KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FM: New Scan (Secret Episode)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep Final Mix" width="206" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2735" /></a></center>

    Hey everyone, we are only days away from the release of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep Final Mix, which releases in Japan on January 20th 2011.

    In the mean time, a new scan from KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep Final Mix has surfaced, featuring some new images which appear to be from the secret episode, which is now playable in this Final Mix title.

    Source: FF-Reunion
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 15, 2011.

    1. Shikou
      Looks awesome! Cant wait to see some battle of the dark thing :D
    2. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Aqua can use Eraqus' Keyblade! That's what I was hoping to see! =D
    3. Nate_River
      She is SO in the Realm of Darkness.

      Looks good. Might invest in it, might not. Depends if I can find a legit copy on ebay.
    4. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I want a copy just to have it. But I played the hell out of the NA release. I will just youtube any extra fights or scenes. ​
    5. jorpor
      It would be awesome if the FM content would be available as DLC on PSN for US and EU gamers... But that probably won't happen :(
    6. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Yes! Once the game releases, the guys over at the Code Vault can make a code to wield Eraqus keyblade ^^
    7. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      Yup, I'm definitely gonna have to get this one AND play it, since I'm now able to read katakana, hiragana, and *some* kanji. Even though I was able to unlock the Final Episode and the Reconnect video, I was still left with a ton of questions. Hopefully Final Mix will provide a little more closure, though it'll probably bring up more mysteries as well. Either way, even though I just finished BBS last week, I'd play it all over again from start to finish in a heartbeat, so I might as well play the Final Mix version as soon as I can get my hands on it! I can't wait!!! ^_^
    8. jazumin-chan
      Yay, I can't wait! I'll probably end up watching the extra's on Youtube xD
    9. AndreaAras26
      I'm really into any new about the now kh, supposedly "reconnect", since everyone is supposed to return. So I really wish they uncover a little more about it in the secret episode of bbs final mix.
    10. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      Does the text in either of those screenshots of the final episode say anything of interest? :/
    11. sora969
      I'm pretty sure I saw these about a week ago. Still awesome, though.
    12. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      I found this on The article was translated by krexia of Kingdom Hearts Insider. Nothing too interesting, but here you go. ^_^
      Oh, and spoiler warning if you haven't played BBS yet. I think the images pretty much give it away already, but if you still don't understand it and you want to remain unspoiled, I don't recommend reading this.

    13. dabestgamer
      I think it'd be about as action-filling as most other fights in BBS to play... and by action-filling, I mean somewhat annoying. I'm used to seeing the annoying enemy of all the enemies in games... but BBS... it just seemed to have a lot of that kind. Or maybe it's just me.

      Also... I almost want to say you get to face Darkside but... if I recall correctly, Darkside has yellow eyes, not red. That, and I think he'd be too easy a boss for any Secret Episode.