KINGDOM HEARTS Birth By Sleep: FF13 Release Reference

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share something quick with you guys. I noticed that FINAL FANTASY XIII is scheduled for a release on June 20th 2010 in North America. Europe has the game set for June 25th, only five days later. FF XIII is releasing in Japan on December 2009 and KINGDOM HEARTS Birth By Sleep is releasing somewhere near January, most likely mid or end of the month. My guess is that we won't see Birth By Sleep until summer. It appears that they are making the North American and Europe releases closer, but giving a huge gap between the release from Japan. I could be wrong, but just letting you guys know.

    Feel free to discuss....

    FINAL FANTASY XIII (North America):

    Source: FF-Reunion
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Oct 4, 2009.

    1. MoTi550
      Mrf. That seems really speculation-y to me. I know that SE was planning on a more close release with NA and JP with FFXIII, but then last year NA decided to cross-platform it to the 360, setting back the NA release date because they had to work on all the cross-platforming stuff. They said at E3 last year that the NA release would be pushed back as a result.

      Additionally, I was always under the impression that SE really tried hard to release KH installments as close to the JP release as they can. KH2 came out, what, 4 months in NA after Japan? Days came out 4 months later as well. I'm not saying your wrong, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if we were playing BBS before the end of June *shrug*
    2. Mike
      Well, I also thought that the game would be released in April or May. Like you said, KHII was released three months later, but there should be no reason why Days was released four months later. Just think about how many voice overs they needed for that game. There are barely many cutscens. The only reason this is happening, is only due them trying to be closer to Europe's release. I believe Kingdom Hearts II was released six months (September) after North America. The pattern with the new Square-enix games seems to be holding back until Europe releases their copy.
    3. 007
      well there will probably be more voiceover in XIII than in BBS, so maybe BBS won't take as long
    4. MoTi550

      Also bear in mind that SE hasn't given us a release date. How do we know Amazon is right? They have a release of December 31st, 2010 for vsXIII. Amazon was also on the bandwagon with everyone else when they decided that Dissidia and Days came out on the same day (which is one of the reasons I think why Days came out so much later in NA, releasing Days at the same time as Dissidia doesn't seem like good marketing to me).

      And the new XIII trailer that came out 2 days ago said Spring 2010 at the end. I admittedly don't know anything about fiscal years, but "Spring" to me says May or even April/March.

      And I also don't know anything about whether or not SE is pushing NA's release date back to be closer to EU. I do know that SE had said that they were pushing for more frequent worldwide releases, but I don't know how that ties in at all *shrug*
    5. Noise
      Lol i was actually thinking about the BBS release date a few days ago, and i was thinking about this.

      KH2 came out in the US approx 3 months after the Jap version did, and Days came out around 4 months, so im thinking, BBS might come out around April or May, or even early June at the lastest, SE for KH games havent made us wait tooo long, hopefully im somewhat correct, but i dont think that it will come out around FFXIII's release date, they wanna make there yearly income and quarter reports look good, im thinking since june is the end of the 2nd quarter, BBS might just come out in late LATE march at the absolute earliest, so honestly dont hope for BBS untill spring '10.

    6. the muffin man
      the muffin man
      Woohoo. I wanna see when they are gonna release it.
    7. Noise
      and i never thought about that, honestly, i dont think SE would determine BBS's release date around FFXIII. i think that the year '10 is going to be a good year for SE but im really hopeing BBS comes out in april or may
    8. the muffin man
      the muffin man
      Advertising and promotional purposes.
    9. Noise
      that and it gives them time to make a fantastic game, just think if they popped a game out every year, the quailty would be shitty, SE makes amazing games, and thats why they also make us wait forever Bl
    10. the muffin man
      the muffin man
      Don't worry about that, they could release their games faster, with the same quality.
    11. TwentySevenLies
      Amazon change their dates constantly. Isn't there a 'symbolic' date or something for release of FFXIII in March? I hope so, because I want FF so bad its not even funny. But can't really be trusted on their release dates until much nearer the actual release.
    12. daggerd
      yay now i know which one to get xbox 360 for x-mas and bbs and ff7+psp for my b-day
    13. :::the-real-enigma:::
      At the premiere party they said they're hoping to release it about 3 months after japan's release. So March seems to be what they're going for.
    14. MoTi550
      I do. FFXIII has been a myth/legend since something like 2005 and is one of SE most anticipated games. But on the other hand, LOTS of people are looking forward to BBS, which has been its own myth and legend since 2007. So if you release them around the same time, then what? I know I'd be less than enthused to shell out $60+ for one game and then $40 for another.

      I dunno. If I was doing the thinking at SE, I'd release FFXIII AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. God we've been waiting forEVER for that game. And then I'd release other things around it. With BBS, clearly SE can push out an NA release 3 months after, so I'd release it in March/April, March preferably to help hug my First Quarter Sales (I think? I know nothing of quarters).
    15. :::the-real-enigma:::
      I think Amazon says June 20th because that's the first day of summer which is the latest it could be judging by the fact that it's supposed to be released in Spring.
    16. Desmonic
      People, please realize that these dates on Amazon are just placeholders so that they can start making pre-orders early. The real release date still hasn't been announced.

      Square-Enix stated that they were aiming (aiming is the keyword here) for a March release (FF XIII), and while it would make sense to delay that release date ( games like God of War 3, GT5, Alan Wake, Bioshock 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, and more are coming out in March) until SE says otherwise, it's more reliable to believe in a March release.

      As for BBS, as far as I know, there still isn't a true release date, even for Japan.
    17. Desmonic


      Well now. That is definitely, by far, the most useless reply post yet...

    18. Noise
      K, frist of. Shut the Fuck Up.

      second, Go Fuck yourself, and lastly

      Mike has been keeping this site up to date on KH news for along time now, he had done great things for this site, unlike you, whos a fucking troll and has nothing to do than bash someone on the internet,
      just leave.

      back to topic, i think its going to be a mid April release date.
    19. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I really hope they don't release the separate games in a short amount of time.
      Like someone said before, I'm not shelling out money for all three (BBS, FFXIII, and FFvs.XIII) games (not to mention the systems) right after another.
      If I had to choose between BBS and FFXIII, BBS will come in last for me.
      I'd play FFXIII and if BBS comes out right after it, I'd read about the plot online and wouldn't have much incentive to play it with a ruined plot.
      I honestly have more anticipation for FFXIII. Let them release that one later, make it even better, and give us BBS first.

      Know who YOU'RE talking to.
      For one, this is KH-VIDS, not KHINSIDER.
      No one here gives a damn how many sites he's quit, got kicked off from, or whatever.
      The point is, he's here now and he's giving us information we want.
      And yet, he's still an active member of the community.
      His fandub is a friendly project that a lot of us enjoy.
      He has yet to piss off anyone here.
      In fact, you're the one leaving bad taste here, not him.
      "no idea who Mike is or what he's done?"
      He's kept most of us up-to-date with KH news.
      As a matter of fact, who the hell are you?
      I don't give a damn if he's a Joseph freaking Stalin. He's our reporter, and he's doing damn fine job.
      Go join a different site if you don't like it here.