Kingdom Hearts Adventure RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by fireflame, May 4, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax whirls around, hearing the voice,
    and sees the owner of the voice.
    "Speak thy name now, Or I shall change thine voice to one simiular to Mickey Mouse."
    Seba threatens, Rotary Ballad aimed directly at the man's throat for maximum precision of sound blast.

    OOC: And yeah, he could do that[Change the guy's voice to Mickey's]...

    And as for the weird grammar, he's alone most of the time so he's had alot of time to work on his speech....
  2. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    (i'll make this description quick)

    "Welcome, my name is Forz the Ice king. You need to be briefed on your mission so let's start.

    Heartless- creatures that are born from the darkenss in people's hearts. When a human(good or evil) yields to the darkness, then they will become a Heartless.

    Nobodies- when a Heartless is created,the shell it leaves behind acts on its own but doesn't have a heart and is called a Nobody

    Soul Leacher- a new breed of enemy, Soul Leachers are very powerful and strive to take people's souls away through whatever means necessary. Not to be taken lightly, Soul Leachers are very crafty and are growing in population.

    Group Shadow- Group Shadow is a new team of 15 very powerful Soul Leachers who are in human form and who have an unknown goal. This team are the leaders of the Soul Leachers.

    "These are the enemies that have disturbed the balance of peace in the worlds. Your job is to defeat the leaders and save the world. Now you're going to be needing some nice equipment. Through those doors(he pointed at a set of double doors at the end of the room) there are 3 fairies(Flora, Fauna, Merriweather cuz I have to include disney characters) they will give you good equipment". Crin thanked Forz and headed towards the doors.

    "Confine this to memory, the name's Axel, got it memorized:". the man said. If you've come to join the Organization you're way too late. Sora defeated us and only about 3 of us escaped separately out of darkness. and you know what really makes me laugh is that you didn't notice me following you for a while, I guesss you're not as good as you thought. And secondly i guess you don't know much about those Soul Leachers or that Team huuh
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    The face and name, the very voice rang into Sebax's memory like a bell in a church, long dormant.

    He recomposured himself, the Rotary Ballad disappearing in a contained poof of sound bits.
    "Soul leeches....?"
    Sebax asks a little skeptical of Axel trustability.
  4. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    When Crin headed inside the room, the 3 good fairies looked at Crin and said "Another Keyblade master. It looks like it's time to make them some new armor and equipment." Fauna then materialized an orb out of the air and Crin knew to take it. In a flash of light Crin has some Blue armor and a Rising Dragon Keyblade. "Woah," Crin said surprised"This armor will increase your power and let you change into a new form. There are 3 forms but you will get the rest later on. Oh and you now have fire magic. Goodbye and good luck." The fairies vanished and Crin went back inside the room

    "haha,'' Axel laughed, so you know as much as I do about them huh, and so you're trying to follow Crin now huh. Well let me tell you a little something, you're not the only one that is watching Crin. I have reason to suspect that Team Shadow is already watching him, and will appear to him soon. I hope he succeedes but i wouldn't worry about it too much. Oh and about Sern, he's training to fight also, he's not nearly as good as Sora yet but he's a work in progress. 1 last thing, Crin's first destination after Tower Mage is Halloween Town. So what are you gonna do now Sebax? And just to clarify i'm on niether yours or Crin's sides, i'm just here to watch
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Did you read my fanfic...? 0_0...Sebax is from Halloween Town....
    Everybody has their origins and Sebax is from Halloween Town.
    In fact, Jack Skellington is his "Godfather" appointed by parents who died at the hands of Oogie Boogie.
    Sorta sounds a little Emo and nerdy, but I like the whole: beast within, deal. (Sebax is a beast with stone tipped ears there.)


    Sebax grinned and snickered.
    "I guess I'm going back home..."
    Leaving Axel behind, he turned for the gummi garage he had installed earlier after proof of existence had been completed.

    The Muse awaited hime there...

    OOC: The Muse is a super sweet Gummi Ship I created in KH I.
    I could crash into every object on the way to a planet and still never die.
    But I didn't have the gummi until i finished the game so, go figure. xP
  6. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: sweet dude i'll be going to your home. Oh and you can control Axel for now on.

    Forz was there waiting for Crin and he said "The Megablast 300 will take you to your destination so let it do the work. Goodbye and good luck. And Forz dissappeared. Crin got into the Megablast and it set off towards Halloween town.
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    There it was before him,
    the sleek Invincible-class S+1 Gummi ship.(Really high by KH II standards, mostly a ship built defense)

    Made for his own personal use, by his own hands.
    The engines were only the fastest,
    the weapons top-of-the-line,
    And the cockpit covered with a speacial glass to secure those inside.

