Kingdom Hearts Adventure RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by fireflame, May 4, 2008.

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  1. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: because you might learn something more you didn't know while you're here. And plus Jack is going to fight a tough boss later on with us. Oh and don't be afraid to flirt, liven it up more

    "Well off yo Sally's" Jack said and began to walk to a small house and Crin and Leira followed. "coming Sebax," Jack called back to Sebax. "My wife is awesome"
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Flirt? What? Am I supposed ta hit on Sally or somthin'?


    Follows in toe,
    standing omniously even over Jack Skellington.

    He was already tall in the real world,
    so it was natural his hight would be above normal
    even for beasts in Halloween Town.

    He looked down at the young girl accompanying Crin and Jack.
    "Who art though?"
    Sebax asks,
    Not looking down to face Leira.
    But obviously speaking to her.
  3. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC it's just for fun and you're only doing it halfheartedly

    Leira turned around and said " I'm Leira andyou seem nice but I can tell you're a Nobody." Crin said surprised "you're a Nobody?"
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    All Sebax replied with was a chuckle and a curt,
    "Smart girl."

    He looks down at Leira and gives a toothish grin,
    saber teeth being shown with the other sharper than canine teeth.
    But something gentle about it.


    Ok, reason I'm playing Sebax halfheartedly...:

    It's the closest I can get to having no heart at all...
    which Sebax doesn't have....
    a heart....
  5. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOc No you're flirting halfheartedly not really wanting to make anything of it

    Leira who was a brave woman smiled and said "I have the Way to the Dawn and friends, i don't want any trouble." Ok we're here" Jack said. They stepped inside and a patchwork woman with a kind face appeared and smiled at Jack. "I'm home" said Jack. Jack and Sally then hugged and kissed before Sally said" Who are your friends." " This is Crin, Laira and Sebax" said Jack. "Sebax," sally said. A tear then rolled down her face. " I also knew your parents, I thought you would never return." Then she hugged Sebax.
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    actual tears....
    being shed for him....
    literally, a Nobody....

    He almost felt as if he had a heart when it panged inside him,
    causing hurt and sorrow.

    "Hello, Sally..."
    Sebax says through the pain,
    trying not to reveal the pain he thought he felt...

    Had he truley felt loss?
    Had he truely...for an instant,...
    had a ....heart...?


    Enough with the stupid ...., you can't write Bama!

    Wait! Who're you!?

    I'm You!

    Then why are you attacking my ....'s?

    Because it's annoying the heck out of everyone!

    Even you?

    No, even me....nevermind...



    Right ^^ there! above my post!



    Will you stop already!

    I need to better people to talk to....
  7. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: what are you talking about?

    "so are you here to stay" Sally asked Sebax.
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City

    Unless you haven't noticed....
    I'm hooked to thought periods like these:.....

    I was parodying myself.


    Being cared for unconditonally hurt even more.
    "Only for a short while..."
    He sighs,
    the truth hurting most of all the pain.
  9. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: ok

    Sally smiled sadly, "you're welcome here anytime you want. me and Jack both care a lot about you." "Yes we do," said Jack. Then Crin heard screams coming from outside. Jack stood up and said "Crin, Leira, come on. Sebax son, come to if you want to help, or you can stay here. We'll be outside." Crin, Jack, and Laira headed towards the doors.
  10. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax follows in a haste,
    ready for anything.

    He'd have to stay on planet for a while,
    but to ensure of something,
    he breaks off from the group.

    Sliently and swiftly,
    he searches for that megblast ship of Crin's.
  11. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: we make a great RPing team

    Outside it was chaos. Soul Leachers were attacking the buildings. The 3 of them ran to the commotion and started to fight. Crin thought it was an opportune moment to try out his new form. "Go!" Crin shouted as he changes into Mech form. He was strong with a silter outfit andd 2 Keyblade. Crin started dealing heavy damage to the Soul Leachers with his super powered Keyblade with Leira and Jack. Leira wondered where Sebax was as she kicked Soul Leacher butt with combos. Jack shot ice and fire at the enemies. Soon it was done. The Soul Leachers were gone for now. "Who was this the work of, I bet it was that Team Shadow. At least it wasn't Oogie." Jack said. "Who is Oogie," Crin asked. "He was a big troublemaker that Sora, Donald and Goofy defeated years ago." Jack explained. "If Oogie weren't defeated, then I would suspect him."
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    At last he finds it,
    covered in dead leaves and gnarled brier,
    it just looked like a large something the earth claimed.

    That was the purpose of a disguise anyway,
    he'd congradulate Crin if he had the time and heart to,
    but didn't have any of either.

    He slammed a silent tracking beacon under the behemoth Gummi,
    not even a faint glow of light emitting from it.

    If all went well,
    Crin wouldn't find it until he was no longer an asset.

    While speaking of assests,
    he had forgotten about that noise that everyone followed!
    He had to hurry to make sure everyone was still alright
    and his selfishness had not costed anybody's lives.

    He raced as fast as he could back to the square.
  13. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Hmm" said Crin "This Oogie character seems like a threat but at least he's dead"
    "Now at least we're safe for now" said Jack "We fight well together"
    " yeah" Leira cheered. THen the mayor came running up panting, with his worried face showing.
    "We have an intruder" "said the Mayor "he's near Oogie hill. He's medium height, thin and has a heartless squad with him. I barely escaped."
    Crin thought for a second, and then realized.. "Raldok!" said Crin
    "Oh no, not Raldok" groaned Leira "He's the great grandson of Pete, he wants to be better than him, and he's doing pretty well"
    "In that case off to Oogie hill, he don't know what kind of thouble he could cause" said Jack, heading for the hill. Crin and Leira followed

    OOC: sorry about the constant on the go dude, just talk to the mayor to find out where we are and catch up with us.
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Dude, on-the-go is the least of your worries.
    You repeated yourself in your last post...XD


    Sebax runs right into Crin just as they are leaving for Oogie's manor.

