Kingdom Hearts: Armageddon

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by burnitup, Apr 10, 2007.


Is this a good rp?

  1. Very good.......not wait beyond good.

    22 vote(s)
  2. Cool

    9 vote(s)
  3. Flawless........means cool.

    5 vote(s)
  4. Awsome

    5 vote(s)
  5. Good

    3 vote(s)
  6. It's ok.

    4 vote(s)
  7. I don't know.

    4 vote(s)
  8. Not really

    0 vote(s)
  9. stupid

    0 vote(s)
  10. This is a pile get the picture.

    1 vote(s)
  11. May god have mercy on your soul.

    2 vote(s)
  12. Stop it!!! Cut it out!!!!!! I'm going to trow up!!!

    1 vote(s)
  13. *shoots self from stupidness*

    9 vote(s)
  1. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
  2. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    OOC: I laugh SO much everytime that Lex does that to Mickey XD


    Mickey crashed into the ground after Lexaeus's attack. He was going to say something to him but than Saix threw his claymore at Mickey. Mickey jumped into the air and dodged it, but than Saix jumped above Mickey while screaming. "Agh...crap..." Mickey said before Saix came down on top of him and smashed him into the ground.
  3. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Roxas dashed into Saix, knocking him off Mickey. he pulled Mickey to his feet and turned to Lexaeus.
    "What is wrong with you, Lexaeus?" Saix stood on top of the treasure pile, his arms open wide.
    "Can you feel it, the moon's power?" He said, moonlight surrounding him. Roxas tossed the Trinity Blade to Mickey and summoned Oathkeeper and oblivion. Roxas hit Saix with a combo of both Keyblades and dashed through him.
    "Moon, shine down! RRRRAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!" Saix went berzerk again. He hovered into the air and released a burst of moon energy, blowing the roof off of the cave and letting moonlight pour into the cavern.
    "ALL SHALL BE LOST TO YOU!" Saix yelled, starting his ultimate attack. Roxas used his AoE slash to knock the rocks away from his friends, though he suspected rocks wouldn't be a bother to Lexaeus. Roxas saw a berzerk Saix bearing down on him, and was too slow to do anything. Saix battered Roxas mercilessly and knocked him into the pile of treasure, smashing against the stone chest containing the cursed gold. Roxas wasn't moving.
    OoC: Hmm, I wonder why Roxas is near the cused gold? >_>
    Singular Limit Breaks:
    Roxas: Strike Raid --- (You all know
    Mickey: Session --- Mickey unleashes a combonation of attacks similar to Session from KH2, but instead finishes with a damadging Healing Light.
    Lexaeus: Shattered Earth --- Lexaeus smashed the ground with his tomahawk three times, releasing boulders and earth pillars that damadge the enemy and finishes with a jumping tomahawk strike.
    Xemnas: Twilight Blade --- Xemnas unleashes several Sword Dance combos (the ones from his first battle where he attacks about 47583659843 times >_>) and finishes with an uber Sword Twirl (the one he uses in his final battle where he spins and knocks Sora about three metres into the air.
    Roxas,Mickey&Xemnas: Road to the Dawn --- Roxas, Mickey and Xemnas all begin attacking at once similar to Trinity Limit's Break. They finish by surrounding the enemy as the points of a triangle and fire massive amounts of lasers, pearls and nothing bullets.
    I'm too bored to make the rest of the Limits :p
  4. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    OOC: Maybe Roxas is gonna turn into an Undead Nobody? XD (He'd look pretty freaky like that lol)