    Not to mention the semi-intelligent computer board he was forced to make conversation with,
    before his lonely times before he rebuilt the data and conciness of the entire organzation...
    ...after the death of Sora....

    Sora, he believed, was a person to be comended for those he saved.
    Even those of another and enemy faction...

    If he had a heart, it would be heavy stepping into the cockpit of the mighty ship,
    getting the motherboard started,
    along with the engines.
    Because of the superioty of the on-board computer,
    and the high-charge engines,
    it would take at least ten minutes until take off...

    Definately long enough to think about the sorrows of past...
    and the mysteries of the present..

    OOC: See, Sebax knew Sora, before the time of Sora's death...
    So obviously, he has some ties to Sora that aren't hateful... often I put those lil'<.<
  8. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: pretty cool, oh and we'll see his son in due time

    The trip to Halloween Town was short and boring. On the way Crin decided to name his ship The Windsailer because Megablast 300 was a lot to say. He thought it was pretty catchy. Anyway when Crin got to Halloween Town, he had new clothes, he was dresses like a death angel with wings. "Nice," Crin said looking at his outfit. Then a few Heartless appeared and started trying to attack the townspeople. Crin fought the Heartless off but more kept appearing. Soon Crin was outnumbered. The Heartless then started attacking Crin and he couldn't keep track of where to strike.
    Then a voice said "I'll help you."Then a very pretty girl appeared and started fighting the Heartless with him. The Heartless soon were all defeated.
    "Whew," The girl sighed. "i'm glad that's done. My name's Leira."

    He had been training for a while, and now he was ready to fight. His father had been a great warrior, and now it was his turn. He would be ready and he would fight.
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Hey, for once I'm actually going to land the Muse! ^_^
    If you've ever heard me write Gummi travel, I alwsy crash the ship somehow. 0.0


    Sebax lands in Halloween Town,
    once again returning to original form...

    One might say,
    nothing more than a beast,
    but he was more...

    He had the beastial senses and rage that was common of his kind,
    but he could also drive out demons with the part of him that waas Gargoyle.

    Alothugh, the only trait he didn't share with gargoyles was the ability to fly,
    and he was more fur than stone,
    only the tips of his ears actually being made out of hard rock.

    He sniffed the air,
    another trait of his abilities back on home ground,
    and could tell Crin was close...

    If I can remember where I put a drawing of what he looks like on Halloween Town, I'll Pm it.
  10. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: alright i made a new friend

    " Hi Leira, my name's Crin Konaya" said Crin "So what kind of weapon do you have Leira?"
    Leira smiled" I have a weapon called the Way to the Dawn" Leira's keyblade appeared in her hand. It was cool looking.
    "Nice" Crin said" Then a tall skeletal figure appeared. It had a skull for a head and an evil grin. "Hey new travelers" said the figure. "Huh" Crin and Leira said. " Oh i'm Jack Skelington" said the figure.
    "Well, well, formalities, how cute" a voice said. "Crin drew his keyblade and said "Show yourself!" Then shadows appeared and 15 figures with red robes and masks appeared. "Team Shadow!" Leira cried. Crin gasped, they were exactly as Forz described, mysterious and with an evil aura. The one in the front said "So Keyblade wielders and Jack, having fun?"


