Kingdom Hearts Adventure RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by fireflame, May 4, 2008.

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  1. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: haha the thing is I just remembered that 20 minutes ago I edited it
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax snarls,
    still in his ravagness state.

    His thirst for blood had not been satisfied by the Heartless,
    and Jack and the others were thankfully far away....

    That left three delicous brats to feed his mindless hunger.

    You know that craving you get for chocolate and sweets and stufff...?

    Sebax gets cravings for blood if he goes not to tick him off.....>.>
  3. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: dude they're long gone, when you went psyco, they ran like the demonspawn of hell was chasing them

    Crin and Leira finally caught up with Jack at Sally's house. They were both sitting down, Sally with her face in her hands and Jack was trying to comfort her.. When Crin and Leira same in she looked up. "Is it really true, did Sebax really reanimate Oogie?" "leira sighed" Yes Oogie shouted that as he left. He's a Nobody, a creature with no heart. I knew it from the start so I was only vaguely surprised." "Jack stood up. "Sebax has doomed us all. Oogie is more powerful with ore tricks up his rotted sleeves." Crin had a new fire in his eyes. "why are we sitting around here talking, let's stop him." Jack said "right, let's go kick his can." "Be careful," Sally warned as the 3 of them left. THe town was deserted but there was a light in the forest near Christmastown. "There" Jack pointed and they rushed toward the forest.
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    after futeily chasing after a bathtub he knew he couldn't catch,
    suddenly stop when he feels a cold winter chill on his fur.

    Something about the sudden gust stopped the inner rage rage within him and made hi forget anger...
    something about it made him curious..

    He stepped closer to a door of a large christmas tree etched in a gnarled tree.
    clawed hand moving ever closer to the golden knob until his ears perked up to hear footsteps running up directly behind him,
    new people coming into the forest.

    He would be seen for sure,
    so he dared not turn around.
  5. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    suddenly many things happened at once. Crin and Leira saw Sebax and raised their Keyblades, Oogie on the other side of the small forest let out a mirthless laugh and activated a platform, the door to Crtistmastown opened and Santa Claus stepped out and Raldok grabbed him, jack said"give back Sandy Claws" and ran out of the forest after Raldok and lastly machines appeared out of the ground deadly amusement park style and placed them on 3 separate platforms. oogie laughed. "you fell for my light trap, now I will destroy you. HAHA" Crin and Leira knew they were in for a tough fight.
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax is a hurry of confusion,
    looses his balance and footing falls head first down the Christmas Town door.

    On the opposite side,
    he was thrown into the snow and slid into a fir tree trunk,
    knocking him unconcious.

    Looks like Sebax ain't goin' to be fighting for awhile...0-0
  7. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: smooth dude lol

    The platforms started moving and hammers started trying to hit Crin and Leira. Leira went into the tunnel on her end and somehow it led straight to Oogie. So Leira started slashing away taking a good chunk of Oogie's health away. He landed on the platform nexy to Crin and he dodges the hammers andwent through the tunnel and joined Leira and started double teaming him. THey had almost defeated him when he got up and blew both of them back to separate platforms and healed a bar of hp. A few hearless came ans Crin and Leira healed them. A spinning blade hit Leira a few times and Crin healed her. Crin shot fire magic in his face and stunned him. Crin got up on the ledge where Oogie was and finished him. Oogie yelled"no not again!" and melted away. Oogie's mashines vanished and jack came running back with Santa." i've got Santa" Jack said.
    "Thank you Jack, that Raldok is going to be on my naughty list forever" said Santa.
    Then Santa left back to Christmastown. Crin't keyblade let out a beam of light to a now visible Keyhole in the sky.
    Well, time to go said Crin. He turned to Leira,"you coming" said Crin to Leira. "Leira smiled, sorry I can't I've got my own ship. Then Sally ran up with a few broken pieces in a wheelbarrow. "I'm sorry Leira" Sally said. "those Soul Leachers destroyed your ship and ran off I as too late to save it" Leira turned to Crin, "never mind i'm coming with you" said Leira. "Cool," Crin took Leira to his well concealed ship and they set off.
    OOC: sorry about the long post i tried to fir everything into one post
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Yeah,...I just have one prolbemo...YOU LEFT SEBAX OUTTA THE FIGHT TOTALLY!

    Sebax slowly blinks back into reality and looks up at the starry sky.

    He slowly gets up,
    legs still wobbly in the snow.

