Kingdom Hearts' All-Girls College

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nymph of Destiny, Jan 17, 2008.

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  1. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Kulex looked up shocked, "oh...thats wonderful news...." he said softly going back to thinking, "however thats not the whole problem..." he sighed lightly before giving a small smile. "So it sounds like quite a few things and people have changed since highschool...." he said walking back over to her and taking her hand in his.
  2. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Brexecca sighed. "Yeah... it's so different..." She said, gently squeezing his hand. She smiled as she looked back on the time they had all spent together in highschool. It was strange, since it had been so different then, too..."
  3. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Kulex sighed, "you know...I'm sad to say it...because I hate living in the past...but I miss highschool some...." he said gently rubbing her hand. But then a smile came to his face as he looked up staring tenderly into her eyes, "however...if we were still in highschool....I wouldn't be in love with you right now...."
  4. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Brexecca sighed. "I agree... But we're all together here in college..." She smiled. "And you're right... We wouldn't be together..." She gently squeezed him hand. Feeling somewhat sick again, she closed her eyes.
  5. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Kulex called the doctor over, "I believe you forgot to give her some sort of medicine for this..." he said slightly annoyed by the lack of care, "I understand rest and everything is good...however I believe there are medicines for stomach flu....." He nodded hearing the doctor say he would get some, "now see...that is the reason we want Mark to be a he can do such a better job...." he laughed lightly.
  6. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Wait, there are medicines for the stomach flu...? I usually don't take anything... O_o
  7. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "O-Okay.." He replied nervesly as he quickly got off the floor and glanced at Abexecca unsure of what she had in mind.
  8. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    OOC: Are you talking about the stomach flu, or a stomach ache?

    BIC: Kulex waited until the doctor came back with her medicine, he took it from the doctor, "I can handle this myself...." he said a slight bit of annoyance still in his tone as he watched the doctor walk away. He opened the bottle and looked at the label, "a spoonful every four hours...." he said getting up and looking around for a spoon, he found a napkin with silverware in it. He took the spoon and poured it close to the top, before holding it infront of Brexecca, "here you go should help...."
  9. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- The stomach flu. >>

    Brexecca knew that she'd have to sit up to take the medicine. Reluctantely, she sat up, scrunching her nose at the scent of the medicine like she always does whenever she has to take some. Sighing, she took the medicine, and recoiled at the taste, being overdramatic like a little kid. Then she childishly stuck her tounge out and giggled, gently squeezing Kulex's hand, as she'd meant to be overdramatic about it. "Thanks..." She said softly.

    Abexecca tugged Fayte by the arm, running out the back door of the restraunt. She started running as far away with him as possible. Please say they didn't catch it on a videotape... She thought.
  10. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *Fayte quickly followed after but not before taking a quick glance back at the entrance revealing a cop car swerving into the driveway*
  11. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    OOC: Yes there are recommended medicines.

    BIC: Kulex couldn't help but laugh lightly, "I'm sorry...unfornately I don't think these pharmisists get the idea that there medicines taste terrible..." he said gently squeezing her hand and putting the medicine up. He leaned back in the chair and sighed, "hopefully that should help keep your stomach from hurting and you from throwing up...."
  12. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Hmm... I never knew that. o.o lol...

    Brexecca sighed and laid back down, smiling softly. "Ah, it isn't that bad..." She said and giggled. She gently squeezed his hand, happily. "I love you..." She whispered, glad that he was staying with her. However, she felt kind of bad about it.

    Abexecca saw the cop car pull up but she kept running with him. When the restraunt was out of sight, she stopped to catch her breath, panting heavily. "I-I think... W-We lost them..." She said.

    OOC- Anyone mind if I make a new character? >>
  13. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *Fayte halted to s stop beside breathing heavily*
    "W-Why..are the" He began to say but stopped as he felt a feling of dizzyness come over him.
    "M-Man..I feel..tired.." He muttered a moment later as he slowl crouched to the ground and yawned tiredley
    "I think..I need to sleep.." he muttered as he swowly layed down on the ground and tiredley closed his eyes.

    ooc: Nope, I don't mind lol
  14. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    OOC: Not at all, just remember you will have four characters, although I know you can handle it.

