Kingdom Hearts: Apocalypse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Zexion of the Twilight, Oct 28, 2006.

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  1. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Higure moved in and saw others joining the fight at the same time too. "Sweet! This is gonna be cake!" he yelled as he jumped up and slashed the lycan vertically upward. He landed and parried a fierce swipe by use his keyblade as a shield and stepping to the side (left.) Then, he slashed vertically downward and killed the beast. "MAn! These things are huge!" he exclaimed in astonishment.

    A guy casted a spell on everyone which looked like a ray of holy light or something. Then, a guy with sticks released a powerful beam at a horde of lycans. "Man. these guys are......strong." he muttered seeing a guy with a metal arm evade a sweep. It looked like this fight would never end.
  2. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Marcas's skin, still killing lycans, was turning blacker and blacker as he fought. "I've had ENOUGH!" He yelled. He pulled up his huge sword(He put it back together) and manipulated darkness into it which made it turn black. "NOW I'M GUNNA KILL YOU!" He yelled. He stabbed the ground and made a big darkness earthquake (still hope not too much) and blew back about 50 lycan.

    Occ: nah, it's okay, i killed thousands anyways

    Drex loss blance as the ground started to it finished shaking drex noticed something, a black man at the far end from where they were standing. but his attention went back to the werewolves "whoa!almost about 50 werewolves behind, charge!"
  4. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    Axel, who was too lazy to take part in the battle any longer, scraped her long finger nails into the lycan's neck. She licked them dry.
  5. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Marcas fliped and crushed two lycan's heads like melons. He started to slice through lycans with his darkness sword. with each swing a slash of darkness slings from his sword(s). "THIS IS NEVER GOING TO END IS IT?!?!?!?" He yelled in his evily dark voice.

    drex stabbed every werwolves he saw but then, the black man he saw a while back appeared again, as he keep glancing at him, the werewolves retreated, which caught the attention of drex, "hey where you going, we're not done yet!" drex ran after them but someone stopped him
  7. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    OOC: ................................... Can we stop the fight, please? I'm asking nicely.

    The Super-Werewolf jumped up into the sky and opened it's mouth wide. The werewolves turn to it and scurry away. Before they are completely gone, they are sucked into the big one. It increases in size, but regardless of it's obvious weight, it stays in the air. "What the?! Power of flight?!" Thanatos casts Gravity on the beast continuously. "Gravity! Gravity! Get the heck back down here!"

    "Th-this is one big werewolf, gotta keep focus, come on stick glow already, come on!" as he keep discovering how to ake it work he accidentally hit the sticks together in a diagonal position" yes! dude stand back! POWER BEAM!" the beam hit the werewolf's body causing it to loss balancem "okay you guys take care of the rest!"
  9. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    "You're not the boss here!" The werewolf charges up energy from the forest. "Everyone, follow me! To the castle!" Thanatos casts Stop on the werewolf. "It'll buy us a couple of minutes, hurry! It'll blast the whole world into smitherenes!"
  10. Sorax SPAAAAAAACCCCCEEEEEEEEEE is a triumph.

    "a castle? sweet!" drex followed Thanatos to the castle
  11. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    "Not sweet you fool!" They arrived at the drawbridge. "Use the keyblade to get us in, we'll die if we don't!" Thanatos scans the castle. "Perfect, I can't detect anything. It has a barrier, it'll protect us, but something might be in there." The werewolf begins to budge. "Oh crap, open the drawbridge!!!"
  12. Sorax SPAAAAAAACCCCCEEEEEEEEEE is a triumph.

    "Keyblade? what's that, is that hat these sticks are called they seem like regular wonderfully crafted stciks to me"

    OOC: i don't have the keyblade, some one has it, i forgot who
  13. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    OOC: I was talking to the person who has the keyblade.
  14. Sorax SPAAAAAAACCCCCEEEEEEEEEE is a triumph.

    OOC: well we haved to wait for hi to post cauyse he's not here,
  15. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Higure was a little intimidated. A gigantic werewolf was stopped, literally. "Huh?" he mumbled. "Everyone, follow me! To the castle!" he demanded. He nodded and ran towards the castle. Everyone followed behind him. They arrived at the draw bridge. "Use the keyblade to get us in, we'll die if we don't!" thanatos clamored. "Umm...are you talking to me?" he asked pointing to himself with his left index finger.

    Higure did wield the keyblade, but he was making sure if he wasn't the only one.
  16. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    "Just do it! Do you want us to die?!" Thanatos casts protection spells o all of them. "Since we just encountered werewolves, it's safe to assume there's something inside."
  17. Sorax SPAAAAAAACCCCCEEEEEEEEEE is a triumph.

    Drex was so afraid his new companions might die when it popped in his head that his family died a long time ago, he thoguht to himself that it will not happen again, so he charge at the werwolf as it gain balance once more, he kept figthing the werewolf, his wounded face never gave up, his anger at the werewolf never been so high, he stap his sticks once again, "YOu kill them, you have to face me first, POWER BEAM!" he said very loudly.
  18. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    He nodes quickly and runs to front of the group. He sighs and looks at the gates. There was indeed a huge lock. Higure raises his keyblade up and holds the handle with both hands. A crown forms on the floor surrounding him. A sudden gust of wind swirls around him making his hair and cloths sway.

    The keyblade's tip lights up and then, a beam of light shoots out, hitting the lock. Kachung! The huge lock disappears in a small light and the gates open, inviting the new visitors. "Ok! Let's go!"
  19. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    They all rush in, just after the last person steps in, the blast from the werewolf is unleashed. "Gahh!!!!!" The world fell apart, leaving only the castle unharmed. "Man, that was close." The drawbridge rose back, blocking exit. "Well, something's here after all." Thanatos wispered.
  20. Sorax SPAAAAAAACCCCCEEEEEEEEEE is a triumph.

    Drex saw the drawbridge rose up." there's no turning back now, only me and these big werewolf are left behind, the other are safe now in that castle, but how did i survived that clash?" Drex thinking to himself
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