Kingdom Hearts Adventure RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by fireflame, May 4, 2008.

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  1. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC:Will II is telling the story about the adventure to Crin and Jack II is asking his father why is he grounded
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I have no idea what to do next...xD
  3. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: leave it to me, oh and I forgot that Jack I had a father too

    "But father," Jack III pleaded with his father, "I found this cool medallion and I think there are more." Elizabeth grabbed the medallion from young Jack and examined it carefully. "This isn't the same sort of medallion that Barbossa was searching for nor is it one of the nine pieces of eight. It's something new." and she gave it back to Jack's son. Then Leira looked up at the horizon and gasped. Another ship, identical to Will and Bootstrap's current ship was docking. Bootstrap gasped and shouted "Davy Jones's ship!" Then a figure rose out of the fog. It had powerful looking arms and an eyepatch. "name's Sgian Mend, in english Jarep Eyeslinger so that's what you'll call me." "What do you want here?" Jack the First asked. Jarep laughed "2 reasons, 1, to take that medallion back and 2, to control the seas!" "Never," Elizabeth shouted. "Jarep laughed again, "I knew that you'd say that, that's why I brought back an old friend." Another figure stepped out of the fog. It had many tenticles and a strong crab claw but everyone knew who it was. "Davy Jones!" Bootstrap shouted. Jones smiled evilly, "Give me the medallion or your friends pay even more than they will" Suddenly an army of Nobodies surrounded the group and grabbed Jack II, Elizabeth,Bootstrap and Will II and took them onto the other Flying Dutchman. Crin, Jack III, Will III, and Leira were left surrounded by Nobodies, Jarep, and Davy Jones.
  4. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    " What debt" Jack III said to Davy Jones. "My father paid his debt and you haven't done anything for me."
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Davy Jones quickly shifts his eyes lower,
    now towering over Jack II.
    "He has more debts to me than you know, boy!"
    He adds sharply.

    He eyes shift again, throughout the crowd,
    suddenly stopping at Sebax in laughter.

    He limps, his one leg being a crab leg,
    over closer to Sebax,
    chortling to himself.

    Once he finally reaches him,
    he smiles half-heartedly,
    as if taunting Sebax.
    "Well, Well....Sebax....I beleived you to be dead."
    He says with the same fakesmile.

    Sebax merely grins himself,
    "Funny, I beleived the same about you..."

    Davy loses his act and stares into Sebax's eyes with hate in every fiber,
    "You'd be surprised, what love can do..."
    Jones utters,
    using one of the many tentacles in his beard to draw out a crab-shaped locket,
    its chainnslightly broken.

    Sebax grins farther,
    "So she forgave you after all, eh?"
    Sebax doesn't really beleive Calypso would forgive him,
    not after Jones helped the original king's court to bound her in bones.
    Now she was the queen of the sea once more, and God almighty knew what she might do,
    should Sebax, Crin, or Leria set foot on a ship,
    and she really was on Jones's side.

    Davy sneers,
    turning abrutptly and in the procces,
    hitting Crin in the chin with his crab claw hand.
    He turns his head slightly before he leaves into mist,
    so he could partially face the others behind him.
    "No known legend can save you from the fires you face."
    He speaks in riddle.

    And thus continues down the dock,
    until the mist takes him over,
    and he disappears completely.
  6. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Jack II is scared but he gets over it. "okay, that was creepy" Then the other Flying Dutchman started to weigh anchor and leave. "Let's go, we have to follow them!" Will III said and the 3 of them went onto the ship. Jack weighed anchor and the ship started to give chase ofter Davy Jones.

    "What do you want from us?" Elizabeth said. Davy Jones laughed.
    "That's what we called a stupid question." Jones pointed at Will II. "You assisted Jack in defeating me. and you stole my key and chest. Elizabeth, you fought me openly. And Jack, do you even have to ask?" "i guess I don't" said Jack. Jones looked at Will II. " you are captain of the Black Pearl and you have a job to do. So if you can't do it then you all willl look like me. Do the math. All I have to do is keep you here until then" Jones laughed evilly and left the brig and locked the door.
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax follows in lead of the others,
    slighlty drowsy from all the fighting,
    but still in working condition so to speak.

    He hauls on the main mast,
    opening it up,
    and thus running to the mast.

    Out of all the mere teenagers on the ship,
    he was the only one who could steer such a ship through the storm beginging to churn the sea.

    I dare to say, this cannot be good...
    He says to himself as he turns the rudder in postion of the opposing ship.

    A question, which ship are Crin, jack II, will III, Leria, and Sebax on?