    Slowly and blindly he clambered towards the door.
    He was in disappointment.

    No doubts Crin had left already....
    Had he not set a tracker under Crin's ship.
    There was still hope if Crin did not discover it.

    Hastenly he returned to Halloween Town,
    Looking at the wreckage of the fight in the forest first.

    Check one Bug filled mastermind off the list,
    Sebax thought as he saw the empty rag abandoned by its contents,
    and scratch one crazy skinny guy with Arabian cutlery...
    Radlok was nowhere to be found and no doubt turned tail when Oogie kicked the bucket.

    His ship was docked close to here,
    if he could get into orbit and start tracking Crin now,
    if the tracker wasn't in a trashbin that is,
    he might be able to follow the kid to his next stop.

    This means leaving Jack and Sally without goodbyes and an explanation...
    not so good,
    but I don't want Sebax to be left behind.
  9. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC YOU WERE KNOCKED OUT IN CHRISTMASTOWN!!! And we'll return here later

    "So where next" said Leira. luckily the ship had multiple seats not to mention in-ship lounge and spece movies, Crin cracked up every time he thought about it. "um.. the map says somewhere named Port Royal" He said. " To Port Royal!" Leira shouted dramatically. Suddenly a yawn came from Leira's jacket. Suddenly a small cricket thing jumped onto the table. " oh hello Jimmy Cricket" said Leira, have a good sleep. Jimmy yawned and stretched. "I got some good recordings of things there." " You see Crin," Leira explained. Jimmy is my recorder, when we travel to worlds he records every useful thing he can. Plus he's a darn good storyteller on the downtime periods." Then the world drew into view and Crin steered the ship into the world. When they docked everything was grayer that in other worlds. "Woah" Crin said looking around. Suddenly gunshots and screams came from below. Leira turned to Crin. "we have to investigate"
  10. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Ok, just so you know,
    Sebax changes alot more with each world than anybody else in canon.

    In port Royal, he's dressed as a common Pirate and even natuarlly speaks in an English accent.
    Usually it's mostly his voice that always gets changed.

    Sebax looks around in the Port Royal bar.
    With the warp Gummi and the tracker,
    Sebax was able to pre-determine Crin and Leira's destination and reach it sooner.

    Now he regretted coming to town,
    for here was the edge of the map, mate,
    and monsters were fluent in the form of Heartless and Soul Leachers.

    He had already had enough of each pirate to die alongside
    a Navvy'sman simply because they couldn't stop
    attacking each other to defend themselves.

    It took Sebax a while and a few dead bodies to rally the men to fight together,
    and now, whether they laxed in it or not, they fought as a one faction.

    "Will, me lad! How goes it on your side?"
    Sebax yells to a young lad,
    roughly in his young preteens,
    fighting with a cutlass and baraging the door to cease more heartless barding in room.
    The boy was the son of Willaim Turner and Elizebeth Swann,
    Turner only being able to visit his son every decade,
    but for a very unselfish reason, to be sure.

    Will puffs,
    his lanky arms struggling to keep the cutlass balanced,
    striking into a soul leacher threatening a fellow rouge.

    "Depends on what, boy-o?"
    Sebax asks smartly,
    continiuing his own fight with his own Rotary Ballad.

    "Depends on whether these things kill me, or me mum does!"
    The lad quips with a laugh,
    stabbing the cuttlass right through a couple more heartless.

    Sebax faked a heart laugh,
    since humor was next to unavailable as a Nobody.
    He was always good for actin' as if he had sense though,
    never forget that about him,
    or ye'd be takin' your opponent for just any Nobody!

    You'd have to see the 3rd movie epilouge to understand the boy.

    It's quite a while into the future from where KH II left off,
    so it's safe to say Davvy Jones is long gone, eh...?

    But then again,
    that point is always up for debate, savvy.

    As for Role play here,
    I'll be role playing as Jack Sparrow Or Will Turner if you think you can handle Jack.
    But definately Will III and most likely Davvy Jones should he be re-introduced by this prolonged RP.

    You do realize how many posts there are just between you and myself, right?
    The others who have offered their own OC's,
    have barely done but tell us what their characters are.
    Not to them the blame, to say,
    but neither to us for having too much fun, savvy?
  11. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: you'll be Will III, i'll play Jack II sounds fair enough, this world is going to be fun. Oh and the tracker is only on Crin's ship not on him so you have to search for him. oh and surprise surprise, this is one of those ten years. And i'll conrtol Will III a little just so I can execute my plotline twists.