    He didn't know why they were leaving the square in a rush,
    he didn't know who they were after,
    and he didn't know where Radlok was or even who he really was.

    Maybe, just maybe,
    if he had known this,
    then the next event might never have happened.

    Let's just say....Sebax....kinda sorta.....stitched Oogie back together before he left for TWTNW....?

    That would be something to regret....right...?

    If that be the case,
    I call actin' out that "Hip Bag of Jitters",
    the one, the only:
    *Shrill cackle*
  15. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: awesome more plotline twists I had a plan for that but I like this better, but ya might wanna try your best to stay on Jack and Sally's good sides as best as you can.

    As Crin and his friends left for oogie hill and manor, they saw Raldok talking to someone.
    "Oogie Boogie!" Jack exclaimed.
    " Oogie turned around and grinned"Jack Skellington, how unpleasant to see you, and look you brought maggots"
    Crin drew his keyblade," We're not maggots"
    Oogie laughed "well since I was reanimated i've grown stronger hiding and training in this graveyard"
    "But who reanimated you" Jack asked.
    Oogie laughed "thjey wouldn't want me to tell you so I won't"
    Raldok interrupted:"Oogie we're busy so let's go wreak havoc on the town"
    "I like the way you think Raldok, but first I need to keep them distracted"
    Raldok grinned" I'll do it, Lock, Shock, Barrel! Come out!"
    The 3 creeps stepped out in the open and Barrel flipped a switch on a remote. THe ground started shaking and a huge Heartless popped out of the ground with 8 arms and razor sharp teeth. The 3 giggled and sunk into the creature. It roared and Crin and Leira drew their Keyblades and prepared for battle alongside Jack.
  16. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    As the ground rumbled,
    Sebax stood unsure and shuddered.

    He had lowered his weapon and that was all it took for
    one great arm to swipe into his shoulder.

    He griped in pain and examined the wound.
    Just a wing to the shoulder, nothing too much....
    still hurt like a son-of-...-

    "Oooh, and Sebax?"
    Oogie calls out sing-songingly as he makes his escape.
    "Thanks for the help!"
    He cackles and totally vansishes with Raldok.

    Sebax growled and bore his teeth,
    some way, some day,
    the "Bug King",
    would pay....

    But now was not the time for revenge.

    Sebax leapt as the monstrousity swung around his ankles this time,
    barely missing the dangerous claws.
  17. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "You total.." Crin thought as he dodged the flailing arms and jumped into the air and did a combo on the creature's head. Leira then jumped on top of Oogie's hill and pointed her keyblade at Crin's. The magnets from the blades pulled crin into the air quickly and then leira released her Keyblade and Crin shot into the air pulling Leira by the hand and then both slashed a few times against the creature with the Keyblades before decending to the ground in a huge shockwave. Jack jumped on Oogie's house and fire rushed the monster and hit the ground. The monnster's flailing arms hit Crin a few times and he took a fair amount of damage. Leira tossed Crin a Recover Orb and he was fully healed. The monster then slammed all of its arms on Crin but he put up the Keyblade to defend himself and then tossed the monster far and then Jack and Leira spun around looking like a spining top and finished the monster off. It dissappeared and Lock, Shock and Barrel ran off. Then Crin, Leira(both with their keyblades out) and Jack turned to Sebax and glared at him. "You total..." Crin couldn't get the words out because of anger. Jack looked a combonation of furious, dissappointed and hurt. Leira looked a little surprised.
  18. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Glad to see Jack caught on...or I...nah shi-


    Sebax regreted stitching that insufferable bug bag back together.

    That was a totally different time,
    when he had a totally different motive.

    Almost done...just a few more stitches and he's back!
    Sebax was now back in a flasback of the very time he was stitching Oogie back together.
    He grinned fiercly and began to finish the final stitches,
    but then Sora burst in, alone.

    He had told Sebax what he was doing wrong...just how wrong it was...

    Sebax explained to Sora that once Oogie was complete,
    he would control him,
    Oogie having no free will of his own.

    Sora shook his head at that moment.

    "Which makes it better how...?"

    The flashback faded away.

    That far off memory was from a time before his death,
    before his return to being a nobody...

    And now,
    because of his work,
    Radlok's mission was made easier ten-fold.

    In pure rage,
    and with unimaginable fury,
    Sebax lunged at the heartless creature and tore it apart,
    limb from limb.

    Clattering and squils of Lock, Shock, and Barrel could be heard through the ruccus...

    If the thought would ever come to his friends,
    that from the three tikes screams,
    were cries for help,
    they couldn't be anymore right...

    DO NOT!
    worry about the three trick-or-treaters...
    they're are brats,
    but they do not deserve to die for being misled.

    But with the way Sebax just acted,
    Jack and the others might think differently....
  19. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: wow impressive

    Jack just stared at the remains of the creature before they dissappeared"You're not Sebax, just a violent monster" Jack ran away fast. Crin and Leira glared daggers at Sebax and then ran after Jack. Crin had half a mind to release all hell on Sebax for betraying Jack but Jack and Sally came first. As they left Crin could hear the wispers if the 3 little ones.
    "he's a madman"
    "He's a Nobody what do you expect"
    "let's just go before he tears our remains to pieces" They got in their tub and ran off.

    OOC: curse in moderation only
  20. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: You screwed up...Sebax didn't rip apart Oogie,
    he ripped that heartless monster apart...XD
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