1. Aurangzeb56
      Hmm i think i also remem there being a BBS Edition PSP but cant remem for sure ^^"
    2. Bambii
      I pre-ordered it from GameStop for in-store pickup, so I am I still eligible for this?
    3. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I really think this is kinda lame. Japan gets a unique PSP just for the game, France gets limited edition packaging with who knows what inside, and NA gets... stickers...? Talk about the short end of the stick. I have my PSP in a case to protect it from damage, so the sticker design would only be partially visible to me anyways. But to each their own, I guess. ​
    4. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Hate to be the party pooper but don't you mean "your"?

      Meh, stickers. Way to make up for the luck of an exclusive BBS PSP version. But anyway it's a NA exclusive so i can't say i really care.
    5. Sonic Toadstool
      Sonic Toadstool
      Well I suppose stickers are better than nothing right? I'll definitely be pre-oredering my copy from Gamestop so I don't miss my chance to customize my PSP Kingdom Hearts style!
    6. ChaosFinale
      Actually, I believe there is a limited edition PSP coming out with BBS. I had one reserved, but had to cancel it due to money, but a little later that month I reserved the game.
    7. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      It's almost as good as having the limited edition PSP from Japan! :D Glad I chose not to buy that one for $400.00!

      I guess you could say that there is, but it's only the "mystic silver" version. It's not specifically a Kingdom Hearts edition. It comes in a limited edition bundle that includes the BBS game. The game is the only thing that makes it a "limited edition Kingdom Hearts" bundle.
    8. Mike
      At first, I was like..."this is a bit corny".
      But if you think about's not that bad. If you have a nice working system (for me, I have the PSP black slim in new condition), then why bother buying a new one? The decals make it look like you just bought the KH PSP.

      Plus, I'm sure they will release an awesome strategy book at some point.
    9. Maggy
      you can pre-order the strategy book too in game shows up when you search "Birth By Sleep"

      ...the thing with my PSP slim is that it's red and has Kratos' face in the back lol (it was a limited edition God Of War bundle...thing...i got it as a gift about 2yrs ago :P)

      oh well, at least it's something, right?
    10. windblade
      I pre-ordered the game from Gamestop a while ago (about a month and a half), so I wonder if they'll still give me the stickers when I pick it up or if they wont (thinking I was never made aware of them). Hmmm... I guess I'll go back to GS and ask that they do. ///_^'

      Also, it's too bad, but I guess I'll not really be able to use the sticker that has "Kingdom Hearts" (or does it say "Square Enix"? I cant really see it) on it, as that side of my PSP has Darth Vader's head on it. (the Star Wars special slim PSP)
    11. ShibuyaGato
      AWESOME!!! Finally instead of a KH themed PSP at least we get exclusive KH theme stickers. Better than nothing and I can actually get it instead of a new PSP when mine is already fairly new.
    12. Maggy
      same thing for me, 'cept it's God of War
    13. KeybladeSpirit
      I read somewhere that nail paint is good for that kind of thing. You can probably use some red nail paint to cover up the God of War logo or whatever it is so that you can put on the KH decals.
    14. Maggy
      really? never heard of that o_O

      hm...i don't wanna risk damaging it :/
    15. KeybladeSpirit
      It won't damage it. My friends have done it and it's been fine. If you want the picture back you can just scratch off the paint.
    16. Luxord93
      There is an actual US bundle, I have it pre-ordered, and I will post pics of it when I pick it up in Sept. Best BIRTHday present evah! I'm hoping its the same as the one from Japan, all ive seen is it saying "Mystic Silver PSP".
    17. Count DiZ
      Count DiZ
      I need a new PSP, so i just pre-ordered the bundle like Luxord.
    18. Luxord93
      Its looking more and more likerly that the psp will be the same as the one in japan, Gamestop updated the preorder page for Birth By sleep with the decal set, but not however on the bundle set.