    Down below a swarm of Soul Leachers were fighting one man. He was faring pretty well but he was tiring. Leira and Crin decided to help. The 3 of them fought well as a team. The boy and Crin had awesome combonations. The Soul Leachers were tougher than in other worlds but they still were no match for the guy's bombs. It was done shortly.
    "Whew glad that's done" said the boy. He was in his late teens but he was dressed like a pirate. "Name's Jack Sparrow II but just call me Jack. I'm son of Jack Sparrow the First."
    "Hey Jack, my name's Crin and this is Leira"
    "Well it's nice to meet you Crin and Leira, Well best be off, lots to do."
    "Jack where are you going," asked Crin.
    "Shipwreck Cove to find treasure" said Jack with a grin. "Treasure is a pirates best friend."
    "So you are a pirate, can we come" asked Crin.
    "Sure, just get on the Gold Eagle, that's the name of my vessel. " replied Jack
    "Where's your crew?" asked Crin.
    "Don't got one mate," said Jack heading for the ship.

    Raldok thought it was insane to keep going, he had only a few Heartless at his command. Oogie, bug king hadn't worked out but whatever. Raldok sighed and thought about what his great grandfather did. He controlled heartless, he hided in trying to take over the world, he once worked for the King, he helped bring back Malifi-.... Wait, there was a way to become stronger than his grandfather by tenfold. Ralfok clapped his hands and jumped up, there was a lot of work to be done.
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    out of the corner of his eye,
    sees two blurred images through the thicky glassed windows.

    One looked roughly male and the other female,
    maybe children.

    It could only mean Crin and his bonnie lass!

    Sebax continued to parry and lunge at his attackers whilst thinking up a plan,
    "Lad? Can Ye handle yourself?!"
    Sebax yells out in rally.

    The Pirates and Navvymen of the bar shouted with a mighty "Aye"
    all at once in recognition.

    "Good lads!"
    Sebax says calmly as he holters his weapon and
    jumps down from the bar table he was on,
    to land on a stalking Soul Leacher and crush it.

    "Will? Are ye ready, boy-o?"
    Sebax asks young Will who was still fighting.

    "Aye Aye!"
    The lad replied happilly and finished off his
    opponent to rush after Sebax through the bar door.

    it was complete choas,
    but at least Sebax could make out Crin and Leira
    disappearing with Jack's own son,
    yet, they were already close to the docks, they'd never catch them in time with the crowding!

    Suddenly Sebax looked up at a ballast rope connected to a crane.
    He quickly swung on it and grabbed Will by the wrist.

    Before Will could question "What in the world are you doing!?",
    Sebax cut the opposite rope connecting to the pulley,
    sending them skyward and onto the crane.

    But in the process,
    the crane swung wildly with them still on it.

    Sebax stayed keen, though getting a bit sick,
    Will was just getting sick,
    he gathered enough momentum to lunge in the direction of the dock,
    landing cleanly on a pile of ported flour sacks.

    In a cloud of white clouds of air and coughs,
    Sebax slid down with Will still in arm and landed right in fron of Jack,
    Leira and Crin just as they were about to enter the dock.

    More to say,
    he had a young boy wriggling and scared looking under his arm,
    and they both were covered in flour.

    "Fancy seeing you lot again...."
    Sebax adds smartly with a sheepish grin.

    "Let me go!"
    Will cries, trying to wirggle free.

    "Will, lad, you're not helping matters..."
    Sebax says through his teeth.
  13. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    " oh hello" said Crin. Leira just rolled her eyes. Jack smiled and was about to say something when the atmosphere changed.
    Suddenly Jack frowned and looked up at the sky. It was swirling green and bright. Jack then smiled again and said, "so today's the day."
    "What day Jack" Crin asked.
    Jack started running towards the pier left of the Gold Eagle. "It's the day that Will Turner the Third's father comes home, I want to see him."
    Crin and Leira ran after Jack and caught up with him. "Who is Will Turner III?" Leira asked.
    "Will Turner the Third is the son of a famous ship captain Will Turner the Second, son of Bootstrap Bill Turner. Unfortunately Will Turner II's job as captain means that he can only come visit every 10 years so it's a big thing when he comes home."
    "Wow that must be terrible to only see your father once every 10 years."said Leira.
    "It's for a few days every 10 years not only one. I met him when I was 7 but he's an unforgettable person, I'm sure Will will come too he won't miss this for the world."
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I goofed.
    I forgot to mention that in all actuality,
    Crin and/or Leira have never seen Sebax with a human face until now,
    before they only say him as a beastie, savvy?

