Kingdom Hearts at Tokyo Game Show

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Square Enix have annonuced the list of games appearing at this years Tokyo Game Show on the 10-12 of October.

    • Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP) - Trailer and Demo
    • Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 (DS) - Trailer and Demo
    • Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Mobile) - Trailer only
    There have been demo's for the 2 games before but I believe this is the first public event where the 2 are playable so we can expect many leaked footage. (That's if they allow the demos to the public) And for those who are interested there is the rest of the list.

    • Final Fantasy XIII (PS3/Xbox 360) - Trailer Only
    • Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3) - Trailer Only
    • Final Fantasy Agito XIII (PSP/Mobile) - Trailer Only
    • DISSIDIA Final Fantast (PSP) - Trailer and Demo
    • Dragon Quest IX (DS) - Trailer Only
    • The 3rd Birthday (PSP) - Trailer Only
    • Chrono Trigger (DS) - Trailer Only
    • Star Ocean 4 (360) - Undecided
    • Valkyrie Profile (DS) - Trailer and Demo
    • The Last Remnant (360/PS3) - Undecided
    • Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book (DS) - Trailer and Demo
    • Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon (DS) - Trailer and Demo
    • Infinite Undiscovery (360) - Trailer Only

    Source: TGS - Square Enix and Kotaku
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 8, 2008.

    1. LilRice
      cool can't wait 4 more gameplay of BBS and 358/2 days, thx 4 the info Dark.​
    2. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      I heard they were gonna announce the 358/2 Days Japanese date of release.
      Any way thanks for the info, and I can't wait for TGS.
    3. Lulus_Moogle
      Yee! I can't wait! Thankies for the info!
    4. riku2211
      so is that game show only in tokyo??? i probably already know the answer never know...
    5. Shift
      So that means days won't be released until october...
      Good info anyway.
      Were else could a event called Tokyo Game Show be?
    6. Destined
      this is still raising my suspicions that there will be only a hint of a new KH game similar to what SE did at E3 concerning FF13's port.

      We'll have to wait and see, thanks Dark
    7. Darkandroid
      Days is still due for Winter 08, I say it will be released around Christmas time in Japan.
    8. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Hmm.. I'm glad that we have something to look forward to, and not just randomly waiting when new info might get leaked..
      Hmm.. When Days comes out in winter 2008, then maybe it comes out early 2009 in USA? Then I (Europe) have to wait till mid 2009 I guess.. Damn.. Ah well, I'll buy it on ebay. OH WAIT, nobody wants to sell the game... >_>
    9. WaveK89
      Good news indeed. Though the one unanswered question is the rumour going around about KHIII. Unless, Square is holding the surprise; I'm still not getting my hopes up for a rumour.

      Whatever happened to the announcement about worldwide release of games by Square? I know the whole FFXIII dilemma is the exception, but did they decide not to go with it?
    10. Emma Wemma
      Emma Wemma
      Yay! thx for info! i don't really care how long i have to wait to get it lol, better save up for a PS3
    11. Hakurei Reimu
      Hakurei Reimu
      I thought they'd have some info. on KHIII. Oo

      O well, guess not. I'm still looking forward to the demos and trailers though.
    12. jafar
      What was the Snoopy DS game I saw? It wasn't on the list.
    13. Darkandroid
      Yes it appears so. It will be there in both trailer and demo.
    14. Anixe
      Yay, some *hopeful* leaking of the demos. XD But hopefully the trailers can be leaked too. Can't wait till TGS. =]
    15. Skylight_Defect
      I'm so excited for these games! Thx for the info! :)
    16. BLACK-beany
      Great info. I didn't think that kh3 would be revealed at this tgs. Although, it has not happened yet so how can I say that? I was hoping to see more ff7 remake, though. Whatever!
    17. Dawn
      I saw the trailer of Infinite Undiscovery on a Saturday night, was that on purpose?
    18. Noise
      yea! demos! and YEA! trailers!

      plus the Chrono Trigger remake HELLZ YEA!
    19. libregkd