    Mickey saw Roxas get smashed against the stone chest and shouted: "Hold on Roxas! I'm coming!" Saix saw Mickey running towards Roxas and he ran in front of him. "You're next." Saix said as he swung his claymore at Mickey. Mickey than blocked it with his keyblade and the two proceeded to attack each other with their blades. Each one parrying and blocking the other's attacks.
  5. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    OoC: Nah, I toyed with the idea, but Undead Roxas would be too ebil. ROXAS IS TOO AWSOME TO BE UNDEAD. Only my Johnny can pull off the whole undead thing :|
    IC: Roxas struggled to his feet, grabbing the side of the chest to steady himself. He looked inside the chest and another memory of Sora attacked him. Saix looked over and saw the chest. He smiled.
    "Thank you for reminding me, Roxas."
    He walked over to the chest, smashing Mickey out of the way with a casual swing. Roxas tried to defend himself, but Saix smashed him into the air and knocked the airborne Nobody into a pile of gold coins and jewelry. Saix reached into the chest and pulled out a coin.
    "Genie, help me!" Roxas whispered. Genie appeared next to him, wearing a crown.
    "Does this crown make me look fat?"
    "Genie, we need your help with this guy."
    Genie looked over at the now immortal Saix. "Hmmm, I'll give it a shot."
    Saix raised his arms, summoning the moon's power. genie floated up behind him and rapped the back of his head with his fake Keyblade. Saix grunted and knocked Genie away.
    "But... I am supposed to be immortal..."
    "You never stop to think, Saix. You are so quick to go berzerk to compansate for not having a heart, you mindless b-"
    "SILENCE YOU ARROGANT FOOL!" Saix went bezerk with moon power and charged at Roxas. Roxas had regained his feet and dashed to Saix. there was a flash of light and Saix and Roxas stood back-to-back, metres apart. Roxas spun his keyblades and slowly lowered them before desummoning them. the instant he desumonned them, Saix dropped to one knee.
    Saix was surrounded with an aura of fiery moonlight. His eyes shone with madness.
    "ALL SHALL BE LOST TO YOU!" he yelled, hovering upwards. Energy from the moon beamed down and surrounded him, transmuting into massive claymores. they spun around him and more were created every second.
    "i think I made him angry." Roxas said.
    'Angrier than usual?" Lexaeus rumbled behind him.
    "......good point."
    "RRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!" Saix screamed, releasing the claymores and dropped to the ground, weilding two claymores the size of Lexaeus's tomahawk.
    OoC: Hmm, do you think Roxas's MP has recharged yet? And yes, it is fun to give the Org members new attacks :)
  6. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
  7. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    "This is gettin bad..." Mickey said. He than jumped at Saix and began his Limit Session. Saix attempted to block Mickey's attacks but Mickey broke through his defences and began battering Saix with many swipes of his keyblade. Mickey's keyblade than disappeared and was replaced by many swords of Light energy. He used these swords to whack Saix around as well and than Mickey re-summoned his keyblade and shined a bright light from it. The light hit Saix and sent hin crashing into a wall.
  8. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Xemnas rode the ship all the way over to *what ever the place is that you fight Barbossa* and ran inside to find the guys fighting. "I'm here!" he yelled diving into Saïx knocking him down. He got up and ran toward Xemnas knocking him to the floor.
  9. Zexionazy Moogle Assistant

    May 14, 2007
    Lexaeus was not happy. Roxas had yelled at him, the little newbie, for doing something in revenge. The Supierior finally arrived when he could have just taken the carpet. In fact, he was pissed at everyone for not seeing Saix's weakness. THE GOLD. Take the gold away and he becomes mortal again. Lexaeus was so angry that he broke a few boulders which(would though they didn't know it) hit them all. So Lexaeus just went behind Saix and stole the coins back and put them in the chest and buried it under at least ten miles of ground. Then he started wacking Saix's head with a boulder.

    OOC: I just wanted to see what an angry Lexaeus would do so no hard feelings!:) :D :confused:
  10. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    OOC: I just imagined Lexaeus taking a boulder and smashing Saix in the head with it over and over and over. It's pretty funny. XD
  11. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    OoC: Hmmmmm..... Roxas: *points to Lexaeus's power gauge* IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!
    I just can't get enough of that joke.
    IC: Saix shook off the massive bouldert strikes as if they were water.
    "Can you hear the moon's euphoria?" He stated as his moon claymores surrounded him in a barrier and he took up his Tomahawk-sized claymores.
    "ALL SHALL BE LOST TO YOU!" OoC: That line is my favourite Saix line.
    The storm of rage released knocked Roxas so hard he was almost rendered unconcious. Saix finally finished his maelstrom of rage and stood on the treasure pile, arms spread wide, and the gold's curse combined with moon energy and made him somehow immune to the moonlight's effect on his immortality.
    "Do you see now, Roxas? I am invincible-" An objct hit him in the back of the head. He turned to see Genie holding a massive ruby in his hand before he trhew it at Saix. Saix snickered.
    "You think that will stop me?"
    "No, but he might."
    Saix turned just to see Roxas in mid-air in front of him and raised his claymore. Roxas grabbed hold of it and swung, spin-kicking Saix in the face before wrenching it out of his grip and knocking him airborne with it. Saix's coins dropped to the ground and Roxas replaced them in the chest. Saix was now mortal again.
    Roxas summoned the Trinity Blade. "I think he needs some hurt layed out on him." he said to Lexaeus. He summoned the Trinity Blade and began the Thirteenth Strike.
    Roxas slashed Saix with his Keyblades and jumped backwards before dashing at him and knocking him into Lexaeus. Lexaeus knocked him upwards and grabbed him with the curve of his tomahawk and smashed him down into the ground, where Roxas smashed him into the wall with his Area Slash.
  12. Zexionazy Moogle Assistant