    Sebax knew well what the flash of green meant long before
    Jack had a chance to speak of it.

    And he knew who was coming back.
    He was quite particular with this world as well,
    but only a few important people like Will II and III,
    Elizebeth Swann, Jack sr. and Jack jr.
    There's was Davvy Jones too,
    but he was long dead.

    They all knew him by sight and name,
    and he knew them.
    And always knew he was fearless.
    They did not, however know the reason for his fearlessness
    was because he could not feel fear or any other emotion...
    And it 'twas always better to keep others in the dark on such matters.

    Sebax dusted some flour off his shoulder,
    still covered from head to toe in it,
    and looked to the dock.

    "Let's say "How-do-you-do," and get on with a might of chit-chat."
    Sebax says quickly.
    "I need to talk with you espeacially, young master Crin."
    Sebax says with a flourished bow, almost sarchastically.

    Remember, Crin doesn't know it's the same guy,
    Sebax is a man of a million faces,
    so it gets taking used to to recognize him between worlds.

    As for Sebax being Well-Known on different worlds,
    he's only well-known by others in the world on a few other worlds like,
    Pride lands, Space paranoids, Halloween Town, Port Royal,
    Radiant Gardens, Disney Castle, Olympus Colesium and the Land of Dragons.
  15. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Dude whoever you are there's a big event happening that me and Leira don't want to miss, but this seems important so what is it." Crin asked hurridly. Jack and Leira came back to listen with Jack looking over his shoulder at the pier. "Let's hurry up with this, because the ship will dock any second and we don't want to miss it"
  16. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax grinned a knowing smile and raced off to the dock,
    reaching it before the others could,
    mostly due to stamina and capability to run faster.

    He yelled out to the others behind him saying,
    "Hurry, up, lads, ye dare not miss Captain William Turner's homecomin'!"
  17. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    The 3 of them rushed to the dock and waited. Soon there were bells. Crin looked around but he saw no ship. Jack pointed,"There!" They looked at the direction he was pointing. A ship appeared out of the fog and came towards them. As it got closer Crin could see that it was a ragged ship with torn up masts and sharp wooden teeth at the hull. The ship docked and some people jumped out of the ship. One was an incredible likeness to Will Turner the Third. That must have been his father. The second person looked like an older form of Jack so that must have been his father. The third was a woman, she shared resemblances to Will III also so that was Will's mother. And the last was a ragged fellow with a tough face who looked like both Will Turner II and Will Turner III. As he got off he looked at Crin and said,"name's Bootstrap Bill TIrner, nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too" said Crin as they shook hands. Jack I looked at his son and hugged him while Elizabeth and Will II hugged their son. "so are these your new friends Will" said Will II to Will III. "Yes they are. Their names are Crin and Leira." "Nice to meet you too" said Crin and Leira. Jack I smiled and said to Crin" want to hear a far out but true story mate" said Jack I. "Sure" said Crin
  18. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax, having missed the right dock,
    quickly scurries over to the right one,
    and shakes hands with his old friends.
    "Nice to see you again, Turner!"
    Sebax says keenly, shaking Will's hand.

    He brings his eyes next to Jack.
    "Sparrow you old pirate! I heard yer boy needs a crew."

    Jack nods and takes the hand in a firm grip.
    "That is correct, however, he is not going to to be leaving these shores anytime soon..."
    Jack says protectivley,
    casting a glance at his son.

    I don't know about you,
    but Jack Jr.s just been grounded for some reason....0-0
  19. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Father why?" asks Jack Jr. "those nice 2 people saved me from the creatures here. Will II tells the story instead.

    "the 3 of us, Jack I, me and Elizabeth were normal people, until me met Jack Sparrow then we became pirates. We went on many adventures together until one battle with a scum named Davy Jones (who is dead) Davy Jones stabbed me and killed me, but my father cut out my heart after Davy Jones was killed so that Jones's old ship would have a captain as it needs to and that I would live. But returning came at a price. I had to ferry souls to the next forld for all eternity and I could on;y step foot on land once every 10 years. So I left and 10 years later I came back to Elizabeth (Jack had returned at the time.) So our son was taken care of by one of our close friends until we returned(Jack and Elizabeth having came with me on the Flying Dutchman)
  20. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Now I'm lost,
    where are we?
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