Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Novel Vol. 2 Revealed (Cover)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hey everyone, do you guys remember the novel update for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep? I believe we posted volume 1 in a update that was about a month ago.

    Anyway, the next volume (volume 2) was revealed today. This new novel is titled "Best Friends" and is its second volume release from the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep novel. A release date has been announced for February 24, 2011. Other volumes from this title has not been revealed at this current time, but we'll keep you posted.

    For more information, check out the official website from Square-Enix regarding volume 2.

    In the mean time, don't forget about the upcoming music release for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. This new OST is set for release on February 2nd 2011.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 28, 2011.

    1. LeKeyBoi
      This is pretty interesting, might have to find a way to get my hands on the first novel before I get into this one. Good reporting sir!
    2. Zter
      Lawl, the cover art looks pretty bad. Terra looks like a angry little kid. Still, I'll be keeping my eye on this.
    3. Shikou
      Damm you TokyoPop. The KH manga series was the highest rated manga at the time. How could they lose the rights to translate it? We could have been seeing the 358/2 Days manga by now if they did not screw up and lose the rights. I still need to read Vol.3 of KH2 because I cant find it anywhere to read online. And I kinda dont like reading manga online because it gets boring sometimes. :(
    4. Mish
      I think they're a bit too chibi-fied.
    5. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I can't read Japanese, so I will have to say I am passing up the novels, regretfully. Like a poster above me, my reading of the KH manga/novels died when they lost the rights to KH 2. I am all over that soundtrack though. Like flies on poo. Pre-ordered and everything from Amazon Japan. =] ​
    6. P
      This is going to get confusing, having both this and the game called Birth by Sleep Volume 2.
    7. ventus and roxas
      ventus and roxas

      can u give permission to let us print the cover from the website?????
    8. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Meh..., not a fan of the cover art... It looks as something you'd find at Devianart.

      As for the soundtrack, i have only one word. Finally!
    9. Saxima
      Man, that cover art just cracks me up. It's really bad...

      Then again, most of them are. Too bad they didn't get a better artist for all those jobs. DX
    10. P
      The cover art is just very animesque. It's not what we're used to seeing.
    11. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      "Animesque"? I would call it cheap. Terra looks rather disproportionate.

      I have to agree with Saxima, a better artist would definetely do the job *coughWatsukicough* Yeah, i know, wishful thinking...