KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep: Axel and Saix

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    from Abyss of Obsessions has drawn an artwork image of what Axel (Lea) and Saix appear to look like in the new trailer that was shown at this year's Jump Festa event. The image can be viewed above. Overall, very interesting designs for these two characters.

    Source: Abyss of Obsessions & KHU
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 20, 2009.

    1. Maggy
      SWEET! I knew Lea would make an appearance xD

      in his journals he was talking about stuff that happened as a kid, so I guess it would make sense he would pop up
    2. daggerd
      wow I didn't think they would look like that
    3. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Very nice drawing. Saix's outfit really is weird looking. I just don't think it suits him.
      And is it just me, or is this game full of people with scarfs? I mean WTF? They came out of no-where.

      BTW, anyone know what world these two are seen on?
    4. mojxar
      So anyone think they are brothers or just friends?
    5. Vanitas
      They are friends like Sora and Riku(according to 358/2 Days).

      I would assume that they live at Twilight Town. Their style of clothing is like those of the kids have there and the moon-symbol fits there with the orange-/yellow-theme of Lea's clothes. This origin could explain why Axel is spending so much time at Twilight Town. Just some thoughts.
    6. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Yeah, that makes sense. I did wonder why out of all the possible worlds, Axel picked Twilight Town as where he hangs out.
    7. 007
      good job, but they look like girls
    8. axel-chanviii
      I think they're cute!! (But not in a fangirl way)
      Hmm... wonder what they're like as kids?
    9. Firechakram
      Was Saix's real name actually revealed in the trailer?
    10. Mish
      You mean just like every other male video game character?

      I like the design. I just became way more excited for BBS.
    11. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      on some info i found about the trailor they are in radivent ggraden
    12. WilliamTheWise
      Not yet. All it shows is the two together and Axels says
      But since he has been revealed his name may follow, next month.
    13. Doxyc
      How come Axel(Lea) looks very feminin? Saix looks great though *thumbs up* :)
    14. Maggy
      Doesn't he always? xD
    15. Artist13Namine
      wat trailer im confused!!!!!!!!!
    16. Sir Charles of Monocles
      Sir Charles of Monocles
      the trailer at Jump Festa. Unfortunately it hasn't been released yet.
    17. Aster Phoenix
      Aster Phoenix
      Great pics. I like the hankerchief
    18. xemsai-superfan
      Awww! Those two look so cute, just like little kids! i'll look up this footage right now and i cant wait to hear Saix's real name (maybe ^^)
    19. finalform1

      i was thinking the same thing