    He was almost ready to leave the islands. He would miss this place but he had to leave. He climbed into the boat and set off
  11. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Name: Ryan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Species: Human-Good
    Powers: Light Magic
    Weapon: Iron Chocobo (Keyblade)
    Personality: Calm and laid back normally, but can become enraged in a heartbeat. He is very sarcastic at times, but always seems to have good intentions. When he makes a friend, he will defend them with his life if need be.
    Appearence: Red hair, wears a black version of Mickey's outfit, like the King himself did when he served under Yen Sid. He is fairly tall for his age, around 5'10.
    Bio: "Huh? ...Where am I? Why does my head hurt? Wait...WHO am I?" These were the questions a 12 year old Ryan asked himself when he awoke in Disney Castle, with no memory of where he was or who he was. There was only two things he did remember: the words "Ryan", and "Keyblade". "Ryan...that must be my name. that this strange weapon in my hand?" He was entirely confused, when King Mickey came before him. "Golly, you're finally awake! I bet you're confused, huh?" His Majesty asked. "Yes..." Ryan responded. "Welp, I'll explain!" Mickey spoke to him the next few days on and off about where he was, who he was, and why he was there. "So...this 'Yen Sid' sent me to train under you..." "Yep! You're the youngest Chosen of the Keyblade, so I'm gonna help ya!" That was the begining of Ryan's new life...he couldn't care less about his old one.
    How he knows others: Didn't I tell you? King Mickey took him on as an apprentice. He taught Ryan Keyblade skills and Light Magic. If Ryan proves himself, he may even become the next king of Disney Castle...
    Other: Ryan's weakness is his past. If anyone tries to make him remember something, it'll cause him great pain.
    Played by: The_King
  12. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Name: Kexith
    Age: 19
    Gender: boy
    Weapon: (starts with Kingdom Key but everyone has a different color but make it reasonable) Way to Dawn Keyblade
    Race: (Human, Heartless, Nobody, or Soul Leacher. For Humans you can be good or bad but you will be just normal humans at the start of the game.) Nobody
    Magic: (what type of magic do you have, lightning, fire, or something else) Storm
    I don't have a copy paste thing.
    Has blue eyes, sharp, yet dull, and lifeless, but still some strange feeling to his eyes, wears organization coat, has dirty blonde hair, that goes down halfway to his cheeks in stripes.
  13. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: excelent you two, you can start playing now

    " Team Shadow, what do you want" Crin demanded. The cloaked figure in the front laughed," haha the Keyblade wielder thinks he can order us around" The other 14 figures joined in his laughter. "If you didn''t know, we're the leaders of the Soul leachers, so treat us with respect. "Never!" Leira yelled. "You'll learn to respect us soon." Said the frontmost figure. The shadows dissappeared along with the cloaked people. " Hey come back," Jack demanded. No answer. "Jack, who were they" said a voice. "Oh hello mayor" said Jack to a 2 faced guy running towards them.
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City

    I'll never get tired of the message in Halloween Town's mayor's personal trait...
    A two-faced politican...XD


    Sebax runs at hightened speed,
    clearing the ground at 1/2 a kilometer per hour.
    (That's 50 miles per hour, kiddies.)

    He could taste a strange smell in the air besides Jack Skellington and Crin.
    Two strange smells in fact...

    One was sweet-smelling,
    the other, foul and entoxicating enough to make him gag.

    With all the smelling he was doing,
    he almost felt like Zexion...
  15. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: ooh the irony lol

    "What's going on" the mayor demanded. "Nothing now," Jack assured him "we've taken care of it." " Good because we can't possibly stand any more trouble here. There's already lots of creatures at Oogie's old hill and the cemetary.'' "we'll take care of it but first i'm going to see my wife Sally, coming you two?" Asked Jack. "Oh name 's Crin" said Crin. "And my name's Leira" said Leira. " Ok let's go" Said Jack eagerly
  16. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax finally reaches the town square, seeing Jack departing to somewhere else.

    "Jack! Hey, wait up!"
    Sebax yells in his gruff, deep, raspy beastial voice.
    Here, around family and friends of Halloween Town,
    he felt as if he almost had a heart again.

    He runs up to Jack with a big wide grin.

    Jack is Sebax's Guardian of sorts, since Jack was good friends with Sebax's parents before they died.
  17. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Sebax!" Jack exclaims and runs closer. Crin and Leira follow. Crin thinks he seems familiar. "Jack who's that," Crin asks. " Sebax is my friend, i'm his sort of gaurdian but he's my friend." Leira catches up and asks,"Hey is he with Team Shadow?"

    OOC: it'd probably be best to act surprised now.
  18. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax looks at Crin oddly.
    He himself could not devolve what Crin meant...

    "Team Shadow...?"
    He asks slightly confused,
    he looks blankly at Crin for a moment.
  19. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    " Yeah Sebax they just appeared a minute ago, they had masks and white cloaks and they said they controlled all the Soul Leachers.. There were about 15 of them. They had an aura of menace." "They are a dispicable team, they fight ruthlessly and take no mercy form anyone. They're supposedly more powerful than Heartless or Nobodies and they can fight circles around the ex Organization 13"Leira explained.

    OOC: you should stay in this world until Me and Leira leave
  20. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: And why is that? Sebax is going to get in over his head keeping an eye on Crin?

    Sebax ponders for a moment,
    all of what Axel said now began to click together lick puzzle pieces...
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