    And Did Davy Kidnap Elizebeth Jack and Will or something?
  8. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Jack said "alright, i was going to steer the ship but you seem to have more experience" said Jack III to Sebax. Will looked up at the sky and said
    "it's a nice sunset out here, almost like poetry." "Yeah it does" Leira said and sat down next to Crin. They both watched the sunset and Leira laid her head on Crin's shoulder.

    Above deck, Davy jones opened the door to Jerep's cabin where he was looking at some charts. "Our prisoners will suffer like I suffered with your help, Jarep" Jones said to Jarep. Jarep looked up from the charts. "Let me be perfectly clear with you Jones, i'm not here to get revenge on Will Turner III and his comrades, I just brought you back because I knew we could help each other. I have no interest in your prisoners, but if you need me to kill them brutally, i'll do that for you"

    "However, I have mich bigger plans in mind." Jones looked curiously at Jarep, "What might they be" Jones asked. "I want to meet... with the leader of Team Shadow." Jones was about to reapond but he saw a distant ship on the horizon coming towards them. "it's Sebax and his friends" said Jones "Jarep looked too."Three guesses what he's trying to do. Well this makes things more interesting." "i'll only have her attack if things get really ugly" said Jones. "Talking about Calypso huh" said Jarep. "Yes," said Jones. "Yes the goddess of the seas, but yes, let her only attack if things go bad.

    OOC: Yes the grownups are captured and in the brig and Crin and his friends are on the original Flying Dutchman and Jarep and Jones and the grownups(elizabeth and Jack and Bootstrap and Will II are on a replica of the ship). Sorry for not specifying
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Or at least if Calypso gets involved...I do hope so...xD


    Sebax, pulling hard against the helm,
    has to strain to keep his balance on the watery floorboards of the ship.

    Jones and Jarep had led them right into a hurricane!
    Probably nothing to do with Jones' estranged lover,
    more likely the season.

    But Still a Hurricane all the same,
    everyone would have to be careful or the winds would sweep them up,
    and crush them in the churning water.

    Sebax had little to worry about,
    the bottom of soles contained lead,
    which, added with his weight,
    would keep him planted right where he stood at all times.

    It was the kids he had to worry about.
    "Will, me lad, Go aftbound at retreive me the chest,
    you know which one."
    Sebax commands to Will II,
    it would be cruel on there part to have to harm Will II,
    but if it would distract Jones long enough...
  10. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "we're nowhere near land" Will yelled. "all hands on deck! secure the mast and sails stat!" Crin and Leira did as they were told and then, "Look the other flying Dutchman." Cried Leira over the rain.

    The Flying Dutchman replica stopped and opened the gun ports as the real Dutchman went beside it. "Prepare for battle!" Crin shouted and rain to the cannons while switching his Keyblade to the Hidden Dragon Keyblade
  11. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Jones and Jarep's ship cannon ports opened and they started shooting. Crin ducked as a cannonball flew over his head and he and Jack II started shooting back. A piece of the ship exploded near Leira and she started ducking. Then planks appeared overhead. The Nobodies of Jarep were starting to board.
  12. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Well I guess this Rp is dead and it was getting to the sweetest parts
  13. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Not quite.

    Sebax held strong against the helm, eventually losing his grip with the sheer force it was pulling against.
    He was knocked to the ground, the wheel spinning like crazy.
    "What in the bloody-"?"
    Sebax begins drowzily from his fall, rubbing his head and looking over the side of the ship facing him,
    his eyes growing wide with shock.

    He tried heaving himself up and trying to hold the wheel steady to keep them away from what he just saw, but it was too late....they were now inside the dreaded whirpool of: A Maelstrom!
  14. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Haha" Jones shouted. "if you want to live, board my ship without a fight and i'll call Calipso off and save your ship." "I guess we have no choice, board it" Crin shouted. Crin, Leira, Will II and Jack II jumped aboard the replica flying dutchman. Jarep's nobodies captured them and took them blow deck with the other captives. Thrn the Maelstrom stopped and then a dozen Dusks jumped aboard and took over the ship

    OOC:just jump aboard it'll get sweeter.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: :(


    Sebax groans, not only from his muscles screaming in agony from holding the helm steady,
    but also because most of it was in vain.

    The kids had jumped ship without a fight, so, with a slow shake of his head and a running start,
    Sebax cleared the jump himself.
    But oddly enough, no nobodies captured him!

    He blinked his eyes open, on his knees and ready for the capture that never came.
    "What sort of game be this?"
    Sebax asks curiously, looking up to Jones and Jarep, standing tall in front of him in the rays of
    newly revived Caribbean sun.

    Jones gave a hearty laugh and snapped his great claw hand inches from Sebax's beak-hook nose,
    facing him face to tentacle face.
    "Don'na worry, Mr. Sebaxsssss"
    He hisses.
    "I've got a speacial plan for you."
    He ended with a deep chuckle, then spat in Sebax's face.