    BIC: Kulex gave her a soft smile, "I love you too Brexecca...with all my heart...." he said gently kissing her hand. "And when you are all better...we will go swimming together...." he said closing his eyes and thinking, "then of course I would like to take you to a few places as well..."
  15. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Thanks guys! ^^ And I know... I have 4 in another rp as well, so I'm sure I can handle it... Besides, I don't have to play them all at the same time. One of them may not be doing anything. :P Here's her form:

    Name: Leah (Lee-uh)
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Abilities/Weapons: Her teeth are her weapon... She can read thoughts and has great agility and strength.
    Character: She is a vampire! :P
    Other: She's gone to a public school before, but because of her thirst, she had to leave. She wants to try again to see if she can handle it this time. She's somewhat of a new vampire, so she has to work really hard to resist her thirst for blood. When her skin is exposed to sunlight, it glitters in a way, so she either stays inside or covers it up with a black cloak that she has. She feeds off animal blood to keep her thirst low.

    You both knew this was coming... lol... :D

    Brexecca raised her eyebrows curiously. "Oh? And what places did you have in mind?" She giggled a bit and gently squeezed his hand. She started to wonder how Abexecca was doing. I hope she's okay... She thought.

    Abexecca sighed and picked him up, struggling. "We have to get back to the school..." She started walking towards it.
  16. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    OOC: Oh no...sigh...oh and the picture isn't working...

    BIC: Kulex thought for a moment, "well I heard there is supposed to be a carnival in next week...but for now...I was thinking maybe dinner...a movie...a walk through the local city park...." he smiled rubbing her hand. "Oh yes...silly me...and of course swimming...." he laughed lightly as he had almost forgot it.
  17. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- lol... hmm...
    does that work?

    Brexecca giggled and squeezed his hand lightly. "Hmm... They sound like some great ideas. And it'll be great to get out and spend some time together," She said softly and smiled happily. "But we also have school, remember?"

    Leah arrived at the school, showing up in a silver Mustang. She parked quickly in the parking lot and took her suitcase effortlessly out of the trunk, carrying it as she walked up to the school. She was wearing a purple sundress that went down to just below her knees, as well as a pair for purple flats and a purple headband with a light plum colored rose on in placed neatly in her hair. It was a cloudy day, so she didn't need to worry about wearing her black coat. So this is the school... She thought and bit her lip as she could smell the human blood. The feeling's not as strong as it used to be... I shouldn't attack anyone... Silently, she headed into the school and went to find her dorm.
  18. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Kulex grinned, "maybe so but who says I'm not willing to skip school with you precious..." he said getting up and stretching, "would you like me to get anything for you Brexecca?" he said giving her a soft smile and getting another drink of water.
  19. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Leah went in the dorm room and closed the door behind her. She noticed two names on papers and such in the room right away. Abexecca and Brexecca... They must be my dorm mates... In that case, I'll have to be extra careful... She thought and placed her suitcase at the foot of an empty bed. She then took her bunny doll and walked out of the room. She looked around the school, trying to memorize where she was going.

    Brexecca giggled at that. "Nah, I think I'm fine..." She said softly and smiled. "The medicine seems to be working somewhat, now..." She yawned slightly and smiled at Kulex.
  20. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Mark leaned back and stretched in his chair, "man this is boring..." he said with a light laugh, "well I guess its not really...unless you put too much effort and time into it..." he said getting up. He walked outside his dorm and headed towards the direction where the cafeteria was, he noticed a girl walking down the hall, one he didn't recognize, "hmm...maybe shes new?...maybe I should meet her..." he thought to himself.

    "Good...I want you to be feeling better and getting better...." Kulex smiled walking back over and sitting next to her on the bed, "although it seems you are getting maybe a little bit sleepy off of it..." he said gently taking her hand in his.
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