Kingdom Hearts - Battle Royale

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by hikki_kairi, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    ~Prologue: The Day Before the Battle~

    Locations: Destiny Islands, The World That Never Was and Radiant Garden
    Characters died: 0

    (ooc: well, this is taking too long, anyways. This is the day before the battle! Let the RP begin!)
  2. RoxaSorAligned Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 17, 2007
    Wait! Hey, what about me?!

    ScreenName: RoxaSorAligned
    Character: Wakka (yeah, you got a problem with that?)
    How you would act: Playful and Mature (huh?!)
    Reason for joining RP (Give a good reason >.0): I like RP stuff like these! Don't know, seems like something fun for you if you get bored in the forums.
  3. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    lmao! okay RoxaSorAligned, you're in!
  4. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Should we just type up a prologue of our characters before any of the battles begin?

    Roxas' Prologue:

    In the skies, thunder clapped loudly as if Heaven's wrath had been cast upon on the world. Countless numbers of trees covered a large acre of land and several had been struck down by a tornado. A blond-haired teenager leaned against a tree that had only been moments ago standing, "...Is this for real?" he whispered to himself, "...who...who am I?"

    Looking down at his hands, the Nobody noticed twin blades that had the shape of a rather large key that had not been there previously. He widened his eyes in surprise as something echoed in his mind, 'Oathkeeper...and...Oblivion.' There was something familar with these blades and he felt that within there was some connection, "...I need answers..." he said to himself as he stood up.

    "...and I want them now..." he said angrily as he began walking through the dark forest.

    Little did the blonde know that on the tree that he was leaning on moments ago had his name engraved.



    Yeah, in this RP, I want Roxas to lose his memories of Namine, Organization XIII, Sora, Riku, etc. Mainly because I think it would suit the mood of KH: Battle Royale. I think we'll generally make up a reason why he is seperated from Sora in the end.
  5. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Rikku's Prolouge:

    The beautiful sky had been engulfed by gluttonus clouds, the moogles blew softly as the gales blew harshly at the chimes behind, making a huge hustling sound each time the wind decided to blow...

    At the edge of the cliff just a little near the castle, a young, spriteful, ginger/blonde haired girl bounced around in a circle aimlessly, trying to keep active, and practicing her attacks on a nearby wall...
    The weapon soared out of range and she began to moan in disbelief, ' AGAIN?!? I'm losing my feminine touch... T-T'
    She was nowhere near aware of what news was going to hit her, and on a small pebble, a small engravement of her name laid there. Rikku.
    She sat down on the shade of the wall and sat on her chakrams, looking inside her bag for her teddy, her mobile (To call Yuna and 'Dr.Paine') [don't ask] and her gigantic pack of food. She grinned, thinking of plots to annoy Paine even more than before, to do the unknown.
  6. Sora-Riku Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 19, 2007
    My Country =D
    soras prolouge:

    A BEACH.. silent but nice.. the sand was soft and the ocean was warm sora sat with the sand between his toes, he felt nervous like something was coming.. the wind wispered in his ear ''b e ready''

    sora blared falling on his back getting restless..

    he took out some sticks and built a toy boat.... just T..T
    ''heh.. a boat.. ''he whispered to himself in happiness
    he danced ''woo a boat!!''... he finally relised he JUST made something...

    LATER ON....
    he was still nervous but he settled down to sleep unaware of the events about to happen...

    hope u like it 8-D its a start
  7. doubledude94 Moogle Assistant

    Mar 18, 2007
    Demyx was in his room at the world that never was and thought he should go see sora. He went and ...........
  8. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Sephiroth scanned the skies of Radiant Garden.
    His three wings, one of them coming out of his right shoulder and the other two coming out of his hips, were folded neatly, kept out of sight to not alarm passer-byers. His long sleak silver hair, along with gravity defying bangs, was swept back by the wind, allowing his green eyes to be seen. The black coat he wore tugged against the wind, revealing his boots and dark black pants.

    Sighing, he absent-mindedly called onto his trusted sword, a nodachi called Masamune. He flicked it around, watching as its silver blade sliced the air. He unsummoned his sword, and clenched his fist as it disappeared. Cloud was abroad again. The boy had defeated him, but, just as Sephiroth had said, he would come back.

    Fanning out his wings, he flew up into the air and soared through the skies, his eyes now scanning the ground, trying to find his nemesis. He did not know of the calamity that was stirring.
  9. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    OOC: Sorry, I don't know much about KH Tifa; I'm going to be characterizing her as FF7 Tifa, if there's even a difference.

    Tifa's Prolog...

    ~Radiant Gardens~

    Tifa slammed her open palm against the top of the bar. Something was happening; she could feel it in the way the very air itself conjoured memories of Hollow Bastion's dark stench. She sighed and poured her untouched glass of water into the sink. Setting the glass upside-down on a dishtowel, she exited the dark confines of the empty bar and locked the door behind her. Gazing out at the sun slowly setting over the horizon, she leaned against the short stone barrier and rested her chin on her black-gloved hands.

    Inside, looking as though burned into the very wood itself on the reverse side of the bar, her name had been ingraved; 'Tifa Lockhart', scrawled in delicate script across the side. A spark erupted from nowhere, setting the letters ablaze. Within seconds, they were gone; only a charred spot remained to mark their existance.
  10. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Axel's Prolog......

    Axel was sitting on the memory skyscraper in The World that never Was. Axel sat there doing nothing then across the disteanch Axel could see a flash of light. Axel being his normal self went to the light and when he got there he of course walked into the light.......
  11. The Reflective Superior Moogle Assistant

    Mar 1, 2007
    The world that never was
    Vexen's Prologue

    Vexen was in the castle that never was in his lab. He was working away straightening everything out for his next experiment. He took out all the rescorces he needed, Going through viles and tubes as well as fiddle fadles and such he would need. He was also neating everything up. The Superior had mentioned coming to pick up his reports on experiments some time this week and checking it over his report once more he felt satisfied. "Ahhhhh... good that it's finally over."