    Jones then turned to face Jarep and stood tall.
    "Bring the weevil to that brig with tha others for now."
    Jones commanded, and Jarep gave a curt nod of understanding.

    Within moments, Sebax was detaine dand being dragged down to the depths of the cursed replica of the Flying Dutchman. The true one still floating not even a knot away.
  16. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Welcome to the club Sebax," said Bootstrap. Jack II was straining for some reason but the ropes were too tight to just wiggle out of. "We have to ferry souls quickly or else we'll pay." said Elizabeth. Suddenly Jack II's ropes fell off and he used his dagger and started untying everyone else. When everyone was free Jack and his father started towards the door. "Stay here and keep silent" Jack II said "wait a minute exactly then come up, we have a plan." Crin looked at Sebax and it finally dawns on him.

    "Sebax" Crin realized, "the one who betrayed Jack Skellington."

    But then the 2 Jacks departed up the stairs and the rest of then quietly waited a minute like instructed, then headed up the stairs. Bootstrap saw the real Flying Dutchman anchored close by and then Will II takes the wheel and turns the ship in the direction of Port Royal.

    Noticing the sudden movement of the ship, Jarep's cabin banged open."Thought you could escape huh" said Davy Jones and he started towards them. Before anyone could react, a voice on the deck above them all said "Don't touch them." They all looked up and the 2 Jacks had their guns pointed at a heap of explosive cannon powder barrels.

    OOC: This is how Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean Dead Man's Chest defeated the Krakken. Better be careful here.
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax, meanwhile, was looking quite apprehensive, and looked between Jones, to the Gunpowder, then back to Jones.

    Nobodies were skilled actors, so now was definately the right to time to put up an act!

    Sebax just waltes up to Jones and grins.
    "They're all yours, Captain."
    Sebax says darkly, a grin even spreading across Jone's octupus features.

    "I'd thank you, Sebax, for helpin' ta release me...from me own locker..."
    Davy Replied, pausing before his last words, and then darting his eyes towards the others.

    Sebax turned to face the others, his hands holding each other behind his back.
    "I honestly hope there'd be no love lost between us all."
    Sebax says half-heartedly.
    "I just betrayed you is all..."

    OOC: I know all the lines from Davy Jones's calling of the Krakken....could, by chance, it?
  18. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Don't move!" Jack II shouted to Sebax, Jarep, and Jones. "One wrong move and you'll be treading water. and don't worry about my friends, they'll escape" "You're bluffing" Jones said. "Am I?" said Jack, his finger tightening on the trigger of his gun. "Enough," Jarep said. "let them go. I can't have a destroyed ship" Jones was about to protest but Jarep raised a hand to silence him. Jack II and his son ran across the deck of the replica ship and on to the real Flying Dutchman where Bootstrap sailed off. "Back to Port Royal" said Will II.
    "What was that for!" Jones protested angrily to Jarep. Jarep nodded and said "a destroyed ship would have set my plans back too far so I couldn't allow that but I know where they're headed after Port Royal" "Do tell" Jones said. Jarep looked at Sebax and smiled evilly and said "Welcome to the crew. they're headed to Isla De Muerta after they get to Port Royal, probably on a smaller ship, as not to be seen as easily. I will drop you off there and you two (Sebax and Jones) and a group of other Nobodies can finish them there. Then I acn meet with the leader of Team Shadow. Let's go"
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax, hearing and adhereing to all of Jareps words, cocked an eyebrow at one point.
    "I'm afraid Mr. Jones will not be able to follow me onto land."
    Sebax pointed out.
    "As Davy can only step Foot...and crab leg...thing...on land but every ten years."
    Sebax further elaborated. If this went through, then his plan could go even further without delay.

    OOC: Sebax isn't bad guy.
  20. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: i know that but Crin, Leira and the gang don't but you can correct it at the Isla De Muerta

    "We're finally back!" said Elizabeth. "yeah we are" said Leira. Jack II then took his son aside and said "you were very brave back there, so you're not grounded anymore. If there's one thing a pirate.. and a father knows, it's true bravery" "Thanks dad" said young Jack and he hugged his father.

    Will II said, "so, are you thinking about going on any adventures son" Young Will shrugged. Then young jack snapped his fingers and exclaimed, "Hey, I was going to take Crin, Will, and Leira on the Gold Eagle for some exploring before" said young Jack. "well have fun son," said Jack II. Crin, Leira, and Will III ran towards the Gold Eagle.

    Once inside, Jack II unfurled the masts and they set off.


    "Fine then take the Nobodies with you and lure them into the sea on a boat where Jones will be waiting, and then both of ou will finish them off for good. and if worse comes to worst then throw them in the sea and release the Krakken. Understand the plan Sebax?" said Jarep
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