    May 14, 2007
    OOC:Wait,how can he do that if Lexaeus buried the chest under ten miles of rock!
    Plus,he already stole the coins Saix had.

    IC:Lexaeus looked at the Trinity Keyblade in thought. If Organization XIII had had that keyblade then... oh well. While Saix was weakened, Lexaeus pounded the arena with his tomahawk and tilted the arena. When Saix tumbled down, Lexaeus hit his stomach with the tomahawk. Then he spoke"if you dont talk now, me and my friends might take it into our heads to destroy you and ask another member. So talk now and you might be spared!:mad:
  13. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Xemnas sighed. He lifted some of the rocks to reveal the chest and hetook out one of the coins and then put the ground back. "I'm not in the mood to be mortal today." Xemnas jumped threw the moonlight and as he did his skeletal apperance appereared. He wacked Saïx with a combo and jumped back.
  14. Ashtel Moogle Assistant

    Apr 5, 2007
    (Gah. Finally back on after school killed me. DX)

    Xaldin was content to simply observe the battle, taking note of the different possibilities for what might happen. He wasn't terribly interesting in battling Saix anyways.
  15. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Xemnas made a clne of himself and carried on hitting the moon-man with his aerial blades when along came his clone and knocked Saïx to the floor. "Had enough?" Saïx just got up and returned the hits.
  16. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    Mickey had grown tired of the battle. He jumped at Saix and hit him in the throat with his keyblade. Saix got the wind knocked out of him and crashed into the ground. Mickey landed on his stomach and hit him across the face with his keyblade. "Okay! Tell us what's going on!"


    OOC: we even know exactly what's going on, storyline-wise?
  17. Zexionazy Moogle Assistant

    May 14, 2007
    OOC:NO, we don't. If burnitup doesn't do something, then we just keep threatening him until one of us kills him.

    IC: You idiots! Lexaeus screamed as they beat Saix up. I had him,I had him! He threw his tomahawk at Mickey, all thoughts of Saix gone. Alright mouse your dead!!

    OOC : SlvrmanX!! I challenge you to a fight!! :mad: :p
  18. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    OOC: All right! About time there was a Player vs Player battle! I accept, Zexionazy!


    Mickey saw Lexaeus's tomahawk coming and jumped out of the way. "All right, Lexaeus!" He said as he landed on his feet and held his keyblade. "If you want a fight, you've got one!"


    OOC: Two fights going on at the same spot. This should be interesting.
  19. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Xemnas decided to leave the two to there battle and carry on at Saïx. "All right moon- man! Tell us!" he just laughed at him. "You wanna know 'superior'?" Xemnas stayed calm and awaited the abuse. "Well if you must know... I'm not going to tell you! It'll be funnier that way!" he carried on laughing. "Fine. Will you tell me once I've beaten you?" Saïx just smirked and dived in at Xemnas with his claymore.
  20. Zexionazy Moogle Assistant

    May 14, 2007

    IC:He knew the king would avoid that attack.After all, he wasn't a Keyblade master for nothing. So Lexaeus created earth clones and surrounded Mickey. Regaining his tomahawk, all four of them rushed Mickey.

    OOC: ah crap I gotta go somewhere. See ya in a couple hours. And SlvrManX, I WILL WIN!!