    He then began to check on individual projects one by one. How they were doing, any changes.... plans for the future. It was going marvoulous yet... dispite all this scientific success and the new experiment being almost ready for testing Vexen felt everything was going a bit too purfect.... something wasnt right here. Even without a heart he could tell. Something big was going to happen... and it was going to be very soon...

    He then thought he herd a knock at the door and figuring it was Xemnas or some other member he quickly put his work on his desk and went to answer. When he got to the door though and opened it... no one was there. He looked down and saw a letter inscribed with his name. He picked it up and opening it all it said was 'Shine your shield & wash your cloak... Get Ready' The letter than made a blinding light and disapeared leaving a confussed chilly Acidemic to do as the letter told him asuming Xemnas was up to something.
  12. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Larxene Proluge...

    Larxene was incredibly bored that day, There was no one but her at the Castle That Never Was; All of the other members had missions to go on. She sat on her bed, throwing her tiny knives at an invisible target on the wall, until there was a noticably large hole. This was one of the many holes that had been made on her wall, most were hidden or fixed up to be almost unnoticable, but some were plain as day. All were caused by boredom. There was noone there to be mean to , or pull a practical joke on... "Wait..." she thought, "They don't have to be there for it to be a good joke!" So, who would it be? Saix, Axel, Marluxia? Then it hit her. The perfect idea!


    She didn't have to sneak over to her victim's room, since no one was there to catch her anyway. She quickly got inside, and saw her target: every little plushie, every stuffed animal, stacked neatly on the bed. Larxene threw them all on the floor, every single one. She hid some, but most were just spread out in random positions on the rug. The Savage Nymph spotted it: The cutest, fuzziest stuffed animal Bubble Boy has. She stuck a tiny knife in it's side, with a note attached that read:

    "Hope your day was as marvolous as mine!"

    She didn't sign it.
    When she got back to her room, she saw something very strange. Where the about 20 knives were stuck to the wall, They now spelled out,


    but noone was there to write it. She sat back down on her bed and thought about it, until she heard a screech from across the hall.

    "MR. SNUGGLES!!!"

    That made it all worthwhile.

    OOC: I'm SO mean! XD
    "Bubble Boy" is the name my brother and I call Demyx.
  13. doubledude94 Moogle Assistant

    Mar 18, 2007
    Demyx came back to get his sitar and noticed the letter. Larxene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He went to go find her.
  14. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    It's a proluge, DoubleDude94, You don't respond to it...
  15. KairiSoraKeyoflight Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    spazzing out somewhere probably
    Kairi's prologe

    Kairi gazed out as the sun set over the crystal clear ocean casting a bright orange glow acrost her face and iluminating her bright blue eyes it was good to be home again but it was at times booring
    what we need now is a new adventure something unexpected and unpredictable as the sun sank beyon the horizon she ran back to to the dock and hoped in her small boat, after all she had to hury if she was to make it back home before she thought to herself how odd it was that she dident see sora or riku pushing the thought to the back or her mind she untied the tether and headed in to the main island...

    "what we need now is a new adventure something unexpected and unpredictable"
    Be careful what you wish for.
    it might just come true.
  16. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    *Needs other people's prologue to start the rp*
  17. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Just wait, hikki_kairi. If you really need the prologue, just PM the members for it.

  18. doubledude94 Moogle Assistant

    Mar 18, 2007
    When will we start?
  19. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Zexion's Proluge..................

    Zexion finished off a heartless. "Hmph, keeping off a heartless invasion of the castle is soooooooo tiring, not my fault Larxene's too lazy to help me." Demyx walked out of the dark portal he opened. "Oh, hey Demyx. How was the Underworld?" Zexion's super senses detected a little thud coming from Demyx's room. "Oh, Demyx, something's in your room." Demyx opened a portal through the darkness. A few seconds later, Zexion fell over because of Demyx's blasting voice. "MR. SNUGGLES!!!" Zexion got up, cursing Demyx's super powered shout."Dang Vexen and his biological alterations........." Zexion marches up through The Castle That Never Was on foot, killing heartless on the way. "Stupid Roxas, it was his turn to clear out the heartless inside the castle today.........." He reaches the HRFG (Heartless Removal Field Genorator) and pulls the lever. "I can't believe this stupid machine has to warm up for ten hours! It works for only one even with backup power! Larxene hasn't been charging it up........" He then arrives at Proof of Existance, going into Demyx's room, Demyx was crying on the floor hugging his favorite teddy bear. Zexion removes the dart and quickly analyzes it. "Larxene!!!" He rushes to Larxene's room, Mirage Book in hand. "You know that I worked VERY HARD on all of your birthday presents!" Zexion stomps out, goes into his room/library, and throws a black notebook onto the floor in anger. He fails to realize what's on the notebook's first page:
  20. Rena88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Candy Mountain XP
    Namine's Prologue:

    (let's say see never became part of Kairi again)

    Destiny Islands was nothing like she imagined. Escaping The World That Never Was was a close one. Meeting Roxas, Kairi, and Sora was a great adventure. But now...things were settled. She spent most of her time sketching the beautiful scenery around the islands. She never really kept in touch with the others lately, mainly because she was trying to discover herself. She didn't want to be Kairi's nobody all her life. She sat down on one of the many shores and opened her sketchpad. On one of the pages, NAMINE was beautifully written. She never drew this. Something felt strange. Namine didn't realize that she would soon find out what that feeling meant...